Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 305 Squib parade, Aurors dispatched

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Several sharp sounds rang out, and they felt the frightening deadly aura from behind. The three wizards from the Perkins family quickly dispersed around.


One of the green rays of light instantly hit one of the figures. The figure fell to the ground, and the body made a bang when it came into contact with the ground.

The other two life-killing curses missed, and the green light flashed and sank into the ground.

The two pure-blood wizards who luckily escaped the sneak attack immediately turned around and stared closely behind them.

Three figures wearing black wizard robes and masks exuded a gloomy, dark, and crazy temperament.

"Dark wizard!" The pure-blood wizard Kano Parkinson exclaimed in a low voice after seeing the opposite side.

But he immediately reacted and shouted loudly: "Amy, fight back."

At the same time, he waved his wand and shouted urgently: "Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"

The other party was a dark wizard, and he killed one of their companions. Even fools knew that he was targeting the Perkins family.

And it is very likely that he is the mastermind behind this time.

A quick counterattack is the most correct decision at the moment.



The red light formed by the black magic throat-sealing curse seemed to encounter a phantom and passed directly through it. Immediately afterwards, the three figures disappeared.

This made Kano's expression change.

Oops, fallen into a trap!

next moment.

Kano was shocked to find that his companion Amy looked at him with eyes full of hatred, madness and murderous intent, and quickly waved his wand at him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Are you crazy? Amy, I am Kano." Kano Parkinson quickly dodged to the side and shouted at the same time.


It seemed that because he was his comrade, Kano did not kill him, but was just preparing to limit the opponent's ability.

But the other party seemed not to hear it. While dodging the spell, he frantically cast the spell at Kano.

It seems that they regard each other as sworn enemies.

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Seal your throat with a sharp blade!"

"Everything is petrified!"



In an instant, the two wizards kept waving their wands, and spells glowing with red, emerald green, and gray-black light were constantly intertwined.

However, Kano, who was fighting fiercely, seemed to have forgotten the dark wizard who attacked them in the first place.

As time passed slowly, suddenly

Kano only felt that his vision went dark and he lost all consciousness.

"Jones, are you okay? When can we start?"

Thomas, a dark wizard wearing Muggle clothes, asked the pale Jones beside him.

As he asked, he squeezed his wand tightly and looked at the three figures with dull eyes on the opposite side, as if any movement by the other side would cast a spell.

"It's almost time, wait a minute." Jones said in a cold tone.

It is also at the entrance to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies, outside the Qingzhen Department Store.

However, there are a small number of Muggles wandering around here.

They received orders from their master. In addition to stopping people from pure-blood families during this operation, the most important thing was to hide their traces and not expose their traces.

Well, Lockhart doesn't want to expose his connection with the dark wizard now, otherwise, it will be very troublesome to deal with it later.

Therefore, outside a magic hospital, if you can't help but fight, don't fight, otherwise it will be too easy to attract attention.

And Witch Jones has in-depth research in the fields of spirituality and illusion.

Naturally, they negotiate, controlling them through illusions.

At this moment, Thomas looked at the three pure-blood wizards being controlled, with a strong malice flashing in his eyes.

If their bodies were refined into Inferi, the effect should be very good.

While thoughts are turning.

"Well, they have completely lost their ability to resist."

Hearing Jones's voice next to his ear, Thomas raised the corner of his mouth, and then praised: "As expected of Jones Grace, the magic witch. Your mental illusions are definitely the best among the dark wizards I know. By."

While praising, he walked towards the three pure-blood wizards.

Take the three of them to a side alley to solve the problem.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, a pure-blood wizard himself is worth a lot of Galleons in Knockturn Alley.

Pureblood is not just a joke.

Jones on the side just started cleaning up the traces.

The spell he cast is easier to clean up, if the Unforgivable Curse is cast.

It will be more troublesome to clean up, and for top wizards, it is easier to see the traces.

Soon, Thomas came back alone with a perverted smile on his face, as if he had gained a lot.

After Jones saw it, he naturally knew what Thomas had done.

Many people in Knockturn Alley know about his skill in making inferi.

The Inferi is a good thing. Higher-level Inferi can resist the life-killing curse.

With his thoughts turning, Jones began to think about what item he would like to get from Thomas.

These three people were her hands. How could she let them go without giving them some benefit?

At this moment, suddenly.

The golden dragon magic brand on their arms suddenly flashed, as if conveying some message.

The expressions of the two people changed instantly. It was sent by their teammates who were sent to investigate.

The team of Squibs is about to arrive, and most importantly, Dumbledore is suspected to be coming too.

tread! tread! tread!

The two looked at each other, and walked towards the distance with hurried steps.

Both of them were wearing Muggle clothes, just like a couple, there was nothing unusual about them.

They are not afraid of pure-blood wizards. Even if they leave traces, they will not be able to figure it out.

But Dumbledore is different, they are not that big-hearted.

