Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 294 Dumbledore: Order is greater than everything (two in one)

"Snape, how are the Slytherin students doing?"

Dumbledore walked slowly down the corridor and asked Snape beside him.

"Albus, it's okay. They know the rules very well and there are very few idiots." Snape said calmly.

Hearing Snape's answer, Dumbledore smiled and said nothing more.

Originally, he planned to use his students to ease Snape's inner coldness and grief.

It turned out that the effect was relatively average, and Snape's grief was deeper.

However, the position of dean has been done well, so there will be no changes.

"How is Harry doing?" Dumbledore asked again.

When Harry was mentioned, Snape's eyes flashed softly, but he quickly returned to normal, indifferently, and said briefly: "Same as usual, no change."

Then, without waiting for Dumbledore to ask another question, he directly asked: "Albus, what have you learned about the mysterious man?"

In response to Snape's question, Dumbledore shook his head slightly and sighed: "I haven't found much key information yet."

"More time is needed."

"Then what do you need me to do?" Snape asked again.

He knew very well that Dumbledore was looking for him for a reason.

However, Dumbledore did not answer Snape's question directly, but took a few steps forward. The two of them reached the end of the corridor, where there was only a large window on the side wall.

Dumbledore walked to the window, leaned against the edge, and looked into the distance.

And Snape on the side. He also walked aside and looked at the blue sky outside the window, a green forbidden forest in the distance, and some little wizards on the lawn.

"Snape, now that he is a little older, he finds that he is not as decisive in making some decisions as he was when he was young, and he thinks too much." Dumbledore said with emotion.

"By the way, is there anything unusual about Lockhart?"

"It's not unusual." Snape thought about it carefully, shook his head and said, "However, he has been somewhat concerned about the mysterious man's traces recently, and he has inquired about it from me before."

Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded to express his understanding.

Lockhart most likely had the idea to explore because of what happened between Harry and Quirrell last year.

Given his character, it's quite normal.

"Snape, there is something I would like to hear your advice on." Dumbledore said gently: "Lockhart mentioned to me before that he wanted to apply for a first-class title in the Order of Merlin through meditation. Or a second-class medal.”

"What do you think?"

Hear Dumbledore, ask yourself for advice on Lockhart.

Snape took a deep look at Dumbledore and said slowly: "Albus, since you came to me for advice, I believe you should have the answer in your heart."

"I won't say much, just follow your ideas."

Did he know how determined Dumbledore was?

A few words had no effect on what he had decided. Now that he was asking himself questions, he just wanted to get affirmation from his own mouth.

After hearing Snape's reply, Dumbledore was silent for a moment and nodded.

Regarding this matter, judging from his experience, Lockhart should be steady and not be too anxious.

Now that we are in the limelight, here comes another commendation from Sir Merlin.

If the fire is too strong, you can easily burn yourself.

Don't do things in a hurry. If you are too hasty, it is easy for the pure-blood family to find loopholes.

It is better to wait for time to ferment slowly, and when the effect of the meditation method is truly revealed, when the time comes, a first-class Order of Merlin medal will be at your fingertips.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Albus, how far are you willing to go to deal with You-Know-Who?"

Dumbledore heard Snape asking him a question, thought for a moment, and said softly: "Order is above all else."

"I will not allow another bloody storm to come to the wizarding world."

"Even if it costs my life."

Night, Hogsmeade, Hog's Head Bar.

The bar is particularly lively at night, maybe because people are tired from a long day's work and want to vent their stress.

Or, there are generally fewer entertainment activities at night, so getting together with friends, chatting and drinking is an option for businesses.

The moonlight outside the bar shone on the street, but it still seemed a little dim.

The inside of the bar was extremely bright, with a large number of wizards sitting together, drinking to their heart's content.

"I'm not boasting. I think back then, when I was young, I fought off two Death Eaters by myself. If the other party hadn't supported me, I might have captured them directly."

"Haha, Willy, you've mentioned this matter hundreds of times. Come on, have a drink."

"Yes, drink"

"I won't come home until I'm drunk today. I'll have three drinks first. I'll tell you what you want. You can do whatever you want."

Gudu! Gudu!

At a wine table on the left side of the bar, a middle-aged wizard drank three glasses in a row. With a slight blush on his face, he turned the glass down towards everyone to show that he had finished all the drinks.

"As expected of Drunken Willy, among all the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic, even Moody can't compare to you in terms of drinking capacity."

