Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 425 Sirius, you don’t want to leave Harry either, do you?

Ministry of Magic, Office of the Minister.

"Lockhart, I know there's something incredible about this."

"But now, the Dark Lord has appeared again, and a large number of Death Eaters have been rescued by him."

"Now, the Ministry of Magic needs top wizards like you to speak up and boost confidence."

In the bright office, Fudge stood next to Lockhart and kept persuading him.

"Now is the time for us to come together as one"


In order to maintain his position, Fudge thought of a plan.

That is to set up a new target and divert as much attention as possible from yourself.

At the same time, if the other party cooperates, you can also take the opportunity to further stabilize your position.

He initially thought about Dumbledore, but gave up when he thought of Dumbledore's threat to his status.

Later, it was Lockhart.

Lockhart has always been more supportive of himself, and at his age, although his reputation is not small, the danger to his position is not great.

After all, Lockhart is at most the title of the founder of meditation.

Dumbledore was the great white wizard who drove out two generations of Dark Lords.

Lockhart stood aside, listening quietly to Fudge's words. After a while, he interrupted and asked.

"Minister Fudge, how will the Ministry of Magic deal with Sirius' matter?"

Hearing Lockhart's question, Fudge's expression suddenly changed.

Damn it, isn't it specifically emphasized that leaks are prohibited?

Yes, Dumbledore leaked it.

Yes, that must be the case.

Sirius was his, and he must want to rescue Sirius.

Looking at Fudge's changing expression, Lockhart said softly: "Minister Fudge, there are many people who know about this matter."

"There were quite a few Aurors present at the interrogation."

Then, as if as a reminder, he said: "Director Scrimgeour, he has been in the position of Director of the Auror Office for a long time."

Hearing this, Fudge's face darkened.

Damn it, he knew it.

Scrimgeour had been thinking about his position for a long time.

Then Fudge looked at Lockhart with a life-saving look.

Being able to stand in the position of Minister of Magic shows that he is definitely not a fool.

Lockhart actually said it, so he could easily deduce that Lockhart must have something on his mind.

"Lockhart, what do you think we should do now?"

"I have an idea." Lockhart said calmly: "Sirius's matter must not be hidden anymore, and the case can only be overturned."

"And now we need Dumbledore's support."

"But how to overturn the verdict?"

"That's very particular."

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

"Headmaster, I can help you solve Sirius's matter." Lockhart took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Later, just ask Sirius to cooperate with the Daily Prophet."

"I believe there will be no problem in overturning the verdict."

Hearing this, Dumbledore touched his beard and smiled gently.

"It's too much trouble this time, Lockhart. Let me thank you first on Sirius' behalf."

"No need to thank you for this." Lockhart said with a smile: "Don't forget to answer, you promised me."

"My new school library needs a lot of books to fill it up."

"No problem, knowledge needs to be shared." Dumbledore said gently: "You can take my application form later and go to the library to make a copy."

"But Lockhart, let me explain in advance that some books are magical in themselves, so they are difficult to copy."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded to express his understanding.

Then, Dumbledore asked, "By the way, Lockhart, what did Gellert talk to you about?"

"We didn't talk about much." Lockhart explained: "The main thing was to share meditation methods with me."

"He said he was going to promote the meditation method he studied in Ilvermorny."

"Let all students start practicing."

"Meditation." Dumbledore murmured to himself: "Gettler, what did you see again?"

Hogwarts, the school doctor's office.

Golden sunlight shines through the glass onto the white hospital bed.

Sirius closed his eyes, enjoying the warm sunlight shining on his body.

In Azkaban, sunlight is a rare luxury.

"It's time to take medicine, Sirius." Madam Pomfrey said with a look of pity: "Your body needs good conditioning now."

She heard about Sirius.

Imprisoned in the hell of Azkaban for nearly 10 years.

She couldn't even imagine what kind of torture Sirius had suffered?

Alas, the traitor turned out to be Peter Pettigrew, who would have thought?

As expected of a Gryffindor student, he is too arrogant and as stubborn as a donkey.

If I had explained it properly before, I might have ended up like this.

Sirius, who was lying on the hospital bed, opened his eyes when he heard what Madam Pomfrey said.

Looking at the various potions on the tray in Madam Pomfrey's hand.


Regarding the change in his current situation, he didn't know whether it was good or bad, he just felt a little confused.

Even after getting out of Azkaban, he didn't know what to do next.

As for Mrs. Pomreif, she didn't care what Sirius was thinking.

Without hesitation, he walked forward and fed the healing potion in his hand bottle by bottle.

Don't be polite when treating patients.

When you are sick, you should take medicine. After taking medicine, you should rest without anyone disturbing you.

This is Madam Pomfrey's creed.

Soon, after feeding the potion, Madam Pomfrey comforted her with a few words, then turned and left.

And Sirius closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly.

"Harry, this is your godfather, Sirius Black."

"He was very good friends with your father, James, and your mother, Lily."

"Ah, Professor Lockhart, he is. The Godfather!"

Hearing a timid voice, Sirius opened his eyes and saw a somewhat familiar figure beside the bed.

Emerald green eyes, childish face, lightning scar.

Lily, James.

I see, this is your child.

"You are Harry!" Sirius' hoarse voice sounded.

Harry on the side subconsciously took a few steps back.

But when he thought of the other person's identity, he opened his eyes wide and looked carefully at the pale but mature man in front of him.

"You may not have seen me, but I held you when you were born."

"I am your godfather, Sirius Black."

"Godfather!" Harry said at a loss, but he could feel the concern in the other person's words.

However, there was no waiting for the two to communicate.

Lockhart stepped forward and interrupted: "Sirius, long time no see. I'm Lockhart. There are some things I need to talk to you about."

Then, he said to Harry: "Harry, I want to talk to your godfather about something."

"You should go back first. You will have plenty of time to chat later."

Hearing this, Harry glanced at Sirius and hesitated.

But in the end he nodded, turned around and left.

Although, he was full of curiosity about Tianxiao Tianlang.

However, after all, this was their first meeting, and he trusted Professor Lockhart even more.

Sirius, on the other hand, opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he looked at the figure in front of him quietly.

At this moment, watching Harry's leaving figure, Lockhart sat on the edge of the bed and stared into Sirius's light blue eyes.

"Sirius, you don't want to leave your godson Harry and go back to Azkaban again."

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