Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 289 Rewriting reality and having hot pot with Snape (4600 words, please vote)

Hogwarts, Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, Underground Palace.


Then Lockhart softly uttered a word.

Suddenly, a strong wind suddenly appeared in the closed underground palace.

As Lockhart's thoughts changed, he spun rapidly. In less than three seconds, visible to the naked eye, a miniature light cyan tornado was spinning at high speed in mid-air.


The tornado was spinning high in the sky, and suddenly, a small flame appeared next to it.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly expanded, and a huge red flame-colored fireball emerged, and scorching waves of fire spread out in all directions.

This caused the basilisk on the edge of the palace to look slightly sideways.



As if the fireball had received some kind of order, red flame-colored threads took the initiative to pull away from the fireball.

Then they merged into the light cyan tornado in the side test.

As the fireball continued to decay, a large number of flame threads continued to merge into the tornado.

The color of the light cyan tornado gradually changed, and the cyan was mixed with red flames.

As time passed, the flame threads continued to merge, and the entire tornado showed a red flame color.

Become a fire tornado.

As the flame tornado rotates at high speed, the surrounding hot fire waves gradually shrink, as if they are accumulating power.

At the core of the tornado, a crimson fireball emerged, exuding strong fluctuations in magic power.


As Lockhart gently stretched out his right palm, the tornado of flames floating in the air gradually shrank.

Then it slowly fell into Lockhart's hands.


Lockhart gently closed his palms, and with a pop, the flame tornado disappeared, everything returned to normal, and the magic power fluctuations quickly calmed down, as if the flame tornado that had just appeared did not exist.

Seeing this scene, Lockhart had a bright smile on his face.

It's a wonderful feeling to control the world as you please, as if in a single thought.

Of course this is just an illusion.

But there is no doubt that his control of magic has been greatly improved.

Some simple magic can be performed with just one thought.

This is an obvious change brought about by soul transformation.

As for deeper changes, Lockhart also slowly explored, his mental power improved, his soul became tougher, his intuition became sharper, etc.

Of course, there is also the most important true spirit mark.

Lockhart could feel a purple-gold shadow deep in his soul.

If it wasn't for the system reminder, he wouldn't have known that this thing was called the True Spirit Seal.

However, at present, he does not seem to have discovered the specific function of the true spirit mark. It seems to be just an iconic existence.

But obviously, it's definitely not the case. The system is so concerned about it that it even specifically reminds it that the true spirit mark is definitely not trivial.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Lockhart called the system softly.

"System, introduce the true spirit mark."

"Ding, the true spirit mark is the prerequisite for condensing the true spirit. I hope the host will explore the method of condensation."

Lockhart frowned slightly as he felt the information floating in his mind.

There is almost nothing valuable. The only gain is that it is important to condense the true spirit.

It should be the direction of the next round of soul transformation.

However, the system reminded him that everyone's way of cohesion is different and he needs to explore it on his own.

This left him speechless.

It seems that he can only study it slowly by himself.

Later, Lockhart turned his attention to his wizarding blood.

The magic power in the body has increased by at least half, and at the same time, the magic power has continued to rise.

It's like going back to the time when you were a little wizard, you don't have to do anything, your magic power will increase automatically until you reach adulthood.

Although the rate of increase is slow, it continues to rise all the time, which makes Lockhart feel quite satisfied.

This is only the most obvious change.

What surprised him most was

Close your eyes slightly, and look at Lockhart as the center, with a radius of one meter.


Click! Click! Click!

The hard marble slabs on the ground were cracked with cracks.

Soon, a large number of green buds rose from the cracks, and then grew rapidly, and one after another, green leaves emerged.

In the blink of an eye, the color changed from light to dark, a large number of branches emerged, and flowers of different colors bloomed from them.

Red, orange, blue purple and so on are intertwined.

It exudes a strange fragrance.

In less than a minute, Lockhart was the center, with a radius of one meter, like a miniature garden.

Lockhart looked down at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised.

With a slight hook of your fingers, a blue flower floated into your hand, and you sniffed it gently.

The elegant fragrance is refreshing.

This is real, not a purely magical construct.

Even if Lockhart leaves and loses the support of magic, he will still exist.

This is the purified wizard bloodline, the awakened talent.

Lockhart calls it - rewriting reality!

In one thought, the world changes, and it exists forever.

Consciousness transcends matter, I think, therefore I am.

The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe.

Of course, it is not yet at this point and is currently at a very weak stage.

Just rewriting the ordinary surrounding environment out of thin air cost Lockhart a lot of magic power.

If you want to rewrite other things, I'm afraid it will only consume more.

Moreover, the range is currently only limited to one meter around, which is very limited and does not even have much effect.

