Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 187 Colson’s dream gift (Third update, please subscribe)


Hearing what Coulson said, Lockhart let out a light sigh.

He was talking about this in front of Coulson, naturally because there were some plans later that needed SHIELD to do, so that they could know more about it and make it easier for them to do things.

However, I didn't expect that the other party would have a way to deal with the goblin's magic power. This was really an unexpected surprise.

Bruno, who was next to him, was a little surprised when he heard what this Muggle said.

But turned to disdain.

How could a mere Muggle, who couldn't cast any magic, touch the magic of goblins?

"What do you mean, Coulson?" Lockhart asked with interest.

In this regard, Coulson paused for a moment, then slowly said: "Professor Lockhart, I heard you communicate before that that unknown radiation is called goblin magic."

"And your problem is how to adjust the fairy magic power. I can understand it as changing this radiation to a certain extent."

Hearing what Colson said, Lockhart was thoughtful, and he seemed to understand what Colson meant.

But he still nodded and said: "Indeed."

Hearing Lockhart's confirmation, Coulson looked happy and said: "Our problem before was that we could not artificially synthesize this radiation, or fairy magic."

"Because the nature of goblin magic is extremely special and has no connection with most of the radiation in the world. No connection can be found, so I am a little helpless."

"However, if there is some fairy magic power, we can completely influence and adjust the state of this radiation through technological means."

"Become what you need Professor Lockhart to be."

Immediately afterwards, Coulson thought of something and added: "However, this may require a certain number of gold galleons as research objects."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded slightly and raised the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he thought.

So, with a hint of seriousness in his tone, he asked directly: "Colson, I can provide you with what you want, but if you give me a specific time, when will you give me specific results?"

Coulson hesitated when he heard Lockhart's serious tone, but he still said: "Professor Lockhart, I can't estimate the specific time. Tony is leading this project, so you have to ask him for details."

Then, without waiting for Lockhart to reply, Coulson continued: "Also, Professor Lockhart, if we want to synthesize gold galleons."

"Can you give us some more of the magic metal you provided to Tony last time?"

"We need it for experiments."

Hearing this, Lockhart said calmly: "Colson, I can give you whatever you want."

"But what I want must be fulfilled."

"You must know this."

Hearing Lockhart's calm tone mixed with a hint of warning, Coulson hesitated, nodded and assured: "Don't worry, Professor Lockhart, SHIELD will do what it says."

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded slightly and waved his hand, and a space bag appeared in front of Coulson.

Lockhart said calmly: "There are 30 gold galleons in it, which is a lot for you and the magic metal you need."

"As long as I can achieve my goal, the rest belongs to SHIELD."

"If not, they will definitely end up back in my hands."

At the end of the sentence, although Lockhart's tone was plain, it contained an undoubted flavor.

Coulson's heart sank when he thought of Lockhart's method of casually opening the portal before, but he still nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay, I look forward to your reply. Also, if the mission is completed, this space extension bag will be given to you SHIELD."

"Even more powerful magic items, life-extending potions, etc., as long as you achieve your goals, you will have the opportunity to obtain them."

At this point, Lockhart's language was full of temptation.

After Coulson heard it, although he knew that this was the other party's method of coercion and inducement, his heart was still pounding and full of fire.

He had already seen the magical talisman last time, and the magic potion seemed to be unscientific, so he had to believe what Lockhart said.

With his thoughts turning, Coulson nodded quickly and held the space bag tightly in his hands.

Sensing the change in Coulson's demeanor, Lockhart's lips curled up.

He is not afraid of spending money. What he is afraid of is that the money will be wasted, so he must apply pressure when he should and tempt when he should.

At the same time, the goblin Bruno saw that he had nothing to do anymore, said hello, and left very calmly, not disturbing his master's conversation.

After seeing Bruno leave, Lockhart continued to ask: "Colson, is there anything else?"

As he spoke, Lockhart took a sip of tea, as if to indicate that if Coulson had nothing else to do, it was time to leave.

"Professor Lockhart, our director would like to ask if there is a magic potion that can quickly restore physical condition." After that, Coulson introduced: "It is the kind of person who is in a weak state all year round and wants to quickly return to peak condition. "

Lockhart mused upon hearing Coulson's request.

The body has been weak all year round and wants to return to its peak.

Why does it sound so familiar?

After thinking for a while, it suddenly dawned on me. I calculated the time period and found that I was right. It should be for Captain America.

He remembered that Captain America was the first-generation super soldier, and among the many experimental products, he was the only one to perfectly integrate the super soldier serum.

Thinking of this, Lockhart inexplicably thought of Spider-Man Peter's blood.

Immediately, Lockhart looked at Colson, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, high-quality vitality tonic can meet your requirements."

As he spoke, Lockhart waved his hand gently, and a bottle of light yellow potion appeared in front of Coulson.

"This bottle is enough for 20 ordinary Muggles to return to their peak condition."

Then, after pondering for a moment and looking at Coulson's thinning hair, Lockhart raised the corners of his mouth and waved a light green potion again.

He continued: "This is the Potter family's shampoo. It was originally intended to be given to a friend."

"I didn't expect that he had a grudge against the Potter family, so I kept it. It just so happened that I found it suitable for you."

"Using it to wash your hair not only makes it clean, but also encourages new hair to grow later."

Well, originally he asked someone to buy a bottle of shampoo and gave it to Snape, so that he could clean up his greasy hair.

As a result, it turned out to be a wrong person. Unexpectedly, the other party sent shampoo from the Potter family.

Then you can't give it away, otherwise the boat of friendship will capsize.

Coulson's eyes lit up after hearing Lockhart's introduction. He didn't care about the vitality tonic potion anymore and just took the shampoo in his hand and couldn't put it down.

There are too many things to think about recently, and a lot of hair has fallen out. He is about to look for a shampoo that can stabilize the hair roots.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the wizarding world, and the effect is so powerful.


"I gave you the shampoo and vitality tonic potion as gifts. During this period, I have to ask you to help me keep an eye on them and replenish them."

Lockhart's words immediately brought tears to Coulson's eyes.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. gained something from each transaction, it also cost a lot.

Now I can finally have sex for free, and most importantly, my own problems can be effectively solved.

God knows, he tried many methods to solve the problem of baldness, but to no avail.

Lockhart saw Coulson's expression, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Because of his past life memories, he has a very good understanding of the status of SHIELD. Through the plot, his impression of Coulson is pretty good, and the rest is very average.

"Thank you Professor Lockhart." Coulson said with gratitude.

"Don't forget about me." Lockhart reminded, he never gave gifts for free.

The target of pressure just now was SHIELD, and now the target of inducement is Coulson.

After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

Coulson nodded in understanding.

He still understands the principle of taking people's money to eliminate disasters for them.

It just so happened that this matter was also within his responsibilities, and Tony was going to suffer.

Well, for the sake of his future hair, it's up to you, Tony, to use your cleverness.

Then, Colson hesitated for a moment, seemed to remember something, and asked tentatively:

"Professor Lockhart, I saw that you recently transformed the Wanxiang Bookstore. Do you need SHIELD's help?"

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