Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 273: Instigating Voldemort’s Horcrux (two-in-one)

Daily Prophet newspaper, editor's office.

Editor-in-Chief Cotton sat at his desk, quietly listening to his subordinate Berlin's constant complaints, or expressions of loyalty.

"Editor-in-Chief, you have worked hard for twenty or thirty years to reach this position."

"As a result, Rita Skeeter, a reporter who only knew twisted reporting, became the deputy editor because she relied on a pure-blood family."

"Is this fair? Such people can become deputy editors. We editors and reporters are absolutely unconvinced."

"Editor-in-Chief, tell me, what should we do?"

"As long as you say it, no one in the entire newspaper office will pay attention to this woman who got her by selling her body."


Cotton squinted his eyes and listened quietly to the complaints in Bolin's tone. With his rich experience, how could he not hear the envy hidden in Bolin's complaining tone.

Rita Skeeter, this stupid, shallow reporter who only knows how to show off her writing skills, actually had the opportunity to rely on a pure-blood family and obtain a position second only to her own deputy editor.

This was far beyond his expectation.

Generally speaking, for this kind of person who comes down by air, Cotton has 100 ways to make her unable to stay at the Daily Prophet.

However, this time, there were quite a few pure-blood families pushing her forward, which even made him feel very troublesome.

If he takes action directly, I'm afraid he will be in more trouble.

Therefore, he should pay more attention to this woman

I hope this woman won't show off his stupid scheming in the newspaper office, otherwise don't blame him for being ruthless.

With his thoughts turning, Cotton stretched out his hand to interrupt Bolin's complaints and said, "Bolin, I know everyone's mentality."

"Don't worry, everything is under control. Let's go back and let everyone continue working. I will call you when needed."

"I'll call you if something happens."

Berlin was just interrupted. When he heard what the editor said, he opened his mouth, hesitated a little, then nodded and said, "Okay, editor, I'll go back first."

Then, he turned around and left.

Cotton looked at Bolin's leaving figure, tapped his desk gently with his fingertips, and fell into deep thought.

Why does Rita Skeeter have the support of so many pureblood families?

There must be a reason.

Only by finding the root cause can we drive this shallow woman out of our territory without any hidden dangers.

The next day, the Daily Prophet conference room.

Editor-in-chief Cotton was sitting in the main seat, looking at the editors sitting on both sides of the long table with solemn expressions and not talking to each other. There was a hint of approval in his eyes, and he immediately turned his gaze to the first empty chair to his left. .

A trace of ridicule and disdain flashed in his eyes, and he continued to wait silently.

After a while.

Click! Click! Click!

With the sound of the door opening, a woman wearing jewel-encrusted glasses and emerald green clothes walked in.

None other than Rita Skeeter.

Rita looked around, looking at the people staring at her, and at the seat where only her deputy editor was left.

There was an unknown fire in my heart, but I didn't know where it was. This was a threat to myself.

However, when I think of my master's instructions.

Rita walked to her seat expressionlessly and sat down.

When Cotton saw Rita's expression, he was a little surprised, because the other party's behavior was somewhat beyond his expectation.

However, he didn't think too much about it and just clapped his hands: "Welcome our new colleague, Ms. Rita Skeeter."

Suddenly, all the editors applauded.

Rita Skeeter, who had just sat down, immediately stood up again and was about to say thank you to everyone.


"Deputy Editor Rita, sit down, I'll announce your appointment first."

Being interrupted by editor Cotton, Rita felt a little aggrieved and was ready to curse directly.

But when I think of the tasks assigned by my master and the instructions of Ms. Carter in the magic brand, I can only sit down expressionlessly.

When Cotton saw this, he looked even more surprised. Could Rita be so calm?

Why is it different from what he knew before?

She was also prepared to make Rita lose face when she entered the newspaper office for the first time.

Now it seems that I am not looking down on this Rita Skeeter.

With his thoughts turning, Cotton stood up, took out a piece of parchment, and read: "After research and decision by the Board of Directors of the Daily Prophet, Rita Skeeter has been appointed as the deputy editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet."

After briefly reading the appointment, Cotton applauded again and said: "Welcome Deputy Editor Rita to the Daily Prophet."

