Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 163 The split of the pure-blood family (fourth update, please subscribe)

The Golden Snitch is the most important ball in the Quidditch game.

It is a metal ball about the size of a walnut, with wings made of silver. It flies very fast and is difficult to catch.

But any Quidditch player catching it would give the game a huge advantage.

At this moment, Lockhart's eyes were on the Golden Snitch.

There are three Quidditch balls in the box, each with its own use.

The first Quaffle shows that Filch can successfully cast the spell.

The second Bludger shows that Filch can use magic items.

And the 3rd one.

Lockhart set his sights on Filch.

Looking at Filch, he waved his wand, slowly but powerfully drawing light golden lines from mid-air.

Soon, in the eyes of many wizards, a simple rune pattern floated in the air.

They were a little confused, wondering what Filch was doing?

But when the runes were completely formed, a pale golden garden-shaped energy shield appeared out of thin air.

At the same time, at the moment when the runes were about to be formed.

Professor Flitwick cooperated very well and released the Golden Snitch, controlling him to fly around the runes.

Therefore, the Golden Snitch flew around in the energy shield, as if trapped.

The unique way of casting spells, coupled with the different spell casting effects, makes all wizards a little surprised.

Most of their wizards are used to chanting curses loudly, and it is really rare to outline rune patterns like this.

Only some powerful wizards or pure bloods can have similar magic.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the light golden energy shield disappeared, and the golden snitch quietly returned to the box.

Lockhart stood on the high platform, and through magic, his voice covered the entire Quidditch ball.

"Wizards and future wizards, you have seen that Filch has become a wizard, he is no longer a squib."

"In the future, there will be more Squibs who can cast magic like Filch, ride on magic broomsticks, and become wizards."

"I believe that the word squib will disappear completely in the near future."

"Our family, our friends, all can become wizards as long as they are willing to work hard."

Hearing Lockhart's impassioned tone, the Squibs in the audience became more and more excited, shouting and screaming one after another.

Some Squibs even cried with excitement.

It was like a terminal cancer patient who suddenly received the news that there was still hope of curing his cancer.

The excitement is enough to make people cry with joy.

Then Lockhart continued.

"Seeing this scene, there should be no doubt about the authenticity of my research results."

"Next, we will randomly select some wizards and future wizards in the audience. If you have any questions about my research results, you can ask questions."

As he spoke, Lockhart waved his wand.

A pale golden light pillar once again appeared in the sky, moving continuously in the auditorium.

After many wizards saw it, they naturally understood what it meant, and they all looked forward to the light beam falling on them.

Soon, attention stopped moving and fell on a middle-aged wizard.

"Congratulations to the wizard, what questions do you have?"

The middle-aged wizard pointed his wand at his throat and asked curiously.

"Professor Lockhart, please tell me how to turn a Squib into a wizard. Is it not helpful for wizards? Or does it only work on Squibs?"

"Of course it will help." Lockhart replied affirmatively: "The method I studied is called meditation."

"In short, it is to enhance mental power and magic through meditation, so Squib becomes a wizard after meditation."

"And after the wizard practices, he can also improve his mental power and magic power."

"This is most helpful for squibs, but it also works well for wizards."

After hearing Lockhart's introduction, all wizards suddenly understood.

Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Well, it’s better to ask for help in advance. All problems are within control.

Don't ask weird questions.

Just think of the bold questions some witches asked in their letters.

Lockhart would shudder if asked on the spot.

If you are randomly assigned to an enemy pure-blood family, you will be in trouble.

Thoughts flashed, Lockhart controlled the light beam to move again. This time, the light beam landed in front of a young Squib.

"What's your problem?" Lockhart asked, waving his wand and casting a sound-amplifying spell on the other party.

The magic projection also reflects the other person's face.

"Professor Lockhart, I am a Squib. I would like to ask, can this method of turning a Squib into a wizard be popularized? Will it cost a lot of Galleons?"

The squib asked anxiously.

Squib's question suddenly brought many wizards and Squibs back to reality, and they all looked forward to Lockhart's answer.

"Of course." Lockhart replied decisively: "I have always believed that if a research cannot benefit the majority of wizards and can only serve a small number of wizards, it will ultimately have limited value."

"So, I can reply clearly, it can be popularized, and it won't cost too many gold galleons."

"Even if you have a certain amount of talent and work hard enough, you can have a certain amount of magic power for casting spells without spending any money."

Hearing this, Squib nodded excitedly and said a series of words of gratitude.

After Lockhart heard it, he smiled and comforted him a few words, and continued to control the movement of the light beam.

This time, it fell on a pure-blood family.

His name is Hanson Avery, and his son is currently in Slytherin House, Hogwarts.

At the same time, he is also a pure-blood wizard that Lockhart met at the Blackstone Auction.

"Professor Lockhart, I would like to ask, what was the magic that Filch cast at the end? Why is it different from what we have learned before?"

Hearing Hanson's question, Lockhart nodded slightly and replied: "The magic Filch cast was my own creation."

"However, it has a similar principle to the meditation method, so it can be considered as magic paired with the meditation method."

"Squibs or wizards who practice meditation can use it."

"In that case, Professor Lockhart, if I let my children join your experiments as research assistants, will you teach them these meditation methods including matching magic?"

Hanson Avery asked again.

Hansen's question directly attracted the attention of many pure-blood families.

In other words, Hansen's words caused some dissatisfaction among them.

A pure-blood family made a public statement and sent their child to Hogwarts to serve as Lockhart's research assistant.

They all know what this means.

Lockhart doesn't even need to push, the news that the pure-blood family is optimistic about the meditation method will spread like wildfire.

Mixed-blood wizards and even some willing pure-blood families will join in.

Hansen naturally knew what the pure-blood family members sitting in front were thinking.

However, when he thought of Lockhart's promise, he simply ignored it.

These guys, after the decline of the Everly family, have been sucking blood and gnawing flesh.

Under the temptation of reviving the family, what does the dissatisfaction of the pure-blood family matter?

Lockhart heard it and said in a seductive tone.

"Of course, I can make a promise to all wizards here."

"As my research assistant, not only will there be no danger to their lives, but I will also fully teach them meditation methods and various self-created magics."

"Let them enjoy the same treatment as Hogwarts students."

"I have even discussed with Principal Dumbledore that we can directly arrange for them to enroll in the school, take exams, receive certificates, and after graduation, they can find jobs like wizards or become Aurors."

"Let them be the first batch of lucky ones in the new era."

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