Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 260 Medal Ceremony, Medal of the Fearless (Fourth update, please subscribe)

Kama Taj, training square.

In the usual training square, many mages conduct daily combat training and magic training every day.

But today, a large number of Karma Taj Masters, wearing standard yellow robes, stood and stared at the high platform not far away.

At the same time, at the edge of the training square, a red flame-colored circular portal appeared from time to time, and a mage walked out of it, entered the training square, and stood with many mages.

"Have you heard? Casillas and the others have done something big, and this time the Supreme Mage will come forward to commend them."

"I've also heard that Lawrence, the dark believer who has been wanted for many years, was killed by Casillas and the others."

"It's good to destroy it, but it won't be enough for the Supreme Mage to come out and commend it."

"Don't listen to his nonsense. I found out that it was Casillas, Morin and the others who defeated the evil god."

"Really or not? Casillas and the others are strong, but there is no way they can be the opponent of the evil god."

"It is said that the new Master Lockhart who joined Karma Taj played a huge role in it."

"Really? Are you familiar with this Master Lockhart?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

"I haven't seen it either"


In the training square of Kama Taj, you can hear the whispers of a large number of mages everywhere.

Most of the pages are filled with curiosity, praise, and surprise.

After all, Kama Taj has protected the earth and organized the dimensional demons for thousands of years, and the grievances and resentments among them are simply countless.

Defeating the evil god, even if it is a clone, is enough to become the focus of the Karma Taj mages, and even praise it.

As time passed, a large number of mages were teleported to Kama Taj one after another to participate in this commendation ceremony.

After some time, the number of mages arriving became less and less.


clang! clang! clang!

A series of crisp bells rang, and at the same time, a transparent ripple covered the entire Kama Taj, confining the surrounding space.

After hearing the bell and sensing the strangeness of the space, all the mages gradually stopped whispering and slowly became quiet. They all looked at the high platform in the center of the training square. To be precise, there were four figures on the high platform.

At this moment, Lockhart, wearing a yellow robe of Karma Taj standard, stood in the middle, while Casillas and Morin stood on both sides.

Not far away, there was Master Boer, who looked slightly older. He had a serious face and a manuscript in his hand, standing on a high platform.

As if he felt that the entire square was quiet, Master Bull slowly spoke, and his serious voice spread throughout the training square.

"Masters of Kama Taj, since the establishment of Kama Taj, our purpose has been to protect the earth and resist the invasion of evil gods."

"And as the heroic Kama Taj mages fought one after another, the greed and prying eyes of the dimension demons on the earth were shut out."


Hearing Master Bull's solemn and lengthy introduction to Kama Taj's purpose, history, glory, etc., Lockhart felt helpless in his heart.

In his previous life, he also participated in many celebrations, ceremonies, etc.

But none seemed to have escaped the lengthy speeches given by the hosts, including the previous Hogwarts opening ceremony.

It seems that this is already a custom shared by every world in the multiverse.

The mage below seemed unable to bear the lengthy speech, and slowly began to discuss in a low voice.

Master Boole on the stage seemed to sense everyone's emotions and began to speak faster.

Soon, upon hearing Master Bull's words, Lockhart, Casillas, Morin and others were refreshed.

"The evil god has never given up his gaze on the earth, and not long ago, Dormammu's spirit descended and attempted to invade the earth."

"Fortunately, three Kama Taj mages noticed it and blocked it, so the dark evil god Dormammu did not come to the earth."

"They are Gilderoy Lockhart, Casillas, and Robert Morin."

"It is precisely because the three mages tried their best to block it that Dormammu's plan to come was shattered."

"Now, let us give warm applause to the three mages for their heroic actions."

As he spoke, Master Boole began to applaud.

The mages below also began to applaud fiercely.

Putting everything aside, when the evil gods came in history, every time they did not sacrifice the lives of a large number of mages to repel the opponent.

If Dormammu really comes, they will most likely have to fight against it, and their lives will be at risk.

"Next, I would like to invite the Supreme Mage to come to the stage to speak and award medals to our three brave mages."

After hearing Master Supreme's words, Master Boole didn't need to say anything more, and the applause from below suddenly became fierce.

In Kama Taj, the Supreme Mage is a god-like existence. At many critical moments, if the Supreme Mage had not stopped him, the earth would have long been reduced to the playground of the dimensional demon.

As Master Bull's words fell, the figure of the Supreme Mage Ancient One appeared on the high platform.

Suddenly, all the mages bowed slightly to show respect.

Seeing everyone's performance, Gu Yi waved his hands casually without saying anything. In an instant, all the mages subconsciously straightened their backs.

All the mages heard the Supreme Mage say jokingly.

"I won't say any more lengthy words. Master Bull has already finished it for me."

"Today's protagonists should be our three heroic mages, not old antiques like us."

"So, I won't say much, just a few words."

"Kama Taj takes it as her own duty to resist dimensional invasion. Anyone who has contributed to this goal will not be forgotten by Kama Taj."

"I hope that in the future, there will be more mages like Lockhart, Morin, and Casillas to shoulder important responsibilities."

"Let us old bones have a rest."

At the end of the sentence, Master Gu Yi's tone was filled with a hint of smile.

But for some reason, Lockhart heard a glimmer of expectation. Recalling the performance of the Ancient One in the original plot, Lockhart felt inexplicably uneasy.

However, as Master Gu Yi finished speaking, all the mages below, including Mo Lin and others, applauded.

When the applause subsided a little, Master Gu Yi lightly snapped his fingers, and in an instant, three medals floated in the air.

"The Medal of the Fearless is specially awarded to those mages who have made great contributions during the invasion of the dimensional demon."

"This time, the three mages played a huge role in Dormammu's invasion and nipped a huge disaster in the bud. They deserve this medal."

"A mage who wears the Medal of the Fearless can borrow library books without restriction, and at the same time has priority to enter the mage's secret realm."

Lockhart felt slightly refreshed when he heard the ancient mage briefly introduce the effects, or privileges, of the Medal of the Fearless.

Suddenly I discovered that with this medal, many of the difficulties I had encountered before were easily solved.

He even felt that through this award, he should be completely accepted by Kamal Taj.

"Now, let our three heroic mages wear their own medals of the fearless."

As soon as the words fell, Lockhart and the three of them felt the space change, and the three of them came to the ancient master.

Then, he watched the medal of the fearless floating in the air flying towards his neck.

The moment he wore it, Lockhart felt a strange energy pouring from the medal into his body, and then actively refined the magic power in his body.

At the same time, Master Gu Yi’s words came to his ears.

"After the investiture ceremony, the three of you will come to the treasure house to choose your rewards."

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