"Haha, Moody, I don't like drinking with him. Every time I drink, or even every glass of wine, he has to cast a spell to check if there is any poison. At the same time, he will shout out his mantra from time to time - be vigilant at all times! "

"It's so boring to drink with him."

"Ah, let's not talk about Moody, spoil the fun, drink, drink."

The wizard on the side raised his wine glass and said loudly.

Gudu! Gudu!

Everyone drank a few more drinks and started chatting slowly again.

"Have you tried that meditation method? How is the effect?"

"Speaking of this meditation method, I have to talk to you about Lockhart. We were students in the same class back then. Although I was in Gryffindor and he was in Ravenclaw, we still have a pretty good relationship. of."

Willy started to blow again: "For this meditation method, I must support my old classmate Lockhart."

"Not long after my friend's child was diagnosed, he was a squib. He was already in despair."

"Then I turned over with the help of meditation. It's a good thing. It's indeed a good thing."

"Here, let's drink to my old classmate Lockhart."

The wizards on the side looked at each other and smiled, not wanting to embarrass Willy.

He directly picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, let's have a drink."

Drinking is just to have fun.

After drinking it, I fell down and forgot all my previous worries and stress.

Being happy is the most important thing.


"Willy, have you received any news about Lockhart from the Ministry of Magic?"

"Well, I heard that Minister Fudge wanted to commend Lockhart, but I don't know if it's true or not. It seems that the pure-blood family said something and left it alone."


“It shouldn’t be fake”


Ian, who was sitting not far away, heard the praise for his mentor coming from his ears, and a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

As one of his mentor's most valued students, he is naturally proud.

But when he heard some bad words from his mentor, or things about the pure-blood family, a glimmer of gloom flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

The instructor was right. Whether Squib wants to become a wizard or wants to promote a new magic system, pure-blood families are the biggest obstacle.

But Ian didn't think deeply because

"Ian, congratulations on becoming a wizard."

His former boss, Aberforth Dumbledore, came over with two glasses of Firewhiskey, sat at his desk, and said with a smile: "It seems you are lucky. You are very suitable for Lockhart's research." Meditation method.”

"Come on, Ian, try my firewhiskey, it's my treat for you today."

Hearing the boss's familiar voice, Ian showed a grateful smile on his face and said quickly: "Thank you, boss, Fire Whiskey, this is your specialty, you must try it."

"Thank you for taking care of me these years, otherwise my life would only be darkness."

With that said, Ian reached out and took out a black gift box and pushed it in front of Aberforth.

He was very grateful to Aberforth and very lucky to have met him at the lowest stage of his life.

Otherwise, Ian might just be a beggar on the street, or even a corpse.

As for Aberforth, a smile flashed in his eyes when he saw the black gift box in front of him.

"Haha, kid, just know that you have this heart. You don't need to say so many words of thanks. I don't like to hear it. We are not outsiders."

"As for gifts, you should not spend too much money in the initial stage. You must know that after you become a wizard, the expenses will not be small."

"Boss, please accept it. It's not expensive. It's just a bottle of magic recovery potion."

Seeing that his boss seemed to want to refuse, Ian said quickly.

Hear Ian's introduction. Aberforth then accepted it.

Looking at Ian across from him, Aberforth asked with concern: "Ian, you seem to be much more confident than before."

"How have you been this month? How did you become a wizard?"

Aberforth, who was perceptive, could easily detect the change in Ian's mental state.

In the past, Ian had always been a bit gloomy because of the death of his parents, but now Ian is full of energy.

Probably stemming from being a wizard, this is indeed exciting news.

Hearing the curiosity in Aberforth's words, Ian smiled and then said slowly: "Boss, my life is not bad and I have found a very suitable job."

"As for becoming a wizard, didn't I hear before that Professor Lockhart developed a meditation method that allows Squibs to become wizards?"

"I participated in the selection at that time. Although I was not selected as a research assistant, Professor Lockhart was very friendly. I wrote to him to ask for advice on meditation. He was not stingy and told me directly, and also shared some practice tips. Precautions."

"And I, as for my talent in meditation, should be quite good. I got started quickly, so now I am also a wizard."

Ian briefly introduced his fabricated experience, but Aberforth had no doubts and nodded and said: "It seems that Lockhart is a good person, and he deserves to be a professor at Hogwarts."

"Yes, Professor Lockhart is a good man."

Hearing Aberforth praise his mentor, a smile appeared on his face and he said in agreement.

