Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 280 Knockturn Alley is really my blessed place

Upgraded mirror space.

In a gray world like hell, a ball of light as big as a basketball suddenly appeared above, emitting a desolate white light, dispelling the darkness.

In the narrow alley, seven men in black robes gathered together, their movements full of vigilance, and they looked straight at the opposite side.

A huge basilisk and a strange smiling man in black robe standing on it.


The roar of the basilisk made the seven men in black robes look more alert and tighten their wands.

They wanted to cast a spell, but they didn't dare to act rashly for fear of angering the other party.

At this moment, Lockhart, standing on the head of the basilisk, looked at the vigilant people not far away, and seemed to sense the panic aura on the other side, with a half-smile on his face.


Lockhart jumped lightly from the basilisk's head and landed on the alley ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time

Click! Click! Click!

The walls on both sides of the entire narrow alley seemed to be affected. The bricks on the walls began to twist, sometimes protruding, sometimes recessed, and sometimes staggered.

After Lockhart landed on the ground, with every step he took, the walls on both sides of the alley receded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing more space for the narrow alley.

tread! tread!

Click! Click! Click!

In the ears of the seven people, every step of the man in black robe wearing a black mask and a strange smile was heard.

For some reason, it was accompanied by the sound of the surrounding walls moving.

There was a very clear sound of footsteps next to his ears, and at the same time, his heart subconsciously beat at a fixed frequency.

Every time the other person takes a step, his heart beats.

tread! boom! tread! boom!

Accompanied by the slow but extremely oppressive tapping sound one step after another, everyone's heart beat loudly and became more and more intense, as if they were about to jump out.

I just felt a very intimidating aura coming down, as if I was facing a savage beast. I felt huge pressure in my heart, and even my eyes were in a trance, giving me a feeling of being invincible.

tread! Click!

It seemed like a long time, and then it seemed like only a few seconds had passed.


The man in black robe stood not far away from them, not moving, and the surrounding alley walls slowly stopped, opening up into a huge, spacious flat space.


As the other party paused, his heart, which was beating more and more violently, began to slowly return to normal, making the seven dark wizards breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards

"Sir," one of the men in black robes said with a bitter voice, "I don't know, is there anything we can do for you?"

They are not stupid, it is obvious that this is a trap.

Specifically targeted at those who think they are hunters, but are actual prey.

This is simply fishing law enforcement!

The man in black robe finished speaking, and Lockhart made no reply.

Everyone saw the strange smiling face on the black mask staring at them silently.

Especially when they sense that the opponent's body is emitting a frightening aura full of killing, blood, and death towards them, which remains unchanged and is even getting stronger.

My heart sank deeper and deeper, and the fear gradually rose.

hiss! hiss!

At the same time, the basilisk behind him kept spitting out snake letters and making hissing sounds.

This voice was hoarse, eerie, full of weirdness and evil, and seemed to be teasing the negative emotions in their hearts.

In addition, this hell-like gray world brought great pressure to the hearts of the seven dark wizards.

At the same time, the hidden dangers caused by long-term study of black magic gradually emerged, and a trace of madness arose in his heart because of fear.

Time passes minute by minute.

call! call!

The seven dark wizards felt as if their days were passing like years. The opponent's momentum was becoming more and more oppressive. Every breath he took became heavier and heavier. The aura of killing and death continued to stimulate their nerves.

They became more and more nervous, and the wands in their hands tightened.


"Avada Kedavra!"

Appeared with a green light.

It seems that a dark wizard can't stand such stimulation, or the side effects of long-term study of black magic are beginning to explode.

Emotionally crazy, he cast a life-killing spell on the opposite side.


"Avada Kedavra!"

In an instant, Lockhart, who had been prepared, waved his wand, and a large amount of magic spewed out.

Green light flashed, and a more powerful life-killing curse quickly emerged, quickly shooting towards the life-killing curse on the opposite side.

The two death curses collided with each other. In the blink of an eye, the death curse cast by Lockhart directly broke the opponent's spell with a crushing gesture, and quickly rushed away like a dark wizard casting a spell.

Others had no time to react.

I only felt a powerful breath of death emerge, and the next moment, the companion I just met was hit by the death curse and died!

