Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 414 Ancient One: Lockhart, do you want to be the Sorcerer Supreme?

Kama Taj, Bronze Hall.

Kama Taj's senior mages walked out of the hall one after another.

After the Dimensional Invasion War ended, they held a meeting with the Supreme Mage immediately to report on the various impacts and general arrangements brought about by the war.

Warning for warning, reward for reward, punishment for punishment.

Fortunately, although this invasion war seemed huge, the actual damage caused was mostly limited to the Hong Kong Temple and did not affect the entire Kama Taj.

This is considered a blessing in misfortune.

At this moment, Lockhart walked to the front of the hall, not far from the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

Quietly waiting for the Supreme Mage Ancient One to speak.

Perhaps, Gu Yi’s summons this time could clear up many of his doubts.

Lockhart thought to himself.

Soon, almost all the mages left. As the supreme mage sitting on it gently held the handrail, the door of the bronze hall slammed shut.

Only Lockhart and the Supreme Mage Ancient One were left in the entire hall.

The Ancient One didn't ask, and Lockhart didn't speak.

The entire hall fell into silence, and the atmosphere became increasingly depressing.

After Ancient One sensed it, he looked at Lockhart who was bowing his head slightly across from him, with a half-smile on his face.

Lockhart seemed to know that if he didn't speak, the atmosphere would only become more and more depressing, so he took the initiative and said, "Master Supreme, is there anything you need me to do?"

"Lockhart, there is really nothing for you to do now." Ancient One smiled softly: "If I really need you, I will naturally speak up."

"However, I would like to know, what do you think of this dimensional invasion?"

After Lockhart heard this, he briefly thought about the purpose of Ancient One's question, then pondered for a moment, and said: "Supreme Mage, I did not personally participate in the dimensional invasion that Karma Taj experienced before, so I do not have a complete understanding of it. Know."

"But as for this dimensional invasion, I personally feel that it is a bit anticlimactic."

"Oh, why is it anticlimactic?" Gu Yi asked with interest.

"Supreme Mage, this invasion seems to be very huge, almost mobilizing all the capabilities of the entire Karma Taj to fight." Lockhart analyzed calmly.

"However, there is a phenomenon, I wonder if you have discovered it."

"That is, after this war, except for those who were killed by the fallen mage."

"Almost no other mages died, not even seriously injured, at most a minor injury."

"Well, Lockhart, your angle is very novel." Ancient One said thoughtfully: "Continue."

After hearing this, Lockhart thought for a moment and continued: "Supreme Mage, the real damage caused by a war that affects the entire Kama Taj can be said to be minimal."

"It's obvious that there is a problem." Lockhart said in a positive tone.

Then, Lockhart said in a tentative tone: "After much thought, I can achieve such a result."

"There are two possibilities."

"Either Kama Taj is far more powerful than the Dimension Demon."

"Either this is a conspiracy of the Dimension Demon God."

Hearing this, Gu Yi showed a faint smile on his face and asked: "Which possibility do you think it is?"

Lockhart did not answer, but asked Ancient One again: "Supreme Mage, I would like to ask for advice."

"What was the actual battle between you and the seven latitude demons?"

"Is it easy to crush? Or to win with difficulty?"

"Oh, how do you say this?" Gu Mian calmed down and said calmly.

Lockhart, on the other hand, did not hesitate and said directly: "If you can crush it easily, then there is a reason why the Dimensional Demon God does not dare to invade with all his strength."

"And if we win with difficulty, I think if the opponent gives in, they will only have a bigger plot."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Ancient Yi's face again, and she naturally understood the implication of Lockhart's words.

"Lockhart, do you know what the rigid criteria are for inheriting the Supreme Mage?"

Regarding Ancient One's question, Lockhart's heart jumped suddenly, and then he shook his head slightly to express that he did not understand.

The Ancient One spoke again: "Excluding knowledge and strength, the most important thing is the power of time that can carry the Eye of Agamotto."

"This is a hard standard and cannot be changed."

Hearing this, Lockhart continued to remain silent. It was not the right time to speak now.

Regarding Roxas' performance, Ancient One continued without paying attention: "So, I have been looking for someone who can carry the Eye of Agamotto."

"You are one. Not long ago, I discovered another one."

