Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 291 Unbreakable Vow (Two in One)

"Resurrect Lily!"

Snape murmured and repeated something to himself. Instantly, his spirits perked up, and a trace of disbelief and enthusiasm flashed in his eyes.

He asked in a somewhat urgent tone: "Lockhart, are you telling the truth?"

I felt the anxiety and desire in Snape's tone.

Lockhart did not reply, but stretched out his chopsticks, picked out another piece of beef from the boiling pot, and put it into his bowl.

At the same time, he greeted: "Snape, don't be anxious, stay patient."

"Come, try the ingredients in this store, they taste good."

"Try it first, and chat while you eat."

After hearing what Lockhart said, Snape was silent for a moment, seeming to understand what the other person meant.

He looked at the hot pot in the middle, the bowl in front of him, and the forks, knives, and chopsticks beside him.

Picking up the fork, he put it into the hot pot, took out a small piece of vegetables, put it in the bowl, opened his mouth, and put it in his mouth silently.

“The shrimp here is also very good.”

Hearing Lockhart's suggestion, Snape stretched out his fork again, took out another piece of shrimp from the hot pot, and put it into the bowl.

"Don't forget to dip it in some seasoning. A good seasoning is the essence of hot pot."

After hearing this, Snape put the freshly forked shrimps into the spice plate on the side.

Wrap it lightly and put it in your mouth again.

The meat is very tender and tastes good.

But there was no joy in his heart from eating delicious food.

After eating, he continued to look at Lockhart, wanting to hear the answer he wanted.

Seeing this, Lockhart continued to say hello: "Eat more, some beef, fish balls, ham sausages, and vegetables."

"Can a small piece of shrimp fill you up?"

"If you don't have enough to eat, how can you have the strength to talk?"

After hearing what Lockhart said, he felt the weakness in his body caused by the confinement of magic power.

There was a flash of anger in Snape's eyes, and he held the silver-white fork tightly in his hand.

He couldn't wait to lift it up and insert it into Lockhart's neck.


When he thought of Lily, Snape's inner anger turned into calm.

Pick up a fork, insert the food in the pot into the bowl one by one, and eat.

When Lockhart saw this, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

For a person with a strong will and clear goals like Snape, it is important to grasp his weaknesses, but at the beginning, he still has to cultivate the habit of obedience, which must be tamed. It can be less, but not without.

The most basic priorities must be made clear at the very beginning.

"Waiter, all the other materials are here." Lockhart directly greeted the manager next to him.

After the manager heard it, he immediately ordered the waiter next to him to start clearing the debris, soup, etc. on the table.

At the same time, we also started to change the dishes, replacing them with the freshest meat, seafood, vegetables, etc.

After finishing, they all stood in the distance, waiting for orders at any time.

The other party directly booked their own store for a whole day, and all services were provided.

Lockhart, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to the waiter's actions.

Seeing that the ingredients in the hot pot were getting less and less, he waved his hand and a plate of beef floated from mid-air and then slowly fell into the hot pot. The same was true for other ingredients.

Soon, the hot pot was filled with all kinds of seafood, meat, vegetables, etc.

The service staff on the side continued to wait as if they had not seen this scene.

Snape, on the other hand, glanced at the Muggle standing not far away and said nothing.

As for the Ministry of Magic's ban, he didn't even think of mentioning it.

Just kidding, for dark wizards like them, the so-called ban is just a slap in the face.

As long as you're not caught red-handed, it's just a piece of waste paper.

Watching Lockhart move his chopsticks, he began to eat silently.

Although the food was delicious, he still couldn't taste it, and his inner desire for the resurrection method Lockhart mentioned became more and more urgent.

Lockhart, on the other hand, picked up a piece of sausage, put it in his mouth, felt the tender meat inside, and nodded slightly.

The quality of this sausage is okay.

Ask Erica next to you to have a taste, and then continue to taste other meats.

Suddenly, the entire dining table fell silent, with only three people enjoying the delicious food quietly.

After a while, Lockhart picked up a piece of broccoli and put it in his bowl. He looked at Snape opposite him who silently lowered his head and ate the mutton in his bowl.

He said in a leisurely tone: "Snape, try the broccoli and eat some vegetables."

