Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 37 The little wizards begging for snacks! ! (Looking for further reading, looking for invest

After Lockhart finished calling the names, he stood on the podium.

The little wizard below looked at Professor Lockhart without making any move, and the last glimmer of hope in his eyes was extinguished.

They thought that after their names were called, Professor Lockhart might give them a special effects show.

Lockhart saw the little wizard's disappointed expression, a faint smile on his face, and said to everyone in a brisk tone: "Okay, I know what you are thinking."

"Actually, I'm not ready to show it to you, but if it meets my requirements, I can show it to you once."

Upon hearing this, all the little wizards' eyes immediately lit up, and they all stared at Lockhart on the podium.

Seeing everyone's high spirits, Lockhart raised the test paper in his hand and said, "Before that, you need to take a test."

As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, the smiles on almost all the little wizards' faces disappeared.

The muscles on the faces of the little wizards sitting in the front seemed to be frozen, while George and Fred in the back lowered their heads and kept whispering.

"I knew that Professor Lockhart would be up to no good."

"I knew it."

Lockhart noticed everyone's expressions, smiled on his face, waved his wand, and controlled each test paper in his hand to float in front of every little wizard.

Wait until they pick it up and put it on their table.

Lockhart smiled at everyone and said, "I know it's really inappropriate to have an exam in the first period of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"But there is no way. I heard from the principal before that your foundation is a bit weak and you need me to make up for it."

Well, seize the opportunity to throw the blame. He is quite experienced in throwing the blame. Even if the principal knew about it, he would laugh it off.

"So, let me see your level through the test, and then I can formulate a targeted study plan for you."

After hearing what Lockhart said, all the little wizards were even more dejected, as if they were ordered by the principal, and there was nothing they could do about it.


As he spoke, Lockhart's tone changed and he spoke with a hint of temptation.

"This exam is not for nothing. If you do well, there will be rewards."

Hearing Lockhart's seductive tone, all the little wizards immediately raised their heads, their eyes lit up, and they began to ask loudly.

"Professor Lockhart, what is the reward? Is it a snack?"

"Yes, professor? I also like dragon milk cheese."

Well, it’s true, I’m an absolute foodie.

"Professor, isn't it a college score?"

"Professor, I would like to ask, if I get good grades, I don't need to write a paper?"

Tsk tsk, when I heard it, it was what George and Fred said.

"Professor, I actually like chocolate frogs and moonlight toffee. Can I use this as a reward?"

"I like it too. In fact, strange-flavored beans are also fine."


Hearing the chirping sounds of the little wizards asking for snacks, Lockhart's face was full of black lines.

Good guy, it seems that the story about giving dragon milk cheese to the little witch Alice has spread this morning.


Lockhart put his finger to his lips and said 'shhh', signaling for everyone to keep quiet.

Soon, the little wizards fell silent. Lockhart raised a test paper left in his hand and said gently: "Don't worry, if you do well in the test."

"The college branch will have it, and there will also be snacks. I even prepared a magic amulet to reward outstanding little wizards."

Hearing what Lockhart said about the reward, all the little wizards cheered in surprise.

Then, Lockhart added unhurriedly: "Of course, I still have to write the paper that should be written."

After George and Fred heard this, they were not dejected, but were very excited.

Aren't they just being punished to write essays? They haven't written them often, but this time it's just a bit long.

The reward is the most important thing. You must take the test seriously this time.

Magic amulet, they heard Ron talking about it, Professor Lockhart gave Harry a copy, and they were a little envious at that time.

If you have this opportunity, you must seize it.

While thinking about it, George and Fred looked at each other and laughed, as if hinting at something.

Lockhart looked at the little wizard below and began to introduce the rules of the exam.

"The exam lasts one hour, and the results will be determined according to O.W.L.s. Students who obtain the highest grade O (excellent) can get a magic amulet made by me and add 20 points to their college."

Then, Lockhart added: "Of course, if you want snacks, that's fine too."

"Since I heard that your foundation is weak, if you reach the E (good) level, I can personally invest in buying you a snack as a reward."

Upon hearing what Lockhart said, all the little wizards cheered.

Very few people can reach the O (excellent) level, but they can all touch the E (good) level.

"Students who have obtained A (pass) or above, I suggest you study more and listen carefully to the lectures."

As for P (poor), D (very poor), and T (extremely poor), which symbolized unsatisfactory results, Lockhart didn't need to say much, they also knew the results.

"The contents of this test paper are all derived from the textbooks you studied before. Their sources will be pointed out after the test."

As he spoke, Lockhart waved his wand.


Almost at the same time, a group of colorful fireworks appeared in the air and exploded with a small bang, symbolizing the official exam.

"Let's get started, the timer starts now."

Following Lockhart's order, the little wizards below immediately devoted themselves seriously to the great undertaking of making papers.

Lockhart looked at the familiar scene below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Everything he said just now is true, but

It's not that Lockhart thinks highly of these young wizards.

But the reality is that these young wizards performed too poorly in the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

He had specially collected information before. Needless to say, Teacher Quirrell last year was not focused on class at all, but was playing the game of 'hide and find' with Dumbledore.

What can these little wizards learn?

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from the year before last was a vampire.

According to what he heard, the professor drooled a lot at those little wizards.

Gee, I really don’t know what Dumbledore is thinking. Is he planning to keep finding some weird professors to sacrifice to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to offset the curse?

Fortunately, there was no teaching accident, otherwise Dumbledore would have been uncomfortable.

Despite this, the little wizards of that year were a little scared in their hearts and hid away every day, let alone go to class.

As for the year before last, a normal wizard came to teach. Unfortunately, the teaching level was average, and he left after one year.

As the year changes, these little wizards no longer have the energy to study this course.

In fact, both Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic classes at Hogwarts are taught by teachers.

But in reality, most young wizards with excellent grades are self-taught.

For the History of Magic class, it was because Professor Binns’ lectures were too boring, and for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it was because the teachers changed every year, which could not guarantee the normal teaching quality.

In addition to changing professors, sometimes textbooks are also changed.

For example, when Lockhart came this time, he asked to change the teaching materials to seven of his books.

All of a sudden, the learning content and learning direction changed again.

Think about it, how can ordinary little wizards endure it?

The test paper for Lockhart's exam was actually not difficult.

His main purpose is to screen out those who have studied seriously in the past few years, and he can focus on cultivating them.

After all, under such conditions, the results are still good, which shows that he has strong self-learning ability and is not the kind of little wizard who can only learn by relying on the teacher's teaching.

Lockhart likes people who are self-taught very much, because they are very worry-free.

Especially if the results are very good, then the clubs behind Lockhart will open the door for him.

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