Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 401 Time Stone, Eye of Agamotto (two-in-one)

New York, Bleecker Street.

"Ooooooo, daddy is dead."

"Be good, don't be afraid, kid, we will definitely survive."

"We are all sinners and this is God's punishment."


At this moment, New York is filled with flames of war and wailing.

Pedestrians were running around, trying to escape the attack that was coming at an unknown time.

There were many pedestrians stopping on Bleecker Street.

Because they seemed to find that this area seemed much safer than other streets.

Although they don’t know the reason, their survival instinct tells them that they want to live and stay here.

Therefore, almost every shop and every building on this street is hiding a lot of pedestrians or refugees who have fled.

Except for one building that is full of ancient atmosphere.

There were no pedestrians at the door, and all those who had fled subconsciously left.

It's not that they don't know that they can hide here, but that in their perception, this place doesn't exist at all.

This is the power of magic.

This is the New York Temple.

At this moment, Nato, who had just become a mage, was standing at the door of the temple, taking a puff of cigarette and blowing out a smoke ring.

He sighed softly and looked at the refugees on the street and the various people fleeing in the shop building opposite, with a complicated expression.

"Fake, the evil god of dog days, all bad things have been piled up."


Nato mumbled a few times and cursed secretly, but there was nothing he could do.

This disaster has spread too widely.

Blessing the surrounding area is the limit of what they can do.

After all, they still have to guard against the invasion of the temple by evil gods.

If something goes wrong in the temple, it won't just be New York, but the entire planet.


The sound of a gunshot attracted Nato's attention.

Not far away from the opposite side, I saw a young white man who was only sixteen or seventeen years old with a childlike look on his face. He was leaning against the car, holding a pistol in his hand, and looked at the black man, or thug, who was bleeding from the chest opposite him in horror.

Several of the black man's companions had tattoos on their bodies and held baseballs, hammers and other tools in their hands.

"Farke, Dawson is dead, Beach, come on."

The black boss took a few steps back and cursed several times.

However, looking at the white young man across from him, he did not take action directly. Instead, he urged the subordinate Beach next to him to take action.

"Don't come here, leave quickly." The white young man said with a trembling voice: "Come here again, I will shoot."

"Hey man, relax, relax, we're not going to hurt you, we just want this car behind you"

When the black man Beach saw this scene, he held a dagger in his hand, raised his hand, and said comfortingly.

He has a wealth of experience with such a weak young man.



While the young man was not paying attention, the black boss threw up the baseball bat in his hand and hit the white young man on the arm.

With a bang, the pistol fell to the ground. The young man's arms were red and swollen, and he was wailing.

The black boss flew forward and kicked the young man's chest hard with his right foot.

With a snap, the young man's body flew off the ground and landed heavily on the ground, wailing and screaming in pain.

The black boss picked up the pistol on the ground.


Skillfully handling the pistol, with a click, the black boss stepped forward and pointed the pistol at the head of the struggling white young man on the ground.

A sneer appeared on his dark face.

"Play tricks on me and you're seeking death!"

Not far away, Master Nato was watching this scene with a look of intolerance in his eyes.

Then he waved the hanging ring in his hand, and lines of red flame appeared in the air.

In an instant, a long magic rope with sparks flying towards the black man.



Nato groaned, and a yellow sharp blade passed through his chest.

The blood gradually flowed down, and the breath quickly weakened.

"Enemy attack."

"What a fool."

Accompanied by a hoarse voice.

From behind Nato, a middle-aged man with dark yellow skin appeared.

It is the God of Twilight.

As the Dusk Blade turned in his hand, Master Natuo died completely.

The God of Dusk took another gentle breath, and Nato's soul turned into mist and entered his mouth and nose.

At the same time, the young people, women, old people and even children nearby on the street raised their heads one after another, with yellow light shining in their eyes.

Like puppets, they are flocking towards the New York Temple.


As the God of Twilight poured in power, he pushed towards the door, and with a bang, the temple door shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the God of Twilight disappeared into the crowd and poured into the New York Temple.


With a loud noise, the closed temple door shattered.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

"All mages, please be on alert."

Casillas, who was in the lobby, immediately shouted loudly.

