Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 403: The Elixir of Fortune, the Avengers assemble! (Second update)

Stark Tower.

Selvig hid next to the machine and watched the man in black robe flying from mid-air to the top of the building.

He keenly felt that the other party had a gloomy temperament and did not look like a good person.

However, he had confidence in his master's plan. The machine was built by himself, and he knew that it could not be turned off unless he took the spiritual scepter.

But now that the master has left, the space wormhole will continue to open.

The master's plan will definitely succeed.


"Sir Thor, I need your help. I have a way to find Loki's whereabouts."

Selvig's pupils shrank, he heard that the other party was able to find his master.


boom! boom! boom!

Loud gunshots rang out and several bullets were fired at Snape.

Snape raised his brows, golden light flashed on his body, the Iron Armor Curse rose, and the bullets were blocked.

Casting spells without a wand!

Then, Snape stared at the short, fat man in front of him.

The wand was raised, and an invisible force controlled Selvig to float in mid-air.


"I won't let you ruin the master's plan."

Selvig kept struggling and shouting in mid-air, but it was meaningless. Under Snape's control, he slowly floated past.

At this time, Thor saw this scene from the side and said awkwardly: "Professor Snape, Selvig didn't do it on purpose. He and Lockhart also know each other."

By the way, the Selvigs are still capable and knowledgeable. Why did you do such a stupid thing today and still be with Loki?

After Snape heard this, he looked at Selvig floating in front of him, struggling constantly, and said, "I know, Lockhart told me."

"He is currently mind-controlled and needs to break the control."

After the words fell, Snape stretched out his wand and touched Selvig's forehead lightly.

Magic power surged and white light flashed.


Under Thor's gaze, Selvig's eyes, which were originally shrouded in black mist, gradually returned to normal.

"What did I do?"

Selvig, who slowly landed on the ground, looked at his hands and said with some horror.

He clearly remembered everything he had done to help Loki.

Give him advice, help him build machines, and become an accomplice in every step of the enemy's invasion of the earth.

"Thor, hurry up, hurry up and catch Loki."

"The only way to close the wormhole in space is with the scepter in his hand."

After reacting, Selvig had no time to deeply regret and reflect on his actions, and loudly urged Thor on the side.

It was a habit he took for granted that any plan would retain a certain amount of countermeasures.

After Snape heard this, he glanced at the Cosmic Cube next to him and the machine below.

Of course, there is also a protective cover that glows blue.

Wave your magic wand.

The divine edge is invisible!


An invisible transparent blade hit the blue defensive cover.

There was a bang, and there was almost no movement in the defensive shield.

Feeling the intensity of the energy feedback from the curse, Snape fell into silence.

The energy is so huge that it makes people feel powerless.


Thor on the side didn't completely believe Selvig's words. He swung Mjolnir and replaced a large number of thunder machine defensive shields.

There was a loud boom and the thunder dissipated, but the defensive shield remained the same.

After a moment of silence, Thor said to Snape: "Snape, did you just say that you could find Loki?"

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Snape reached out and took out a small bottle of pale gold potion.

"Elixir of Fortune." Thor exclaimed after seeing it: "Snape, you mean to let me drink the Elixir of Fortune to find Loki."

"This is good stuff."

The last time Lockhart gave him a bottle of Felixir, he drank it and blew up the Rainbow Bridge, successfully preventing Loki from destroying Jotunheim.

That feeling is very wonderful.

After Snape heard what Thor said, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and then a trace of realization flashed across his face.

Lockhart must have given the thunder god in front of him the elixir, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

However, he still nodded and said: "You have a close relationship with Loki, and you know his living habits and other aspects very well."

"It's more effective for you to drink than for me."

He just tried to track Loki, but found that many methods were easily blocked by the scepter in the opponent's hand.

In his opinion, the blessed elixir is most suitable to be used here.

As he spoke, the elixir in his hand floated towards Thor under the control of Snape.

After Thor caught it, he drank it without hesitation.


The cold liquid entered his throat, and a strange feeling surged into his heart.

I feel extremely good in all my various states.

Smile from the heart and be confident.

"I feel like we should go downstairs and have a drink." Thor smiled and said confidently.

Just tell him that something good will happen if you have a drink.

Then, three steps turned into two steps, standing on the top of the building, jumping lightly, and flying towards the first floor next to Stark Tower.

Snape raised his eyebrows when he saw it, but said nothing. He still knew the effect of Felixir.

Follow Thor and fly downward.

Soon, you reach a balcony and follow Thor inside.

The room is very spacious, with sofa and desk. Very refined.

Not far away, there is a large amount of seemingly precious red wine, white wine is placed on the wine cabinet, and there is even a small bar.

It's Tony Stark's lounge.

Thor walked to the bar with brisk and confident steps and took a bottle of white wine and a wine glass.

Tell him directly that many friends will be arriving later.

Pour a drink for Snape and a glass for yourself.

Then he raised his glass to Snape, drank it slowly with a smile on his face.

at the same time


"Look, who ran into my lounge?" Tony Stark flew in on his suit and asked Thor, "Is my wine good?"

"It tastes good, you have great taste." Thor said with a smile and appreciation.

After Tony heard this, he looked at Snape and Thor who exuded goodwill. He hesitated and said, "Of course, this wine has been stored for at least 50 years."

Then, he changed the subject and asked Snape.

"Snape, is there any way to close the space wormhole?"

"I tried up there just now, but there was no way to destroy it. That Selvig said you had a way to find Loki and close the space wormhole."

After Snape heard this, he pointed at Thor and said: "Capture Loki, now we have to watch him."

"He, are you sure he still has time to drink at this time?" Tony looked at Thor and said with disbelief: "Why do I feel so unreliable?"

At this moment, Thor was at the bar. He took a bottle of

"My gut tells me we need to wait a little longer."

After hearing this, Tony was shocked for a moment and looked at Snape. After seeing Snape nodding, he hesitated and chose to believe it.

So he walked to the bar, picked up the glass of xo, and said, "Thor, your name is Thor, right."

"How do you know I like to drink xo?"

"My intuition tells me." Thor said with a smile and confidence: "Come, let's have a drink."


The wine glasses clinked together, and the two of them drank the wine one after another.



At the same time, a loud roar came from the window.

With a climbing sound, the Hulk ran in from the balcony.

Then, not long after.

Natasha and Hawkeye flew in on a stolen mechanical flying car.

Also following was Captain America Steve.

Avengers, assemble!

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