Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 143 The promotion of the new magic system begins (additional updates for GT’s 10,000-dollar

Morning, Lockhart's office.

The golden sunlight shines through the glass and shines on the entire office, as if it is dyed with a light golden color.

At this moment, Lockhart was holding a magic book and looking at it leisurely.

Gugu, the ball escape bird who had just finished exercising, took a sneaky look at Lockhart.

Seeing that the breeder didn't notice him, he cautiously walked slowly towards the office door.

When he was approaching the door, he turned around and took a look. He roughly estimated that he was already a certain distance away from the keeper.



Gugu quickly flapped his wings and teleported through space.

In an instant, blue light flashed and Gugu disappeared from the office.

Lockhart, who was mentally sharp, said it was all under his eyes.

Let Gugu leave, mainly because this morning's exercise task was completed.

The next round of exercise will have to wait until the afternoon.

So he didn't care, as long as Gugu was safe.

After getting along with each other these days, he also got to know Gugu's temperament. He was greedy and active, similar to a child's personality.

And raising children?

According to his experience.

Don't control him too loosely, nor control him too strictly, otherwise he will have a rebellious mentality.

The best way is to set some goals and set appropriate tasks every day to help him develop some good habits.

Use good habits to influence his character and actions.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't have that much time to take care of Gugu.

It can only be raised free-range in this way.

To be honest, he still wanted to find someone to help take care of him, but he found that the most suitable person around him was Hagrid.

But according to Hagrid’s temperament

Who knows, when he sees Gugu, he will become a fat version of the ball escape bird.

Therefore, I can only take care of him alone at the moment.

While he was leisurely reading a book.


boom! boom! boom!

There was a regular noise coming from the window. Lockhart turned his head and saw that it was an owl.

Looking at the newspaper hanging on the owl's chest, Lockhart's lips curled up.

He quickly opened the window, fed the owl some food, took the newspaper, and opened it expectantly.

When the newspaper is opened, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge black headline and a slowly changing picture.

The picture is exactly the one he once won the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award.

I have to say that he can win awards in this aspect, so he can see how handsome he is.

Ignoring the picture, Lockhart focused his attention on the eye-catching title, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

[Squib becomes a wizard - shocking news from Hogwarts]

The appearance of the report marked the official start of the promotion plan.

Then, Lockhart turned his attention to the content below.

"How to make a Squib a wizard? This has been a problem in the wizarding world for thousands of years. But after many years of research by Professor Lockhart at Hogwarts, hope has emerged."


"Professor Lockhart said that practicing meditation can allow Squibs to possess magical powers and then perform magic."


"It is said that Professor Dumbledore is very supportive of this and believes that this research will benefit the development of the wizarding world."


"Professor Lockhart mentioned that the meditation method experiment is coming to an end and only needs to be tested on a small scale before it can be promoted on a large scale."

"Therefore, 100 Squibs are now being recruited for the final test."

"During the testing process, all expenses incurred will be borne by Professor Lockhart."

"And it's guaranteed that there won't be any life-threatening danger."


After reading the entire report, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of the Daily Prophet, the content of the reports is very serious, without any bells and whistles, and everything that needs to be said is explained.

The rest depends on the effect.

Daily Prophet, Editor's Office.

Editor-in-chief Cotton sat in his office chair, looking at the opened envelope in front of him, and shook his head in distress.

He knew that things would not be resolved so easily.

Last time, he chose to postpone the release of the report.

Set aside a day specifically for pure-blood families and Hogwarts to communicate.

Looking at this report about Squibs having the ability to cast spells, do you want to report it?

If the communication between the two goes smoothly, he will naturally be able to receive relevant information.

This makes it easy to suppress news.

But if it is not received, it means that Hogwarts or Dumbledore is more determined.

Then he has nothing to say.

He couldn't afford to offend Dumbledore and just make it public, and he had to choose the biggest and best position.

In this way, no one can be offended.

Even if the pureblood family finds out, so what?

They were given the opportunity, but they didn't take it.

Nevertheless, who made him the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet? The problem pops up again.

This group of pure-blood families still have no intention of giving up.

He was actually asked to report on the high-risk news regarding Lockhart's research results.

The pure-blood family's actions made him feel a little sore.

If this matter needs to be reported, the pure-blood family will be fine.

Wouldn't he directly offend Dumbledore?

Became a scapegoat!

But things won't work if they don't do it. The Daily Prophet is deeply involved with various pure-blood families.

Although he was the editor-in-chief, there was nothing he could do.

How to solve this?

Editor-in-chief Cotton kept thinking, thinking of a compromise method, at least not to make the blame on himself smaller, and to shift his attention to other people.

Suddenly, Cotton's eyes lit up, and he thought of a character who could be called a top-notch troublemaker.

It can definitely disturb this muddy water, and it is just right to take on this task.

Thinking of this, Cotton picked up his quill and wrote directly.

"Dear Miss Rita Skeeter."


Night, Hogwarts 3rd floor.

Lockhart cast a Disguise Charm on himself, making him invisible.

His destination this time was the women's restroom on the third floor.

This cannot be seen by others.

A professor ran into the women's bathroom. What did he say?

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart became more cautious to prevent himself from leaking due to some accidents.

Especially for some ghosts, portraits and the like.

It is also the focus of prevention.

Because they are usually silent and their mouths are very fast.

If one person knows it, they all know it in this circle.


Really——social success!

Soon, Lockhart saw the women's room, no, the girls' washroom to be precise.

Pushing the copper handle on the door, slowly walking in, first looked around.

The environment of the girls' bathroom can be said to be a rather dark and humid place.

The walls were stained, the floor was full of water, the row of tiles near the pool was peeling off, and the only light source was a few dark candles.

Seeing such a harsh environment, Lockhart felt slightly uncomfortable.

But he still walked forward and focused his attention on a sink. To be precise, it was a place with a small snake pattern engraved on the side wall of the faucet.

After finding the right place, Lockhart turned around and walked from the side room.

He has not forgotten that there is always a ghost here - Myrtle!

If it is not handled well, it is easy for the news to be leaked because of her existence.

Let’s not talk about whether the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets will be leaked?

Just say that his lifelong reputation would be really ruined.

He was already prepared for Myrtle.

In the innermost compartment, I saw Ghost Myrtle sitting on the toilet, feeling sorry for herself.

Lockhart waved his wand gently: "Soul rest in peace!"

Instantly, a light gray mist emerged from the tip of Lockhart's wand.

Soon, the mist spread around and enveloped Ghost Myrtle.

Because of the special nature of the spell, the gold digger didn't notice it at all.

I just felt that I was getting sleepier and sleepier, and then I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

The last hidden danger was finally resolved.

Then, Lockhart set his sights on the sink engraved with the snake mark.

He reached out and took out a dark green magic book, which was exactly what he had refined before - the Parseltongue Book.

After turning over a few pages, gently click on a word on it with the wand to infuse magic slightly.

Instantly, a hoarse, gloomy voice came from the book.

"Hiss. (Open)"

Thanks to the boss GT for loving my wife and giving me a million rewards

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