Then, seeing the crowd pouring in, his face became ugly.

Who still doesn’t know, this is the enemy’s cannon fodder tactic.

It depends on whether they dare to kill these ordinary people.

I'm afraid that Master Nato who was guarding outside just now is in danger.

With his mind spinning, Casillas looked at the crazily influx of people, a fierce look flashed on his face, and he shouted an order.

"Attention all mages, no matter who the intruder is, they will be killed without mercy."

"I bear all the responsibilities!"

With that said, Casillas took the brunt of the attack and waved the ring hanging in his hand.

In an instant, a large number of red flame colored light blades appeared in mid-air.


As Casillas pushed forward, the red flame-colored light blade flew toward the crowd.

In an instant, the slaughter began, blood gushes out, corpses fell one after another, and the ground was a mess.

At the same time, these ordinary people also began to cry.




Hearing the painful screams of this group of ordinary people, he watched the crowd still pouring forward.

Most of the mages in the hall had hesitant looks on their faces.

They can deal with the followers of the evil god without hesitation, but when dealing with these defenseless ordinary people


"Kill me!"

Seeing the hesitation of the mages, Casillas was not polite and urged loudly: "Now is not the time for women to be kind."

"The evil god is among the crowd."

"To protect the earth, kill me!"

At the same time, Casillas' hanging ring kept waving, and the light blades continued to shoot towards the crowd one after another.

After hearing this, some mages became ruthless and began to attack these puppet cannon fodder.

For a time, blood, bones, and flesh appeared on the ground.

The strong smell of blood spread throughout the hall.

"Damn it, haven't these mages always considered themselves guardians?"

The God of Dusk, who was hiding in the crowd, couldn't help but cursed secretly when he saw this scene.

This was completely different from what he expected.

According to his plan, a large number of ordinary people pouring into the temple will only tie up the hands of this group of mages who think they are righteous.

And he could take this opportunity to sneak into the depths of the temple and get back his original core.

He didn't want to make a big fuss.

Because Gu Yi, he really can't beat him.

The strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain will only delay some time.

did not expect.

Damn it, how did you meet such a ruthless mage?

Looking at Casillas who was carrying out the massacre, ferocity flashed in the eyes of the God of Twilight.

With his palm hidden behind his back, a mysterious power of dusk began to gather.

Those who sabotage his plan will die a good death!


Following the God of Twilight, he took a simple step and disappeared in an instant, then reappeared in front of Casillas.

The palm of his hand pushed forward hard, and the power of dusk surged out.

There was a bang, and Casillas, who had just reacted, just stretched out his arm to resist.

His whole person was shot into the air, and he only felt a huge amount of energy pouring into his body.

At the same time, a strong tearing feeling emerged from his chest and arms.


Blood mist spurted from his mouth, and Casillas collapsed on the ground, his arms hanging down weakly, and his breath weak.

Looking at the half-dead Casillas, the God of Dusk sneered.

The figure shook and rushed towards the depths of the temple.

A guarding mage is dead. If we don't hurry up, Ancient One will come.

Other mages saw that there was something wrong with Casillas and looked at the God of Twilight who disappeared.

His expression changed, and he quickly chased towards the depths of the temple.

shouted at the same time.

"Be careful, the enemy is rushing towards the core of the magic circle."



At the same time, two or three mages ran to Casillas, cast healing magic, and drank bottles of magic potion for treatment.

Deep in the New York Temple, in the core room of the magic circle.


In the center of the room, a huge sixteen-sided light pillar of colorful colors flashes continuously.

On the ground, densely packed runes were like breathing, lighting up and darkening, as if providing huge energy to somewhere.

At this moment, the God of Dusk stood outside the magic circle, looking at a dark yellow ball of light floating in the center of the light pillar.

There was a look of longing in his eyes.

This is the core of his origin!

Then, he once again focused his attention on a blond man not far away.

Feeling the huge energy fluctuations and weak original aura it emitted, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"As long as I get my core of origin back, I promise to leave the New York Temple immediately and not be an enemy of Kamathaj."

The God of Twilight spoke.

The blond man opposite, or Gilderoy Lockhart, heard it and said silently: "Fight."

