Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 136 Harry Potter was heartbroken and threatened

Hogwarts, dining hall.

"Harry, several professors have been praising you recently. How did you do it?"

Ron took a bite of the chicken drumstick on hand and asked exaggeratedly, his tone full of envy.

"Yes, Harry, I heard from Ron that you have been out on night walks several times recently. Are you doing something?"

Hermione, who was sitting next to him, also looked suspicious.

She had noticed that Harry's learning status had improved significantly in recent times.

Especially in Potions class, with Snape watching from the side, Harry was able to refine potions as if nothing had happened.

You know, as long as Snape stood beside him, the pressure he put on the little wizard was quite powerful, and she couldn't bear it.

Before Harry, he basically met once and failed once.

But recently, he changed his mind and successfully refined the potion under the watchful eye of Snape, the big bat.

It had to arouse Hermione's surprise and curiosity.


The last time she saw Harry coming back from Lockhart's office, he had a silver bracelet in his hand, and she had some guesses in her mind.

Hearing the questions from his two good friends, especially Ron's envious tone, Harry subconsciously touched the silver bracelet on his wrist, with a bright smile on his face.

The bracelet given by Professor Lockhart is even more powerful.

As long as you inject a certain amount of magic power every day, you can study in a more focused state and not be easily distracted.

The feeling of being able to comprehend magical knowledge every moment brought him great pleasure.

He found that he actually liked reading and studying.

Well, he wants to be a top student like Hermione, add points to Gryffindor every day, and get praise from professors.

Thanks to Professor Lockhart, with this bracelet in his hand, even Snape is no longer afraid.

When Snape, the big bat, stood nearby, he only needed to inject a large amount of magic power to activate a relatively calm state.

You can completely ignore his gaze.

Whenever he successfully refined the potion and saw the turtle-eating look in Snape's eyes, he felt extremely satisfied.

Ha ha!

This big bat also has today.

Ron saw Harry touching the bracelet on his wrist and said somewhat flatteringly: "Harry, let me see your bracelet."

Well, as Harry's best friend who has the most contact, he also has his own suspicions.

Especially in the past few days, when he heard Harry constantly praising Professor Lockhart, he had some suspicions in his heart.

"Did Professor Lockhart give you this bracelet? Let me see it, let me see it."

Hearing Ron's pleading tone, Harry hesitated.

He treasures his bracelet so much that he can't put it down every day and doesn't even take it off when sleeping.

However, as Hermione joined, Harry said hesitantly: "Ron, Hermione, this was indeed given to me by Professor Lockhart."

"But you just have to take a look."

With that said, Harry reluctantly took off his bracelet and placed it on the table.

Then I kept staring, as if I was afraid of losing it.

Seeing Harry's attitude, Ron muttered "stingy" under his breath.

He took it directly in his hand, felt the cold touch brought by the bracelet, put it in front of his eyes, and carefully observed the row of runes carved on the edge of the bracelet.


He said: I can’t understand any of them.

Then pour a little magic into the bracelet.

Instantly, a cool feeling arose in my mind, and the joy and curiosity in my heart suddenly weakened a lot.

In the eyes of Harry and Hermione, Ron's expression suddenly changed.

Originally grinning, he suddenly stopped smiling and looked at the silver bracelet in front of him calmly.

However, soon, as the magic power in the bracelet disappeared, Ron returned to normal.

If an outsider looks at it, the whole process seems inexplicably weird.

"Wow, Harry, what an amazing magic item."

Ron, who had just returned to normal, made a surprised sound, "I want it too."

Just now, with the blessing of the bracelet, he suddenly had an illusion of omnipotence.

Hermione, who was next to her, saw Ron's performance and said eagerly, "I'll give it a try too."

With that said, without waiting for Ron's reply, he took it directly from Ron's hand.

Just like Ron, he directly poured a lot of magic power into himself.

In the sight of Ron and Harry, Hermione originally looked full of curiosity and eagerness.

She suddenly became calm and natural. If she shaved off her fluffy brown hair, she would look a bit like a lady.

But this time, because Hermione directly poured a large amount of magic power into her, she entered a relatively calm state.

She calmly observed the runes on her bracelet and realized that she didn't recognize them.

Turning around, he asked Harry, "Harry, how did you get Professor Lockhart to reward you with this bracelet?"

"I feel its effect, that is, it makes us more focused and calm, which is very suitable for study and research."

"I want one too, I'm feeling great right now."

As she spoke, Hermione raised the corners of her mouth like a lady, revealing a slight smile.

Seeing the completely different Hermione, Harry naturally knew that the bracelet had played a role, but he didn't care.

Professor Lockhart said that this state should not be too frequent.

Once the frequency is too high, certain side effects may occur.

Hermione is just using it for the first time, so it doesn't affect it.

However, facing Hermione's question, Harry thought for a moment and said with a hint of excitement in his tone: "This is a reward given to me by the professor when I joined Professor Lockhart's research project."

"What project did you join?" Hermione asked calmly.

After thinking about Lockhart for a while, he felt that this was not a big deal, so he said directly: "Professor Lockhart wants to study how to make ordinary wizards use Parseltongue."

"Let me help you study together."

"Oh, so you are being studied!" Hermione's short and calm comment made Harry's excitement sink to the bottom.

I saw Harry muttering in a low voice: "It can't be said to be studied. Professor Lockhart, let me translate in Parseltongue in front of the dictionary."

"This does not count as being studied, and the professor also said that he will write a paper in a while and add my name to it."

Hearing this, Hermione calmly said, "Oh, as an experimental subject?"

"Hermione." Harry said with some dissatisfaction, and took the bracelet directly from Hermione's hand.

Hermione, who had lost her bracelet, suddenly returned to normal, and she quickly chirped, her tone full of excitement: "Harry, Harry."

"This bracelet is so awesome, I want one too."

"I want it too!" Ron next to him also said with an envious tone.

After Harry carefully put the bracelet on his wrist, he said with a proud look on his face: "This is what Professor Lockhart said he would reward me for my contribution."

"Normal people can't get it."

Hearing this, Hermione asked thoughtfully: "Harry, do you know what other research Professor Lockhart has?"

"Let's see if we can help."

Hearing this, Harry hesitated. He seemed to know one.

Ron saw Harry's expression and felt something was wrong, so he quickly urged: "Harry, there is only one bracelet."

"If we can help, maybe we can get a bracelet too."

"When the time comes, I won't have to hold your bracelet anymore."

At the end of the sentence, Ron's tone seemed to reveal a hint of threat.

After hearing this, Hermione nodded quickly and looked at Harry expectantly.

Seeing the expressions of his two good friends, Harry looked at the magic bracelet on his wrist again.

I feel like if I don’t tell them, maybe the bracelet will really leave me from time to time.

Feeling helpless, he then recalled, "I remember that Professor Lockhart was studying some kind of meditation method recently."

"He told me that once this research is successful, it will allow Squib to master a certain amount of spellcasting ability, which will definitely shock the entire wizarding world, and even win the first-class Merlin Order of Merlin."

"He mentioned before that if he meets Filch, he can go over and experiment with the effects of meditation. He also mentioned that he will also find some young wizards to experiment with later."

"If you want to join, you can ask Professor Lockhart."

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