Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 388 The Invaded New York Temple and the Vientiane World (2-in-1)

"When the blue beam of light descends on New York, it is our Lord who opens a passage to the world of all things."

"For us, this is an opportunity to change our destiny."

"Pick up the guns in your hands. Anyone who stands in your way is your enemy."

"Whether you want to be a strong man with extraordinary power or a mediocre person with nothing to do, you have to fight here."


In an empty abandoned factory, a large number of teenagers aged sixteen or seventeen gathered together, all focusing on former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Riel, who was holding a pale golden crystal ball on the high platform in front of them.

I saw Agent Riel with a fanatical face and shouting loudly.

As his seductive words came out of his mouth, the pale golden crystal ball began to emit weak ripples, spreading outward, seeming to stir up the emotions of the person in question.

When the teenagers below heard what Riel said, they also had expressions of hope, excitement, and enthusiasm on their faces.

Among this group of teenagers, there are several lurking S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with relatively immature faces, holding a gem with blue light in their hands, seemingly resisting the influence of temptation magic.

Although these people's faces were full of fanaticism, the calm eyes they looked at Riel showed that they were not affected too much.

However, when their eyes swept across a charred corpse next to the factory, a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes.

Because their faces are relatively immature and not much different from ordinary teenagers, they were sent to lurk to find out the conspiracy.

And in front of them, Riel, their former colleague, has now become Loki's puppet.

Step by step, these reckless youths like lions are being turned into cannon fodder for attacking the world of all phenomena.

They are also trying to resist and expose the conspiracy.


The light golden crystal ball in the opponent's hand is so magical.

Not only can it stir up such fanatical emotions, it can also defend against bullets and even carry out attacks.

One of their agents tried to expose him and even shot Riel with a gun.

As a result, the bullet was easily blocked in front of him, and then the pale golden crystal ball emitted a laser and turned into a charred corpse.

Later, pistols, grenades and other weapons were launched for all the teenagers present.

They dare not act rashly.

Otherwise, not to mention their lives, this group of teenagers who have not had much exposure to firearms can easily kill each other without being careful.

"The great god Loki has given us the possibility to become great. We must seize the opportunity and fight hard so that our life will not be in vain."

"Remember, no matter who stands in front of you, don't hesitate to use bullets and grenades."


Just as Riel continued to stir up everyone's frenzied emotions.



The pale golden ball of light in his hand began to tremble as if it was stimulated by some kind of stimulus.

In less than two or three seconds, the originally golden ball of light gradually turned blue, and continued to emit hidden ripples outward.

It seems to be a key tool for spreading signals and positioning.

At this time, Riel saw this scene and shouted loudly: "The passage is about to open."

"Whatever the future holds, let's give it a try."

Just as Ruil finished speaking, suddenly, in front of everyone, a blue light beam suddenly appeared.

"Everyone, listen to my order and rush."

"It's up to you whether it's a dragon or an insect."

Saying that, Riel did not hesitate, holding the ball of light that returned to light gold, and took the lead to rush towards the teleportation beam.

Riel's action was like lighting a fuse, and everyone present rushed towards the super light beam, fearing that time was limited and they would not be able to run in.

The SHIELD agents lurking among them secretly slowed down and were not in a hurry to enter the teleportation beam.

After everyone entered the teleportation beam, these lurking god-level agents stood in front of the beam, took out their walkie-talkies, and quickly began to report: "Sir, everyone present has entered the unknown beam of light."

"It is suspected of traveling through space and reaching the world of Vientiane."

"The scene has been cordoned off and we are requesting further instructions."

Just as the lead agent finished speaking, Coulson's serious voice came over the intercom.

"The situation is already known. According to the current information, the teleportation beam will always exist, and shuttle back and forth can be achieved for the time being."

"Now the mission is given."

"Mission One requires you to send people into the teleportation beam and return quickly to check whether the destination is the world of Vientiane."

"Task two, seal off the scene and use tranquilizer guns on everyone who comes out."

"Roger that, sir," the leader shouted.

Then, he randomly pointed at a stronger black colleague and said, "Pierre, I'll give you a task now."

"Explore whether the teleportation location is the world of Vientiane, and return quickly after confirming the location."

Then, he ordered the others: "Surround the light pillar and knock out everyone who comes out."

