Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 325 Back to Marvel, Cosmic Cube (2-in-1)

Morning, Marvel world, Lockhart's study.

The golden sunlight rushes into the study through the glass, shining on the books, teacups, desk, and floor.

At this moment, in the middle of the originally empty study room.

Like a phantom, a figure carrying a suitcase appeared, and in less than a second or two, it quickly solidified.

None other than Gilderoy Lockhart.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the golden sunshine outside the window, recalling the information that came to his mind and the sky outside, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

This time he carried hundreds of creatures.

There are only a small number of wizards, and more are all kinds of magical animals.

Unexpectedly, this caused the system to start delaying the shuttle time.

If this continues, if he brings more wizards and magical creatures into the Marvel world.

The difference in time flow rate will only become smaller and smaller.

In the end, it will only be 1:1, or even a deficit.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart simply stopped thinking.

After all, he couldn't find the answer no matter how much he thought about it. The system also warned him in advance, and he had no way to change it.

Looking at the suitcase in his hand, Lockhart waved his hand, dropped it to the ground, and slowly opened it.

Then, get inside.

Now that we are in the Marvel world, we have to notify them to start taking action.

This time, he was prepared to stay for a while.

It’s not just about practicing the Patronus Charm.

At the same time, we must also lay the foundation for the next stage of planning.

Early the next morning, SHIELD headquarters, Trident Building.

In the crowded hall, a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents shuttled back and forth.

Their type can be roughly judged by their clothing.

Most of those wearing suits, glasses or watches belong to management.

Most of those wearing black combat uniforms are frontline combatants.

At this moment, in the lobby, a bald agent wearing a light blue suit walked towards the elevator.

It was Sitwell, Director of Intelligence of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the agents next to him saw him, they all said hello: "Sir, good morning."

After seeing this, Sitwell nodded in response and continued walking towards the elevator.

At the same time, the captain of the action team, Rumlow, also walked towards the elevator.

After entering the elevator, the two looked at each other, and Sitwell pressed the elevator door button.

With a click, the elevator closed, leaving only two people

"Sitwell, the chief told me that in the future, the two of us will cooperate to further handle matters related to the wizard professor."

After hearing what Rumlow said, Sitwell nodded slightly and slowly said: "Okay, Rumlow, I will provide you with relevant information next."

"When you get back, please give me a copy of the information you collected. I'll take a look first." Rumlow nodded and replied, "We will discuss the specific plan then."


At this moment, with a ding, the elevator door opened, and Sitwell nodded slightly in agreement, and then walked outside.

Rumlow was in the elevator watching Sitwell's leaving figure and the elevator door slowly closing.

For some reason, he felt that there was a strange aura in Sitwell at this time.

Immediately, Rumlow shook his head and swept away the distracting thoughts in his heart.

The two of them have collaborated a lot, and it may just be the negative impact of memory recovery.

He also performed a complete memory recovery not long ago, and he also knew that this method would have a slight impact on people, but as long as he rested later, everything would return to normal.

When Sitwell returned to his office, he looked around and found that there was no one there.

Then he returned to his seat, opened his sleeves, and stared at his arms.

At the same time, a pale golden magic mark faintly appeared on the originally white arm, and then solidified, taking on the appearance of a golden dragon swimming.

Seeing Sitwell here, a hint of excitement appeared on his face, and then he kept thinking about the information he wanted to transmit in his mind, staring closely at the magic mark to transmit the information.

After feeling the message was successfully transmitted and the reward given by the master, Sitwell had a look of ecstasy on his face.

At this moment, a meditation method appeared in his mind.

According to the information, as long as he studies hard, it is possible to improve his spiritual power and even become a wizard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Sitwell quickly put away the emotion on his face and said seriously: "Please come in."


With a click, a familiar figure pushed open the door and entered.

"Sir Colson, what's the matter?" Sitwell was a little surprised to see that the person who came was his immediate boss, Phil Colson.

"Sit down, Sitwell." Colson said gently: "Is there a mission that requires you?"

"Professor Wizard, you can put it down for now."

