Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 295 Invitation letter from Durmstrang

Hogsmeade at night.

Ian walked slowly on the street, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Aberforth helped him introduce a lot of information about the Frank family, and through a large amount of information, he also sketched a general impression of the Frank family in his mind.

How should I put it, a pure-blood family is indeed a pure-blood family!

After years of accumulation, his influence in the wizarding world is really not weak. Ordinary wizards probably don't even have a hostile heart.

However, for Ian, apart from a slight increase in the pressure in his heart, there was no other impact.

Under the guidance of their mentor, pure-blood families were originally their enemies.

They are both strong and weak.

Teacher Carter specially analyzed the future development route and corresponding plans for them.

Therefore, I am very clear and very confident about the future.

The bright future for wizards described by Master Lockhart was the driving force for his struggle.

While thinking, Ian stopped and looked at the house not far away, with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he strode towards the house.

Click! Click!

With a clicking sound, Ian pushed open the door to the room.

"Teacher Ian, good evening."

"Good evening, Teacher Ian."


The five young men and women who were chatting in the hall of the house turned around and saw Ian and quickly said hello.

The tone was respectful and urgent.

When Ian saw these five squibs, a smile flashed across his face.

"For any organization, recruiting new people is the most basic and fundamental link."

"Especially in the initial stage, high-quality talents will greatly reduce management costs and improve operational efficiency."

Teacher Carter's teachings flashed through his mind, and Ian gently replied to everyone: "Good evening, future wizards."

Then, he gently waved to everyone to sit down. At the same time, he waved and asked jokingly: "Yoram, Gale, Heisha, how are you practicing the meditation method?"

"If there is something you don't understand, you must say it and don't feel embarrassed."

When they heard Teacher Ian teaching them the meditation method, the five people had different expressions. Two of them had a smile on their faces, while the other three showed a flash of disappointment, but it soon turned into determination.

"Teacher Ian, I still haven't succeeded." Haisa Wagner said in a low voice: "I can fully imagine the runes in my mind, but for some reason, I just can't resonate with the magic power."

"Teacher, I'm stuck at this point too." Yoram and Gale on the side also said.

"This problem is actually a problem that we often encounter when we first learn to meditate." Ian sat on the sofa and said slowly: "The most fundamental problem is the lack of activity of mental power."

"But this problem is actually easy to solve. The slower way is to continue meditating, and the mental activity will gradually increase."

"A faster way is to use magic potions to speed up meditation."

After hearing Ian's answer, the three of them nodded in unison.

However, Gale asked again: "Teacher, what's the point of this potion? How much does it cost?"

If the potion was not too expensive and his family could support it, he would be eager to succeed in meditation and become a wizard.

Ian looked at Gale and naturally knew the other person's family environment, so he said, "The name of the potion is Meditation Potion. If you want it, I can provide it at a cheap price."

“In terms of cost, one gold galleon can buy three bottles, which is enough for a week.

"Generally speaking, on the basis of taking magic potion, unless the qualifications are too poor, it will only take a month at most to successfully meditate and extract magic power. If the qualifications are slightly better, two or three weeks will be enough."

Hearing this, Gale's face lit up, so to speak, it was only two or three gold galleons, which was completely within his affordability.

So he immediately said: "Okay, teacher, I will buy three bottles first and see how the effect is."

"Jin Gallon, I will give it to you tomorrow."

After hearing this, everyone on the side had a flash of envy in their eyes. Their families were relatively ordinary.

It is still a bit difficult to spend gold galleons.

Especially if you can succeed by slowly grinding through meditation, you will naturally not choose it.

Ian, on the other hand, nodded slightly to Gale, indicating that there was no problem.

Then, he asked the two people next to him: "Berry, Edmund, do you two have any questions? If there is no problem, let's start today's class."

Berry and Edmund had already mastered the meditation method, so they nodded in unison.

Seeing this, Ian stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down, while he stood up, took out his wand and waved it slowly in the air.

Imitating how my teacher usually lectures, I outline words of different colors one after another.

When the Squibs saw this scene, a hint of envy rose in their eyes.

But then, there was no time to think too much, because Ian had already started to explain: "Okay, today's lesson will continue from yesterday."

"The runes were discovered by Professor Lockhart, the founder of our meditation method. They are also the basis for our new wizards to practice meditation, including the use of magic."

"I taught you three runes in the last class, and today I'm going to teach you two runes."


Then, he began to explain the runes in detail to the five students.

His current apparent identity is that of a squib who became a wizard due to meditation.

The most fortunate thing is that I contacted Professor Lockhart through letters and received his guidance.

So, now he is a teacher who teaches Squib Wizard meditation and some magical knowledge.

Collect some tuition fees, and then teach Squib to practice meditation and become a wizard.

Of course, behind all actions is to attract new people!

According to Mr. Carter’s teachings, we must first expand the scope of recruiting new people and then select outstanding talents from them.

Naturally, what he chose was to contact a large number of Squibs and slowly select suitable candidates by teaching meditation.

Teacher Carter specifically said that in the beginning, you should be more cautious than indiscriminate.

To raise the bar, you can’t ask everyone.

This person may be his capable subordinate in the future, so he must choose carefully.

So far, he has contacted nearly a hundred squibs, and he has picked out a dozen of them who are pretty good.

However, careful screening is required later, and loyalty, talent, will, and ability all have to be assessed.

With his thoughts turning, Ian began to explain the knowledge of runes with more concentration.

Spreading the most basic knowledge of the new magic system is a task that their mentor has always emphasized. Of course he can do it well, so he must do it well.

Hogwarts, Defense Against the Dark Arts Office.

Lockhart sat at his desk, looking at the contents of the envelope in front of him, an inexplicable look flashing across his face.

Just above the letter it says:

"Welcome Professor Lockhart, the founder of the meditation method, to come to Durmstrang to explain the runes."


"—Igor Karkaroff, Headmaster of Durmstrang!"

Dear everyone, I'm sorry, after all, it still hasn't been solved today and it hasn't been updated on time.

According to my previous promise, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will distribute a 100 yuan red envelope to the readers group, and welcome the big guys to join the group to grab it.

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