Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 138 The Millennium Law that was broken (please subscribe, please vote)


With the sound of the door closing, Hermione and Harry all disappeared from Lockhart's sight.

The three young Graffindors only wanted to learn meditation, so it was an unexpected surprise.

Of course he would not refuse. As long as they practiced meditation, they would naturally enter the new magic system.

This will undoubtedly be more beneficial to Lockhart's promotion plan.

In his plan, he will select corresponding representatives from each group to carry out propaganda.

There are squibs, wizards, pure bloods, mixed bloods, young people and the like, and old people.

All in all, it is necessary to create a perception for the entire wizarding world in a short period of time.

That is, meditation has a wide range of applications. As long as you want to learn it, you will definitely get results.

As for the magic bracelet they want, it is a small problem. A small goal is set for them, and they will get it naturally if they achieve it.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart looked at Gugu who had stood up and looked around.

Waving the magic wand, the small treadmill appeared in front of the desk again.

At the same time, a familiar voice came from Gu Gu's ears.

"Gugu, come on, let's hold on for 15 minutes this time."

"Gu Gu."

Gu Gu made a desperate accusation.

Diagon Alley, Daily Prophet.

Daily Prophet editor-in-chief Cotton Becker is at his desk looking at the proofs that will be sent out tomorrow.

Cotton is a middle-aged wizard who is close to 50 years old. He is slightly fat and slightly rich. He wears a loose gray wizard robe and has slightly sparse hair.

At this moment, while looking at the sample manuscript, he did not forget to take a puff of the black pipe in his mouth.

call! suck!

Between exhalations and inhalations, wisps of smoke emitted from the top of the pipe.



Cotton's office suddenly opened, and a slightly excited voice came from the same time.

"Editor-in-Chief, big news, big news!"

Cotton looked helplessly at his capable editor and waved: "Bobby, don't be anxious, take your time."

"whats the matter?"

Daily Prophet editor Bobby Winger said excitedly: "Hogwarts is recruiting research assistants."

"What research project?" As the editor-in-chief, Cotton immediately grasped the key point and asked directly.

"Professor Lockhart at Hogwarts has found a way to give Squibs the ability to cast spells."

"It is said that Principal Dumbledore also participated in it and it is almost successful."

"Now we're just waiting to recruit a group of squibs and do the final test."

"What!" After hearing what Bobby said, Editor-in-Chief Cotton had a look of shock on his face.

Squibs cannot cast spells. This has been a common sense and law recognized in the wizarding world for thousands of years.

I didn’t expect that someone would break it now.

As for the authenticity of the news, he did not doubt it.

The reputation of Hogwarts for thousands of years is unquestionable, let alone Dumbledore joining the team.

Although Bobby said 'supposedly'.

But the shrewd editor-in-chief Cotton naturally knew that such rumors would never be groundless.

Dumbledore was definitely involved, he just didn't show up directly.

Not to mention, this was issued in the name of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore was not involved, who would believe it?

As for Professor Lockhart, he was familiar with this person. He had collaborated with the Daily Prophet a lot in the past. He was quite capable, but he was somewhat vain.

For such a person, it is more reliable to say that he has researched it than that Dumbledore has researched it.

Maybe Lockhart was just a puppet introduced by Dumbledore.

If it was Dumbledore, then

A lot of thoughts kept popping up in Editor-in-Chief Cotton's mind, and his expression was uncertain.

If he can become the editor-in-chief, he certainly has the ability and vision.

This is big news, but the amount of information contained behind it is enough to shock the entire wizarding world.

This was the reason why he had been hesitating.

The editor, Bobby, was naturally not as in-depth as the editor-in-chief thought. He just thought this was big news.

After it is sent out, it will definitely cause a sensational effect, which will be very beneficial to the sales of the Daily Prophet.

In his eyes, after hearing the news, his editor-in-chief walked back and forth as if he was making a decision.

Although he was a little confused, he still waited silently.

After a while, editor-in-chief Cotton said to Bolin: "Put this news on the front page and send it out the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow will be normal."

"Ah, okay, editor-in-chief." Bolin was stunned when he heard the editor-in-chief's instructions, but nodded quickly.

Why should it be announced the day after tomorrow? He seemed to understand the truth behind it, but he also didn't understand it.

Wait until editor Bolin leaves.

Cotton waved his wand, and the quills, letter paper, and envelopes placed on the desk floated.

As Kirton's thoughts changed, he continued to record a large amount of text.

After a moment, more than ten envelopes appeared in front of him.

Cotton rang the bell beside the desk, and soon, more than ten owls flew over.

After a while, the owl flew around with these envelopes.

After everything was done, editor-in-chief Cotton returned to his chair and let out a breath.

Dumbledore, he didn't dare to offend.

The pure-blood family is the financial backer behind the Daily Prophet. They can try not to offend them as much as possible.

So he can only take this middle approach.

He also knew that when the Daily Prophet announced the news, it would cause huge waves.

Malfoy family.

Lucius Malfoy sat at his desk, an opened envelope placed next to it.

In the middle is a letter from Cotton, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet.

At this moment, Lucius rubbed his temples in distress.

This year has been a bit magical for him.

At the beginning of the year, traces of his master, the Dark Lord, had begun to appear, making him feel terrified.

Not long ago, Bella's vault was stolen, which made him even more frightened.

Bella, who had always been in the Dark Lord's power, held a position similar to that of a housekeeper.

Her vault contains many of the Dark Lord's treasures.

He could imagine how angry the Dark Lord would be when he knew that his treasure had been stolen.

And the news he saw today made him feel like he was dreaming.

Hogwarts has successfully developed a way for Squibs to perform magic.

Once it is announced, it will definitely affect the status of pure-blood families like theirs.


This may also be an opportunity for the rise of pure-blood families.

As long as the method is in the hands of pureblood families.

The benefits

Thinking of this, Lucius' breathing became rapid.

The thought came to mind, and I immediately wrote 11 letters and handed them to the other 11 pure-blood families on the school board.

He believes that if the school board exerts full pressure, certain results should be achieved.

You know, although Dumbledore is the principal, the costs of running Hogwarts are shared by the families who are members of the school board.

Therefore, they also have considerable influence in Hogwarts.

PS: When I woke up in the morning, I saw that the average subscription has stabilized at 1200. Thank you all readers for your support. I will update it today, 5 updates again.

Thanks to lym0727, pigs call elephants, book friends 20181104185409021, Kevin93, Ye Shengfei, Hua Jiang Ohu, L Yu Z, GT loves his wife, book friends 20220407211124734, hare Clark, ZD.P for the monthly vote

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