Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 312 Grindelwald peeks into the Marvel world (5,000 words)

"Casillas, how is that possible?"

Seeing the familiar face of Grindelwald, Lockhart was extremely surprised, and his mind kept thinking.

Although Grindelwald's appearance was a bit old, Lockhart could still clearly recognize him.

Very similar to his friend from the Marvel world, Casillas.

To be precise, the opponent is an older version of Casillas.

And when Lockhart was surprised in his heart.

The keen Grindelwald clearly noticed the strangeness in Lockhart's face.

As if he noticed something, the black pupil of Lockhart's right eye turned to silver in an instant.

Wizard talent - Eye of Destiny!



Grindelwald groaned, and his silver-white pupils turned into a faint red as if they were being counterattacked, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

How can it be?

Grindelwald recalled the images that appeared in his mind. His expression remained unchanged, but his heart immediately sank, and he kept thinking.

He was not surprised that Lockhart's future seemed to be obscured by a mysterious force that prevented him from prying into it.

After all, when he was peering into the future and making predictions, Lockhart seemed to not exist.

Therefore, he did not directly pry into Lockhart's future, but tried to capture Lockhart's recent thoughts and use clever indirect means to pry into the flow of fate.

Any contact will leave traces!

This is the basis for Grindelwald's spying based on his wizarding talent.

But a broken picture.

Although I only glimpsed a very short broken scene, it was interrupted.

But this scene made Grindelwald unable to stop thinking.

Because the picture shows the young self, no, it should be a wizard who looks almost exactly like himself.

Because the wizard in the picture has no wand around his waist, wears different clothes, and has a completely different temperament from his own.

His temperament is like that of a leader, while the other person's temperament is similar to that of an Auror or a professor.

Grindelwald keenly discovered that the ring in the opponent's hand was almost exactly the same as the ring in Lockhart's hand.

It is enough to show the relationship between the other party and Lockhart.

The two were walking down a street and seemed to be communicating.

And Grindelwald only spied one sentence——

"Lockhart, be careful these days. The New York Temple received a notice from Karma Taj."

No, it should have been interrupted mid-sentence.

But this was only half a sentence, which was enough to make Grindelworth wonder for a long time.

At the same time, Lockhart on the opposite side also noticed something strange about Grindelwald.

Combined with the feeling of spying that suddenly arose in my heart just now.

As soon as the thought occurred, a pale golden field spread out in an instant.

Wizard talent - rewrite reality! ! !

In my own realm, I am a god, capable of transforming all things and being omnipotent.

"Mr. Prophet, is there anything else?" Lockhart said in a calm tone: "If there is nothing, please leave. We still have some trivial matters to deal with."

"I won't keep you here."

Seemingly hearing the dissatisfaction in Lockhart's tone, Grindelwald also said softly: "Okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

As he said that, he glanced at the three sheep behind Lockhart again and said nothing more.

The black shadow flashed and he used phantom to leave.

There were some things he still needed to check.

At this moment, Lockhart nodded slightly after seeing Grindelwald leaving.

Determining Grindelwald's identity was a worthwhile trip.

He didn't believe that Dumbledore continued to block him after he knew that the first generation Dark Lord Grindelwald and the second generation Dark Lord Voldemort had appeared.

As for the similar appearance of Grindelwald and Casillas, although Lockhart was very surprised, he did not have much doubt.

After all, in the world of heavens and the multiverse, what kind of coincidences won’t happen?

Thoughts flashed across his mind, Lockhart turned and walked towards Moody and other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

At this moment, Moody breathed a huge sigh of relief when he saw Grindelwald leaving.

He entered Hogwarts and even graduated during the era when Grindelwald was dominant.

In their time, Grindelwald's appearance had long been announced by the Daily Prophet, or put on a wanted order.

Although Grindelwald across from him was a bit old, he could recognize him at a glance.

Grindelwald leaves Nurmengard! !

Moody's only thought now was to quickly inform Dumbledore of the news that would shock the entire wizarding world.

Then, when Moody saw Lockhart walking towards him, he strode forward to meet him and asked tentatively: "Professor Lockhart, that person just now."

He had not forgotten that from the previous exchanges between the two, it seemed as if they had met before.

"Getterl Grindelwald!" Before Moody could finish, Lockhart interrupted directly: "He went by the name of the Prophet before and met me once. Now I know his true identity."

"Headmaster Dumbledore must be informed of this matter immediately."

Moody was interrupted before he finished speaking, although he was a little dissatisfied.

But when I think about the other party being able to fight Grindelwald, or even draw.

He could only suppress his dissatisfaction in his heart, then nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Professor Lockhart, we need to return to England quickly."


He glanced at the pure-blood wizards lying on the ground, most of them lifeless, as well as the three sheep behind them.

Well, with Three Sheep , Moody had some guesses.

Three sheep appeared in the ice and snow. You Qi kept struggling. This was not in line with common sense.

And behind this unreasonableness, it is most likely the magic performed by Lockhart.

If nothing else, these three sheep should be wizards.

