Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 175 Wizards and goblins addicted to movies (Third update, please subscribe)

In the morning, Marvel World, Vientiane Book Cafe.

Lockhart looked at the empty Wanxiang Bookstore and nodded slowly.

This time when I return to the Marvel world, I can't be as salty as last time.

Just thinking about doing business, making gold galleons, and reading books.

You should also pay attention to the improvement of strength and the training of combat experience.

Especially when he thought about the war behind the Marvel world and the invasion from another dimension that Morin mentioned.

The nerves in my mind were slowly tightened.

The Marvel world is more dangerous than the Harry Potter world, with many world-destroying disasters.

Subsequently, according to the original plan, the Wanxiang Book Cafe was planned to be upgraded to become a gathering place exclusively for mages or people with extraordinary powers, and would no longer be open to ordinary Muggles.

Therefore, according to the original idea, all the store manager Mei and the clerks were fired. After all, they could not receive mages or other people with extraordinary abilities.

Of course, in order to compensate for treating them as substitutes, everyone received a large amount of cash as compensation.

As for Mei, the store manager, Lockhart noticed her previous efforts and gave her a large amount of cash as a start-up fund on the grounds of investment.

I wish her the best of luck in having her own career in the Marvel world in the future.

For Mei, she felt very uncomfortable when she was fired less than a month after joining the company.

But seeing the 1 million investment amount given to her by Lockhart, her entrepreneurial spirit was ignited again, and she was ready to open a store and flex her muscles.

The complaints about his boss Lockhart were instantly gone, and he was filled with gratitude.

One is just a store manager, and the other is a boss. There is no need to compare the difference between the two.

As for Lockhart, 1 million is nothing to him, and it will have no effect if he takes so much money.

And with Mei's efforts and ability, there is no guarantee that the 1 million can be recovered later.

Although he believes that even if the 1 million is recovered, it will not be of much help to him.

While thinking, Lockhart waved his wand, and a Muggle shielding spell quietly covered the entire book cafe. The pedestrians around him subconsciously avoided it and walked away.

Then, he waved the wand again, and the magic power surged, drawing a circle in mid-air.

A sparking portal quietly emerged.

Opposite the teleportation door is a spacious and bright living room.

This is a house that Lockhart bought with special money to house the three of Ian.

He couldn't always let Ian and the three of them live in his own home. He felt it was inappropriate, so he bought a nearby house for the three of them to live in. If anything happened later, he could just come to him directly.

After all, they are wizards and don't have to worry about Muggle expulsion spells.

On the sofa in the living room, the house elf Gold Coin, the elf Bruno and Ian were watching the TV in front of them attentively.

They didn't know much about Muggle world television, not to mention advanced versions of LCD TVs like the Marvel world, which aroused their curiosity.

Especially when you see the destructive effects of Muggle warriors using various powerful weapons on a thin screen, coupled with the sweat-soaked fighting scenes.

Let them exclaim from time to time, and subconsciously worry about the development of the characters in the movie.

Well, Lockhart wanted them to learn more about the dangers of the Muggle world, and found them some spy-type or war-type movies.

Although artistically processed, in fact, the agents in the Marvel world are no weaker than those in the movies.

After Lockhart opened the portal, he found that the three people and two goblins seemed to have seen nothing, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Although he knows that movies are full of attractions for people who are just exposed to them.

But seeing this scene, he couldn't help but wonder whether the magic he cast was too subtle, or whether the movie was too charming.


Lockhart coughed slightly, and the three and two goblins suddenly came to their senses. They turned around and saw Lockhart on the other side of the portal, and shouted quickly.




Then, Lockhart saw Remy and Bruno the Goblin peeking at the movie with some unfinished thoughts, sighed softly, and waved his wand.


As the power button was pressed, the screen went black.

Regret flashed across the faces of Remy and Bruno, and then they quickly looked back at their master and mentor.

"Master, is there anything I need gold coins for?"

As a loyal and conscientious house elf, Gold Coin, after seeing his master Lockhart, he quickly ran to the other side and shouted loudly, his eyes full of expectation.