However, it was all worth it. What he needed now was to slowly develop his talents.

Sure enough, the wizard's bloodline was extraordinary, as expected from the ancient mage's special emphasis.

No wonder Snape took action.

When he thought of this, Lockhart looked at the petrified Snape next to the basilisk.

Looking at the flower bed at my feet again, with a thought, the flower bed disappeared and the marble slab returned to normal.

Then, he walked up to the petrified Snape, with a smile on his face.

Before, I felt that Snape was a bit tricky.

After all, he had classes tomorrow, and he only had one night to get everything settled, and to prevent Dumbledore from not noticing anything unusual.

It is inevitable that time will be a little tight.

However, things are different now.

He had plenty of time to prepare, or rather, convince Snape.

"Little snake!"

With a soft cry from Lockhart, the basilisk began to shrink and, as usual, crawled up Lockhart's arm.

Feeling the cold feeling on his arm, Lockhart nodded slightly, stretched out his wand, and with a tap, a portal leading to Hogsmeade and his study opened.

As Lockart stretched out his palm, the troublesome suitcase in the study automatically floated out.


As the red flame portal disappeared, Lockhart opened the suitcase, called for the gold coins, and controlled Snape to enter it.

Immediately afterwards, Lockhart was carrying the suitcase in his right hand and his wand in his left hand.

At the same time, he shouted softly.

"System, travel through the Marvel world."

[Search for the solidified world shuttle channel. 】

[Search successful, transfer. 】


[Welcome the host to return to the Marvel world. 】

[Warning 1: Because the host has condensed the true spirit mark and its ability to resist the erosion of the world has been further enhanced. The current maximum existence time is 343 days. When the time approaches the limit, it will automatically be transferred back to the Harry Potter world to prevent world erosion. 】

[Warning 2: You can freely return to the Harry Potter world midway to reduce world erosion, but as the soul grows, the energy required to anchor the time node will continue to rise. 】

【Warning 3:.】

Night, Marvel world, Lockhart's study.

In the empty study room, there was a glimmer of light.

A figure carrying a suitcase suddenly appeared, it was Gilderoy Lockhart.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the familiar scene in front of him, with a hint of joy on his face.

The soul transformation was successful, the true soul mark appeared, and the system reminded again.

Lockhart had to sigh, the soul is very important.

The soul transformation is successful and the system functions are further opened.

He can now freely choose to travel between the two worlds.

Of course, there are limitations based on the messages provided by the system.

The one-year limit is not important.

What caught Lockhart's attention was that as his soul grew stronger, the cost of anchoring time nodes would increase.

According to the reminder of the message, Lockhart understood that the general meaning was that when his soul continued to grow and even condensed the truth.

The flow of time in the two worlds will slowly return to normal.

It is impossible to know when to leave and when to return, just like in the beginning.

If you want to achieve the same effect, you need to replenish energy.

However, judging from his current soul, the impact is not big, and it will only be delayed for a few hours at most.

However, he could stay in the Marvel universe for months without any repercussions.

The extension of time would allow him to better solve the problems caused by Snape.

Tsk tsk tsk, Snape, you did this yourself.

Thoughts swirling, Lockhart made up his mind.

Afterwards, he opened the suitcase, called out the gold coins, placed the petrified Snape, and at the same time ordered Black Sky Erica, who was resting at the Vientiane Book Cafe, to do something.

Night, Trident Building, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Coulson's office.

He was supposed to get off work, but he was sitting at his desk with his head bent, constantly sketching out the report in front of him.

Hey, the secret service industry is good, but too much overtime is really a problem.

He also wanted to listen to a concert with his cello girlfriend to connect with him.


Damn it, a few days ago, for some unknown reason, Hell's Kitchen suddenly detected a super giant energy fluctuation, and at the same time the weather changed abnormally.

The entire Hell's Kitchen went from a sparse moon and stars to dark clouds in a very short period of time.

If it weren't for the dark night, or the chaotic environment of Hell's Kitchen.

I'm afraid the Internet is already in trouble.

The director gave an order and he could only work overtime here overnight. Unfortunately, he lost a lot of hair.

After collecting information, it was roughly determined that it was closely related to the underground organization Hand.

This gave Coulson a headache.

He had already made some guesses. Some time ago, he knew that one of Lockhart's students seemed to have started a fight with the Hand and became his student's sparring partner.

He even came to receive the deaf-mute people.

It can be expected that this huge energy fluctuation may have something to do with the wizard professor.

This left him not knowing how to proceed. It was impossible for him to directly ask what exactly happened.

If the other party denies it, he will be unable to answer the call.

And based on his understanding of the wizard professor, he would really do such a thing.