"Sir, what mission?" Sitwell asked with some confusion: "Isn't this mission our focus at this stage? The director specifically explained it."

Coulson's words made him feel quite bad.

Organizing and controlling the latest wizard and professor information was not only requested by Hydra, but also ordered by the master.

If he leaves, it is very likely that important information will not be collected immediately.

Even according to the SHIELD system, some key information about the wizard professor will be kept secret from him.

"Sitwell, don't worry, the director already knows." Coulson said in a gentle but unquestionable tone: "This mission is also very critical."

"It involves level 8 secrets of the bureau."

Hearing this, Sitwell's expression became serious. There were nine levels of confidentiality, and level eight was considered the top level.

Coulson saw Sitwell's attitude and nodded with satisfaction. He was quite satisfied with Sitwell. He handled the details very well and could complete many of the assigned tasks.

It just so happens that this is an extremely important, yet very trivial matter.

He has a lot of things on his hands now, and he needs to share some of them, otherwise, his newly grown hair will fall out again.

Then, Coulson said slowly.

"Do you know about the Cosmic Cube?"

Vientiane Book Cafe, Study Room 101.

Lockhart sat in front of the tea table, his hands fluttering lightly. Magic power invisible to the naked eye swirled in the air. Then a miniature red flame halo appeared in the air, coming from the sweet spring water at the top of the mountain and falling onto the table. among the teapots.

At the same time, a light blue flame slowly emerged from the bottom of the teapot, and the temperature of the spring water that had just fallen into the teapot began to slowly rise.

Immediately afterwards, the spring water continued to swirl in the teapot, as if it was cleaning the teapot.

Then, the scalding spring water floated gently, leaving the teapot and falling into the waste water bucket in the corner.

At the same time, new spring water emerges from the miniature halo and falls into the teapot again.

This time, the temperature of the spring water still rose and gradually boiled. The tea leaves on the side floated gently and fell into the teapot.

Soon, a scent originating from the tea leaves filled the surroundings from the teapot.


Lockhart's expression changed. If it wasn't because there was something wrong with the tea, it was because Sitwell had sent a message.

Coulson actually arranged for Sitwell to take care of Base 616, which is the base where the Cosmic Cube is studied.

This surprised Lockhart.

However, he didn't have time to think too much.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Sir, Casillas and Master Morin are here."

Along with a knock on the door, Erica's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in!" Lockhart said.

At the same time, with a gentle wave of his hand, the teapot flew up, tilted the spout, and the just-boiled tea fell into the teacup on the opposite side.

Casillas and Morin also came in one after another.

"Casillas, Maureen, you two are here just in time, come and try the tea I just made." Lockhart extended his hand to greet him.

"Haha, I guessed it right, Casillas, Lockhart must have made tea waiting for us." Molin joked next to him.

Casillas also joked: "Lockhart is better than us. Erica just now is not a weakling. Now she is just a book cafe waiter."

"This is a bit humiliating, Lockhart, if you don't let her join my New York Temple, I will give her top treatment."

Hearing what Casillas said, Lockhart laughed and said, "Then I can't bear it. My students can deal with ordinary mage apprentices, but when they meet a real mage, they have to rely on Erica."

"My Wanxiang book lover, I still need Erica to help me sit down."

At this time, the two of them also sat down and picked up the tea that Lockhart had just poured.

After a gentle sip, the fragrant tea flows into your mouth, and your lips and teeth are filled with saliva. It has a unique taste that leaves you wanting more.

The two of them were not polite, and Molin said directly: "Lockhart, do you have any extra tea? Give me a few kilograms, and I will drink it slowly when I get back."

"How many kilograms of tea leaves, what are you thinking about? I don't have that much yet. This tea leaves are very valuable and cost me a lot of energy."

Lockhart replied with a smile: "If you really want to drink, come to my Wanxiang Book Cafe!"

Well, this tea is a treasure he obtained from the pure-blood family. To be precise, it is the trophy after he defeated it.

If they hadn't been defeated, these tea leaves might not have been discovered.

