Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 155 Mirror Space Upgraded Version (Second Update)


When the goblin Bruno saw the huge yellowish eyes outside the glass, his whole body became weak and he quickly lay down on the ground.

Afraid of being seen by the other party.


It's really terrible.

How come there are such evil eyes in the world!

If its eyes are so big, its body must be so huge!

The goblin Bruno just recalled the trembling all over his body caused by looking into the other person's eyes, as if he was facing death at all times.

I almost peeed out of fear.

Then, after watching those huge yellowish eyes leave, Bruno had some strength to stand up.

Move forward slowly.

Walk to the desk and tap the button on the desk hard.


In an instant.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A large number of dark blue lines quickly appeared on the surface of the entire house, exuding a large amount of magic power fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the entire house seemed to be wrapped in a huge blue light film, or something like a defensive shield.

After feeling that the defense measures of the alchemy hut were activated, he sat on the chair with peace of mind and felt that his body's strength was quickly restored.

I was really scared to death just now. How could there be such evil eyes in the world?

It seems like you will die just by looking at it.


boom! boom! boom!

Bruno, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly heard a deafening roar in his ears, as if the house was about to be broken.

This made his face look ugly. In his feeling, the alchemy hut was being attacked, and every attack was not weak.

He could feel a faint tremor in the house while sitting in the study.

With this intensity of attack, if other measures are not taken, it may not be long before it is destroyed.

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Bruno quickly tapped the button again, three times in a row, as if he was turning on some mechanism.



Elf Bruno only felt a huge roar coming from next to him.

But he didn't have time to think too much and quickly took out a brown disc - a prohibited item door key.

Time goes back 10 minutes.

Lockhart stood in front of the alchemy hut, recalling the information he had just interrogated, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

This goblin alchemist master is really afraid of death. During the interrogation just now, the female goblin revealed a lot of magic traps and defensive measures in the alchemy hut.

The sheer number of them made Lockhart feel a bit troublesome.

This shows how afraid of death this goblin is, or how timid it is.


It's good to be afraid of death. Only when you know the horror of death will you be truly obedient.

If he was really brave and not afraid of death, he would feel more troublesome.

Standing at the door of the alchemy hut, Lockhart had no intention of walking in directly.

How stupid is he to do this.

Now that we know that the other party has set up so many magic traps and defensive measures in the house.

He pressed on dryly, this was really seeking death.

Although the female goblin just spit out a lot of information, he didn't dare to believe it all.

Otherwise, if you are accidentally trapped by those unknown traps, you will really lose everything.

As an alchemist, you rely on magic items to make money, but you also rely on magic items to fight.

Arrange various offensive and defensive measures through alchemy.

This is the most common fighting method used by alchemists.

As an alchemist master, he only has more means.

As long as an alchemist master is provided with enough resources and time, he can completely transform a place into a fortress or a high-risk site.

Ordinary wizards simply cannot break through.

Therefore, although Lockhart obtained a lot of information, he had no intention of rushing in directly.

But no matter what, don't let this goblin have a chance to run away.

If he escapes, it will only be harder to catch him next time.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Lockhart waved his wand.

The wand was waved slowly but powerfully with his right hand, outlining runes one after another, shining with silver light in the air.

This time the magic obviously took longer, but was more powerful.

Large areas of runes are put together like a beautiful article, outlining a strange rune pattern.

When the complete rune pattern was outlined, dense transparent ripples bloomed instantly, spreading to all sides as if the space was shattered.

Trees, stone pillars, walls, houses, streets, including the alchemy hut were all shrouded.

Click! Click! Click!

A sound like a mirror breaking, no, the space breaking, reached Lockhart's ears.

Magic - Mirror Space (upgraded version)!


The gentle sound of the wind stopped, there were no sounds of birds and animals, and everything was lonely and deserted.

In Lockhart's eyes, the world in front of him was gray and white.

Only he, the basilisk, and the alchemy hut in front of him had all the colors of reality.

The new mirror space is an upgraded version that Lockhart has continuously researched, summarized, and refined by combining the magical knowledge gained from the two worlds.

The original mirror space in the Harry Potter world not only consumes a lot of money, but also opens up a somewhat narrow space, and even cannot be replicated at all when facing some scenes that should be full of magic.

Only scenes that have no magic power or only weak magic power can be copied.

In the upgraded version of the mirror world, although the space that can be opened is still limited, the consumption has been reduced a lot, and the space can also be slightly distorted.

The most important thing is that although it is still unable to project those scenes full of magic.

But the mirror space can completely swallow it up.

Just like the alchemy hut now.

Lockhart is outside and cannot directly pull the elf Bruno into the mirror space through the defense of the alchemy hut.

But it is completely possible to directly pull the entire alchemy hut into the mirror space and then solve it uniformly.

Of course, the gray and white color is also a feature of the new version of mirror space.

Seeing the alchemy hut in front of him, Lockhart called out the contract, signaling the basilisk to return to its normal size.

boom! boom! boom!

In Lockhart's eyes, the originally small basilisk grew thicker and larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The huge body directly crushed the surrounding vegetation, rocks, and stone piers, making a thumping sound.

In the end, because the body was too big, a wall was connected around it, and it collapsed suddenly.

Looking at the huge body of the basilisk, Lockhart tapped his toes lightly on the ground and jumped up. A burst of magic instantly burst out from the boots under his feet.

Let Lockhart float in mid-air, and as he continued to step forward, he walked through the air until he came to the huge head of the basilisk, and the entire alchemy hut came into view.

Call the basilisk and enter the alchemy hut directly.

Lockhart tried to use the snake block's huge body and powerful force to knock down the alchemy hut.

This time, he wanted to completely surrender this goblin from body to mind and not dare to have any distracting thoughts.

The character of the goblin race is typically that of fearing power rather than virtue.

When he is weak, he really kneels and licks like a pet dog, as if he is doing his best to serve his master.

But when it becomes stronger, it bites like a mad dog and won't stop until it bites the enemy to death.

Especially the last time Lockhart saw the group of goblins wearing magic firearms in Gringotts, he was deeply moved.

This reminded him of a certain country in his previous life.

From the perspective of a wizard, the evil feeling in my heart is even higher.


Dense dark blue lines bloomed on the surface of the entire alchemy hut, and then a dark blue defensive shield rose up.

Lockhart wasn't surprised when he saw it. It would be damned if the other party didn't notice the big movement just now.

Then, he called the basilisk and started to smash directly into the entire alchemy hut according to the plan.

boom! boom! boom!

Under Lockhart's order, the basilisk kept smashing into the alchemy hut with its huge body.

After each hit, the dark blue defensive shield bloomed with dazzling blue light.

Magic power circulates above, seemingly resisting all attacks.

However, as the basilisk continued to hit the defensive cover with its tail, the dark blue defensive cover slowly began to dim.

When Lockhart saw this, the corner of his mouth curled up.



The alchemy hut that had been continuously smashed just now suddenly burst out with a large amount of dark blue thunder, hitting the basilisk's body.

The basilisk roared loudly in pain.

This made Lockhart's eyes freeze, and he knew that the other party was beginning to resist.

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