Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 391 The death of Snape, the fallen world of all things (two-in-one)

Vientiane World, Teleport Square.

The spacious square was filled with blue-gray mist.

In the center of the square, three blue spatial vortices rotate continuously.

From time to time, some teenagers wearing various clothes would come out of the space vortex.

Some are white, some are black, and some are just like professionals. Some students are just like gangsters in society.

But these people had just stepped into the teleportation square of the Vientiane World. Within a few steps, they subconsciously inhaled the blue-gray gas that filled the air.

With a bang, he fell to the ground, completely unconscious and fell into a coma.

When the number of people accumulates to a certain level.

Snape, who was outside the square, waved his wand, and the unconscious Muggle lying on the ground floated up and slowly fell towards the edge of the square.

Soon, there was no one left in the center of the spacious square.

At this moment, Snape was not focusing on the teleportation square, but focused most of his energy on the surveillance magic circle in the Vientiane World.

Observe the images of every space vortex in the Vientiane World, and monitor every abnormal energy fluctuation.

However, Snape had been sensing it for quite some time, but found nothing unusual at all.

Despite this, Snape still concentrated on sensing everything happening in the world.

He saw the students he taught using magic spells to knock out groups of invading Muggles.

He saw several students unite to draw a magic circle around the space vortex to restrict all invading Muggle actions.

He saw a large number of students casting spells together, resonating with magic power, trying to defeat the blue space vortex.

Although it still has no impact on the space vortex.

But Snape was still pleased with the students' performance.

The world is in chaos, although he can suppress it alone.

But that wasn't what he and Lockhart wanted.

The students they want to train are elite wizards who have independent thinking and know how to unite, unite, and explore.

Therefore, experience is essential.

Now it seems that the overall level is quite qualified.

Time passed slowly, and Snape thought slowly based on the information Lockhart left.

If he is Loki who wants to become the God King of Asgard, or Mephisto who invades the earth.

What would he do? ——Unite all forces that can be united to achieve your goals.

Is there any value in invading Vientiane World? ——Of course, a large amount of resources are enough to become the fuel to open up space channels.

Is it necessary to make inroads in the east and in the west? ——Of course, Kama Taj alone requires them to act carefully, not to mention Asgard and the world of everything.

One question after another came to mind, and Snape kept thinking about various possible guesses, and then overturned them one by one to select the answer with the highest probability.

However, there was a question in Snape's heart.

Why hasn’t the enemy arrived in the Vientiane World yet?

Is it possible that there are other places with more resources and lower defenses than the Vientiane World?

Three major temples?

No, the three major temples should not be the focus of the attack. There are not many resources and a large number of guarding mages, which is definitely a hard nut to crack.

It is impossible for the enemy to enter the Himalayas, the headquarters of Karma Taj, right?

Kama Taj's headquarters is certainly rich in resources, but the Supreme Mage is there, and getting there is like throwing yourself into a trap.

Where else could be more appropriate?

Snape kept thinking about everything he had experienced and the books he had read after entering the new world.

One guess after another emerged in my mind, and then was overturned one after another.


Snape's heart was shocked, and a place suddenly appeared in his mind.

There are abundant resources there, but the Guardians have almost none.

It can be called a magician's paradise.

That is - the secret realm of Master Kama Taj!

Thinking of this, Snape found more and more that the mage's secret realm met Loki's needs.

At this moment, suddenly.


In the trading area of ​​Vientiane World, a new space vortex emerged again.

This time, those who walked out were no longer those young Muggles who were only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Instead, there were men in black robes one after another, reaching 15 in number.

The familiar black dizziness, the clear black lines on his forehead, plus the dark aura emanating from his body.

Dormammu followers!

Dormammu believers had just appeared, and they all took out a transparent crystal ball from their hands, and then poured dark magic into it crazily.

boom! boom! boom!

Along with the banging sound, the crystal ball shattered, and a transparent and hidden ripple continued to spread around, seeming to be shielding something.

At this moment, Snape thought about how difficult Dormammu's followers were in the Hydra base last time.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly used the magic brand to call Lockhart.

At the same time, he also passed his guess to Lockhart.



With a flash of black light, Snape teleported not far from Dormammu's followers.

At the same time, the wizard apprentice in Vientiane World always remembered a familiar voice in his ears.

"All students obey orders."

"There is an invasion by followers of the evil god. Stop everything you are doing and ignore the invading Muggles."

"Take shelter in the recreation area."