Upon hearing this, Lockhart immediately knew who the Supreme Mage was talking about.

Who else but future Doctor Strange?

But what does the Sorcerer Supreme mean when he mentions Doctor Strange?

"It won't be long before he comes to Kamal Taj."

"I've seen his magic talent. It's extremely good. He's a very good talent."

"You can meet me then."

Hearing this, Lockhart frowned slightly, not quite understanding the purpose of Ancient One's words, but still nodded to show that he understood.


There was silence!

The Supreme Mage did not speak again, and the atmosphere became depressing again.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

At some point, the sound of Gu Yi's fingers tapping on the armrest of the seat came from the front.

Soon, it slowly matched the beating speed of Lockhart's heart, and every beat seemed to hit Lockhart's heart.

And this made the atmosphere more depressing and made him feel quite stressed.


"Lockhart, do you have any ideas about the position of the Sorcerer Supreme?"

At night, everything in the world.

The Battle of New York has just ended, and the Dimension Invasion War has also just ended.

The entire Vientiane world was quiet.

But in a restaurant in the entertainment district, it was very lively.

"Come on, captain, come and drink."

"Professor Snape, I have to say that your magic skills were so cool."

"I have to say that Johnny's contribution this time was really great. That hell aircraft carrier blocked most of the alien troops."

"Yes, I think it is not an exaggeration to give Johnny the World Peace Award this time."

"This time, I was able to catch Loki. Thank you for everyone's help. If you need my Thor in the future, just ask."

"Haha, Lockhart, it's all thanks to you this time."


On the dining table, various wine bottles were piled up wantonly.

Captain Steve, Thor, Iron Man Tony, Hulk Banner, etc. all picked up their glasses and started drinking, chatting and joking from time to time, making the scene very lively.

Maybe this is also a way to vent the mental pressure that the New York War has brought to everyone.

However, although Snape sitting next to him was holding a glass of sake, he seemed a little uncomfortable with this situation and could only respond instinctively.

He was a little uncomfortable with this bold way of celebrating.

Well, like a noble, that kind of ceremonial activity is acceptable.

Lockhart, who was not far away, saw it, picked up the wine glass, walked up to Snape, and touched it gently.

"How is it, Snape?"

Seeing Lockhart talking to him, Snape seemed to have seen a savior and complained a little: "Lockhart, these people drink too much. This is not butterbeer."

Well, for wizards, except for those alcoholic lunatics, drinking high-purity alcohol is really rare.

At most it tastes like butterbeer.

After all, sanity is indispensable to a wizard.

"Haha, Snape, just drink less." Lockhart said with a smile, "It's a celebration after all."

"And don't forget that warriors like Thor and Steve have different physical abilities from mages. High-purity alcohol is normal for them."

After finishing speaking, Lockhart also joked: "I will have the opportunity to exercise more in the future. I remember that Karma Taj has a book on refining medicine, which mentioned that it can improve physical fitness. I will borrow it in a few days. have a look."

"For future magic practice, physical fitness is very important."

Hearing this, Snape nodded helplessly, but seemed to have thought of something and reminded him.

"By the way, Lockhart, the magic potion to improve bloodline has been refined. Currently, there are about 100 bottles."

"Okay." Lockhart clinked glasses with Snape again excitedly: "This is good news."

"We'll talk about how to use it when we get back. Let's celebrate now."

As he spoke, he drank the sake in the glass in one gulp, patted Snape on the shoulder, picked up the glass, and walked towards Thor.

This time, he brought everyone together in the name of celebrating the end of the war.

"Here, Thor, let's have a drink." Lockhart clinked the glasses with Thor and said with a smile.

After the two drank from their glasses, Lockhart smiled and asked, "Thor, when are you going to return to Asgard this time?"

After Thor finished drinking, he was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "It's just these few days, basically everything has been dealt with."

"By the way, I also want to thank Lockhart for giving me the Cosmic Cube so that I can give an explanation to my father."

"Haha, this is what it should be." Lockhart said with a smile: "By the way, Thor, the Vientiane World wants to build a long-distance teleportation array with Asgard."

"It will be convenient for the Asgardians to trade with our Karma Taj mages at that time."

"what do you think?"

