Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 360 The temptation of Dormammu believers, the seal of the gods of chaos (two in one)

Emperor Weishan's eternal seal!

When Wilder, a Dormammu believer, heard this, his expression immediately changed.

Damn it, how did I meet the magic master of Kama Taj.

As a believer of Dormammu, the God of Darkness, he often dealt with Kamathaj.

He naturally knows very well about top magic like Eternal Seal, and is completely the nemesis of believers in gods like them.

Not only can it seal his magic power and soul, but more importantly, it can cut off the power connection channel between believers and gods.

Once you are caught, you will become a prisoner and it will be completely impossible to break through.

The thought just came up, and Wilder was about to use the power of the God of Darkness to dodge.



Suddenly, a shining golden light appeared in the entire base hall, which was very dazzling.

Wilder, a Dormammu believer, felt as if his soul had been greatly shocked. His consciousness was blurred, his thoughts were sluggish, and even the magic power in his body showed signs of disorder.

The next moment, the golden light suddenly shrank, and layer after layer of golden halos appeared from Wilder's head to his feet, tightly trapping him, and then the whole person fell directly to the ground, as if he was tied up, and he couldn't even struggle. Can't do it.

Vera and other wizards could clearly see that the halo surrounding the enemy in front of them was composed of a large number of golden runes and was constantly rotating.

Then, in the eyes of Remy and Vera, the figure of their mentor Lockhart suddenly appeared next to the enemy.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lockhart looked at the Dormammu believers who had collapsed on the ground and were restrained. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The followers of Dormammu, the god of darkness, are difficult to deal with.

The difficulty lies not in the believer's strength, but in the fact that the opponent can draw on Dormammu's power at any time.

Just like the magician of Kama Taj, using the power of Emperor Weishan.

At the critical moment, just like the protagonist in the novel, you can use the power of the gods to explode and fight across the ranks.

Of course, there must be a price to pay for relying on the power of the gods you believe in, but the combat power at that time was definitely beyond imagination.

This is also where Lockhart feels the magic system in the Marvel world is difficult.

You can usually defeat him, but if the opponent doesn't follow martial ethics, you can use the power of the gods.

Originally he could fight one against two, but as a result, the opponent could fight one against two, or even one against three.

This is so embarrassing.

Therefore, Lockhart knew that this time the enemy was a follower of Dormammu.

There was no fanfare.

Does he know how deep his hatred towards Dormammu was last time?

It is to devour the opponent's soul, to snatch the source of power, and to interrupt the opponent's plan to cross the border.

It simply slapped Dormammu's face, and he even stomped on it a few times before he was relieved.

Lockhart was sure that the other party's attack on his students this time was 10,000% a trap set for him.

As long as he appears at the scene, the other party may directly use Dormammu's power, or even Dormammu may come forcibly and kill him.

Well, Lockhart was quite aware of his previous actions.

Therefore, after knowing it, he immediately took on the identity of one of his students and hid in secret.

At the same time, he also noticed the Dormammu believers who were staring at Remy's team.

Originally, he planned to strike first and quickly suppress or kill the opponent while they were not paying attention, so that the opponent could not contact Dormammu at all.

As a result, by coincidence, the other party was hiding in a deeper space.

Then he was not polite and directly used magic to further disrupt the originally chaotic space.

Tsk tsk tsk, the space after chaos is already very weak. If it is accidentally broken, it is easy to fall into endless void or even space storm.

Let the other person have a taste of what it feels like to be trapped in a cocoon.

This is also true. The other party does not dare to use powerful magic, and does not even dare to use the power of Romam. In addition, Lockhart uses magic to disrupt the other party's communications.

The unfortunate disciple of Dormammu seemed trapped in a cage.

Naturally, he followed Remy into the central command room of the base.

See the enemy Vera faces now.

Ruo Hart naturally followed the previous thinking.

But this time, he notified Remy in advance and gained control of the joint spell.

Use this to cover up your wizarding talent, and at the same time cast Kama Taj's top sealing magic - Weishan Emperor's Eternal Seal!

Emperor Weishan serves as the source of white magic.

