Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 47 Lockhart was mocked! ! (Looking for further reading, looking for investment, and looking

Saturday, Snape's office.

Lockhart looked at the slightly dim office and frowned slightly.

Then he looked at the large number of solid wood shelves placed next to the office with great interest.

To be precise, it should be the glass jar on the shelf.

Basically every shelf has a large glass with various specimens soaked in it.

"Salamander guts."

"The eyes of the fire dragon."

"The hippogriff's tongue."


In recent days, Lockhart had read a lot of books about potion materials, but it was still difficult to observe the collection in Snape's office.

"Don't identify it. With your current knowledge, it's difficult to identify it completely."

Snape's mocking tone reached his ears, but Lockhart didn't care.

He turned around, walked to the middle of the house, squatted down, and looked at the orange flames underneath, the hot steam coming from the mouth of the pot, and the crucible where the potion was being boiled.

Lockhart could see that there was a slightly yellowish, creamy mass in the cauldron.

So he asked Snape next to him with some curiosity: "How many times can this pot of truth serum be used?"

Snape, who was sorting out the materials, glanced at it indifferently and said calmly: "This pot contains about 5 bottles."

"Generally, three drops are enough for a wizard, and five bottles are enough for you to use it about 60 times."

Upon hearing Snape's introduction, Lockhart nodded slowly, stood up, and continued to look at the layout of Snape's office with interest.

He was quite interested in the bookshelf on the right side of the office. Just by looking at the titles of the books, he knew they were all related to potions.

And the potion books collected in Snape's office are definitely unique.

"Can I read this book "A Brief Analysis of Advanced Potion Technology"

Lockhart pointed to a book on the bookshelf and asked Snape beside him.

"No." Snape glanced at it and flatly refused, "With your current level of potion knowledge, you simply cannot understand the contents of the book."

"It's a waste of time."

Faced with the ridicule of a top potion master, Lockhart waved his hand helplessly and said nothing.

"Just sit still and wait 10 minutes for the truth serum to be refined. Then take your magic potion and leave."

Seeing Lockhart looking around his office, a trace of impatience flashed across Snape's face and he said coldly.

Although he knew that the potion Lockhart might want was somewhat special, otherwise it would be impossible for him to help.

Unexpectedly, after reading the list of potions that Lockhart made for himself.

Then I realized that what Lockhart, who seemed to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, wanted to buy was a potion banned from circulation by the Ministry of Magic.

Well, the quantity is acceptable, but the properties are quite special.

He still has some potions on hand, such as polyjuice potion and dream soul potion.

There are still some potions that need to be refined, such as the truth serum that is being brewed.

It was only now that the potion Lockhart asked for was ready.

Although the potion Lockhart wanted was of a special nature, he didn't care at all.

The reason why he can buy all kinds of precious potion materials in such an office is not all because he earns gold galleons from selling those forbidden potions.

As for the laws of the Ministry of Magic, sorry, he was a dark wizard before.

Isn't it normal to ignore the laws issued by the Ministry of Magic?

Soon, the truth serum was finished.

Snape packed the truth serum carefully and responsibly, and at the same time put the rest of the potion into a space bag.

Pass it to Lockhart and ask him to leave his office.

Faced with Snape's expulsion, Lockhart thanked him and walked out of the office helplessly.

After all, he is a top potion master, and it is normal to be a little arrogant. Which of his colleagues in the previous life was not arrogant?

However, looking at the small space bag in his hand, Lockhart had a smile on his face.

Snape is indeed a top potion master. Most of these potions that are difficult to buy on the market are available to Snape.

Even if it doesn't exist, it will be refined in just a few days.

However, Lockhart couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart at the thought of being burdened with a debt of thousands of gold galleons.

The last time I bought magic potions on a large scale, I consumed more than half of my funds in one go.

This time I finally managed to wait until the royalties came back.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that as soon as the royalties are received, they will have to be sent to Snape.

Tsk tsk tsk, as expected, mastering a sophisticated technology is popular.

