Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 275 Quirrell, Voldemort reappears? ? (2-in-1)

"Since you have just mastered the Funny Curse, the next rules are very simple."

"I only have one most basic requirement, and that is to be able to face what you are afraid of, for at least 5 seconds."

"The longer you persist, the easier it is for you to get rewarded."

"The first one, a beautiful magic bracelet for boys, and a magic necklace for girls."

"Those who rank higher can get magic talismans, potions, including some of my original magic spells and other rewards."

"If you are really scared in the middle, then use the spell you just practiced on the Boggart - funny!"

"However, when you escape or cast a spell, it will be considered a failure."

"Now, do you have any questions?"

Lockhart finished speaking. Young wizards, you look at me and I look at you.

Eloise Midgen, who was standing in front, slowly raised her hand and asked in a low voice: "Professor, is this Boggart really not dangerous?"

Seeing the timid expression of the little girl in front of him, Lockhart smiled and comforted: "There must be no problem, everyone can rest assured."

"I am your professor, and I am definitely responsible for your safety."

"This Boggart is purely scary and has almost no attack power unless you scare yourself."

Then, he encouraged everyone: "Today's class is mainly to train everyone's courage."

"As a wizard, courage is very important when standing."

"Only when we muster up the courage can we gather our will, otherwise we may not even be able to cast the spell when facing the enemy."

"Courage, as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I believe that the most basic quality of a wizard is."

Having said this, Lockhart reminded meaningfully: "The wizarding world in the future may usher in a rare and prosperous age, with endless opportunities, but there will also be no shortage of dangers."

"Among them, only those with courage have the opportunity to become powerful."

After hearing what Lockhart said, the little wizards were a little confused.

But Lockhart didn't care and continued to ask, "Do you have any questions?"

Hearing this, Draco Malfoy raised his hand and asked loudly: "Professor, I would like to ask about the number one magic bracelet."

"Is it like the one Harry Potter had?"

Ever since Harry Potter received the Magic Ring, his learning efficiency has improved significantly.

Later, after Ron, the loudmouth, showed off to the surrounding classmates, the effect of the magic bracelet was spread among the four colleges.

It makes many little wizards very envious, even jealous.

That's what happened to Drake.

"Yes, Draco, I just made this magic bracelet. It has the same effect as Harry's. It is very helpful for learning."

"Moreover, a new automatic defense function has been added, which can be regarded as a good alchemy item."

"The magic necklace is the same as the magic bracelet. This is a prize that can only be obtained by the person who ranks first."

"It is also the reward that the bravest deserves."

Lockhart answered with a smile, his tone full of temptation.

Lockhart's words, 'the bravest', immediately made Draco feel elated and full of thoughts.

The little wizards also discussed it one after another.

The originally quiet atmosphere suddenly became lively.

"I am the bravest. My parents praise me for my courage. Maybe I can take first place this time." A little wizard said proudly to his friends around him.

"Hermione, what are you most afraid of?" Ron asked from the side.

Hermione didn't answer and asked directly: "Ron, Harry, what are you most afraid of?"

"Helloise, you are the first, you must work hard." Parvati, who pushed Heloise to the first place, comforted behind her.

"Parvati, why don't you go in front of me." Eloise whispered.

"Oh no, I'm behind you, I'm the next one." Parvati said spinelessly.


Watching the atmosphere suddenly become heated, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Little wizard, you still need to be excited.


Then, seeing that everyone was almost finished discussing, he coughed lightly, and soon, the little wizards became quiet.

Seeing this, Lockhart said: "Okay, let's start the first trial of the brave."

"Eloise, are you ready?" Lockhart gently encouraged the first girl: "Have the courage to face your fears, I believe you are the best."

"Okay, Professor, I'm ready," Eloise nodded and said, looking at the brown wood cabinet in front of her, clenching her fists, and a trace of nervousness flashed in her eyes.

Lockhart saw this, nodded slightly, and with a slight wave, the brown wooden cabinet slowly opened.

At the same time, the inside was like gray mist, and the constantly changing Boggart seemed to sense something, and its body began to slowly solidify and expand.

