Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 208: Whatever you get, you must give something (Second update, please subscribe)

Seeing the handsome blond man in front of me.

Steve silently looked at the photo Coulson gave him, and at the same time, a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Hello, is this Professor Lockhart?"

Lockhart looked at the man in front of him who was slightly thin but could vaguely feel the dangerous aura. At the same time, he replied: "Yes, I am Gilderoy Lockhart."

"Please take a seat, Captain Steve." Lockhart said and stretched out his hand to signal. At the same time, the originally empty teacup on the desk began to fill up with tea.

When Steve saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but after seeing Lockhart sitting opposite, he slowly sat down.

"Hello, Steve, I can call you captain." Lockhart said gently: "How have you been in the past 70 years? Everyone thinks you have died in the war."

"Of course, Professor Lockhart." Steve nodded, then shook his head and said, "I'm very sorry, I just woke up recently, and I have no memory of the past 70 years."

Hearing this, Lockhart showed a pityful look: "Captain, the world has changed a lot in the past 70 years, and you have to experience it."

"Captain, I suggest you go online when you go back. Last time I saw a very good website that recorded the history of the United States for more than 200 years and the changes in various fields in the past hundred years, including technology, finance, medicine, music, movies, etc. The field is introduced in great detail.”

"It should be of great help to you."

As he spoke, Lockhart stretched out his wand and tapped it lightly.

In an instant, a piece of paper with a website address appeared in front of Steve, and then it landed smoothly on the desk.

Well, this URL was a website Lockhart found before to verify the differences between the history of the Marvel world and the history he knew in his previous life.

The introduction is still very detailed, and at the same time, it also allows Lockhart to understand the various events that have happened on the earth in the Marvel world in recent hundreds of years.

It can be said that the general context is the same. Many events and many people have undergone considerable changes.

When Steve saw the website in front of him, he took out a black notebook directly from his pocket and opened the latest page.

Copy the URL and put the note in your notebook.

He felt that if what Lockhart said was true, then this website might be of great help to him.

God knows, he feels very confused about modern electronic devices and various screens.

Many people gave him suggestions, asking him to watch certain movies, reports, or listen to music.

He wrote it all down, but it all felt very fragmented.

If you want to understand the system, it seems that you still need to enter the website provided by Lockhart.

Well, the professor is indeed a professor, and the advice he gives is much more reliable than the advice given by ordinary people.

In recent times, he has also done some research on so-called computers. At least, he can still open web pages.

The copying time passed very quickly. In less than 10 seconds, Steve raised his head and said gratefully: "Thank you, Professor Lockhart."

Afterwards, Lockhart chatted for a few more words before returning to the topic: "By the way, Captain, I heard my student say before that you want to restore human health or restore youthful appearance, right?"

"Yes, Professor Lockhart." Steve nodded heavily: "I heard from Coulson that I might be able to get help from you."

"I know Professor you believe in equal exchange. If I can achieve my goal, I will try my best to meet your needs."

Hearing this, Lockhart was thoughtful.

I had heard Vera talk about Steve’s request before, but now that I thought about it carefully, I knew who she wanted?

Who else but his girlfriend Peggy Carter?

However, he has a lot of magic potions to restore health. If he wants to restore his youth, it is basically difficult.

There must be magic potion, but for ordinary people, I am afraid that the other party will be blown to pieces by the magic power as soon as they drink it.

After all, the gap between ordinary people and wizards is really big. If you really want them to drink it, it will either dilute or strengthen each other's physical fitness.

But when I think about physical fitness.

Seeing Captain Steve Rogers at this time, Lockhart thought of the Super Soldier Serum, which can really improve physical fitness.

It's a pity that it was completely lost later. It seems that only Steve was the only one who successfully fused it.

No, there is also a Hydra Red Skull, but the side effects seem to be quite big.

It seems Steve has something special about him.

Thoughts flashed, Lockhart said slowly: "Captain Steve, I have heard about you, and I admire you very much."

"I will not deny you the rejuvenating potion."

"However, you must know that these potions are intended for use by mages, because mages have the magic power to digest them, and ordinary people are more likely to explode and die after drinking them."

Hearing this, Steve's heart sank, and then he listened again.

"As for the magic potion that restores human health, this one is fine."

At this point, Lockhart paused and said meaningfully: "However, there are still basic requirements for physical fitness."

"If she was a young person, she might have just drank it and died from the energy explosion before the potion took effect."

"After all, these potions were originally reserved for mages, and mages can absorb them very well through magic power. Ordinary people can only absorb them instinctively based on their physical fitness."

Hearing this, Steve looked downcast. He felt that what Lockhart said was indeed very logical.


"Captain Steve, can you tell me who is going to use the potion?" Lockhart asked gently, "Maybe I can provide some advice."

Steve thought for a while and said guiltily: "Professor Lockhart, I want to use it for my previous girlfriend Peggy Carter. I missed her for 70 years. During these 70 years, because of freezing my There is no change in appearance.”

"But for her, time is passing every minute, and she is now an old man who is almost over 100."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded slowly, and then began to prepare for the show.

"In this case, Ms. Carter is indeed old. If she wants to use potions, she can only use them by diluting them, and these must be adjusted according to her physical strength."

"If you are willing, you can bring Ms. Carter to me and I will make adjustments according to her physical condition. At the same time, the environment here will be more nurturing and more suitable for the elderly to live."

"Captain Steve, what do you think?"

Steve was a little stunned. He was already ready to give up, but according to Professor Lockhart, there was still a chance.

With his thoughts turning, Steve immediately said: "Okay Professor Lockhart, I will bring Carter here when we get back."

Well, even if SHIELD doesn't want to.

Hearing what Steve said, Lockhart nodded slightly, and then said slowly: "Yes, I have told you what I can do."

"Although I admire your past, according to my principles, whatever you get, you must give something."

"There are some things that I need your help with. To be precise, you and Ms. Carter's help."

"For example, my students lack practical experience and may need your help in training."

"Also, Ms. Carter, as the founder of SHIELD, has rich organizational experience. I also want her to help train some of my students."

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