Feeling the power of the death curse cast by the man in black robe with the strange smile, the remaining six dark wizards fell silent. They sadly discovered that they were no match at all.

If a few of them join forces, there is still a glimmer of hope.

But the problem is that they have no trust in each other at all, not to mention that this is another space, the space means are completely ineffective, and there is no way to escape.

When I think of this, my inner despair continues to increase, and my inner madness begins to surface.

As dark wizards, they are naturally not cowards who sit back and die.

Even if it meant death, they would bite off a piece of each other's bones.

When they mustered up the courage to fight to the death, suddenly

"Want to live? Want to die?"

A cold voice sounded, and the courage that the six people had just summoned instantly disappeared.

Who would want to die if he could live?

At the same time, I found that the emotions of the companions around me included myself. Because of the other person's simple words, I completely lost control, and the bitter smile in my heart was mixed with a hint of shock.

The other party is obviously a master at playing with the mind, and he is worthy of being a top dark wizard.

He glanced at the corpse of his companion who fell to the ground and died next to him, and then looked at the murderous aura exuded by the other party and the huge basilisk behind him.

So the dark wizard immediately chose to follow his heart and said: "Master, what do you need us to do?"

After Lockhart heard it, he didn't reply immediately.

Instead, he waved his wand, which moved gently in the air.

In the eyes of the dark wizards, six pale golden magic marks appeared in mid-air at a speed visible to the naked eye, slowly floating towards them.

At the same time, the short and cold voice of the man in black robes in front of me came to my ears again.

"Accept, live!"

"Refuse, die!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge momentum came over again. This time, they seemed to smell the smell of death.

At the same time, the basilisk behind began to slowly poke its head, staring at them closely.

Although they were curious as to why the basilisk eyes they just saw were not dead.

But the breath of death that hit their faces gave them no time to think about it.

He could only watch the pale golden magic brand in front of him, flying towards his forehead.

And they didn't dare to resist at all, and even tried to relax their minds, for fear that the magic mark would disappear.

They are dark wizards, not Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

For the chance of living, choose to surrender without losing face.

Feeling that the magical brand had successfully entered the bodies of the six people and was deeply rooted in their souls, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Black wizards typically fear power rather than virtue.

The fear of death is the best way to conquer them.

Then, an idea struck.

"Ahhh. Ahhh"

"Master. No. Don't"


In an instant, the six dark wizards were half-kneeling on the ground, covering their heads with their hands, wailing in pain and begging for mercy.

The magic brand rooted deep in the soul seemed to have received some information. The light golden light kept shining, exuding hot energy, which seemed to melt their souls.

But soon, the hot energy disappeared and the soul returned to normal.

But their bodies collapsed on the ground, still twitching, still showing the pain caused by the burning of their souls just now.

Lockhart saw the six dark wizards paralyzed on the ground and nodded slightly. For dark wizards, it is very important to know the price of betrayal.

The next moment, Lockhart waved his hand gently.

Soon, 6 pale golden light spots appeared in mid-air.

Then, with a thought, pale golden light spots fell on the foreheads of the six dark wizards.

It sank into his body almost instantly.

At this moment, the dark wizards were lying limply on the ground, twitching continuously.

The next moment, affected by the magic brand just now, the feeling that the soul was about to melt disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a coldness and vitality. The soul began to slowly recover, and at the same time, a surge of life force emerged from the body.

It's like taking a cold shower in the hot weather.

The soul, the body's instinctive greed, desire, desire for more.

But soon, it suddenly disappeared, and I could only greedily and carefully recollect the changes that had just occurred in my body.

Suddenly, I discovered that the soul that had been eroded by black magic had recovered a little, and the vitality of the body had also been strengthened to a certain extent.

Although it wasn't much, the meaning behind it was enough to make their imaginations wander.

Almost as soon as they regained their strength, they stood up.

Lockhart, who was facing the other side, knelt on one knee, lowered his head, held his wand in both hands, and raised it above his head.

In accordance with the custom of surrender in the wizarding world, he swore allegiance to his master.

Lockhart, looking at the performance of the six dark wizards, nodded with satisfaction.

Give both grace and power. Since power has been given, kindness must also be shown.