I don’t know about the destructive magic, but the defensive and sealing magic are definitely top-notch.

"Teacher, fortunately, you are here."

"Teacher, thank you for showing up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive."

"Teacher, you are so powerful, such a powerful enemy."


Remy, Vera and many students walked beside Lockhart, looking at the sealed enemy, and said excitedly.

However, Steve stepped forward and reminded Lockhart in a hurried tone: "Lockhart, there are enemies on Snape's side."

"Let's hurry up and provide support."

They are both teachers to the students, although one teaches melee combat and the other teaches magic.

But as colleagues, coupled with Steve's personality, the two have a good relationship.

With the character of Captain America, knowing that his friend is in danger, he will naturally not stand idly by.

"Don't worry, Captain, don't worry about Snape, everything is going according to plan." Lockhart comforted.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered Remy, Vera and others: "Remy, Vera, the two of you will help Professor Steve deal with everyone's emotions."

"Just stay here, I'll go support Professor Snape."

Then, he said to Steve: "Captain, you guys must keep an eye on this prisoner. He will be of great use later. He has been sealed now and has lost his magic power and mobility."

Steve nodded in understanding.

When Lockhart saw this, he glanced at everyone, and then jumped up. A golden lightning suddenly appeared, and disappeared in an instant with a whoosh.

Homemade magic - golden light across the land!

Drawing on the flying magic created by Eastern mythology in previous lives, the flying speed is extremely fast, which is very suitable for rushing and escaping.

At this moment, Wanda saw Lockhart disappear in an instant, his mouth slightly opened, as if he was very surprised.

But as if he thought of something, a trace of worry appeared on his face, as if he was worried about whether his teacher could successfully defeat the enemy and rescue Ian and other students.

Well, she still has a good impression of Ian.

Not only because Ian is young and handsome, but more importantly because of his calm personality, Wanda, who has been wandering for many years, feels safe in her heart.

After seeing it, Vera on the side reached out and patted Wanda's shoulder gently, and at the same time comforted: "Don't worry, with the character of the mentor, if you choose to take action, then there will be nothing wrong."

Hearing this, Wanda nodded to express her understanding, but there was still a trace of worry in her heart.


He kept chanting devoutly in his heart: "I hope Master Lockhart can successfully defeat the enemy and save everyone!"

"I hope Master Lockhart can successfully defeat the enemy and save everyone!"


While Wanda was reciting silently in her heart, or making a wish, Vera did not notice that a faint red light appeared in Wanda's eyes, and then disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the silver-white river of destiny slowly flowing deep in the world seemed to set off a wave, and then disappeared in an instant.

Hydra Base Arms Hall.

"Snape, mages believe in gods. To put it bluntly, it is actually a transaction. We have our own desires and ideas."

"But we can't do it with our own strength, but gods are different. They are the source of power and possess great divine power."

"And we only need to offer our devout beliefs. Who doesn't have faith?"

"Being a lawyer, we need to be realistic. We should believe in whoever gives us more benefits."

Sitting in the middle of the Thunder Cage, Jax, a disciple of Dormammu, was transmitting messages secretly through magic power while looking at Snape's expression.

Seeing the thoughtful look on the other person's face, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Thinking is good. As long as you think, there will be a direction and an entrance.

The most troublesome thing is the stubborn refusal.

"Snape, through the nature of your magic power, I know that you are not the mage of Kama Taj. I don't know how many benefits the gods you believe in have given you."

"However, it seems that your deepest wish has not been realized yet."

"You can say your wish, and we will see if it can be achieved first. If possible, I can contact the great dark god Dormammu to satisfy you, and then you can believe."

"The great God of Darkness is very sincere towards potential mages like you. If possible, don't worry about the contract. We will handle it very cleanly."

"Snape, what do you think?"

After hearing the other party's seductive words, Snape frantically used Occlumency to hide his true inner emotions.

Then intentionally release thoughts such as strange movements, desires, etc., as if to let the other party sense it.

To be honest, he still has some trust in the strength of the gods.

If the other party can really help him resurrect Lily and give him faith, it is not impossible.

But the problem is that his wish can only be realized in the wizarding world.

But in this world, it’s nonsense.