"Professor Lockhart, let's go to the Norwegian Ministry of Magic first, then return to England to deal with these prisoners."

"I believe the Ministry of Magic will give you an explanation."

Moody said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Lockhart raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "No need to go to such trouble, I can take you directly back to the British Ministry of Magic."

"You guys take care of the prisoners, and I can open a portal directly to the British Ministry of Magic."

Moody was stunned when he heard it.

He could understand the portal, which was similar to Apparition or Floo Network. .

But is it a bit exaggerated that Lockhart opened up from Norway to England alone?

Lockhart naturally saw Moody's expression, but he didn't care.

Instead, with a wave of his hand, the crimson magic rope threaded around the necks of the three sheep appeared in Lockhart's hand again.

What! What! What!

As Lockhart stretched out his hand, three struggling sheep were pulled in front of him.

"Everyone, please deal with the prisoners."

"Also, if you are inconvenient, just go to the Ministry of Magic and tell me. I will send you to London, England, and you can return on your own."

Lockhart had not forgotten that some members of the Order of the Phoenix still needed to hide their identities.

Moody seemed to hear the confidence in Lockhart's words. He was silent for a moment and said to everyone.

"Tonks, you and Roberto come with me back to the Ministry of Magic with the prisoners."

"Dedalus, you and the others, let Professor Lockhart take you back to London."

"Lockhart will open a portal directly to England."

After Tonks and others heard this, although they were a little confused, they all nodded.

They have no idea about Grindelwald's identity or what Lockhart just said.

But they had seen the battle between the two top wizards just now, and they did not dare to underestimate Lockhart's strength.

Then, Moody, Tonks and other Aurors waved their wands, and the blood stains on the ground began to disappear. The corpses of pure-blood wizards lying on the ground also floated in the air and landed in front of them.

A magic rope appeared on the wrists of the wizard who was not completely dead, and at the same time the wand flew into the hands of Moody and others.

Rather than reveal their identities, members of the Order of the Phoenix such as Dedalus stood in front of Luhart.

"Professor Lockhart, we are ready, please excuse me." Dedalus said, his calm tone mixed with a hint of admiration and expectation.

He only admired Professor Lockhart's strength in his heart.

He brought himself into it and found that he might not last even half a minute.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the several members of the Order of the Phoenix in front of him, with a gentle smile on his face.

These members of the Order of the Phoenix came from across the country to help him. Although their strength was average, they had good intentions.

Of course he won't ignore them.

As Lockhart flicked his wand, some magical items appeared in front of these Order members.

Some are necklaces, some are jade pendants, and some are bracelets, earrings, etc., all of which emit certain magic fluctuations.

"Everyone, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Norway to help me. I accept your kindness."

"These are some magic items I refined before. This is a small gesture from me. If you need help later, just contact me directly."


"That's a bit inappropriate, Professor Lockhart, we."

Seeing the hesitant expressions on everyone's faces, Lockhart said again: "It's just a small gift, not worth many Galleons."

"Is it possible that you are not afraid of danger and come to support me from thousands of miles away? If you don't accept this small kindness, it will seem that I am a bit mean."

After hearing what Luo Ha said, everyone was not polite.

They had no intention of rejecting it, but no one spoke up.

But after putting it away, their inner affection for Lockhart suddenly increased.

Well, Lockhart felt the change in everyone's attitude and couldn't help but sigh, the method of throwing coins is practical.

In the future, he will try to win all the members of the Order of the Phoenix to his side.

It would be great to let Dumbledore rest more and focus on his magic research.

Between heaven and earth, only magic (part-time work) is eternal.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart looked at Dedalus and others who were putting away the gifts, and reminded him again: "You will arrive in a certain alley in London."

"You can just return on your own when the time comes."

With that said, Dedalos and others nodded heavily to express their understanding.

Lockhart waved his wand, and soon, a red flame-colored halo appeared in front of everyone, and then quickly moved towards Dedalus and the others.

In almost two or three seconds, as the portal passed through, Dedalos and others disappeared.

Only three Aurors were left: Moody, Tonks, and Roberto.

The three of them all applied through the Ministry of Magic, so they returned directly to the Ministry without any worries.

As for the identity of the members of the Order of the Phoenix and their relationship with Dumbledore, most pure-blood families know about it.

When Lockhart saw Moody and the others, they had packed up the corpses and the pure-blood wizard prisoners, walked up to them, and said in a deep voice, "Sorry to trouble you all."

"I'm back with you at the Ministry of Magic."

However, Moody's keen intuition developed from years of fighting dark wizards seemed to sense that something was wrong with Lockhart's tone.

But no problem was found, but I subconsciously increased my vigilance.

Then, Moody still said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, Professor Lockhart."

"We need to explain Grindelwald's news to Principal Dumbledore quickly."

Lockhart nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then said as a reminder: "Everyone, let's set off."

The moment he finished speaking, Lockhart waved his wand again.

A red flame-colored portal appeared again, and then flew towards Lockhart, Moody and others.