Loyalty needs to be molded.

The pale golden light spots just now are actually the broken pieces of the dragon bone, which have been processed to a certain extent.

The effect is very good. It has a strengthening effect on the soul and body. A larger amount can also extend life.

Things like black magic backlash or damage to the soul can be repaired.

You know, the people in the Hand can be resurrected with the help of dragon bones, and their souls are simply restored, which is simply not worth mentioning.

And such a function is simply a dream for dark wizards.

After being stimulated like this, Lockhart didn't believe that these dark wizards were not doing their job with all their heart.

Immediately, thoughts flashed, and Lockhart stepped forward and took away the wands they were holding one by one.

It was customary to accept their allegiance.

The six dark wizards felt relieved when their wands disappeared.

The pain just now was enough to make them dare not betray.

And the strange energy just now ignited desire in their hearts.

"Betrayer, die."

"Those who have done the best will be rewarded."

"As long as you complete the task I assigned you, whether it's magic knowledge, magic items or the light of life just now."

"I can reward you all."

"Did you hear that clearly?"

A cold voice sounded.

The dark wizards who were half kneeling on the ground said in unison: "Listen clearly, Master."

"Your will is our mission."

At the same time, the name of the light of life is firmly engraved in their hearts.

If given the chance, they definitely want to get it again to repair their souls and extend their lives.

"Get up and pick up your wands." Lockhart said calmly and waved it casually.

The six wands in his hands floated in front of everyone.

After the six dark wizards stood up, they picked up the wands in their hands and stared at their masters in front of them.

"Now, let me introduce you to your true identities." Lockhart's cold voice sounded, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

After hearing this, the dark wizards felt a little embarrassed, but they did not dare to disobey their master's orders.

Some simply took off the masks on their faces, while others waved their magic wands to themselves to lift a certain spell.

Others, after taking off their masks, drank a bottle of magic potion to remove the effects of the Polyjuice Potion and return to their normal appearance.

Finally, six familiar dark wizards appeared in front of Lockhart.

Lockhart, on the other hand, did not move. He still wore a black mask with a strange smile on his face and looked at everyone.

For the dark wizards who have just surrendered, an unknown identity is more likely to have a deterrent effect and awe.

Later, based on their hard work and talent, they will be qualified to see his true face and join his force.

Otherwise, it's just cannon fodder.

He has an average favorable impression of the dark wizard.

"Master, I am Andy Johnson from Andy's Bookstore."

"Master, I am Fit Beard from the House of Fantastic Beasts."


Soon, everyone introduced themselves, and Lockhart nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

The magical beast boss he wants is also among them. It seems that he can harvest it through his channels in the future.

There is also Seth Thomas, who specializes in selling stolen goods. You can also use his channels for things that are inconvenient to sell in the future.

Well, I have to say that Knockturn Alley is really his blessed place.

"Master, here are your gold galleons and the title deed to the bookstore."

Dark wizard Andy quickly held out a space extension bag and flattered him.

It was exactly the gold galleons Lockhart had paid to buy the dark magic book.

Andy's actions seemed to remind others.

All the dark wizards took out the gold galleons or magic items they had previously traded, as if they wanted to return them to their former owners.

However, there are very few people who directly take out the land deed like Andy did.

Although most of the dark wizards have pledged their allegiance, they still have their own agenda.

Everything that should be returned has been returned. A big shot like the owner should look down on the collections of people like them.

If you can reduce the loss, just reduce it.

After Lockhart saw it, he waved his hand and said, "Take these."

"To me, it's nothing."

"Later, everything I will give you will require the use of gold galleons."

"As I said before, as long as the job is done well, I will reward you generously."

"Next, what you have to do is collect information about pure-blood families in Knockturn Alley."

"Fite, there are some magical creatures that need to be collected through your channels. I will give them to you in Jin Galleon. There are probably thunderbirds."

"Others, if they have relevant information, will report it in time."

"Andy, search for magic books focusing on ancient runes, and"


Then, Lockhart began to tell every dark wizard what he should do according to his own ideas.

Further expand the layout of Knockturn Alley.

Knockturn Alley is a gathering place for dark wizards. The dark wizards who can survive here have good strength. It is a very good source of combat power.

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