No, this time in the Marvel world, I have to find a way to make money.

Otherwise, everything will be in vain.

Even if you publish another book and earn royalties, it will still take time.

Lockhart felt a little anxious in his heart.

But after looking at the space bag in my hand, I felt much more at ease.

This time, he put his wealth on these potions.

I hope that I can gain enough in the Marvel world this time. As long as I can open up a stable income channel, I will make a lot of money.

In fact, some ideas have already emerged in his mind.

In the future, he will need a large amount of Gold Galleons, because to promote a new magic system, manpower and material resources will depend on Gold Galleons.

Lack of money is an absolute must.

You must not save gold Gallons, you have to spend them to see the results.

Only by spending it can you get more gold galleons in the future.

Just like these days, he has been giving out various magic talismans. Although these talismans are low-cost, they cannot withstand being issued once a month, especially when he plans to increase the number and even frequency of rewards in the future, which will cost gold galleons.

Although there is a lot of investment in the early stage, in the later stage, the benefits will be huge.

Today is Sunday, all the little wizards have the day off.

First and second grade, unlike third grade, you can go to Hogsmeade.

I can only stay in Hogwarts.

However, Hogwarts also has many interesting places, such as the Black Lake. Many little wizards like to play on the lawns around the Black Lake. The environment there is very beautiful.

Especially when the sun sets and reflects on the lake, it seems to be covered with a golden coat, which is very beautiful.

Therefore, basically every day, many little witches go to the Black Lake to watch the sunset.

For Hermione, the sunset today was something to watch.

But you must go to Professor Lockhart's office in advance.

Because she had finished revising her thesis.

God knows, she revised this paper countless times.

Every time I finish writing, I always feel that some parts are not described well, or not profound enough.

This is not like the magic potion or magic papers left by the previous teacher, which just collect the information according to the books, summarize and organize it.

Professor Lockhart left the paper.

It is an elaboration of a thinking concept, and everyone will have their own understanding.

And every time you think deeply, you are likely to have new ideas.

And Hermione, as a very serious little witch, kept thinking about the points made by Professor Lockhart before.

The more I think about it, the more profound I feel.

Even, from time to time, a new idea would pop up, which would enlighten her and make her eyes light up.

In fact, Lockhart summed up his previous philosophy as:

Control input! ! !

This set of concepts is the essence of what he spent more than twenty years accumulating in his previous life.

I don’t know how many detours we took and how many pitfalls we fell into?

A way of thinking that was just summarized.

With this way of thinking, he was able to stand out in the entire academic circle in his previous life.

Even while others lose money on their research projects, he makes money on his research projects.

All are closely related to this set of thinking.

And he has integrated the idea of ​​control input into his own instinct.

Even when he traveled to the Harry Potter world and the Marvel world, he still followed this concept.


In order to make it easier for everyone to better understand the concept of control input mentioned in this article, let’s briefly introduce it. (Well, it also proves that I am not making it up. I personally believe in this concept very much.)

This idea comes from a very good person.


When he was young, he was determined to teach humans to think, so he studied physics, became a Ph.D. in physics, and created the TOC theory.

TOC, commonly known as Theory of Constraints

How powerful is this management theory? Let’s put it this way, the two richest men in the world are using TOC theory.

Amazon’s Bezos and Zara founder Amancio Ortega are all believers in the theory of constraints.

Bezos requires executives to read books on the Theory of Constraints before joining Amazon.

The concept of control input originated from a question asked by teacher Lin Hengyi to Goldratt.

The general meaning of this question is: If you condense the essence of your thoughts into one sentence, what would it be?

And Goldratt's reply was: Control the feeding!

Controlling feeding means controlling input.

It's just that the word "feeding" is more commonly used in industrial production, and it is easier for the general public to understand it by inputting it.

The concept of control input will be slowly penetrated later, which is also a core concept of the protagonist's behavior.

I will give a brief introduction tomorrow, but I won’t go into too much. Let it penetrate slowly and don’t rush.

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