Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 161 Lockhart: Pure-blood families will support us (Second update, please subscribe)

Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch.

The Quidditch pitch was very lively today.

A large number of wizards came to the stadium one after another, sitting in the surrounding auditoriums and looking at the raised platform on the middle lawn.

Sitting at the front were mostly wizards from pure-blood families.

Sitting in the back were the mixed-blood wizard and the squib.

The levels are very clear, and their status is also very obvious.

Sitting in the front, you can see the wizard most clearly, either his face is expressionless or his face is very ugly.

It was as if someone was robbing them of their money.

The further back he sat, the better his expression became, even revealing an expression of excitement and anticipation.

As time passed, more and more wizards were sitting in the audience, and the stadium began to slowly become noisy.

"A squib turning into a wizard has been a problem in the wizarding world for thousands of years. I didn't expect that we could still witness this scene. It's worth bragging about in the future."

"Haha, you're right. Drinking will give you something to talk about in the future."


The two wizards sitting in the back brought up a topic, and the wizards next to them began to join the discussion.

Then gradually spread to the front.

When the pure-blood family members sitting in front heard this, they snorted coldly, then frowned and looked at the high platform opposite, wondering what they were thinking about.

"Lucius, it seems that your method has no effect."

Kane Parkinson, also a member of the school board, joked.

After hearing this, Lucius replied calmly: "I had no intention of winning purely by relying on public opinion. I just wanted to put some pressure on Dumbledore and the others."

"It's not a big deal if you fail. There will be many opportunities later."

"Oh?" Kain suddenly became interested: "Can we talk? Is there anyone who needs help from the Parkinson family?"

Did he know that Lucius was a person who was quite sensible in his words? Since he dared to speak out, it meant that he really had a plan.

After Lucius heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he said: "There are really some things that require everyone's cooperation. It is really not possible to rely solely on the Malfoy family."

After hearing what Lucius said, the smile on Kain's face became even brighter.

So, Lucius really has a plan.

At this moment, Lockhart was backstage at Quidditch.

These were originally places for Quidditch players to rest or prepare.

But now, Lockhart and some Hogwarts professors got together to discuss something.

Filch, the gatekeeper of Hogwarts, who was sitting opposite, looked a little nervous.

After he discovered that he could successfully cast magic, he became very excited and was full of gratitude to Professor Lockhart.

So, when I saw someone slandering Professor Lockhart in the newspaper.

He immediately ran to Lockhart's office with the newspaper and said that he could testify for him.


Professor Lockhart told him not to worry yet.

What to say. Let the bullets fly for a while longer!

Although he didn't understand what it meant, because of his trust in Lockhart, he always listened to his instructions.

But now, after hearing the constant discussions from the people around me, I slowly began to understand what Professor Lockhart meant by letting the bullet fly for a while.

This made him even more excited.

Especially when I think about what I will do later, my whole body is shaking with excitement.


"Relax, Filch, I believe you can do it."

Professor Lockhart's comforting voice came to his ears. Filch nodded subconsciously and said quickly: "Okay, Professor, I will relax."

After hearing what Filch said, Lockhart looked at Filch who was still nervous and his calves were trembling.

After thinking for a while, he waved his wand, and a pale yellow light enveloped Filch.

Filch immediately felt much relieved, his expression was slightly relaxed, and at least his calves no longer trembled.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Lockhart was heard saying: "Filch, I suggest you try meditation."

"It can quickly help you calm down and be better prepared for whatever comes next."

"Okay, Professor." Filch nodded quickly and followed Lockhart's instructions and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Professor Flitwick next to him saw this scene and smiled at Lockhart: "Lockhart, after today, you will become the hope in the eyes of many squibs."

"What are you going to do next?"

Hearing Professor Flitwick's question, Lockhart glanced at Filch, who was listening carefully, and spoke slowly.

"My next plan, which is actually not complicated, is to further promote meditation in the wizarding world."

"Not only let the squibs learn, but also let the wizards start learning too."

"Let our wizarding world be more prosperous and prosperous."

After hearing this, Professor Flitwick praised: "Lockhart again, you are young and motivated, I believe you can do it."

Then he laughed at himself: "A middle-aged wizard like me has long since lost this drive. For the rest of my life, I will be content to just stay at Hogwarts and teach and train little wizards."

"Dean, look what you said." Lockhart smiled and said, "I will have to ask you to help me with many things later."

"I mentioned to Principal Dumbledore before that when the meditation method is officially promoted, Hogwarts will also admit Squibs."

"I'll have to trouble you then."

"Really?" Professor Flitwick was a little surprised, "Dumbledore will really recruit Squibs to school?"

As the headmaster of Ravenclaw, he knew that Hogwarts now relied on the school board, that is, people from pure-blood families to provide much of its funding.

If Squibs are indeed admitted to school in the future, the demand for funds will increase significantly.

Based on this alone, 80% of the school board will not compromise.

Not to mention, if the meditation method is really implemented in Hogwarts.

The impact on pure-blood families will undoubtedly double.

Only if we don't make a fuss then will there be a problem.

After thinking about it, I decided to mention Lockhart: "Lockhart, the recruitment of Squibs will definitely have to be negotiated with the school board later."

"Don't forget, who are the people on the school board of directors?"

After Lockhart heard this, he smiled meaningfully and said, "Don't worry, Professor Flitwick."

"Maybe, pure-blood families will support us then."

Professor Flitwick was a little confused after hearing what Lockhart said.

But seeing that Lockhart had no intention of continuing to explain, he didn't ask any more questions.

The twists and turns in these things are too complicated.

Let's leave it to smart people like Dumbledore and Lockhart.

If you let him handle it.

He still likes to use the wand to have a clean battle and solve all problems.

Soon, Professor Flitwick continued to discuss the operation with Lockhart.

This time, he was going to appear with Lockhart, and some details had to be corrected.

Don't let some embarrassing scenes happen.

That shame will really be shamed all over the world.

Professor Flitwick has no doubt that today's event will definitely spread throughout the wizarding world.

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