"Then it's settled. Don't bother us if we bother you more in the future." Casillas joked: "You are getting bigger and bigger as a book lover."

"But I feel that after the Supreme Mage integrates into the alien space, it would be more appropriate to change his name to a more atmospheric name."

In response, Lockhart said with a smile: "It's not open yet. I'm already thinking about it. When the opening ceremony comes, you are not allowed to be absent. The value of the gift cannot be too low."

"Sorry otherwise, it's the tea you just drank."

In response, the two smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the three of them joked with each other and got down to business.

"Lockhart, I heard from Maureen that you want to know more about the secret realm of Kama Taj, right?" Casillas asked.

Lockhart nodded and said, "Yes, I want to know whether you can bring other mages in."

"I have a friend who is a top Potions Master and did not join Karma Taj," Lockhart added.

"I'm worried that I've missed good material, and I'd like to ask if there is any channel through which I can take him into the secret realm as my assistant."

In response to Lockhart's request, Casillas frowned, thought about it carefully, and slowly shook his head: "I'm afraid not. The secret realm can only be entered by the magicians of Karma Taj. This is a rule."

But after Molin heard it, he thought about it and said, "Actually, there is a way. Didn't we just get the Medal of the Fearless? We can try to make a reasonable request to the Supreme Mage."

"If the Supreme Mage agrees, then there should be no problem."

Then Molin added: "However, I don't recommend doing this. The Fearless Medal is relatively rare, and it is not worth spending it on such a trivial matter."

Lockhart did not reply to this, but nodded slightly to express his understanding.

However, the slight change in his eyes meant that Lockhart was interested in this.

"Maureen, Casillas, is there anything else we need to pay attention to about the Kama Taj Secret Realm?" Lockhart asked again: "This time I am going to go in and look for some important materials."

Molin pondered for a moment and said pointedly: "In addition to the risks of the secret realm itself, Lockhart, you also need to pay attention to the intensity of the battle with the mage."

"Although with the Supreme Mage here, no human life will occur, but if the materials are destroyed, that's another matter."

Immediately afterwards, Casillas reminded: "Everything must have a degree. Don't be beaten down by others."

Hearing the suggestions from his two friends, Lockhart nodded to express his understanding.

Karma Taj has the Supreme Mage, a powerful man who suppresses countless dimensions, sitting at its command. This has advantages and disadvantages.

Lockhart had not forgotten that Karma Taj also had some enemies.

Later, Lockhart once again asked his two friends for details about the mage's secret realm.

Casillas and Morin were not shy about sharing their experiences.

But what Lockhart regrets is that this time the two friends will not enter the secret realm. They each have their own things to do.

Otherwise, if you have a helper, you might gain more.

The materials for awakening the wizard's bloodline talent cannot be found by just looking for them.

After all, this is for wizards in the Harry Potter world, and Kama Taj does not have the research on wizards.

Lockhart, no, Snape needs to analyze them carefully one by one.

Therefore, the base of materials is very critical.

Magic suitcase, spell practice room.

"Speed, speed, speed."

"The enemy knows that you are a long-range wizard, and only fools will compete with your strengths."

"I don't ask you to be strong in melee combat, but you must know how to dodge."

“Keep distance, use your strengths, and be sure to keep this in mind.”


Captain America Steve was seen loudly scolding the squib wizards on the opposite side in front of a machine that kept throwing balls.

Snape was a little stunned. When did Muggles be allowed to train wizards? What did Lockhart think?

This was completely beyond his knowledge.

Snape became even more confused when he saw the squib wizards who were constantly dodging the attacks of the green hard balls.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Snape, are you confused about my training of students' melee combat abilities?"

A familiar voice came to his ears, and Snape nodded subconsciously. Just as he realized it was Lockhart, he heard the other party say leisurely.

"Snape, did you know that most of the mages in the new world have extremely strong melee combat capabilities?"

"And this is due to the impact of the world's environment."

Hearing this, Snape subconsciously wanted to ask why.

I heard Lockhart continue.

"Want to know why?"

"Come and fight Steve!"

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