When he returns to the wizarding world, he can only rely on Lockhart, not to mention that Lockhart already has a complete plan in hand to help him resurrect Lily.

At this time, he was betting on an unknown possibility, and his mind was not yet full of water.

Still, procrastination is necessary.

At this moment, suddenly.

Snape looked stunned and raised his arms slightly, as if he had received some kind of message.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of emotion and hesitation appeared on Snape's face.

"Can the God of Darkness really resurrect the dead?" Snape thought silently in his heart, passing his thoughts to the other party: "Even if there is no soul?"

"Of course you can resurrect the dead." Jax thought for a moment, and then replied as if he was very confident.

Regardless of whether it is possible or not, the momentum must be in place.

Then Jax continued to lie: "Resurrection definitely requires a soul. However, the lack of soul in your mouth may only be for you."

"For a great god like the God of Darkness, whether the soul you need wanders to hell or other dimensions, you can find it as long as you pay a certain price."

"Even if the soul is broken, for the God of Darkness, it is okay to transcend time."

"Can you tell me who you want to resurrect? Is there something wrong with his soul?"

Whether through deception or other means, the core information must be obtained. Only by grasping the other party's life gate can the other party's heart be opened.

When Snape heard this, he fell silent.

Because he looked into his own heart and actually had some different thoughts.

Although he quickly cut away his distracting thoughts, the other party's words were effective after all.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I met Dormammu last time. I still know a little bit about his abilities, and he is under my control."

"I'm afraid Dormammu just wants to go to hell, and Mephisto won't be able to pass it, right?"

Along with a sarcastic voice, Lockhart's figure appeared in the hall.

"Lockhart, you're finally here!"

Regardless of retort, a look of ecstasy appeared on Jax's face.

The person has finally arrived. As long as the person arrives, the task assigned by him has been completed.

The rest is up to my lord!

"Lockhart, the great God of Darkness, has been waiting for you for a long time!"

With that said, Jax immediately began to call Dormammu, the god he believed in.

He was not prepared to chat with the other party. He made a decision immediately and did not give the other party any chance to delay.

This is the basic quality of being a villain.



Jax, who was in the Thunder Cage, spurted blood from his mouth and quickly suppressed the extremely violent magic power in his body.

"Lolohart, what did you do?" Jax asked with a ferocious expression.

He had just called out to the gods, had just summoned up the magic power in his body, gathered his spirit, and made the call.

As a result, the magic power was rioting and the spirit was backlashed. What was even more troublesome was that although he could sense the gods, he could not call out to them, as if he was isolated.

At the same time, the walls around the base hall began to flash with densely packed pale golden runes.

After Yasi saw the familiar runes, his face turned pale and he murmured to himself.

"How is it possible, Chaotic God Sealing Formation!"

Like Emperor Weishan's eternal seal, the Chaos God Sealing Formation is also Kama Taj's top sealing magic.

It's just that one is targeted at a single individual, and the other is a group.

Although the Chaotic God Sealing Array cannot directly seal the opponent's magic power and soul, it can still achieve similar effects through high-intensity interference.

Of course, the most important thing is to cut off the power channel between gods and believers.

After Lockhart learned about Jacques, a disciple of Dormammu, through Snape, he naturally had a plan.

The other party was so obedient and stayed in the Thunder Cage.

If he didn't do anything during this period, he would feel sorry for Jacques.

"Mage Lockhart, the God of Darkness asked me to bring you a message."

"You can't escape. God has eternal life. What you get from him will eventually be returned."

After saying that, Jax closed his eyes and continued to sit cross-legged.

It seems that he knows that there will be no good results, so he persists very stubbornly.


"Snape, if you want your wish to come true, remember to contact the God of Dark Arts."

"Dormammu, the dark god, is generous to his followers."

Jacques understood that he could not expect Lockhart to let him go now. The only breakthrough point was Snape, who had just moved.

"Don't waste your efforts, Master Yax, all of your people have been captured by us."

"You guys have no chance!"

Lockhart's faint voice reached his ears, and Jacques turned a little pale.

"Now, tell me, where is the Hydra force that contacted you?"

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