"Come on, Ian, don't just chat, try some firewhiskey."

With that said, Aberforth raised the firewhiskey in front of him, and Ian quickly raised it and touched it lightly.

After taking a sip of fire whiskey and feeling the popping sensation of the wine in his mouth, Ian opened his mouth slightly and spit out a mouthful of heat, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Seeing this, Aberforth also had a smile on his lips, and then asked.

"Tell me, your kid didn't come to the Pig Head Bar today just to thank me. Is there anything else?"

After Ian heard this, he smiled and said complimentarily: "It seems that nothing can be hidden from the boss's discernment."

"I would like to ask you for some information this time. How much do you know about the Frank family, one of the pure-blood families?"

On the one hand, he came to the Pig's Head Bar today to meet Aberforth and express his gratitude.

On the other hand, it is to avenge his parents.

Having worked in the Pig's Head Bar for many years, he knew the nature of the Pig's Head Bar very well, and he also knew how well-informed his boss Aberforth was.

And through some traces and clues, he has already identified the family of the murderer who hurt his parents.

That is, the Frank family.

But Ian still has no idea who the murderer is.

Regarding the Frank family, he also asked his mentor Rohart for advice, but he did not get much valuable information.

Therefore, you can only ask your boss for advice.

"The Frank family." Upon hearing Ian's question, Aberforth murmured to himself, looking at Ian with a slightly complicated look.

He naturally knows what Ian has wanted most these years?

But for a squib, even if the other person has just become a wizard.

To Ian, the Frank family is simply a big mountain. To fight against it or even to kill an adult wizard from a pure-blood family is simply to stand in the way. To put it bluntly, it is to seek death.

"Yes, boss, you must know something, can you tell me about it?" Ian said with a very sincere expression.

And Aberforth, seeing Ian's pleading expression, sighed inwardly, thought about it, and spoke slowly.

"Ian, I can tell you something about the Frank family."

"But you have just become a wizard, and your talent is good. Don't go astray."

"We will wait until we become stronger."

Hearing Aberforth's obviously persuasive words, Ian nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then stared closely at him, full of expectation.

Seeing this, Aberforth was silent for a moment, as if he was organizing his words, and then said: "The Frank family, as one of the pure-blood families, even though it has declined in recent years, its strength cannot be underestimated."

"Not only is he a member of the school board of Hogwarts, he has a strong influence in the Ministry of Magic. There are even people in the family who have followed the mysterious man."

"Frank's main business is in the field of magical creatures. He has many breeding farms in his hands, and he even breeds giant dragons, including Hungarian Horntails, Norwegian Ridgebacks, etc."

"You have to know that if you can breed these high-risk magical animals, the combat effectiveness of the wizard in your hands will never be any weaker."

"Their most famous combatant is Auror Bart Frank."

Hearing this, Ian's expression began to change, and the fists in his hands began to clenched tightly.

His parents have done some research in the field of magical animals.

It is very possible that the other party wanted to get something from his parents, which led to the death of his parents.

Aberforth, seeing the change in Ian's expression, did not comfort him. Instead, he repeatedly emphasized how powerful the Frank family was now, reminding Ian that he could not fight head-on now.

After a while, Aberforth gave an overview and then stopped.

Ian was silent for a moment and said gratefully to Aberforth: "Boss, thank you. Don't worry, I understand what you mean."

Aberforth looked at Ian and sighed inwardly, he still didn't know the character of this child.

If you don't hit the south wall, or even hit the south wall, you won't look back.

To be honest, he didn't like these pure-blood families.

But unless his brother Dumbledore takes action, he can't defeat these pure-blood families. These people are too difficult to deal with and their influence is very strong.

Even the relationship between pure blood families and pure families is very close, and marriages and the like are common.

If you hit one behind, you might involve a bunch of other families.

As his thoughts turned, Abufu thought about sex and stopped thinking about these distressing things.

He took a sip of Firewhiskey, looked at Ian, and asked softly: "Ian, what job are you looking for? Is there anything you need my help with?"

In response to this, Ian's eyes lit up and he said: "Boss, my current job is actually related to meditation."

"Because I personally have some experience in practicing meditation. In addition, I was also a Miya Pao before, so I know the pain of Mia Pao."

"So I am now helping more Squibs practice meditation and become wizards, from which I will collect some tuition fees."

"Boss, if you know a mixed-race wizard family who is interested in meditation, or if there is a squib in the family who wants to learn meditation."

"You can recommend it to me!"

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