After Snape heard this, he glanced at Lockhart, said nothing, picked up the broccoli in the hot pot, put it into his own bowl, and started eating.

"Actually, I personally sympathize with you." Lockhart took a bite of broccoli and said softly to Snape: "I knew a little bit about you before, so you usually have a cold face. I’m not particularly disgusted either.”

Hearing this, Snape paused, raised his head, and looked at Lockhart opposite.

Seeing this, Lockhart took another bite of broccoli and continued.

"The two of us worked very well together before. You made a lot of gold galleons, and I quickly got what I wanted. I thought we were still friends."

"What a pity, what a pity."

At this point, Lockhart shook his head slightly and ate the broccoli in the bowl in one bite.

"I never expected that you would drug me first before I even made a move on you."

Hearing this, Snape paused slightly, but soon returned to normal, silently eating the broccoli in the bowl without saying a word.

Seeing Snape's actions, Lockhart felt a little happy and said softly: "Snape, do you know what is most needed to resurrect a person?"

Hearing this, Snape raised his head and said in a hopeful tone: "Soul, the most important thing you need to resurrect a person is the soul. You have clues about Lily's soul."

He had also had the idea of ​​resurrecting Lily before, searched a lot of information, and studied a lot of black magic about resurrection.

Although they all failed in the end, he also knew that the most important thing about resurrection was the soul.

Hearing this, Lockhart smiled, looked at Snape, and said softly: "You were only half right."

"The soul is indeed important, but there is a premise for all this."

"That means whether someone is willing to pay the corresponding price for Lily's resurrection."

"Why else would someone resurrect someone they haven't seen for many years for no reason?"

"dont you agree?"

After hearing this, Snape was certainly not a fool. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Lockhart, what do you want?"

He had some vague guesses, but he didn't reject it.

If Lily could be resurrected, he would do whatever it took.

Seeing Snape's reaction, Lockhart waved his hand gently, and suddenly, three teacups appeared in front of the three of them.

The next moment, wisps of tea continued to emerge from the teacup, and soon it filled 2/3.

"Snape, drink some tea. You just ate a lot of meat to relieve your tiredness." Lockhart greeted.

Snape looked at the familiar tea in front of him and choked back what he wanted to say.

Because this cup of tea was exactly the same as the tea he drugged Lockhart with.

"Don't worry, Snape, I won't be like you, drugging you while drinking a cup of tea."

"After drinking this cup of tea, the incident of you drugging me will be wiped out."

Well, just because of Lily, I will control you for the rest of my life.

After hearing what Lockhart said, Snape picked up the tea, glanced at Lockhart, and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing Snape's straightforward performance, Lockhart's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and he said, "Snape, my demands are actually not high."

"Before, you offered your loyalty to Voldemort because of Lily, and then you were willing to work as an undercover agent for Principal Dumbledore because of Lily."

"Now, it's not hard for you to work for me because of Lily, right?"

After Lockhart finished speaking, he picked up the tea and tasted it carefully.

I have to say that if you eat too much meat, you will inevitably get tired of it.

Using tea to relieve tiredness is like making tofu with brine, which is wonderful.

After Snape heard this, he sighed inwardly. Sure enough,

He knew that this Lockhart was not a good person. It seemed that... the medicine was too gentle.

No matter what kind of coma agent you put in, it would be better to just put in truth serum. You don’t know everything you want.

Snape had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but sadly found that he couldn't refuse at all, and he didn't dare to refuse.

After a moment of silence, he asked in a deep voice: "Lockhart, are you sure you can resurrect Lily?"

Hearing this, Lockhart smiled, took another sip of tea, and said, "You should have more confidence in me."

"Since I dare to say it, I naturally have the corresponding confidence."

Hearing this, a flash of joy flashed across Snape's face, and he fell silent again in an instant.

After thinking for a while, he spoke cautiously, but cautiously, fearing rejection, "Lockhart, I can work for you."

"But I want to sign an unbreakable vow."

After finishing speaking, Snape's eyes flashed with anticipation and worry.

He hoped Lockhart would agree.

The worry was that if Lockhart refused, he would have no room to resist.