In the eyes of Eloise, inside the slowly opened box.



A werewolf with a huge body, gray hair, fangs in his mouth, and a ferocious face roared at Eloise.

"Ah werewolf" some young wizards shouted in panic and backed away.

Eloise, who was in front of her, had a flash of panic in her eyes, but she kept whispering to encourage herself: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, it's all fake, it's all fake."

However, the slightly trembling body, the slight clashing sound of the clenched teeth, and the tightly held wand in his hand.

It's expressing Eloise's inner tension.


The Boggart transformed into a gray-haired werewolf and roared again, opening his bloody mouth and waving his gray claws, slowly moving towards Eloise.

This made Eloise subconsciously take a step back, but then she seemed to remember Professor Lockhart's words.

Looking at the slow-moving werewolf in front of me, I began to count silently in my heart: "5, 4, 32, 1."

After counting in his mind, he realized that the werewolf was still some distance away from him. For some reason, the fear in his heart faded a little.

Then as if he thought of something, he began to move to the side, as if to distance himself and delay time.

Lockhart looked at Eloise's performance and nodded slightly. This little girl is really good. Although she looks a little nervous on the surface, she is quite strong when she really faces the things she fears.

In the first stage, I faced my fears and performed well.

At the same time, looking at Eloise who was pulling away, Lockhart's right hand ring flashed and he slightly relaxed his control over the Boggart.

Start phase 2 and live with fear.


Looking at Eloise who was staring closely at him but slowly retreating, the werewolf transformed into a boggart seemed to sense something and began to increase its speed. It roared and waved its gray claws at Eloise.

Seeing the werewolf increasing its speed, Eloise had a flash of panic, but Xiaozui kept muttering silently: "They are all fake, they won't hurt anyone, they won't hurt anyone."

At the same time, he kept a close eye on the werewolf that was charging towards him, and while muttering, he quickly dodged to the side.


The first time, Eloise managed to dodge because the werewolf was slower.

With the second and third successful dodge, the werewolf's speed became faster and faster, and the faint sound of sharp claws cutting through the air could be heard.

Watching this from the sidelines made the little wizard feel nervous.

On the fourth occasion, he almost jumped behind Eloise.

The little girl suddenly panicked, and subconsciously waved her wand to cast her most convenient spell on the werewolf.


Instantly, a red light shot towards the werewolf.


But in an instant, a pale yellow light curtain quietly emerged to resist the attack of the stun spell. At the same time, the werewolf took a big step back.

At the same time, Lockhart's voice came quietly.

"Remember to cast the Funny Spell and the funniest image will appear in your mind. The spell is Funny."

Hearing Roxas's reminder and seeing the werewolf rushing towards her again, Eloise waved her wand.


In an instant, a light yellow spell shot from the tip of the wand towards the werewolf.

This time, the werewolf was successfully hit.

At the same time, the ferocious werewolf turned into a cute werewolf version of the doll.

"Wow!" The little wizards on the side said in surprise.

They were all worried about Eloise, but they didn't expect that this ferocious-looking werewolf turned into a cute doll.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

When the little wizards were surprised, a burst of applause sounded.

Immediately afterwards, all the little wizards applauded, and the whole classroom was filled with fierce applause, seeming to praise Eloise's courage.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the little girl Eloise with approval.

When the applause was slightly quieter, he said loudly: "Helloise, in this trial of courage, you persisted for 1 minute and 35 seconds. Let us applaud the brave Heloise again."

As he spoke, Lockhart clapped gently, and the applause that had been there for some time became enthusiastic again.

Eloise, who was originally a little disappointed with her performance, began to raise her head confidently and smiled brightly at everyone.

Then, he watched Professor Lockhart wave his hand, letting the Boggart return to the brown wooden box.

He also walked back to the team of young wizards and stood nearby, looking forward to the performance of his good friend Parvati.

Seeing this, Lockhart said gently to Parvati, who was second in line: "Come, let's watch us start the second trial of bravery."

After Parvati heard this, she stared at the box opposite and looked a little nervous.

She didn't know, what would come out of the box?

