Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 149 Skilled Forgetting Curse (2/5 update for GT Wife-loving leader)

Chapter 149: Proficient Oblivion Spell (Additional Update 25 for GT Wife-loving Leader)

At night, in an alley in Hogsmeade.

Now that it is approaching late at night, the originally noisy Hogmordo has become much quieter, and the alleys are even deserted.

At this moment, the beetle transformed by Rita through her Animagus stopped at the entrance of the alley.

In the afternoon, she received a letter that was very polite on the surface, but actually full of threats and inducements.

The letter asked him to wait for the meeting in this alley.

There was no way, she was an illegal Animagus, this was firmly grasped, so she had no choice but to rush to the alley as the letter said.

But she is not a woman who can be manipulated by others.

While thinking, she continued to lean against the shadow to cover her figure.

Fortunately, her animagus was a beetle and could hide itself easily.

As time passed slowly and the appointed time approached, there was still no figure in the alley.

This made her slightly anxious.

After a while.


tread! tread! tread!

The sound of rapid footsteps came, and Rita watched a figure wearing a gray wizard's robe walk into the alley.

He quickly followed up.

If she guessed correctly, this should be the wizard who asked her to meet.

Soon, the wizard stood in the middle of the alley, leaning against the wall, motionless.

And the beetle she transformed into quickly flew over.

After getting closer, take a closer look at the wizard's appearance.

He has gray hair, an unfamiliar face, and the wizard's robe is only the most ordinary style.

This gave her a bad feeling.

But after thinking about it, I decided to go ahead with the original plan.



Rita instantly unlocked the animagus, quickly waved her wand, and cast a stun spell.

The gray-haired wizard had no time to react before he was hit by the spell and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Rita walked up to the gray-haired wizard, put away the wand from his waist, lifted him up, and leaned against the wall.

Looking around at the dark alley.


"Confuse the public!"


"Bright and bright!"

Rita waved her wand and cast multiple spells in succession. A transparent ripple waved with the wand, covering the surrounding area and setting up illusions to prevent others from entering.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of light appeared, and the originally dark alley became brighter.

Under the light, Rita once again looked at the gray-haired wizard with an ordinary face and a very strange appearance.

He reached out and took out a bottle of milky white magic potion - Veritaserum.

Waving her wand to control the comatose wizard to open her mouth, Rita carefully put 3 drops of Veritaserum into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards

"Clear spring like water!"

Rita waved her wand, and a stream of water poured out of the wand, waking up the wizard.

"Who are you?"

When the wizard just woke up, he looked at the strange witch in front of him with a look of horror on his face.

Rita had no intention of answering the gray-haired wizard's question and asked directly.

"Who are you?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"What are you doing in the alley?"

A series of questions were directed at the gray-haired wizard, who was about to curse.


As if Rita's question had opened a certain point, the truth serum that had just entered the body quickly took effect.

The gray-haired wizard felt that his hands and feet were stiff, his brain was heavy, and his consciousness was a little blurry.

Immediately afterwards, his face couldn't help but twitch, and his tongue seemed to be moving uncontrollably.

The wizard was horrified to find that he could not control himself and began to answer the questions of the strange woman in front of him.

"I am Lyle Sorge."

"I don't know who you are."

"Today. Tonight, a wizard came to me and asked me to wait in this alley."

"Give her the envelope in your hand."

The wizard answered Rita's question loudly.

After hearing this, Rita frowned and sighed softly.


Sure enough, this wizard was just an errand boy.

Just now, she saw this wizard wearing the most common wizard robe, and his whole body revealed the aura of an ordinary wizard.

I had a bad association in my mind, but once I verified it, it was indeed the case.

Looking at the horrified gray-haired wizard, Rita continued to ask.

"Where's the envelope?"

The wizard said uncontrollably: "It's right... right in my trouser pocket."

Rita took one look, put her hand into the wizard's trouser pocket with a look of disgust, and took out the folded envelope.

He opened the envelope, glanced at the contents, and put it back.

Fold it according to the original crease and put it back into the wizard's trouser pocket.

Looking at the panicked wizard, Rita once again took out a bottle of light green potion and put a few drops into the wizard's mouth to remove the effect of the Veritaserum.


"Everything is forgotten!"

Rita waved her wand and skillfully shot an amnesia spell into the wizard's mind.

As her mind turned, Rita quickly cleared the memory of the wizard who was knocked unconscious by herself and interrogated after entering the alley.

While cleaning up, he controlled the gray-haired wizard to return to the position where he was just standing.

Looking at the dull-eyed wizard, Rita inserted his wand back into her waist. While canceling the spell, she transformed into a beetle again.

Observe the state of the gray-haired wizard.

At this moment, the gray-haired wizard Lyle Sorge felt his eyes go dark and his head was a little dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in the alley.

There was nothing unusual, so he muttered to himself that drinking would be harmful to his health, and continued to wait in the alley as instructed by his employer.

The employer said that as long as he delivers the envelope to the witch, he can get 1 gold galleung.

For him, it was a huge sum of money, and he didn't know how much wine he could buy.

The Beetle transformed by Rita was very satisfied when she saw that the gray-haired wizard had no abnormality, and secretly praised that her craftsmanship was still as good as before.

She can become a famous reporter in the entire wizarding world. In addition to her good writing skills, the most important thing is that she is an illegal Animagus.

Her animagus is a beetle, which allows her to peek into the privacy of a large number of wizards at will, allowing her to write hot news articles.

Of course, what she is best at is exaggerating and distorting those private parts, because this is the easiest way to attract attention.

And as an illegal animagus, secrecy is crucial.

Otherwise, once her identity is revealed, she will be waiting to enter Azkaban.

And when she was peeping, sometimes she accidentally revealed her identity as an extraordinary Animagus.

Her usual method is to cast a forgetting curse to destroy all evidence.

If you suspect that the other party is behind the scenes, Veritaserum can also make them speak.

So her identity has never been revealed.


This time the other party was so cautious and hired someone at will.

This is not like the behavior of a pure-blood family. They are so arrogant, but it is normal for me to come here.

Well, Rita had a guess about the person who wrote to her.

I had just written a report on Black Lockhart's research results, and the other party came over to praise me and asked me to continue writing.

Who else could it be besides the pure-blood family?

With a flash of thought, Rita flew out of the alley and transformed into a wizard form again, hiding her appearance.

As if he didn't know anything, he entered the alley and completed the task.

After a while.

Rita held the envelope in her hand and watched the gray-haired wizard leave, lost in thought.

Since I didn’t see myself this time.

Then next time, you must see me in person.

As long as you see the person in person, all traces of yourself will be cleared.

You must not leave any clues, otherwise, even if you don't enter Azkaban, you will have to be controlled by others for the rest of your life.

Thoughts flashed across her mind, and Rita walked towards the entrance of the alley.



"not good!"

A familiar white light appeared, and thoughts quietly emerged in Rita's mind, and then, her eyes suddenly went dark.

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