After hearing this, Pierre nodded and quickly rushed towards the light beam with his gun.

Others were closely watching the actions of their colleagues, but the pistols held tightly in their hands showed that they seemed to be very nervous about what was going to happen next.


Among the pillars of light, the strong black man Pierre stepped out again.

I only heard him shout loudly: "No, the teleportation location is not the Vientiane World."

"But a place called the New York Temple."

Vientiane world, trading district streets.

Wanda stood in the middle of the street, holding a purple wand in her hand, with an expression of anticipation and eagerness to try.

She had heard not long ago that the world of Vientiane was likely to face an attack.

And the enemy is likely to use ordinary cannon fodder to attack them.

Therefore, let them be extremely vigilant to stop the evil deeds of ordinary people and reduce the losses in the world of all phenomena.

As for killing these ordinary people, it is absolutely not allowed.

After all, if Lockhart dared to make such an opening, even if Ancient One did not cause trouble for him, the other Karma Taj mages, especially the group that he did not deal with, would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to add insult to injury.

While Wanda was thinking, suddenly

In the middle of the spacious street in the trading district, a huge blue vortex emerged.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of ordinary people with guns poured out from the blue vortex.

These are only sixteen or seventeen years old, very young. They are both black and white, and even the majority are black.

"The world of everything, this is the world of everything."

"Grab it, grab one piece at a time."

"Superhero, here I come."


The person who had just been teleported shouted loudly and excitedly, and was even more excited when he saw the shops filled with all kinds of magic equipment and potions around him.

Just start shooting with your gun.

Get ready to take advantage of a unique American custom - zero-dollar shopping!

clatter! clatter! clatter!

With the sound of gunfire, a large number of bullets were fired towards the glass of the store.


Above the glass, silver-white light kept shining.

One bullet after another, all were blocked.

There are no scratches on the glass surface, and it seems to be harmless.

"Armor protection!"


"Armor protection!"



At this moment, Wanda and other wizard apprentices saw the unscrupulous group of teenage gangsters.

Without hesitation, he first cast an iron armor spell on himself for defense.

Then he quickly waved his wand and fired one stun spell after another in front of him.

The teenagers who were induced to rush into the world of Vientiane saw some wizards not far away holding a wooden stick in their hands and waving it towards them.

At the same time, red rays of light appeared one after another, and his companions fell to the ground one after another.

So, without thinking much, everyone started attacking Wanda and other wizard apprentices with guns.

"Kill them. Just kill them and everything will be ours."

"Yes, the one who stops us is damned."


But with some shouting, more and more people joined in shooting Wanda and others.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

A large number of bullets were fired wildly, but as Wanda and others waved their magic wands.

A pale golden energy barrier blocked everyone.

All bullets were blocked.

On the ground in front of the barrier, a large number of copper-yellow bullet casings were scattered everywhere.


As if they knew that bullets could not pose a threat to the people in the Wanxiang World, some people in the front directly threw grenades over Wanda and others.

Accompanied by a loud roar, flames rose and smoke became confusing.

In the eyes of the intruders, the shops on both sides of the street remained unscathed.

And when the dust and smoke dissipated, the pale golden defensive barrier in front of them still existed.

This puts a lot of pressure on them.


"Run quickly, and if you get caught later, you might have the chance to become a superhero."

"Run quickly, run!"


A shout rang out from the crowd, and everyone present immediately ran around along the streets and alleys.

Seeing the teenagers of the same age as themselves scattered like chickens, Wanda and the others were a little at a loss.

It seems that such a situation was not expected.

Several people looked at each other, and Wanda said: "Pursue, use the stun spell and the confinement spell as much as possible."

"We can't let them have too bad an impact."

"Don't worry, Professor Snape is here, nothing will cause too much trouble."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

For ordinary Muggles, they really don't have much to worry about.

Mainly because there were a lot of people this time and they were spread out, which was a bit troublesome.

Afterwards, Wanda and several people spread out and chased the scattered people.




Wanda trotted while casting a stun spell on the intruders in sight.

As red lights emerged one after another, a large number of intruders fell to the ground.

Looking at the childish face of the intruder, Wanda was speechless as she passed by. She began to feel hatred for the initiator of everything and felt sad for these teenagers.

Using these underage people as cannon fodder is a bit sinister.