It seems to take them back to their destination.

England, London, Diagon Alley.

The parade launched by Ian and others yesterday did not seem to affect Diagon Alley.

A large number of wizards came and went, constantly wandering around the various shops, which looked very prosperous.

However, occasionally seeing some squibs or squib wizards distributing leaflets in their hands reminded people of yesterday's large-scale demonstrations against pure-blood wizards.

At this moment, suddenly.

In the middle of the road in Diagon Alley, a powerful wave of magic appeared, seeming to warn the wizards around that something strange was happening here.

The surrounding wizards dodged to the side, and some even stretched out their wands, looking a little wary.


In the middle of the empty road, a red flame-colored halo appeared.

The next moment, a large number of human figures and three sheep appeared. At the same time, a faint smell of blood filled the surroundings, and the wizards around them looked wary.

When the surrounding wizards clearly saw the person in the middle of the road, their faces showed incredulous looks and they all exclaimed.

"Professor Lockhart!"

"Professor Lockhart!"


At this moment, Moody, accompanied by a red flame halo, passed in front of him.

Then I just felt a spatial fluctuation, and in an instant, the scene changed.

From the cold ice and snow to the warmth of Diagon Alley.

No, why is it Diagon Alley? Shouldn't it be the Ministry of Magic?

As soon as this thought came to Moody's mind, an apologetic voice came to his ears.

"Sorry, there was a slight error in the destination due to the long transmission distance."

"We are in Diagon Alley now, but it doesn't matter. We can just call the people from the Ministry of Magic to come over."

After Moody heard what Lockhart said, he looked at him deeply and said nothing more.

Only a fool would believe this.

It would be better to say directly that he wanted to parade these pure-blood wizards who attacked him through the streets.

The thought flashed across his face, and Moody looked calm and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Professor Lockhart, I'll come and contact the Aurors."

However, he became increasingly wary of Professor Lockhart.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the commotion around him, the wizards who were a little wary and exclaimed, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he explained loudly.

"Everyone, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"I'm very sorry for disturbing everyone."

"I previously accepted Durmstrang's invitation to give lectures."

"Later, I received some slander against me, and I was ready to come back to clarify."

"But we never expected that there would be pure-blood wizards preparing to attack us, trying to kill people and cover up the truth."

Having said this, Lockhart stretched out his wand and pointed gently at the captives whose wrists were tied tightly and whose wands were put away.

He continued: "These are the wizards. They seem to have expected it and are preparing for a joint sneak attack."

"Thankfully, the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic arrived in time, and we can deal with these invading enemies together."

Speaking of which, Lockhart pauses.

The surrounding wizards looked at Lockhart and the tied pure-blood wizard captives from time to time, and started discussing.

"I just said, Professor Lockhart is a good person, how could he plagiarize other people's work?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that the pure-blood family has gone crazy and started sending people to kill people to silence them."

"Hey, do you think that if it were not Professor Lockhart, but an ordinary wizard, would there be any hope of proving his innocence in the face of the pure-blood family's methods?"


Lockhart's lips curled up when he heard everyone's discussions, sighs, and even the pitiful voices of rabbits and foxes.

What you want is this effect.

Moody, Tonks, Roberto and others who were standing aside could not help but twitch their eyes after hearing this.

They could clearly see Lockhart's fighting prowess and the miserable appearance of these pure-blood wizards.

There were even three people who turned into sheep.

What a miserable old man! ! !

The actions of the pure-blood wizard this time were simply a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Then, I heard Lockhart say again.

"Just now, we wanted to return to the Ministry of Magic early to reveal the truth and prove my innocence."

"So, I used my own space magic to teleport."

"However, because we have just researched it, there may be some problems, so there is an accident in the positioning. As a result, we did not return to the Ministry of Magic, but ended up in Diagon Alley. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone."

After hearing Lockhart's explanation, the wizards around him started talking.

"It's okay, Professor Lockhart."

"Yes, Professor Lockhart, proving your innocence is the most important thing."

"Professor Lockhart, now that you are back, you will have someone to make decisions for us Squibs."


Moody was speechless when he heard the words of the wizards around him.

This is clearly Lockhart's intention to build momentum for his return in public.

At the same time, it was also mixed with the intention of humiliating the pure-blood family.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed, and an Auror team apparated over.

The leader was Scrimgeour, the Auror Director of the Ministry of Magic.

Scrimgeour strode forward, glanced at the surrounding wizards, and heard everyone discussing.

Then he looked hard at the pure-blood wizard captives behind Lockhart and next to Moody, as well as the three sheep.

Finally, he said to Lockhart in a serious tone.

"Professor Lockhart, someone has reported that you used the three unforgivable curses and plagiarized other people's research results. Please come with us to the Ministry of Magic for investigation."

I will add another chapter later to update Mr. Chenzy-Mr’s 320 recommendation votes.

For 4 consecutive days, there were 80 recommendation votes every day. Thanks to Mr. Chenzy-Mr for his support. I feel very regretful if there are no updates.

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