Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 244 Awkward Spider-Man Peter

Night, Hell's Kitchen, a certain unfinished building.

At the entrance of the building, the street lights sometimes light up and sometimes go out, adding a touch of weirdness to this dim building.

"Remy, do you know the magic of lighting? Is the instructor behind you? Did you make a mistake this time?"

Peter, Spider-Man, stood at the door, chattering to Remy aside.

"Shut up, Peter." Vera next to him shouted directly. After Peter heard this, he looked at Vera and shut his mouth.

Who ordered this operation? Vera is the captain. The instructor specifically emphasized that everything must be obeyed by the captain's orders.

Well, it's definitely not because Vera is beautiful.

Remy, who was next to him, saw Peter's turtle-eating expression and raised the corner of his mouth. He deserved this chatter.

From training with him on a regular basis, Remy knew Peter's chatty nature.

But there is no good way. I wanted to cast a silent spell or a locking tongue spell on him before, but unfortunately, it was avoided.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about the magic, Remy fought fire with fire and retaliated directly. He was not one to sit back and wait for death.

They fight back and forth, but the relationship is pretty good, and they can be considered a pair of bad friends.

I was naturally happy when I saw Peter eating turtle today, and I just wanted to make a few mocking remarks.

When he saw Vera looking over, he swallowed the sarcastic words and said instead: "Peter, the battle is about to begin. When the war actually starts, you will use your trash talk tactics."

Well, I couldn’t hold it back in the end.

"What is a trash talk tactic? That's what I mean." Peter couldn't help but open his mouth, but before he could say a few words, he immediately shut up when he saw Vera's serious expression, glared at Remy, and then covered his mouth with his hands, saying I won't say any more.

Vera looked at the two of them helplessly.

Peter's arrival seems to have unlocked some magical properties in Remy, and the level of gossip has increased significantly.

Finally, Vera said sternly: "Peter, Ian, Remy, the other party has left due to unknown reasons during the last operation. The information collected again this time shows that there are many deaf-mute people and gangsters responsible for guarding them."

"We must act according to the plan and try to eliminate the bandits as quickly as possible and reduce the casualties of the deaf-mute people."


The three of them nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Vera nodded and continued: "Peter, you have strong perception and insight, and the spider silk is very convenient. You are responsible for detection, and at the same time rescue the deaf and mute to prevent them from accidental harm."

"Ian, you are responsible."

"Remy, you go"

Soon, after Vera finished explaining her rough plan, the three of them felt that there was no problem, so they nodded directly, then dispersed and sneaked into the building according to the plan.

Peter looked at the dark building in front of him, thought for a moment, and put his wrist against the wall of the building.

In an instant, a white slender spider thread shot upwards, then jumped up and used its strength to climb up the wall of the building.

At the same time, let go of your perception and feel the breath of life around you.

3rd floor, no.

The 4th, 5th and 6th floors are also not available.

There is one on the 7th floor, but if you look closely, you can see that it seems to be for the toilet.

But you have to think for a while, it seems that you are close to the opponent's base camp.

He quickly climbed to the 9th floor and felt a lot of life inside. After thinking about it, Peter continued to climb another floor and found that he also felt a lot of life.

The same is true for the next 11th and 12th floors.

There was nothing on this floor until the 15th floor.

Afterwards, Peter returned to the restaurant, entered through the side window, carefully observed the surrounding environment, and at the same time tried to listen to the other party's location.

After entering this floor, Peter found that this place seemed to have been artificially modified.

Every time you walk, there is a wall, forming one single room after another.

When I walked nearby and observed carefully, I found that in every single room, there were more than a dozen deaf-mute people working, making white powder.

At the same time, there is a gun-wielding gangster sitting on a chair in every single room, seemingly supervising the work of these deaf-mute people. From time to time, there are people patrolling outside the single room.

After roughly appraising the situation, Peter found a safer corner, stretched out his arm, focused his mind on the golden dragon magic mark, and passed the information he saw to the three of Vera.

Soon, Vera asked through the imprint: "Peter, are you sure there are gangsters on the 9th to 14th floors and the 5th floor, but not elsewhere?"

"Also, except for the ninth floor, are the other four floors the same as you described? How many gangsters are there in total? How many deaf-mute people are imprisoned?"

Peter was a little embarrassed after hearing a series of questions from Vera.

He hadn't thought of being so detailed just now, and he felt like he was about to come over and report back the information.


Mom walked back quietly and continued to detect information.

Vera, who was on the third floor, saw a black line flashing across her forehead when she saw Peter who had not replied for a long time.

What she didn't know was that Peter probably didn't finish detecting all the information before he started reporting.

He sighed softly and suddenly felt a little tired. Sure enough, the teacher was right, pig teammates are the most hateful.

Fortunately, Peter hasn't fallen into the category of pig teammates yet.

However, the instructor was later reminded to train Peter’s ability in this area.

After a while, I felt the message from Peter and came back to think quickly. This situation is great for their group of wizards.

As long as it is properly controlled, each single room can form a closed space that is difficult to detect.

With her thoughts turning, Vera began to issue tasks to Ian, Remy, and Peter through the magic brand.

After receiving the message, Ian and Remy rushed to the 9th floor.

After sensing Peter's location through the brand and saying hello, Ian and Remy looked at the three gangsters patrolling back and forth and waved their wands.



In an instant, several silent spells and stun spells were cast on the patrolling gangsters.

Just when the gangsters were unconscious and about to fall to the ground, Peter, who was climbing on the wall, quickly shot out a few strands of spider silk, controlling them to slowly fall to the ground without making any sound.

Seeing this, Ian and Remy carefully entered the nearest simple single room and at the same time attacked the gangsters inside.

A silent spell and a stun spell successfully eliminated a gangster.

At the same time, a calming spell is released to comfort all deaf and mute people.

Peter, on the other hand, let go of his senses and felt that there was no movement around him, such as whether anyone came down from upstairs or whether anyone noticed anything unusual.

Maybe it was because there had been no accidents before, so the gangsters in the building didn't seem to be too alert.

Ian and Remy joined forces and quickly eliminated the gangsters on this floor.

However, they still comforted them and asked all the deaf-mute people to stay in single rooms and not be able to go out.

At the same time, bring out the defeated gangsters, gather them into a pile, and prepare to deal with them after the matter is over.

At this moment, Vera, seeing this scene, nodded with satisfaction, which showed that his plan, so far, was perfect and there were no flaws.

Then, there are the gangsters on the fourth floor behind.

While thinking about it, he called Peter to go to the 10th floor for surveillance.

Soon, they repeated their old tricks and eliminated all the gangsters on the remaining 4 floors.

With the addition of Vera, the solution became more efficient, and basically no movement occurred.

However, what they don't know is.

At some point, a black mist appeared outside the building, seeming to have been observing their every move.

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