And this group of teenagers came to invade and rob just because of some rumors. It was really disappointing.

Overestimating one's abilities is what they are talking about.

Fortunately, he was his mentor, otherwise if others had faced the intruder, they would have died long ago.

With her thoughts turning, Wanda killed several more intruders.

Soon, she had reached the edge of the trading area.

I saw another blue vortex emerging, and some people passing through the blue vortex, trying to get in and return to the earth.

Wanda understood that in the current world of everything, there should be many transmission channels opened.


Now, what does Professor Snape do?

With Professor Snape's strength, even if the number of intruders is large, it will be easy.

At this moment, Snape stood in front of the edge of the teleportation square.

On the teleportation square, three blue vortexes emerged, which meant that three teleportation channels were opened here.

On the square, a large number of teenagers fell to the ground and fell into coma.

And above the square, there was a faint blue-gray gas.

Whenever a person comes out of the blue vortex and smells this gas, he almost falls to the ground and falls into coma without taking a few steps.

However, Snape obviously didn't pay attention to all this.

Just some Muggles, using only a bottle of sleeping potion mixed with a cloud diffusion charm. No matter how many there are, there is no point.

At this moment, he is emitting his own spiritual perception, sensing all the abnormal behaviors of the intruder.

He was authorized by Lockhart, and now he can control all the magic circles in the world to a certain extent.

It is impossible for ordinary Muggles to cause any harm to the world.

What I am more worried about is that there are people who mix among these ordinary Muggles and take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Because of this, Lockhart asked the wizard apprentices to deal with it and restricted ordinary people.

As for the truly capable intruders, Snape would have to deal with them.

For example, Loki.

However, Snape frowned slightly at this moment. In his perception, nothing was abnormal.

Except for some leaders who carry some magic equipment, basically there is no mage or being with extraordinary power.

It shouldn't be. In the past few days, there has been a lot of news that the other party will invade the world of Wanxiang.

He knew everything clearly.

However, there is no point in sending some Muggle cannon fodder.

Even the magic circle defense cannot be broken through, and it has no effect at all.

Is it possible that the enemy is attacking in the east and in the west!

With his thoughts turning, Snape contacted the magic mark on his arm and passed some of his guesses to Lockhart.

Afterwards, continue to guard the Vientiane World.

In case the other party is lurking, if he leaves, it will be really troublesome.

New York Temple.

Lockhart stood in the hall of the temple, looking at the unconscious intruders who fell to the ground one after another, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

What is the enemy's purpose?

Attacking his all-encompassing world turned out to be cannon fodder.

His original guess was right. Such a big talk of invading the world of Vientiane was just a cover for attacking in the east and in the west.

So, when he received word from Casillas that someone had invaded the New York Temple.

He originally thought that this was the true purpose of Loki or Mephisto.

As a result, after arriving at the temple.

It was discovered that the attackers were also ordinary people.

Is it possible that this is still making a fool of himself in the east and attacking in the west?

"Casillas, if you were Mephisto or Loki, where else would you invade?"

Facing Lockhart's question, Casillas thought for a long time, then shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know either."

"For someone like Mephisto, it is actually not impossible to attack the New York Temple."

"After all, the New York Temple is one of the fulcrums of the global magic defense array of the Light of the World."

"If it is severely damaged, it is likely to cause the defensive magic array to become unstable, giving the Dimensional Demon God an opportunity to sneak in."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded in agreement.

He has the same idea as Casillas.

Loki attacked his world of all things for magic materials. After all, materials were indispensable in order to open up a space passage spanning thousands of light years.

Mephisto's attack on the New York Temple was also to further open up channels to sneak into the earth, and even open up a frontline battlefield between the Dimensional Demon God and Kama Taj.

There is no problem with this.

But the biggest problem is why neither of these two people appeared in the Vientiane World or the New York Temple.

He had previously sent Sitwell, who was lurking under Loki, without bringing any useful news.

at this moment


There was a loud bang outside the temple door.

Through the glass on the side, Lockhart vaguely saw the colorful rainbow light emerging.

While thinking about that person.



The New York Temple doors burst open.

A strong blond man wearing a red cloak and golden armor came forward with Mjolnir in his right hand.

It's none other than Thor.

"Lockhart, long time no see!"

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