Hearing this, Wanda, Ian, Vera and other wizard apprentices did not hesitate and immediately ran towards the leisure area.

They were repeatedly emphasized during training that a battle between powerful wizards with the participation of weak ones would only be detrimental.

Snape felt more relaxed after sensing that the students were obedient and took refuge in the leisure area.

Then, focus on the Dormammu believers not far across the way.


Raising the wand high, magic power surged out quickly, and dark green light rushed into the sky.

At the same time, a large number of magic lines of different colors appeared in the sky above the entire Vientiane World.

A large number of magic lines are intertwined with each other, and orange-red, dark green, and gray-black light are constantly shining, exuding a huge energy aura.

All the magic circles in the Vientiane World are activated!

Get ready for war!


Suddenly, red, green, and black light beams of various colors suddenly fell one after another from the sky above the fifteen Dormammu believers.

Seeing such a scene, these Dormammu believers immediately drew their hands in the air, calling for the dark magic power in their bodies.

At the same time as the light beam fell, a large black mist quickly covered the surroundings of Dormammu's followers.


There was a loud boom, a dazzling white light flashed, like a nuclear bomb falling, and a miniature mushroom cloud suddenly rose.

Click! Click! Click!

The glass of the surrounding shops and buildings near the trading area shattered.

Large plumes of dust filled the surrounding area.

Snape stood not far away, his arm holding the wand trembling slightly, his face turned pale, and the aura emanating from his body also seemed a little weak.

Because the number and strength of the invading enemies were far beyond what he could handle.

It was already difficult for him to deal with a Dormammu believer before, but it was difficult for him to deal with 15 of them, even if they were not as strong as before.

Therefore, directly mobilize the large amount of magic power stored in Vientiane World, go all out, and strive for a fatal blow.

This is the optimal solution.

Although there is a magic circle to help him bear most of the pressure.

But his personal burden and pressure are still not small, and he has even suffered a lot of trauma.

However, none of that matters at the moment.

Most importantly - what are the enemy casualties?

The dust gradually dispersed, and what came into view was that nearly half of the Dormammu believers collapsed on the ground, their chests were slightly floating, their breath was weak, and their seven orifices were bleeding.

On the ground beneath their bodies, pools of blood flowed out.

The remaining half of the Dormammu believers also felt uncomfortable, their faces were pale and their mouths were bleeding.

However, their auras are still not weak, at least they are better than Snape's at the moment.

At this moment, Snape looked a little ugly when he saw this scene.

It was almost impossible to achieve the effect just now with a full blow.

Even whether he can resist the other party now is a question.


Snape drank a bottle of light golden healing potion, his chest rose and fell rapidly, repairing the previous injuries.

Although the potion is very effective, it still takes time to achieve the therapeutic effect.

The Dormammu believers on the opposite side saw that the enemy's aura began to recover, knowing that the opponent was recovering from his injuries.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, they naturally understand this.

What's more, the mage in front of them caused them heavy losses.

Everyone did not hesitate, and grasped their hands forward. A magic spear that was gathered by dark magic power and wrapped with blood-red lines appeared in front of them.

Killing gun!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In an instant, more than ten killing spears were fired at Snape.

Snape, who was already severely injured at this moment, immediately waved the wand in his hand.

Lots of obstacles!

Lots of obstacles!

Lots of obstacles!

A large number of blocking spells emitting red light flew forward, trying to block the killing spear.

boom! boom! boom!

However, Snape's magic power was weak at this moment, and the killing spear broke through the blocking spells one after another.

It seemed that Snape was in danger.

at this moment

Combined casting - Absolute Zero!


At some point, behind Snape, a group of wizard apprentices raised their wands high, resonated the magic power, and cast spells together.

In front of Snape, a thick ice barrier suddenly appeared, exuding a cold aura.

"Professor Snape, you recover from your injuries first, and we resist first."

"Waiting for the mentor's rescue!"

Ian shouted loudly, Snape hesitated, nodded slightly, and walked slowly towards the wizard apprentice.

However, there was a smile of relief on his face, as if he was genuinely happy for his student's rescue.

And at this time.

boom! boom! boom!

Click! Click! Click!

More than ten killing spears slammed into the ice barrier.

Along with the clicking sound, the sound of the barrier breaking quietly rose.

"Hold on, the mentor will soon come to support you!"

"Hold on, trust the mentor."



The leaders, Ian, Vera and others, shouted loudly and waved their wands at the same time, mobilizing the magic power in their bodies to continue to strengthen the defensive effect of the ice barrier.

