Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 264 Dumbledore’s abnormal attitude (fourth update, please subscribe)

Early the next morning, London, Carter Manor.

Peggy Carter opened her jewel-like brown eyes and felt the fluffy texture of the bed beneath her.

Get up, get off the big bed, and walk towards the bedroom door.


Carter opened the door, and what he saw was the female employee who was cleaning the house, and the housekeeper who was directing everyone to do their work.

"Miss Carter, wake up."

"What do you want to eat for breakfast? Is it still the same as before? I'll ask the kitchen to make it."

Hearing the gentle and thick British accent of the butler, Carter nodded calmly and said: "It's the same as before."

"Okay, Miss Carter."

With that said, the butler turned and left, preparing to order the kitchen to make breakfast for Miss Peggy Carter, the heir to the distinguished Carter family in his mind.

Carter continued to wander around the entire villa, and all the employees in the middle called him respectful after seeing him.

Seeing everyone's unquestioning respect, it seemed that Carter had lived in this manor for many years.

Although Peggy Carter looked very calm, she was still shocked inside.

This is the power of a top wizard. A single spell can distort the minds and memories of most people in London.

In Carter's mind, she recalled what Professor Lockhart said to her last night.

"Carter, after tonight, in everyone's memory and recognition, you will be the only remaining heir of the Carter family."

"Your parents have recently passed away, and you have acquired the status of a fallen noble, with a ticket to the upper echelons of the Muggle world."

"Everyone speaks louder than others, and even if someone doubts it, they will only think that their memory is wrong in the end."

"As for the remaining minor issues, it all depends on your ability. I have confidence in you."

With his thoughts turning, Carter began to recall the memories in his mind.

The Carter family was once prominent in ancient times, but in modern times, especially after the war, it fell into decline.

The whole family behaves in a reclusive way and has average influence.

And the identity she replaced was unknown because of her family's loneliness.

It is considered a very high-quality status.

Thoughts were swirling in his brain, and suddenly, the butler's voice came to his ears.

"Miss, breakfast is ready. Please move to the restaurant to enjoy it."

"Okay, Charles." Carter said to Butler Charles: "By the way, help me make an appointment with Director John in the morning. I want to know what businesses the family is still running."

"Okay, Miss Carter, I'll arrange the time."

Charles was a little surprised by Carter's request, but the other party was the sole heir of the Carter family.

He had no reason to refuse, not to mention that he had always been loyal to the Carter family, Peggy Carter, whom he had grown up watching. After the death of his wife, it was normal for him to take over the family.

At this moment, Carter had slowly walked to the restaurant and looked at the extremely sumptuous breakfast.

Although he knew that London aristocrats were always luxurious, Carter still secretly cursed luxury.

Finally, enjoy your breakfast with great pleasure.

After she is full, she can deal with the old tricksters in the family business. She needs to integrate resources to gain a foothold in London's aristocratic circle.

Only later can you get the information and resources you want.

Meanwhile, Hogwarts, the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Lockhart sat at his desk, waving his quill and constantly improving today's open class lesson plan.

Now, he dare not say that all his men are elite soldiers and generals.

But at least, he knew the abilities of Ian, Carter and others, and they were more than enough to complete the tasks assigned to him.

Especially Carter, as the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., the world's top spy organization, he is top-notch in terms of ability and experience.

However, the top circles in London, especially the aristocratic circles, are not fools.

Rich, powerful, and powerful.

There's no doubt that Carter alone would be hard-pressed to achieve perfection.

Therefore, in order to ensure the sneak victory, Carter can steadily enter the top circle in London.

Last night, he specifically targeted the entire London and cast a large-scale psychic magic - the rain of the soul.

The most powerful effect of this magic is that it can spread from person to person like a virus.

Under Lockhart's control, a person's cognition is distorted, and similar changes will occur in the friends and family he comes into contact with.

In this way, in a very short period of time, everyone can instinctively think that Peggy Carter is the sole heir of the Carter family, and there will be no doubt.

Even if a wizard investigates, nothing strange will happen, and even wizards will be affected by it.

And as time goes by, this understanding will only become more and more stable.

It laid the solid foundation for Carter to integrate into London's top circles, coupled with Carter's own experience and ability.

Lockhart was confident in this. He was very curious about the connection between the top circles of the Muggle world and wizards.

Especially since he had seen magical firearms refined by goblins from Gringotts before, and there were no Muggles involved, Lockhart didn't believe it.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart began to continue writing the lesson plan.

As the founder of meditation, Lockhart will hold a public class on meditation at Hogwarts.

Students from Hogwarts and Squib research assistants will come, including Dumbledore, Snape and other professors.

At the same time, some pure-blood families, including newspaper reporters, will also participate. It can be said that this is the first step in promoting the new magic system and is very important.

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Dumbledore wore crescent glasses and looked at Professor McGonagall with a serious face in front of him, and asked gently: "Minerva, what's the matter?"

Professor McGonagall said with some worry: "Albus, the school board has been a little restless recently."

"They stated that Lockhart was recruited to teach young wizards."

"But the reality is that Lockhart was studying his meditation method during his time at Hogwarts."

"I think what they mean is that they are still obsessed with the ownership of the meditation method, or they want to expel Lockhart from Hogwarts."

"They're even starting to use the academy funding for next year as an excuse again."

"Albus, what do you think?"

Ever since Lockhart promised to provide Hogwarts with a certain amount of gold galleons every year, McGonagall's favorability towards Lockhart began to rise.

After all, Lockhart is now considered a rich man in the school.

What's more, the results of Lockhart's research are indeed of epoch-making significance in McGonagall's opinion.

As a student who walked out of Hogwarts, Lockhart was proud of McGonagall.

The only regret is that the other party is a Ravenclaw student, not a Gryffindor.

However, Dumbledore's demeanor made McGonagall a little confused.

I saw that Dumbledore was not as usual - supporting Lockhart without hesitation.

Instead, he remained silent for a moment before slowly speaking: "I'll think about this matter first."

"Let's talk about it after Lockhart's open class is over."

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