Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 255 Magic Fortress, Dark Illusion (Fourth update, please subscribe)

At this moment, Dormammu felt that his physical body was in tatters, and the anger in his heart swelled.

If he hadn't relied purely on his own spirit to sustain himself, his body would have collapsed and even his bones would have fallen off.

It can be said that what he possesses is a corpse, a tattered skeleton.

And if he hadn't been worried that his spiritual body would be rejected by the earth after leaving this corpse, he would have chosen to leave long ago.

Despite this, he still felt that the earth's rejection of him continued to grow.

This is the top defensive magic circle that Kama Taj has built on the earth with the three major temples as its core for thousands of years, covering the entire earth.

It is also an important factor that prevents these dimensional demons from invading the earth.

Originally, it was better to have a physical body to cover up, but now.

At this moment, Lockhart's heart skipped a beat when he saw the cold, angry eyes from Dormammu.

His body is rotten like this, but he is still alive. He is worthy of being a dimension demon.

Look at Dormammu's attitude

Lockhart silently took out a venom bomb and threw it at Dormammu again while the Forbidden Demon Realm was still in effect.

"Ant." Dormammu saw the venom bomb coming towards him and quickly dodged before he finished cursing.

The venom bomb just now nearly destroyed most of his body, and another one would definitely destroy the rest of his body.

At this time, Lockhart looked at the magic jammer on the side and sighed helplessly.

This time, most of the materials for the magic jammer are made of the remaining Uru metal from the Destroyer Armor. Some of its internal structures are also made of extremely precious and strong magic metal.

Therefore, the effect is so obvious that it directly forms a realm of forbidden magic.

Of course, this is because Lockhart has activated his peak state. In a short period of time, the effect even made it impossible for Dormammu to cast magic.

But the result was obvious. Lockhart watched as the originally cold silvery-white surface of the magic disruptor turned into a fiery red.


Zhi! Zhi! Zhi!

Accompanied by the sound of a malfunction inside the magic jammer, Lockhart felt that the chaotic magic in his body returned to normal again.

The moment he recovered, Lockhart looked at the half-disabled Dormammu and waved his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

In an instant, a green light flew towards Dormammu.

Dormammu frowned slightly when he felt the attack of the Death Curse on his soul. Normally, he wouldn't even have to dodge this attack.

Unfortunately, most of the body is now destroyed and can only be controlled purely by mental power.

With his thoughts turning, a large amount of dark magic power poured out, and a magic wall composed of pure dark magic power stood in front of him.


With a bang, the Death Curse hit the magic wall, causing a slight ripple, but then returned to normal.

The next moment, one magic wall after another gradually emerged around Dormammu, or the dragon bone.

Click! Click! Click!

Several magic walls emerged and formed a magic fortress, covering him and the dragon bone.

Although the magic wall is purely composed of a large amount of dark power, its surface is unusually crystal clear, like glass.

Dormammu was inside the magic fortress, looking at Lockhart and others across from him with cold eyes, especially Lockhart who had just thrown the venom bomb, with surging murderous intent in his eyes.

Then he immediately turned around and continued walking to the keel.

The ceremony was broken just now, and now it needs to be started again. If it continues to be delayed, I am afraid that I will miss this good opportunity.

Now is not the time for momentary bravery.

As for that ant just now, when I come, I will let him know what eternal torture is and what life is worse than death.

The look in Dormammu's eyes made Lockhart's heart skip a beat, but he also felt helpless at the same time.

He actually didn't want to provoke Dormammu, but who made the situation reach this point.

If he didn't take action, it would be impossible for him to sit back and wait for death. What's more, Master Gu Yi is still alive and may even live for several years.

Well, beating Dormammu is the politically correct thing to do as a Karma Taj wizard.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart looked at the solid black wall in front of him and called directly to the basilisk.


The basilisk roared angrily, swung its huge snake tail, and hit the magic wall in front of it hard.