"There's something, gold coins." Lockhart nodded slightly, and then continued to say to Ian, Bruno and others: "Come here, I need you for something today."

Following Lockhart's instructions, the gold coins, Ian's group all passed through the portal and entered Vientiane Books.

After seeing everyone gathered, he waved his hand and the portal quietly disappeared.

"How do you feel about the house I bought for you?" Lockhart asked gently to the three of them.

"The tutor is very good. The environment is very good and the space is very spacious. I like it very much." The three of them nodded and said excitedly.

They discovered that Muggle rooms in the New World had many magical features, such as soft beds, magical TVs and convenient flush toilets.

Then, Ian said with some hesitation: "However, tutor, it seems that it is not convenient to practice magic spells here."

Well, Ian is trying to unleash some magic in the house.


The exploding wall made him give up the idea of ​​practicing magic in an instant.

You can only use a restoration spell to restore the influence of your own spell.

Regarding Ian's question, Lockhart thought for a while and directly told the elf Bruno: "Bruno, wait until tomorrow and find a spare room."

"Cast a space extension spell and transform it to make it easier for Ian and the others to practice magic."

"Okay, Master." Bruno said fawningly.

Since learning about the new world, he has completely regarded Lockhart as a god.

In an instant, loyalty rose to more than one level.

Being able to cross worlds is something that has never been heard of in the wizarding world.

And now Lockhart has actually done it. Based on this alone, he has reason to believe that Lockhart will definitely be able to control the entire wizarding world in the future.

The master he serves now will be the future king of the wizarding world. Bruno trembles with excitement at the thought of this.

Seeing Bruno's attitude, Lockhart didn't take it seriously and nodded slightly.

Immediately, he continued to ask: "Remy, Vera, do you two have any questions?"

After hearing their mentor's question, the two of them shook their heads slowly, indicating that there was no problem.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then said: "Ian, Remy, Vera, I'm calling you this time."

"Mainly, I want to open your eyes."

"Wait a minute, Bruno and I will rearrange this book cafe. It will be good for you in the future if you observe it carefully."

"Especially Vera, don't you want to learn alchemy? You must seize this opportunity."

After hearing what their mentor said, the three of them nodded with anticipation.

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Lockhart smiled slightly, lowered his head and said to Bruno: "Bruno, start changing according to the previous plan."

"I am responsible for the overall environment of the book cafe, and you are responsible for arranging the magic array inside the space."

Immediately afterwards, he told Jin Coin: "Gold coins, you are responsible for cleaning up all the garbage that will be generated. Don't affect our work."

Upon hearing Lockhart's instructions, Bruno and Gold Coin nodded quickly to express their understanding.

Then, Lockhart waved his wand, and a large amount of magic surged from his body to his arm and flowed into the wand.

The tip of the wand glowed with a pale golden light, covering the entire Wanxiang Shuka.

"Space extension!"

In an instant, the space of Wanxiang Book Cafe expanded several times.

After seeing the spacious space, Lockhart nodded slightly, waved his wand again, and drew one after another pale golden runes that revealed mysterious and complex atmospheres in mid-air.

Every rune that emerges will fly towards the surrounding walls and sink into them.

In the eyes of Ian and the three of them, large areas of light golden runes appeared on the wall, and the entire Wanxiang Book Cafe was filled with gentle magic, making them feel very comfortable, as if the air conditioner was blowing on in summer, and they felt like they were coming from the bottom of their hearts. Refreshing.

It was Lockhart who borrowed the magic circle from the Hogwarts castle to sort out the magic or energy particles around him and make them more suitable for people.

At the same time, the goblin Bruno began to lie on the floor, holding an alchemy hammer and carving knife in his hand.

From time to time, he raps on the ground, as if he is looking for a suitable place to carve runes with the carving knife in his hand to build a magic circle.

Soon, he found a location that could serve as the core of the magic circle, brandished the carving knife, and began to arrange the corresponding magic circle.

In a house near Vientiane Book Cafe.

A SHIELD agent was leisurely drinking coffee and playing with the mobile phone in his hand. There were a series of machines not far away.


A sharp, harsh sound sounded.

"Buzz, buzz, warning, warning, large-scale energy changes have been detected."

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