When I was thinking about how to solve this matter, suddenly.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The phone rang. Coulson picked up the phone, put it to his ear, and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

"Sir, I just found a piece of news that is unusual for the wizard professor."

"A lady named Erica made a reservation at a Chinese hot pot restaurant and booked it for the whole day."

The next morning, Huangpin Hot Pot Restaurant in Queens, New York.

Huangpin Hot Pot Restaurant is a high-end hot pot restaurant. Its main feature is hot pot, a delicacy from the mysterious East.

However, it may be a geographical conflict. The tastes of New Yorkers are different from those of Orientals, so there are generally fewer customers.

Of course, it is also possible that the owner of this store is not short of money, or he has his own insistence and is not adapted to the tastes of New Yorkers and insists on making oriental local specialties.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Royal Hot Pot Restaurant, a handsome blond man stood at the door, and next to him stood a beautiful girl with black hair and a tall figure.

It was Lockhart and Black Sky Erica.

"Welcome two guests to Huangpin Hot Pot Restaurant!"

The waiters who were already standing in two rows at the door spoke respectfully to the two of them in unison.

These two have the entire restaurant to cover for them for a whole day, and the boss has ordered them to be well entertained.

Lockhart nodded slightly after hearing this.

Without saying anything else, he greeted Erica directly and walked towards the store.

"Erica, you chose a good place this time, I like it." After entering, Lockhart looked at the spacious and quiet environment inside the hot pot restaurant, as well as the familiar smell coming from the tip of his nose, and praised Erica on the side. road.

In front of the black sky, Erica heard her boss's praise and a smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, the female manager who was leading the way asked.

"Hello, are you going to enjoy hot pot downstairs, or is there anyone else coming upstairs? I'll arrange the pick-up and drop-off."

"Let's go upstairs, so we can talk about things more easily." Lockhart said calmly: "As for the others, there are none. We have to talk about things today, so just keep quiet."

"Okay, don't worry about that." The manager immediately replied: "You have booked the whole day, we will make sure it is quiet and no one will disturb you."

This man is a wealthy man. He spent 150,000 yuan to cover his own shop for a whole day.

With his thoughts spinning, he decided to give the waiter a few more instructions later, to keep everything quiet and not to disturb the guests.

In the United States, you can't offend anyone but the rich and capitalists.

Soon, Lockhart walked upstairs, found a table near the window, and sat down at a table where he could view the prosperous surroundings.

At the same time, he asked Erica to sit next to him and left a seat opposite, which seemed to be reserved for someone.

After Erica saw it, she immediately called the waiter to start preparing the dishes.

Although she lost a lot of memories, she still didn't forget the basics of how to behave.

After Lockhart briefly looked around, especially through the glass on the side, he looked somewhere in the distance and smiled.

Immediately afterwards


With a snap, Lockhart snapped his fingers.

At the same time, a transparent ripple spread around, covering the entire hot pot restaurant.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded slightly.


Wave your wand and tap lightly towards the seat opposite.

The petrified Snape quietly emerged.

Snape was still holding the wand, but the wand completely disappeared.

At the same time, there was a silver-white bracelet on his right arm, like a material cuff, tightly attached to the arm.

As Lockhart waved again, Snape's posture changed and he sat on the chair, his hands dropped, and he lowered his head to stare at the hot pot in front of him.

The service staff who served the dishes on the side did not notice anything unusual at all, as if Snape had always been there.

Just carefully place a variety of vegetables, meats, seafood, etc. on the side.

For guests to enjoy at any time.

Lockhart was not surprised. He ignored Snape and started cooking hot pot with Erica.

Along with vegetables, various meats such as beef, etc. are constantly added to the hot pot.

A spicy smell gradually filled the surroundings. Lockhart felt the familiar smell, and a smile flashed on his face.

He loves to enjoy good food, and hotpot is one of his favorites.

In his previous life, when chatting with colleagues and students, he also liked to eat hot pot and chat at the same time. The atmosphere was very good.

Therefore, I hope that after this hot pot meal, Snape can achieve his wish, otherwise

After taking a few bites, Lockhart felt that it tasted good.

Then as if he thought of something, he reached out and found a bottle of magic potion that could undo petrification in his hand.

With a thought, the potion was opened, and the liquid floated out and entered Snape's mouth on the opposite side.

I feel that the petrification of the basilisk is gradually being lifted.

Lockhart didn't care. He picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks, dipped it in some seasoning, put it in a bowl, and tasted it carefully.


"Snape, try this piece of beef. It still tastes good and is very tender."

Dear friends, there won’t be too many plots in Marvel. After Snape’s matter is resolved, he will return to the world of Harry Potter again.

Later, a big climax is about to come.

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