The editor below also applauded in time.

But when Cotton stopped applauding, all the editors also stopped applauding.

Rita once again felt the power from Cotton, and she wanted to give Editor Cotton a good beating.

But he still smiled and said politely to all the editors: "Thank you all, I will need your support in the future."

This time, Editor-in-Chief Cotton did not interrupt Rita Skeeter, but allowed her to finish her words of thanks smoothly.

The simple test just now revealed that Rita's character was somewhat different from what I imagined, and it had almost no practical effect.

Therefore, I gave up such small means.

After all, for this kind of heresy, it's okay to use testing occasionally, but some upright methods must be used later.

Soon enough, Rita Skeeter had said as much.

Editor Cotton applauded gently, and Rita Skeeter sat back in her seat.

"Deputy Editor Rita's speech is very reasonable. Everyone should unite and cooperate to make the Daily Prophet stronger." Editor Cotton said.

Immediately, he said to Rita in a tone that looked like a discussion but was actually unquestionable: "Deputy Editor Rita, you have just arrived. First, you can manage the photography department. If you feel that your energy allows, you can also take care of the logistics."

"what do you think?"

Rita's face darkened after hearing what Cotton said.

She had worked as a reporter at the Daily Prophet before, how could she not know the tricks of various organizations there.

The photography department basically doesn't have much status, and the logistics department is more like a chore department. All chores are done by the logistics department. Not only are things complicated, but they also don't make much sense.

For these two non-core departments, she instinctively wanted to refuse. As a deputy editor, she could not manage the entire Daily Prophet.

At least he should be in charge of a core department.

Otherwise, wouldn't she, as deputy editor, be just a show-off and have no right to speak at all?

However, Peggy Carter, who observed this situation through the contract, seemed to be aware of Rita's thoughts and said quickly.

"Rita, agree, these two parts will be very helpful for our subsequent plans."

Feeling the message from the golden dragon's magic brand, Rita was slightly silent and nodded slightly to Editor Cotton.

However, he still said: "Editor-in-Chief Cotton, I have no problem taking charge of these two departments."

"However, it was mentioned before at the board meeting."

"The Daily Prophet will establish a new department under my charge, which will be responsible for interviewing famous figures in the wizarding world."

"For example, Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, Lockhart, the founder of meditation, etc."

"Editor-in-Chief Cotton, I would like to recruit some editors and reporters to join our department. Do you think it's okay?"

Editor Cotton had a headache after hearing Rita's request.

This department was created at the behest of the pureblood family behind the Daily Prophet, and was directly named in charge of Rita.

He is not stupid. Based on what happened some time ago, he knows with his feet that this is definitely for the meditation method.

It seems that the pure-blood family still has no intention of giving up.

He is very repulsive to such behavior, which is simply making fun of the future of the Daily Prophet.

For a newspaper, fairness and objectivity are the core elements.

Even though Rita Skeeter had distorted reports in the newspaper before, it only represented her personal views and had nothing to do with the Daily Prophet.

And in order to reduce potential risks, Cotton did not deliberately suppress reporters' positive reports on Lockhart and meditation.

So during that period, there were some people praising and some people scolding, and the commotion was quite big.

But there was almost no loss to the Daily Prophet, and even its reputation and interests increased a lot.

But if Rita Skeeter was solely responsible for this column, he could imagine the other party's ability to distort reporting.

This column will definitely affect the future and reputation of the Daily Prophet.

But there was no way, the board of directors behind it passed this decision, and he had no way to block it, he could only reduce its impact from the side.

So he didn't even mention it in this meeting, and planned to suppress it later.

But now, Rita Skeeter said it directly, and it was impossible for him to refuse directly.

After a moment of silence, Editor-in-Chief Cotton said coldly: "Okay, Ms. Rita Skeeter."

"Later, you can recruit some voluntary editors to join the department you are responsible for."

After Rita heard this, a faint smile appeared on her face, and what her master said could not help but come to mind.

"Rita, pure-blood families influence all aspects of the wizarding world, among which public opinion is a crucial link."

"The Daily Prophet can be said to be the mouthpiece of the pure-blood family. You go over and control it with the help of the pure-blood family."

"It will play a huge role at critical moments."

Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts Office.