The mage apprentices behind him are naturally no exception.

Although they had retreated to the leisure area before, the leaders, Ian, Vera, and Remy, were the first students to follow Lockhart and still had certain authority over the world of Vientiane.

Watching the scenes on the battlefield is a no-brainer.

Although they followed their previous training and did not interfere with the battle of powerful wizards.

That's because they have confidence in Professor Snape's strength and are naturally relieved.

But seeing Professor Snape at a disadvantage could even put his life in danger.

At this time, the previous training content is meaningless.

Saving the professor is the best choice.

What's more, although they were unable to defeat the powerful enemy, the combined magic gave them the confidence to resist for a period of time.

As long as it is delayed until Professor Snape recovers to a certain extent from his injuries, or the tutor arrives in time.

Then everything can be redeemed.

However, Ian was a little confused because he had previously sent a message to his mentor asking for help.

But why, the instructor didn’t reply.

Maybe the instructor is busy with something.

Click! Click! Click!

The surface of the killing gun emits black-red mist, rotates at high speed, continuously penetrates the ice barrier, and kills enemies hiding behind the barrier.

Along with the clicking sound, a large number of cracks began to appear on the surface of the barrier.

The killing spear has penetrated most of the ice barrier.

But as the magic power of Ian and other wizard apprentices gathered, the barrier became thicker and thicker, and the cracks on the surface began to close slightly.

At this time, the Dormammu believers on the opposite side saw that the situation was deadlocked and looked at their companions who were already lying on the ground mostly dead.

The fire inside them grew stronger and stronger, and they felt angry and endless murderous intent.


"Dormammu, the great god of darkness, your devout people pray to you, the great one."

"I pray to my God to grant us so that the enemy can enjoy endless despair."


The remaining Dormammu believers were kneeling on the ground, muttering constantly, and a large amount of black mist filled the surroundings.

In the perception of the wizard apprentices and others, the dark energy emitted by the enemy became more powerful and profound, and even made them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"We will sacrifice the souls of the blasphemer and his disciples to the great god of darkness."


As Dormammu believers continued to call out the gods they believed in, waves began to stir up in the nearby space.

call! call! call!

The wind howled, darkness, fear, despair and other breaths rushed towards my face.

The faces of all the wizard apprentices turned pale, and the fear in their hearts kept pouring out.

However, after undergoing rigorous training, they still gritted their teeth and insisted on instilling all the magic power in their bodies towards the ice barrier in front.

Trying to fend off the next attack.

Snape, who had just recovered from his injuries, seemed to sense a fatal threat and quickly waved his wand to join in the joint spellcasting.

But the uneasy thoughts in his heart became stronger and stronger.

But now the only thing he can do, besides casting spells with all his strength to resist, is to keep calling Lockhart through the magic brand.

Damn it, why isn't Lockhart here yet?

Is it possible that Magic Brand's communications have been blocked?

Thinking of this, Snape couldn't help but have desperate thoughts in his heart.

This time, it is very likely that not only will he fail, but all the students and even the entire world will fail.

In fact, the crystal ball that the Dormammu followers smashed onto the ground when they first arrived was a magic item that blocked communications.

In any life-and-death battle, cutting off communications means cutting off potential support.

This is combat consciousness and combat experience.

Lockhart has it, and so do the followers of Dormammu.

However, at the beginning, before the shielding spread to the entire world, Snape contacted Lockhart.

But when the shielding spread to the entire world, everything was banned.

All information can only be exchanged in Vientiane World.

Except, of course, calling upon the gods.

"My god will descend with the magnificent power of darkness and destruction, destroying the blasphemer in front of you."

The huge dark power from Dormammu descends.

call! call! call!

The wind howled, a black storm descended, and the trading area of ​​the entire Vientiane World began to shake.

The store began to shatter, a large number of cracks appeared in the space, and large areas of the building were swallowed up and consumed.

The dark storm spread towards Snape Ian and other mage apprentices.

Before it was completely touched, Senhan's ice barrier seemed unable to withstand the pressure of the dark storm.

It began to crack and shatter, and the joint cast was forcibly broken.

puff! puff!

Ian, Vera, including Wanda, and Snape all suffered strong magical backlash, turning pale and vomiting blood.

However, they haven't finished adjusting their breath yet.


A dark storm was coming towards them.

Everyone was eroded by the power of darkness, began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their magic power began to disappear.

Then darkness fell and consciousness disappeared.

Death, everyone!

Update 6,000 words today and continue tomorrow

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