Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 459 American Wizard Bank Association, the rebellious goblin (second update)



"Damn Grindelwald lackeys, go to hell!"


"Avada Kedavra!"


The saints waved their magic wands, with fierce eyes on their faces, and streaks of magic light were shot towards each other.

I saw corpses lying on the ground, torn apart and beaten to pieces.

There was blood and mutilated limbs everywhere, and the strong smell of blood could be heard, but no one on both sides frowned, and there was only fanaticism and murderous intent in their eyes.

This is America, or to be precise, the American Wizarding World.

After Grindelwald occupied Ilvermorny, he set his sights on the Magical Congress.

He never had the habit of doing things only half way.

Ilvermorny has been taken over, and if you can't get there, the MAC will still be left to cause trouble for you.

What's more, this country left a very bad impression on her.

He has not forgotten who suffered the first loss and where he suffered it.

Damn Newt, damn MACHA.

Especially after investigation, it was found that the Magical Congress is at its weakest stage. If Grindelwald does not take action, he will be ashamed of God for giving him such a good opportunity.

Well, after all the hard work, it finally failed.

Now, victory is in sight.

However, the only troublesome thing is that these American wizards hide too deeply.

And they would carry out sneak attacks from time to time, just like now.

No big deal though, the Saints will soon be familiar with everything.

These rats, no matter how deep they are hidden, have to be dug out one by one.

Although the battlefield was very fierce and fighting continued.

But Grindelwald at this moment is not on this battlefield.

And the place where he is located is one of the most famous places in the American wizarding world.

Wizards Bank Association of America!

Standing at the door, staring at the various magical animals and wizards' patterns carved on the thick, gray stone door.

Grindelwald couldn't help but have an inquiring look in his eyes.

After his self-imprisonment, the decline of the American wizarding community was not without reason.

When the reason for the decline was reported to him, he couldn't help but feel that it was ridiculous.

He never imagined that goblins, as slaves, would be the mastermind behind the decline of the American wizarding world.

This group of guys seems to be able to influence and even control the direction of the American wizarding world without using magic wands or fighting, but using pure commercial capital methods.

"Sir, when will we go in?"

An elderly saint on the side said in a deep voice, while looking fiercely into the depths of the banking association.

If eyes could be used as knives, I'm afraid this building would have been cut into pieces.

American wizards are simply a disgrace to the wizarding world.

But the most hateful ones are these former slaves.

There is a saying that goes very well:

I would rather be a friendly country than a domestic slave!

No matter how ferocious the wizards are fighting, it's all a matter for the wizarding world.

If a goblin is involved, he must die.

The method of killing must be used to deter these damn slaves.

At this moment, Grindelwald pondered for a moment after hearing the inquiry from one of his confidants.

He raised his wand high and waved it vigorously.

call! call! call!

Blue fierce fire spurted out from it and began to spread to the surroundings.

Soon, a series of blue flames began to rise and form a circle next to the headquarters of the Wizarding Bank Association.

The saints looked at a familiar scene with excitement on their faces.

Many friends have not forgotten that it was the adults who invited everyone to join after the prophecy.

And now the same scene appears again, the only difference is that they were standing outside then, but this time they were standing inside.

What I saw at that time was the content of the prophecy, but now.

"Kill for me, no one of these goblins can be spared."

With the wand in his hand, he quickly waved the blue fire and rushed towards the main gate of the Wizards Association.



A pale golden defensive shield suddenly appeared.

The fierce fire was blocked, and so was the magic spell.

This made Grindelwald's face look slightly ugly.

But then he adjusted his mentality and secretly made up his mind that the goblin would not survive until he died.

This is what he said!

"Knife out of its sheath!"

The wand was waved again, and a dense cluster of sharp blades shining with light cyan appeared in mid-air.


The wand was waved, and the light cyan sharp blade suddenly hit the door like rain.

boom! boom! boom!

There were dense banging and cracking sounds, and the originally intact light golden defense shield began to dim, and more and more broken stripes appeared on the surface.


The shrouded defensive cover disappeared, pale golden light spots scattered everywhere, and the door of the Wizards Bank Association was opened.

"I only have one request!"

"All fairies will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing the door being opened, Grindelwald turned and stared at the saints opposite and said loudly.

After hearing this, all the saints nodded in unison with serious faces, and loudly replied: "All fairies will be killed without mercy!"

After hearing this, Grindelwald nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, the saints rushed towards the door.

boom! boom! boom!


"Ah, there's a trap!"


Not long after entering the gate, a burst of dense gunfire suddenly rang out.

At the same time, screams and wails were also heard.

Grindelwald's face suddenly darkened and became very ugly.

tread! tread!

Taking two or three simple steps, as if shrinking to an inch, Grindelwald walked behind the saint.

boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out again, and Grindelwald's expression became even colder when he encountered this scene.

Magic gun!

Looking at the goblin not far away opposite, wearing red clothes and holding a magic gun in his hand.

Anger suddenly surged in Grindelwald's eyes, but he soon returned to his original calm state.

In addition to being careful about money, this group of goblins seems to still be at a disadvantage in the study of alchemy.

The ancient wizards were too gentle.

When dealing with goblins, they should be tamed according to the methods of house elves.

Otherwise, it is all danger!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Without hesitation, Grindelwald waved his wand and shot fierce death curses at these goblins.

Having always believed in wizard supremacy, he had only one outcome for the rebellious races like goblins.


Kill until you are clean!

Kill them until they no longer dare to think of rebellion!

With Grindelwald taking action, it was difficult for the magic guns in the hands of these goblins to have any impact, and they were naturally hit by powerful black magic and lost their lives.

After all the goblins died, the scene was silent, and the surrounding saints looked at Grindelwald in awe.

At this moment, Grindelwald frowned slightly.

In his perception, there seemed to be no life in the depths of this building.

And the only thing that can explain it is

These goblins have escaped!

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