With a roar, the snake's tail hit the wall, and dense cracks appeared.

But the next moment, the cracks quickly recovered under the replenishment of a large amount of dark magic.

After Casillas and Morin saw it, their eyes were fixed on Dormammu who was sitting cross-legged in front of the dragon bone.

The two stood together, holding the hanging ring at the same time, sliding it slightly to outline a complex rune.

Soon, a large number of red flame-colored spears appeared in mid-air, shooting towards the magic wall, followed by continuous banging sounds.

On the side of the black sky, under Lockhart's call, a large amount of black sky power condensed behind him, forming the shape of a black panther.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of black sky power in the Black Panther's mouth began to condense into a dark ball of light.


The dark light ball quickly fired towards the magic wall, making a roaring sound.

Lockhart was floating in mid-air, surrounded by balls of blue fire, and like everyone else, he was rapidly shooting towards the magic wall opposite.

call! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, red flame-like spears, dark balls of light, and blue fire hit the magic wall on the opposite side one after another.

In addition, in his spare time, the basilisk vigorously waved its huge snake tail and blasted towards the magic wall.

Visible to the naked eye, a large number of cracks quickly appeared in the magic wall.

Although the cracks are easing, the rate of destruction is significantly greater than the rate of repair.


Boom! ! !

With a roar, the magic wall exploded.

At the moment of the explosion, the basilisk took this opportunity to swing its snake tail and hit Dormammu who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.


Just when the basilisk was about to attack, a black mist directly enveloped Dormammu.

next moment.


With a loud noise, the ground where Dormammu was sitting cross-legged was smashed into pieces by the basilisk's giant tail, and cracks appeared on the surrounding ground.

However, Dormammu has disappeared, and a black mist appears in the mid-air.

After the fog dissipated, Dormammu floated in mid-air with his tattered body, looking at everyone, and said coldly.

"You ants don't appreciate the chance to survive."

"It seems that death is your only destination."

After the words fell, a large number of dark blades appeared in front of Dormammu, and then they shot towards Lockhart, Basilisk and others.

"Little snake!" Lockhart called to the basilisk, reminding him to shrink his body and prepare for defense.

Then he waved his wand and opened a Skala Shield in front of him to resist the incoming dark blade.

boom! boom! boom!

Lockhart, Casillas, Morin, and Black Sky all used their own defenses to resist the attack, making a thumping sound.

Only the Basilisk can only rely on its strong body to withstand a large number of dark blades.


The basilisk wails in pain. Although his scales have extremely strong magic defense, the opponent he casts the spell on is Dormammu, the demon god of the dark dimension.

In an instant, bloody scars emerged from the basilisk's body one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody wound gradually turned black, which was a sign of being eroded by dark magic.


The dark erosion seemed to bring great pain to it, and the basilisk roared again.

Then try to shrink your body as much as possible according to the master's instructions.

Lockhart also quickly rushed to the Basilisk. At the same time, he waved his wand, summoning balls of blue fire, and rushed towards Dormammu floating in the air.

Dormammu looked at the blue fire in front of him with some curiosity. This was the first time he had seen this kind of magical flame, and he felt a little strange.

But as his mind turned, a large black mist swallowed it up, as if it wanted to completely suppress the flames.

But then, Li Huo passed through a large amount of black mist. Although it was suppressed by it and shrunk by half a circle, it still hit Dormammu.


With a cry, the fierce blue fire touched Dormammu's body.

As if being stimulated, the fierce fire expanded rapidly, burning Dormammu's body to death at an extremely fast speed.

This surprised Lockhart, who had just put the little snake away, and he even felt a little joy in his heart.

Dormammu is finally dead this time.


A cold voice sounded throughout the hall.

"I didn't expect you, a bunch of ants, could do this."

"In that case, you can be my temporary body."

"Dark Illusion!"

PS: The fifth update will be updated after 6 o'clock, and there will be an additional update for anyone who has enough money to reward the shady boss.

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