Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 302 Snape who was transported to Africa

"I am Rango Marcos, an expert on ancient runes. I have published books such as "The Historical Evolution of Ancient Runes" and "The Relationship between Magic Curses and Ancient Runes."

"But what I never expected was that I was assassinated by Gilderoy Rohark's Oblivion Curse."

A middle-aged wizard with a haggard look sat on a chair in the middle of the trial room and said in a low voice.

"The Gilderoy Lockhart I know is a well-known writer in the wizarding world. I remember that he had published six books at that time."

"So I trusted him enough, so when he came to my house, I told him about my research and my vision for the future."

"In the end, I didn't expect that he could disguise himself so well."

Having said this, Lange looked a little ferocious, full of anger, and roared loudly.

"Lockhart, he is a dark wizard. I was friendly to him, but he cruelly cast the Cruciatus Curse on me, tortured me in every possible way, and forced me to reveal all my research on runes."

Speaking of this, Lango started to tremble all over, as if recalling his own experience of being tortured.

"Finally, he cast a forgetting spell on me to erase all my memories of research on runes."

"I hate it, why would I invite a dark wizard to my home?"

And Lango's angry voice also caused discussions among the Wizengamot members on both sides.

"Hey, I really know faces and people, but I didn't expect that Lockhart is really a dark wizard."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if nothing else, just proving that Lockhart cast the three unforgivable curses is enough to arrest him and send him to Azkaban."

"However, this is only Lange's one-sided statement. It is difficult to make a direct judgment."

"If it is true, then is the authenticity of the books he wrote before also questionable?"

"What do you think? I have listened to his lectures before. I don't think Lockhart is such a person?"


At this moment, Dumbledore was silently looking at Rango who was sitting in the middle. Although he didn't say a word, he looked closely into Rango's eyes.



As if the discussion was getting louder and louder, Judge Miranda, standing opposite Lango, knocked the small bell in front of her with a hammer, and a clang sounded.

At the same time he shouted seriously.

Soon, within a few seconds, the entire courtroom fell silent.

"Rango Marcos, I now ask you a question in the name of the Wizengamot."

"All your answers will be magically recorded and witnessed by everyone. Is there anyone who doesn't understand?"

"No." Rango shook his head full of regret, as if he still regretted getting to know Lockhart, the dark wizard.

"Okay, do you admit that you are the founder of meditation?" the judge asked loudly.

"Yes, I am the founder of the meditation method. In fact, the original name of the meditation method is that I called it the rune cultivation method, which originated from practicing through runes."

"It was later renamed Meditation by Lockhart. It is right to say that I am the founder of Meditation."

Lango nodded firmly and said: "Lockhart not only stole my rune cultivation method, but also gave him a new name."

"It's a pity that the Forgetting Curse was cast on me, which resulted in the memory of the runes. It was only recently that I partially recovered."

At this point, Lango's tone became a little angry: "Judge, you cannot let Lockhart go, you must arrest him immediately."

After hearing this, Judge Miranda said in a deep voice: "Rango Marcos, please stay calm."

Then he asked again: "Do you have any evidence to prove that what you said is true?"

After hearing this, Lango replied loudly: "Judge, I have evidence. Although I was cast a forgetting spell, I still recovered some memories about the runes."

"I once developed a rune cultivation method, which is what you call a meditation method. This meditation method has not been announced to everyone. It can be used as evidence to prove that Lockhart robbed my research results."

"Okay, Lango." Judge Miranda said solemnly again: "Please present your evidence."

Hearing this, Lange reached out and took out a piece of parchment. At the same time, a wizard stepped forward, took the parchment, turned around, walked to the judge, and handed it to the other party.

at this time

Dumbledore, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Judge Miranda, can this meditation method allow us to identify it together?"

After hearing this, Judge Miranda looked at Lango again, and after Lango heard it, he said to Dumbledore without hesitation: "Principal Dumbledore, there is no problem."

"I am your student, and I have full trust in you. I hope you can also make the decision for me and arrest the dark wizard Lockhart."

"Don't give him a chance to escape."

After hearing this, Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and then said gently: "Rango, don't worry, I will not wrong any wizard."

Hearing this, Judge Miranda waved gently, and the wizard on the side stretched out his wand, tapped the parchment in his hand, the white light flickered slightly, and then waved it hard in the air.

In an instant, a large number of words and rune patterns appeared in mid-air, which were exactly the contents on the parchment.

Dumbledore looked at the meditation text and patterns in mid-air, and his expression changed slightly.

At the same time, Lango saw Dumbledore and begged loudly: "Principal, you have to make the decision for me."

"This meditation method can be applied to wizards, and what Lockhart came up with is a simplified version."

"This completely proves that Lockhart plundered my research results."

As he spoke, he shouted loudly to the members of the Wizengamot who were looking at the words and patterns in the air.

"Everyone, if you still have doubts, I can fully accept the ingestion of spiritual thoughts, veritaserum and other methods."

"As long as I can uncover the truth and arrest the dark wizard Lockhart, I am willing to try."

At this moment, Dumbledore was still silent, reviewing the meditation method he had just seen in his mind.

Although there were a lot of modifications in this meditation method, he could see the core at a glance.


This meditation method was developed by him and Lockhart together.

To be precise, it was Lockhart who came up with the framework and asked him for advice, and he made a lot of suggestions.

He even came up with the name, called Moonlight Meditation.

And there is no use for him to say it now.

The other party had every excuse, saying that Lockhart would probably use his name to clear his name.

The most important thing is that he just observed Lango's expression, including using a slight ingestion of spiritual thoughts.

He found that the emotions were real, that the anger and regret came completely from his heart, as if it had really happened, or he thought it had really happened to him.

Under such circumstances, no matter whether it is truth serum or ingesting spiritual thoughts, it will have no effect.

It seems that the founder of the meditation method proved that he could not stop it.

Next, Lockhart needs to be summoned for a face-to-face confrontation.

Now hopefully, Snape can arrive in time.

At the same time, Snape, wearing black wizard robes, was standing in front of the transnational magic fireplace.

Standing next to him was a middle-aged member of the Ministry of Magic.

He had just applied to go to Norway from the Department of Magical Transport, and was about to rush there to call Lockhart back.

"Professor Snape, just go in."

Hearing the middle-aged wizard's voice next to his ear, Snape nodded and entered the magic fireplace directly.



Green flames rose.

At the same time, a somewhat panicked voice suddenly came: "Oh no, there is a problem with the Floo network transmission."

As soon as Snape came to his senses, he felt as if his body was being stuffed into a tube, twisting and shutting in and out.

next moment.

The space changed. Snape looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

In the endless grassland, a large number of black people gathered together, holding shotguns and looking warily at the golden lions opposite.

He has come to Africa!

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