"If you beat me, you can take it."

As he finished speaking, he tapped his toes lightly on the ground.

In an instant, a pale golden field covered the surrounding area, giving the surrounding environment a touch of gold.

Wizard talent - rewrite reality!

The domain was opened, and the dangerous aura emanating from the opponent suddenly increased suddenly, and the face of the God of Twilight became ugly.

If I had known, the bones of the New York Temple would be so hard to chew.

He should attack the London Temple.

As a god, you cannot be greedy for cheap, and you cannot look at the chaos in New York and think that it is easy to get things done in New York.

Although there were thousands of thoughts in his mind, the eyes of the God of Dusk gradually became cold and fierce.

No matter who is blocking him from taking back the core of his origin, he must die.


The God of Twilight stared at the enemy blocking him in front of him, stepped forward, and with a flash of yellow light, he appeared in front of Lockhart.

When he was about to punch


Almost instantly, as if Lockhart had expected it, a dark shadow flashed and appeared behind the God of Twilight.

Then, the wand touched his back lightly, and a mysterious curse attached to the God of Twilight.


Feeling the mysterious curse emerging from his body, the aura of the God of Dusk suddenly retreated.

Then, I want to eliminate it and fight back.

Summoning the power of dusk again, he struck Lockhart hard from behind with his elbow.



Lockhart took a slight step to the right, avoiding the Twilight God's elbow.

At the same time, a curse was once again placed on the God of Twilight.

want to. In a one-on-one battle with the God of Twilight, I'm afraid he can't say that he can defeat him now.

It can only be weakened step by step.


The curse of blindness rose, and the eyes of the God of Twilight suddenly went dark.

Feeling a curse coming out of his body again, the anger inside him started to get angry.

But then


"No listening!"

"No touch!"


Following the God of Twilight, another counterattack began.

Lockhart relies on his field, exquisite sensing, and quick dodge, and he will also add a curse.

In the eyes of the temple mages who came one after another.

Outside the magic circle, one yellow, one black, two lights and shadows flashed continuously.

It seems like they are fighting, or fighting!

But the God of Twilight only felt more and more aggrieved.

Every curse affects his combat power.

And every time he eats one, there will be new ones added.

Keeping him in a bad state.

Sometimes his vision goes dark, sometimes he loses his hearing, and sometimes his body becomes weak.

Various negative states continued to accumulate, and the anger in his heart began to increase sharply.


The God of Twilight's figure changed, and the original figure of a middle-aged man suddenly began to grow larger.

The skin shines with a yellowish light, like a giant.


With a roar, the God of Dusk stepped towards Lockhart on the ground.


With a bang, dust flew everywhere, but Lockhart apparated behind the giant again.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Lockhart waved his wand at the huge God of Twilight and struck it with a death curse.

However, it seems that for beings at the level of dimensional gods, the Death Curse is less harmful.

The God of Twilight only felt a tingling sensation in his spirit, but it had almost no major impact.

Lockhart's face didn't change much when he sensed this scene.

Wave the wand again and start changing the surrounding environment with the help of the power of your talent field.

The ground began to become sticky, and the huge body of the God of Dusk began to gradually sink, as if falling into a swamp.

"little tricks!"

In response, the God of Dusk laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the legs turned into light yellow spots and gradually disappeared.

To his level, the so-called body, as long as you pay the price, it doesn't matter how many you can cast.

It's just a leg, it's trivial.

Immediately afterwards, he no longer cared about how Lockhart attacked him, but focused his attention on the core light pillar of the magic circle - the pale yellow core of origin.


Punch hard and hit the defense on the surface of the magic circle.

With a bang, the red flame-colored defensive shield began to tremble.

After Lockhart saw it, his expression became ugly. He was now far different from these dimensional demons.

Even if you are hit hard, it will be difficult for you to resist.



Lockhart held the hanging ring and folded his hands on his chest.

He made a strange gesture with his hands and slowly pulled them apart at the same time.

In front of everyone's eyes, a familiar necklace appeared on Lockhart's chest.

Eye of Agamotto!

At the same time, a green light began to flash.

Time Stone - Time flows backwards!

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