Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 409: Patron Saint Curse (First Update)

Mirror space.

The Eye of Agamotto on the chest slowly rotated, revealing a light green light.

In the sky, a layer of light green ripples covered a large area.

Ancient Yi slowly walked into the covered area and calmly stared at the seven motionless figures.

Among them, three people were completely motionless and seemed unable to resist.

As for the remaining four, layers of phantoms appeared on the surface of their bodies, as if they were struggling.

This may be the difference between the arrival of the body and the arrival of the clone.

"Actually, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, Mephisto, Dormammu, the God of Slaughter and other evil gods looked shocked.

"Ancient Yi, what exactly do you want to do?"

Seemingly breaking free from some restraints, the God of Slaughter Mitchell asked.

And Gu Yi showed a face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said: "It's no big deal."

"It's just that we need your help to maintain the operation of Kama Taj."

"I believe that with your help, Kamal Taj can sustain itself for hundreds of more years without any problem."

After the words fell, the faces of all the evil gods darkened completely.

On the top of the Himalayas, Kama Taj.

Above the sky, a giant red flame-colored wheel slowly rotated.

Unleash a variety of offensive magic.

Fire, thunder, ice, poisonous fog, etc., kill monsters from other dimensions.

On the edge of Kama Taj or the peak of the Himalayas, Lockhart and a group of mages used various magics to deal with the monsters invading from the ground.

As Lockhart's wand was slightly raised, a sea of ​​blue fire rose up.

A huge dragon-shaped flame beast formed and rushed towards the demons and monsters on the opposite side.

Other mages also used their special magic to kill the monsters at the front.

Overall, the situation is relatively stable.

At this moment, Lockhart felt the majestic but disordered energy around him, and his dark color became more cautious.


A loud roar came.

Lohart took a closer look and saw a ferocious-looking man in black robes with a dark aura flying towards him on a giant beast.

Sensing the familiar aura coming from it, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows.

From the dark dimension of Dormammu.

"Great God of Darkness, please grant me the power to kill enemies."


There was a whisper of prayer, and the dark aura exuded by the man in black became stronger and stronger.

Lockhart stretched out his wand and flicked it, and blue fire covered its surroundings.

But a black light flashed across the opponent's body, and he walked through the sea of ​​​​fiery fire without seeming to be harmed at all.

Then, Lockhart's thoughts changed, and the blue fire gradually changed into dark red hellfire.

This time.


The giant beast beneath the black-robed man roared loudly, as if the fire of hell had caused some damage to his soul.

But judging by his vigorous pace, it didn't seem to hurt him much, but instead angered him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Aiming at the black-skinned behemoth, Lockhart was ready to kill him.

The green magic beam shot towards the man in black robe.

However, it seemed that the other party also felt the danger of the Death Curse. He moved slightly sideways and successfully dodged.

"Shattered to pieces!"


"Avada Kedavra!"


As Lockhart waved his wand one after another, magical beams of different colors shot towards the man in black robes.

This attracted the surrounding Kama Taj Masters to look at him sideways.

There is a clear difference between Lockhart's spellcasting and theirs.

They were using a hanging ring, Lockhart was using a wand, and they needed to outline runes, which Lockhart didn't seem to have.

Overall, Lockhart's spellcasting style is more responsive.

However, they only thought for a moment before setting their sights on the invading enemies again.

At this time, Lockhart relied on his skilled spell-casting skills to kill the man in black robe.

Watching the other party turn into a black mist after death, Lockhart fell into deep thought.


After a large number of monsters from the Dormammu dimension died, they turned into black mist and began to gather.

A huge darkness and murderous aura rushed towards his face.

Sensing the threat posed by the other party, Lockhart looked stern.

Mirror space.

"Dormammu, I don't know whether to call you smart or not."

"If you're smart, you didn't come into your true form."

"But if you weren't smart, you actually split most of your origins into two. One stayed on the battlefield, and the other came with me."

"Don't you know that practice is about being refined and pure, not about being complicated and complicated?"

Ancient One stood not far away and said to the bound Dormammu with interest.

Dormammu didn't respond at all, he just stayed there motionless, as if he was avoiding an answer.

He has been entangled with Gu Yi for many years.

He knew how difficult Gu Yi was, so he didn't have much confidence in completely suppressing Gu Yi this time.

So he chose to come in avatar.

Of course, the most important point is that he is very curious about Lockhart who devoured his soul last time.

He sensed that there was an aura deep in Lockhart's soul that made him feel afraid.

I'm afraid even Gu Yi doesn't know this.

If he could obtain it, Gu Yi would definitely not be his opponent.

This is his real purpose.


The black mist was condensing, and in the eyes of many Karma Taj's mages, an evil and dark aura surged out.

Everyone waved their wands and hanging rings in unison, and magical black mist came one after another.


As the black mist unfolded and swept across.

A large number of spells were swallowed up and then disappeared.

However, the black mist flew very steadily towards Lockhart.

Lockhart looked at the black fog that was getting closer and closer, and his face became ugly.

The successive attacks just now seemed to have little impact on the other party.

thoughts flashing

Lockhart waved his wand, and a silvery-white light appeared at the tip of the magic path.

Call the gods to guard!

As Lockhart waved the wand in his hand, a large amount of silver-white light exuding positive auras such as hope and happiness flowed around Lockhart.

In an instant, a lion glowing with silvery white light appeared in front of his eyes.

The Patronus Charm, or the Patronus Charm, is the top white magic in the Harry Potter world.

It has miraculous effects in driving away evil.

Generally speaking, dark wizards cannot cast the Patronus Charm.

Because the most basic element of the Patronus Spell is to have enough light, happiness, and hope.

Apparently the dark wizard didn't.

As Lockhart thought, the silver-white lion transformed by the Patronus Charm ran towards the black mist.


With a huge roar, the silver-white lion opened its mouth and spit out a silver-white ball of light, hitting the black mist.

The moment the light ball came into contact with the black mist, like tofu in brine, the black mist that was hit began to dissipate.

Seeing this, the silver-white lion ran directly in front of the black mist, waving his sharp claws to disperse the black mist.

Soon, the black fog dissipated.

A faint smile floated on Lockhart's face.



A black light flashed and penetrated Lockhart's body at lightning speed.

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