He couldn't give up the possibility of Lily's resurrection, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he was willing to pay all the costs.

Lockhart should also know this.

But he still said this request, which was a gamble.

If the bet won, he would naturally be willing to do so.

If you lose the bet.

Lockhart fell silent at Snape's request.

An unbreakable oath, the top magical contract in the wizarding world.

Failure to do so will cost lives.

Although he was sure that he could resurrect Lily, as far as he knew, the water in the wizarding world was getting deeper and deeper, and even gods might jump out.

He also dare not say that resurrection is 100% risk-free.

However, if you want to gain Snape's loyalty, this is undoubtedly the best way.

Otherwise, given the opponent's magic level, there is still research on Occlumency.

He was not sure that the golden dragon magic brand he was currently researching would work.

Moreover, Snape, who was fully cooperative, was of great help to him who was now in his infancy.

It would be of great help to him in the field of potions, not to mention his influence as Dean of Slytherin, his channels of contact, and his relationship with Dumbledore.

The value is immeasurable.

After a moment of silence, looking at Snape's expectant eyes, Lockhart nodded slightly, and then said slowly: "Snape, I can grant your request."

Hearing this, Snape's eyes filled with ecstasy.


Upon hearing this, Snape calmed down and looked at Lockhart.

"Snape, you know my character."

"The methods I provide are quite certain, and I can even help you. However, I only provide you with one chance. Regardless of success or failure, the rest of your life, this life, belongs to me."

Hearing this, Snape hesitated for a moment, nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Without resurrection, after the Dark Lord dies, the big deal is to stay with Lily.

He no longer has much attachment to this world.

I hope Dumbledore is right.

Death is just another great adventure.

New York, Queens, Lockhart's house, study.

On the bookshelves on the wall of the study room, there are a large number of magic books with strange fluctuations.

Snape, who was standing next to the bookshelf, looked sideways slightly, but quickly came back to his senses and stared at Lockhart opposite.

His expression was full of excitement, nervousness, and anticipation.

After hearing the news that Lily could be resurrected, Snape still felt like he was in a dream.

I'm afraid that when I wake up from the dream, my hopes will be dashed again.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at Snape's nervous and expectant expression, smiled slightly, and comforted him: "Snape, don't worry, I will never treat any of my friends badly."

"You should know this."

"I still sympathize deeply with your personal feelings. If I can help, I will naturally help."

Hearing Lockhart's comfort, Snape said in a hoarse voice: "Lockhart, when can we sign the contract?"

Only after the contract is signed can he stabilize his mind.

He personally still has great trust in the unbreakable oath.

Hearing Snape emphasize the contract again, Lockhart curled his lips helplessly and said, "Okay, we can start now."

"Gold coins!" Lockhart shouted softly.


Instantly, the house-elf gold coin appeared in front of Lockhart.

"Master, what do you need me to do?" Jin Coin asked with expectant eyes.

"Gold coins, I will sign an unbreakable oath with Professor Snape later, and you will be the witness." Lockhart said calmly.

"Okay, Master, no problem. The gold coins are always ready."

Jin Coin nodded quickly and said.

Snape glanced at the gold coin and said nothing.

He took Lockhart to buy this house elf at an auction.

"Let's get started, Snape." Lockhart said softly, "I see you can't wait."

"Okay, Lockhart, as long as Lily can be resurrected, my life belongs to you." Snape said solemnly: "Always loyal, never betrayal."

After hearing this, Lockhart nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Then he flicked his wand, and a piece of parchment appeared in front of the gold coin.

Seeing this, Snape stretched out his right hand towards Lockhart.

Lockhart also stretched out his right hand and held Snape's right hand tightly.

At the same time, the house elf took out the wand given to him by his master, pointed at their wrists, and swore loudly.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, are you willing to tell Severus Snape how to resurrect Lily Evans, and to help once again, Lily Evans' resurrection?"

"I do," Lockhart said solemnly.

After the words fell, a pale golden metal thread appeared on the wrists of the two of them.

"Severus Snape, when you get the resurrection method provided by Gilderoy Lockhart and get his help, will you be willing to work for Gilderoy Lockhart in the future?"

"Always loyal and never betrayed."

"I do!!"

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