Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 395 Avengers, Dimensional Invasion War (First update)

"Ancient One, I'm out."

"What you love, what you cherish, what you protect."

"I want you to see with your own eyes how I am destroyed one by one?"

Feeling the further replenishment of energy, the God of Dusk, who had eased out of his weak state, couldn't help but speak, as if he was swearing.

After Mephisto heard this, his face showed a true expression.

This god of dusk has always been a bit small-minded.

Last time, I sought revenge from Ancient One, but was caught by Ancient One, who had been preparing for a long time, and even Latitude was almost destroyed.

This time I come out, hoping to gain some brains and cause more trouble for Karma Taj and Ancient One.

"God of Twilight, Mephisto, Loki, it's time for us to go."

"If you don't leave, the Supreme Mage will come."

David, who had just checked that the secret method to destroy Emperor Weishan's contract was indeed miraculous, and was still in the state of his soul, couldn't wait to remind him.

"You should be aware of the increase in combat power that dimension has on you."

"We must not fight the Supreme Mage in the secret realm."

After Loki heard this, he waved his spiritual scepter without hesitation and touched the Cosmic Cube lightly.

The next moment, a huge blue space vortex emerged.

"I'm leaving now. We'll talk later when we have a chance."

After David saw the whirlpool. After speaking as a reminder, he flew directly into the vortex and teleported away.

He wasn't worried about any problems, but he didn't have much trust in Loki, so he marked it in the contract.

Loki saw David's leaving figure and felt the vague connection emerging in his heart.

Smiling slightly, he entered the vortex.

What he promised was done. The next step was to summon his army.

Conquer Midgard!

"At dusk, Ancient One is coming, and this incomplete latitude has been controlled by Ancient One."

Mephisto on the side saw both of them leaving and gave a reminder before entering the space vortex.

"If you don't want to be sealed again, remember to leave as soon as possible."


Hearing the sound of Mephisto leaving, the God of Twilight snorted coldly.

After looking around for a week, there was a look of pity but also a little fear on his face.

In an instant, the yellow figure flew into the space vortex and left.

At the same time, it seemed that no one was entering after the teleportation.


With a buzzing sound, the blue space vortex began to rapidly collapse and disappear.

Everything returns to silence.

The secret realm of space, in front of the collapsed sealing stone wall.

Not long after Loki and the others left.


A red flame-colored teleportation aperture appeared at the location where they left.

A figure walked out of the tree path.

The leader was none other than the Supreme Mage Ancient One, followed by Lockhart, Casillas, and Snape.

"Supreme Mage, the other party seems to have left not long ago."

Lockhart felt the space fluctuations around him and said, "But the space has been disturbed. I don't know where the other party is teleporting."

At the same time, he waved the magic wand in his hand, and a pale white ripple began to spread outward.

Traces appear!

As Lockhart cast the spell, the scene in front of everyone began to change, like a stone falling into the water and causing waves.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, the scene began to change.

Loki, Mephisto, and a man in black robes appeared, and the three of them communicated and broke the seal.

The God of Twilight broke away from the seal, and the words of revenge against Ancient One, Kama Taj, etc. emerged one by one.

After a while, the screen disappeared.

"Supreme Mage, what are your instructions next?"

Looking at Yun Danfengqing, who didn't seem to be surprised at the evil god breaking away from the seal, Lockhart's eyes flashed with suspicion, but he still asked.

"Lockhart, what do you think?" Ancient One said.

"Catch Loki, kill the traitors, suppress the evil god, and prepare for the latitude invasion war"

S.H.I.E.L.D., Sky Carrier.

"The intended flight path has been reached."

"Level 1 alert has been activated."

"It has received support from 32 military satellites and 12 Stark Industrial satellites."

"Magic interference has been activated."


In the command room, Nick Fury leaned on the table with his hands and heard voices coming from all directions.

A trace of relief appeared on the expressionless face.

As soon as the aircraft carrier lifted off, it was invaded by the enemy.

All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are almost powerless to resist.

If Lockhart and others hadn't come to support them, I'm afraid SHIELD would have gotten off to a bad start and become a joke.


How did Lockhart know about the invasion of SHIELD?

It seems that he hasn't had time to contact Lockhart and the others yet.

Thoughts swirling, Nick Fury buried his thoughts deep in his heart.

Now, solving all the troubles Loki has brought to Earth is the most important thing.

He had heard from Professor Snape of the Vientiane World that Loki was preparing to lead an army to invade and conquer the earth.

While Nick Fury was thinking, suddenly


The black shadow flashed, and a familiar figure appeared next to Nick Fury.


It was Snape.

"Professor Snape, why are you here? How are things over there in Vientiane World?"

I felt a person suddenly appear next to me, Nick Fury. His body suddenly froze, as if he was frightened.

He turned his head slightly and saw that it was Snape who had communicated before, so he asked.

Damn it, isn't the magic interference activated? Why can the other party still reach him?

"Your methods can only affect some ordinary mages."

"For us, there won't be any disruption."

Snape glanced at Nick Fury, who had no expression on his face, and used his spiritual thoughts to probe Nick Fury's thoughts before speaking calmly.

He really had no good impression of such thoughtful Muggles.

Think of plans and explore information at every turn.

Although his strength is average, he is thousands of times more troublesome than an Auror.

If Lockhart hadn't reminded him, he would have taught the black agent an impressive lesson.

After hearing what Snape said, Nick Fury smiled.

At the same time, the brain tried its best to empty out, as if it was not ready for Snape to detect any thoughts.

This is the only method they have developed so far.

After Snape felt it, a trace of disdain flashed across his face, and then he said calmly.

"Lockhart called me here to remind you that Loki's plot has succeeded."

"He will most likely summon an army. Later, I will be responsible for communicating with you, providing magical support, and capturing Loki together."

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face turned ugly and he didn't care about Snape's magic.

In my mind, I kept thinking about the various impacts caused by the invasion of alien armies and how to minimize the impact.

After a moment, Nick Fury looked into Snape's eyes and asked, "Professor Snape."

"What are Lockhart and Karma Taj doing?"

"Can they capture Loki now?"

He thought about many solutions. If the Supreme Mage, known as the most powerful man on earth, took action, the probability of solving it would undoubtedly be the highest.

Of course, Lockhart's action can also greatly increase the probability.

After Snape heard this, he shook his head slightly and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid Karma Taj won't be of much help regarding Loki's invasion."

"Because they have more important things involving the safety of the earth."

"Loki caused less harm in comparison."

"What could be more important than an alien army invading the Earth?" Nick Fury said with unconcealable anger in his tone.

"The evil gods are invading. I don't know how many evil gods are preparing to carve up the earth." Snape said calmly: "This is more dangerous than the so-called Loki."

"Lockhart and the mages of Karma Taj are preparing for a war of dimensional invasion."

"I was sent by Lockhart to see if I could fill in the gaps for you in magic."

Hearing this, a look of weakness flashed across Nick Fury's face.

What a real internal and external trouble!

However, he regained his composure. He never put the safety of the earth entirely on the so-called Kama Taj.

"Professor Snape, in that case, in order to better utilize your power."

"I think you can temporarily join our formation of SHIELD..."

"The Avengers!"

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