Lockhart sat at his desk, reviewing the information just transmitted from the Golden Dragon Magic Brand, and raised the corners of his mouth.

He had seen the power of public opinion in his previous life.

Black can be said to be white!

If you really don't take action in advance, it will be too late by then.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart turned his attention to the black notebook on the desk.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the hanging ring on his right hand began to shine slightly. He concentrated his energy and his soul jumped up.

Magic - Soul Projection!

In an instant, Lockhart's soul left his body. After looking around the office for a week, he looked at the black notebook in front of him - Voldemort's Horcrux, and threw himself in.

The scene changed, and in an instant, Lockhart entered a spacious space.

As Tom stood in the center of the space, a large area of ​​text, runes and numbers appeared in front of him. As Tom's fingers slightly outlined it, new words and runes were constantly added to it, enriching the content.

"Professor Lockhart, you are here." Tom, who sensed a movement in the space, quickly turned around and said to Lockhart, who was approaching.

"Yes." Lockhart nodded indifferently and looked at the words floating in the air.

After seeing it, Tom on the side quickly introduced: "Professor, this is the analysis of the crushing curse."

"Most of it has been analyzed so far. I believe that it will be able to be used through Luenfuen in the near future."

Lockhart nodded slightly and did not reply. He just kept his eyes on the text in front of him, scanning it quickly and making deductions.

After a moment, he finally spoke: "Okay, Tom, keep working hard, I won't let anyone who works hard down."

"Even if the other person is just a broken soul."

After Tom heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, his soul was broken, he wouldn't find any traces outside, would he?

There was no time to think deeply, and then Lockhart's voice came to his ears again.

"By the way, Tom, how is your practice of soul meditation?"

Tom thought for a moment and said in a delighted tone: "Professor, the meditation method is very effective."

"I can feel my soul slowly improving and becoming more stable."

"For the entire soul fantasy space, the level of control is enhanced and deeper changes can be carried out."

Hearing Tom's reply, Lockhart nodded slightly and said, "In that case, let's have a good rest."

The next moment, Lockhart seemed to have thought of something and asked Tom meaningfully: "Tom, ask a question."

"I've been studying recently, how to perfect myself after resurrection?"

"You said, if after resurrection, a bunch of other memories appear in your mind, are you sure it is you who is resurrected?"

"Make sure your will at that time is your will now."

Hearing Professor Lockhart's question, Tom's heart skipped a beat, and he was almost certain that the other person knew the identity of his true Horcrux.

Then, I heard Lockhart continue: "I think there is a saying that is good, I think, therefore I am."

"It doesn't matter if you just have some more memories, but you must make sure that your will and your way of thinking have not changed."

"If after resurrection, the mind is distorted and the thinking changes, then the so-called resurrection is your resurrection or his resurrection."

"How do you agree with my idea?"

Lockhart's words seemed to awaken a deep thought in Tom's heart. After a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Professor, I need to think about this issue carefully."

Seeing Tom's reaction, Lockhart raised the corner of his mouth and said as if suggesting: "Yes, this question is very interesting. You should really think more about it."

"Otherwise, everything you do will become someone else's wedding dress, which would be bad."

"When you think of the answer, remember to tell me."

In response, Tom nodded silently, looking a little gloomy.

When Lockhart saw this, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he turned and left.

Tom watched Lockhart's leaving figure, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

At the same time, a voice came from afar.

"By the way, Tom, I remember you staying in this notebook 50 years ago."

"You may not be aware of the changes that have taken place in the wizarding world in the past 50 years."

"I brought a book with me, which contains all the big and small things over the years. You can read it when you have nothing to do."

PS: Dear readers, I have been dropping orders at the level of 20 to 300 per day recently, and I have dropped almost 200 to 300 per day.

My mentality has become a bit broken, and I am afraid to look at the data.

I request you to support genuine subscriptions. If you guys who are still raising books see this, it would be great if you can support it.

The humble author is looking for support online.

(At present, I will try the two-in-one chapter to see if I can reverse the crazy downward trend of

I just discovered that this chapter has been swallowed by the system. It has not been released for several hours, and there is no prohibition reminder.

I suddenly feel this luck, and I urgently need help from all the readers.

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