Seeing this, Lockhart's state of mind slowly opened the wooden box again.

This time, what appears is

hiss! hiss! Si!

A huge python swam out from the box. The snake kept spitting out its temper and its eyes were fixed on the little girl Parvati opposite.

Hear a hissing sound in your ears and see a ferocious python.

The little wizards behind subconsciously leaned back, as if being together made them feel safer.

At this time, Parvati suddenly realized that she could not be like her good friend Eloise.

I just felt weak all over, especially when I saw the python slowly swimming toward me and opening its bloody mouth toward me, the fear in my heart suddenly emerged.

My legs and feet are a little weak and I can't run even if I want to.

Seeing this scene, Lockhart sighed inwardly, but he wasn't surprised either.

Most people are ordinary people, and few are born with courage beyond ordinary people.

Many courageous people are acquired through training.

What's more, this is a little girl who has just turned 12 years old.

Then, with his mind turning, he controlled the giant python transformed by the Boggart to stop moving, and reminded him: "Parvati, come and cast the funny spell."

Upon hearing Professor Lockhart's voice, Parvati's body went limp, as if a power had been injected into her body.

Seeing the giant python opposite her that was no longer moving but still spitting snake messages at her, he waved his wand vigorously and said in a very fast tone.


A light yellow magic spell was fired at the giant python. In an instant, the giant python began to shrink, lying on the ground, and its body shape changed.

Soon a cute puppy kept sticking out its tongue at Parvati and barking cutely.

This change caused a flash of surprise in the eyes of the little wizards behind.

This Boggart is really amazing. The body that was so big just now suddenly becomes so small and so cute.

However, the voice of Parvati in front of her was a little disappointed, because she found that she was obviously not as good as her good friend Eloise.

Lockhart saw this and encouraged: "Our second little brave Parvati faced her fear and successfully cast a funny spell. Let us applaud her."

Hearing this, the little wizards behind him applauded, but the intensity was obviously smaller.

The frustrated Parvati looked a little more cheerful, then stood aside and revealed the third little wizard.

Seeing this, Lockhart began to call the third little wizard McCorkle for the next round of trials.

Maybe this little wizard has a strict tutor.

What McCorkle fears most in his heart is his father's severe scolding.

The Boggart transformed into McCuller's father and began to criticize McCuller for all his faults.

McCorkle was a little frightened and at a loss. Finally, under Lockhart's reminder, he waved his wand and cast a funny spell.

The stern father who transformed into a Boggart became his gentle mother.

Lockhart persisted, whispering reassurance, and moved on to the next person.

In this way, one after another, the little wizards began to face Boggarts and their deepest fears.

Some young wizards performed better, passing through the first stage of facing their fears, and began to coexist with their inner fears like Eloise.

However, in the face of the increasingly approaching fear, he finally couldn't help but cast the spell.

Most young wizards can only complete the first stage under Lockhart's guidance, and then rest nearby.

Soon, nearly half of the little wizards had completed their training.


It was the turn of the three little Gryffindors, to be precise, Harry Potter was in front.

"Harry, it's your turn next. Just like before, you have to face your fears."

"If you're really scared, cast the Funny Charm."

Professor Lockhart's reminder came to his ears. Harry nodded heavily, and then looked nervously at the closed brown wood cabinet.

With Lockhart's gentle wave, the cabinet door opened again.


One was wearing a black wizard robe, with a purple scarf wrapped around his head, and smelled vaguely of garlic.

It was Quirinas Quirrell, the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

When Harry saw Professor Quirrell in front of him, a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.

Other little wizards,

Quirrell, who was transformed into a Boggart, looked at Harry opposite and showed a cold smile.

Then he turned around and slowly took off the light purple scarf wrapped around his head.

A strange, ever-changing, somewhat ferocious face appeared on the back of his head.

At the same time, a hoarse voice came.

"Harry, I didn't expect that I would come back to life again."

"This time, you will die in my hands just like your parents."

Thanks to book friend 20200129144640702, book friend 20220506101425379, and book friend 20180119220924271 for their monthly votes

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