"What a good idea." Thor agreed generously: "I will talk to my father when I get back."

"This will make it easier for me to get to Earth in the future, and it will be easier for me to meet Jane then."

Hearing this, Lockhart was not polite, clinked his wine glass and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Thor. Just tell me what Asgard has to offer."

"Remember to take me to say hello to your father."

Afterwards, Lockhart chatted with Thor for a while and drank a few more glasses of wine.

Then he walked towards Tony again. At this moment, Tony was joking with Bruce Banner.

"Oh, Banner, I also saw Hulk's figure." Tony winked and joked: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, those muscles, that figure, that strength, it's amazing."

"Tony, when Hulk hears this, be careful he comes out to find you." Banner also said with a smile on his face.

Since he followed Lockhart's advice and the help of potions, his relationship with Hulk has softened a lot.

Able to control the Hulk's transformation and recovery to a certain extent.

This makes him a lot happier.

"Tony, what are you talking about? You're so happy." Lockhart walked up and asked with a smile.

"The Hulk has a great figure," Tony responded with a smile.

"Oh, then do you want me to find a potion for you?" Lockhart said with a smile: "I know there is a potion that can make your whole body turn green."

"That still doesn't work." Tony smiled and shook his head in refusal. Then, he walked to Lockhart and whispered: "Lockhart, is there the kind of man who is full of energy after drinking?"

As he spoke, Tony winked, as if to hint at something.

This left Lockhart a little speechless, but after thinking about it he said: "In a few days, I will come to the World of Vientiane and give you a few bottles of nourishing potions."

Then, another reminder: "Everything should be done in moderation."

"Be careful Pepper getting into trouble with you."

Tony smiled awkwardly, drank a glass of wine, and then changed the subject: "By the way, I remember you just said that the matter with Kama Taj is not over yet?"

"It seems someone defected."

"Do you need help?"

"Yes, I really need your Jarvis to help find someone." Lockhart nodded and said, "When you get the potion in a few days, I'll give you a copy of their profile picture."

"Help me look for it. If you have any clues, let me know."

In this regard, Tony said very confidently: "No problem, as long as he is still on Earth, I will definitely help you find him."

Lockhart shrugged, picked up the glass, touched it lightly, and drank again.

Then we chatted for a while.

Before leaving, he reminded me: "If you get hurt in the future, remember to come to Wanxiang World?"

He has not forgotten what happened next with Iron Man Tony and the Extremis Virus.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Tony nodded perfunctorily. He didn't think that he would be hurt if he had the armor to protect him.

But as if he thought of something, he reminded: "By the way, Lockhart, the latest batch of gold galleon casting machines has been completed. Remember to pick it up."

He nodded at this, then took the wine glass and went to chat with the captain and Johnny Blaze.

The focus of this gathering is to build relationships.

The Avengers will be the focus of the Marvel world for some time to come.

It is still important to maintain a close relationship.

A dark underground space.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, rows of torches lit up, illuminating the entire dark underground space.

At the same time, David and a dozen other mages appeared.

I saw Dai Lun and other mages standing on the ground, using various colors of paint to outline a large number of strange lines, forming a very complex magic circle pattern.

David stood in the center, holding a light ball glowing with deep yellow light in his hand, exuding a mysterious and strange aura.

Opposite him, more than ten mages were kneeling on the ground.

"Masters, although the plan to snatch the secret realm has failed for the time being."

"But I have received news that the Supreme Mage has been severely injured and is now recuperating."

Darren said passionately: "Now is Kama Taj's weakest moment."

"This is also our best chance."

Having said this, Darren had already begun to secretly cast spells to arouse everyone's emotions.

"So, we should"

"Snatch the secret realm, kill the Supreme Mage, and return to Kama Taj."

As Dailan shouted loudly, all the mages' eyes glowed with blood, and they all shouted excitedly.

"Snatch the secret realm, kill the Supreme Mage, and return to Kama Taj."

"Snatch the secret realm, kill the Supreme Mage, and return to Kama Taj."


After a while, after everyone had vented their inner fear, panic, and excitement.

Dai Lun raised the dark yellow Origin Core in his hand high and said solemnly.

"To make everyone stronger."

"Now, let us break Emperor Weishan's contract and study chaos magic together."

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