They were so cautious. To put it bluntly, they were still worried about being caught by Dumbledore.

This is the greatest white wizard of this century, and no one can be too cautious.

Ministry of Magic, Auror Office.

"Rufus Scrimgeour, rebel, rebel, those squibs rebel."

Lucius was complaining to Scrimgeour in the office, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Cain Parkinson, who was on the side, said with a gloomy face: "This is a rebellion. The rebellion of the Squibs must be suppressed."

Scrimgeour, who was sitting on the desk, looked at the two people complaining in front of him and said expressionlessly: "You are the ones who caused this matter."

"Is it possible to ask the Ministry of Magic to clean up your mess?"

"Aurors are here to capture dark wizards, not to become your subordinates."

Scrimgeour's tough tone gave Lucius and Kain a headache.

Like Moody, the head of the Auror Office had a tough attitude and was extremely hostile to dark wizards.

The only good thing about it is that Moody is disgusted with pureblood families.

Scrimgeour's attitude towards pure-blood families and mixed-blood wizards is the same.

This is also an important reason why Scrimgeour can become the head of the Auror Office.

To hold this position, combat prowess and merit are indispensable.

They cannot make random arrangements and can only tend to candidates who have less influence on them.

Of course, when they come here, they naturally have ways to convince each other.

"Scrimgeour, put other things aside for now."

"Now those squibs are leading a group of wizards to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries."

"There may be violations of confidentiality laws."

"This is your responsibility."

"At least, you should send someone to keep an eye on it so that if something unexpected happens, you can't make things worse."

Well, as long as the Auror arrives, when the time comes, if you don't want to take action, you have to take action.

When Scrimgeour heard this, he was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Although we can't control the gathering of wizards."

"However, violating confidentiality laws should definitely be prohibited."

As he spoke, Scrimgeour looked at Lucius and Kain with warning eyes.

It seems that you are telling the other person not to do anything, otherwise don't blame him for falling out.

Lucius and Kain looked solemn, but in their hearts, they still didn't care.

As a single family, they would not easily offend Scrimgeour, who has a large number of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic.

But this time, a large number of pure-blood families were united. To put it mildly, Minister of Magic Fudge did not dare to act rashly.

Not to mention Scrimgeour.

At this moment, Scrimgeour seemed to sense what the two of them were thinking, but said nothing.

He sat up from his desk and walked outside, followed closely by Lucius and Kain.

After walking out of the office, he saw an Auror and directly ordered: "Deluxe, go notify Moody, Kingsley, and Nymphadora."

"Let them put down what they are doing and come to the lobby. They have a mission."

Scrimgeour called a dozen Aurors by name in one breath.

These are basically elite Aurors, especially Moody, who is not weaker than him in many aspects.

I believe that under their watch, the pure-blood family should be more restrained.

Soon, 15 Oros gathered together in the hall of the Ministry of Magic.

At the front of the queue was Auror Alastor Moody, nicknamed Mad-Eye.

A slightly chubby body, a vigilant expression, and a wand in his hand at all times.

All of them demonstrate the other person's qualities as an Auror.

But the most eye-catching thing is that the opponent's right leg is not a wooden prosthetic leg, and the magic eye floating in the eye socket.

"Scrimgeour, what do you need from us?" Moody said bluntly.

The relationship between the two is pretty good, especially when it comes to fighting dark wizards, they have a lot in common.

"Isn't it the pure-blood family that committed the crime?"

Moody looked at Lucius and Kain standing behind Scrimgeour and said sarcastically.

Lucius and Kain looked expressionless after hearing this, as if they were simply ignoring him.

However, the dissatisfaction in their hearts could be seen from the way they squeezed their wands tightly.

"Moody, Kingsley, and all the elite Aurors." Scrimgeour stood in front of everyone and said seriously: "Lucius Malfoy and Cain Parkinson just reported the report. It is very likely that someone violated confidentiality. Law."

"Our mission is to capture wizards who try to violate the law of secrecy."

At this point, Scrimgeour glanced at the two men with warning eyes.

Does he know how many wizards there are this time?

If they want to arrest, no matter whether there is a reason or not, they just need to take action.

Not only the Aurors, but even the Ministry of Magic can be blamed for a lot of infamy.

He could imagine that such humiliating behavior and shame could be lost abroad.

This is also something Scrimgeour doesn't want to get involved with in the pure-blood family.

Now it's like there is a piece of dog shit. Not only does it not stay away, but it also tries to get closer to it, and even puts its face against it. Only a fool would do this.

But there is no way, the Secrecy Act is the foundation of their Ministry of Magic's existence, and they have to take action.

As his thoughts turned, Scrimgeour shouted to all the Aurors: "Let's go, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies."

At this moment, suddenly.

A slightly older voice sounded in Scrimgeour's ears.

"Scrimgeour, I heard about the Squib Wizard Parade. Do you need my help?"


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