Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 483 Dumbledore has gone dark?


The dark green fairy eyes kept releasing very secret spiritual ripples while blinking continuously.

The second headquarters of the Magic Congress continues to spread outwards.

Every goblin who enters the MAC address will have a comfortable smile on his face, as if he has returned home.

The wizard who was traveling with him seemed to have no sense at all.

"Moll, the magic firearms you researched during this mission have played a big role."

"Haha, indeed, the Saint on the opposite side obviously had no time to stop him and was shot in the head."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's too miserable."


On the road leading to the headquarters of the Magic Congress, three wizards and a goblin were talking and laughing.

When it comes to killing saints, especially headshots, the laughter is even more constant.

No one could tell that they had only known each other for less than a month.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tall and thin wizard Ram made a pistol gesture and fired in the distance, constantly simulating the sound of magic gun shooting.

"Haha, goblins are indeed the race that is best at alchemy. I remember that some wizards also studied Muggle pistols, but they all failed."

Ram made a fool of himself and praised him without hesitation.

This made Fairy Moore couldn't help but raise his head, feeling very proud.

The two wizard teammates next to him also praised him one after another after hearing it.

During this period of time, with the blessing of goblin magic guns, the wizards' battle was even more powerful.

Originally, they were at a disadvantage in the battle with the Saints, but now, both sides are evenly matched, and they even have a vague upper hand.

Goblins contributed a lot here, especially their magic guns, which played a key role.

The biggest feature of magic firearms is the various bullets refined by fairies.

It can be said that every bullet is equivalent to a magic spell.

They wizards need to recite the incantation every time they cast a spell.

Only a very small number of elite wizards can cast spells silently.

With the help of magical firearms, almost every goblin can master abilities comparable to those of elite wizards.

Swift and powerful spellcasting.

What's even more terrifying is the consumption.

A wizard needs to consume magic power to cast a spell.

But magic guns consume so-called fairy gems.

what does that mean?

In a sense, the elf only needs to carry a sufficient number of elf gems.

Then it is completely possible to cast spells permanently.

Of course, reality cannot be so exaggerated, but there is no doubt that the goblin's frontal combat capabilities have been greatly enhanced.

Especially when the number of goblins accumulates to a certain scale.

Dozens or even hundreds of firearms fired bullets one after another like a violent storm.

That power.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ram has seen it before. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it will destroy the world, but it is definitely not inferior to the top black magic that once the Dark Lord burned the whole of Paris - the darkest fire!

That power, that destructiveness, just thinking about it briefly made Ram feel hot in his heart.

So, the conversation changed slightly and he began to inquire about the news: "Moll, your uncle is a famous goblin master. How is the research on the latest magical firearms suitable for wizards?"

"Do you need any tests?"

"Our team can completely meet your uncle's requirements."

Having said this, Ram couldn't help but have a fawning smile on his face.

Because of the different properties of magic power, the magic guns studied by fairies are currently only suitable for fairies.

But now, the Magic Congress has united with a group of goblin alchemist masters to overcome this problem.

The purpose is to allow human wizards and fairies to use magic firearms without any hindrance.

As soon as the words fell, the two wizard teammates on the side also raised their ears, with expectant looks on their faces.

Although the experimental product does not sound good on the surface.

But when you actually hold a magic gun in your hand.

Mmm, it smells so good!

After hearing this, Goblin Moore straightened his chest and showed a proud look on his face. As he walked towards the door, he said in a confident tone: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me."

"When my uncle has any research results, he will use them on our team as soon as possible."

As he spoke, the dark green fairy eyes kept blinking.

They passed the judgment and entered the headquarters of the Magic Congress.

Of course, they didn't feel the judgment of the Fairy Eyes at all.

But what they didn't notice was that after they entered the congressional premises, there was a slight flash of white light. Then he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If I hadn't been paying attention, at first glance, I would have thought I was dazzled.

At this moment, Dumbledore stood in the hall of Congress, watching the team leave Moore, and then turned to look at the goblin eyes that were still blinking.

He couldn't help but shake his head slightly, seeming to sigh.

But if you are familiar with the presence of Dumbledore Grindelwald, you will know that your old friend may seem to be shaking his head and sighing, but in fact he is full of anger and murderous intent.

It was just as if he and I were walking on two different paths, both sighing, but there was no hesitation, only determination.

His sigh was not about his enemies, but about himself.

What he sighed was that he had to go on a killing spree and do things against his own will.

The sighing expression gradually changed, the expression gradually became firm, and then returned to the previous kindness.

Finally, look at the fairy eyes that are still blinking.

His eyes couldn't stop showing coldness and murderous intent.

Then, without hesitation, he walked towards the top floor of the station with firm steps.

He would like to see

What do the Speakers and Members of the Magic Congress do for food?

Although this mental change was subtle, he did not believe that these elite wizards from the Congress could not detect it.

I just hope that they really haven't noticed it for some reason.

Don't be complicit, don't be.

Otherwise, he didn't want his hands to be stained with the blood of wizards, and he didn't want to hear the wail of their souls at midnight.

New York, MAC Headquarters.

The former parliamentary headquarters is now in ruins.

There are large and small rocks everywhere, as well as potholes on the ground, which seem to prove that there was a very fierce battle here.

Logically speaking, no one should care about such ruins. After all, there is nothing interesting to see.

But is it possible that the Saints organization apparated here and stayed for a while before turning around and leaving?

They came here not to see the scenery, but to feel how powerful their current leader is?

The Congress headquarters, which was comparable to a magical fortress, had elements of a sneak attack, but it was destroyed by Grindelwald alone and reduced to rubble.

This inspired the hearts of the saints, and also caused a huge mental blow to the wizards of the Magical Congress in the early stages.

Here is the pride of the saints, which greatly demonstrates their self-confidence.

The once great leader is back, and even more powerful now.

On the edge of the rubble ruins, there were several invisible and transparent figures standing together, watching all this with cold eyes.

They are ghosts, former members of the Magical Congress.

Every ghost has a reason to stay in the world.

The fact that they are here means that their reasons are related to the Magical Congress.

In other words, their deaths are closely related to the Magical Congress.

Most ghosts died of power struggles and unwillingness of ambition.

When they witnessed the destruction of the Magical Congress with their own eyes, they naturally dissipated.

And those who stay, naturally have their reasons.

"Putton, what are those ghosts doing?" The saint, who was stepping gently on the ruins, asked his friend beside him.

His friend Puton, on the other hand, glanced at the ghost his friend was talking about and turned back with disdain. He closed his eyes and said impatiently: "What can some ghosts who cannot touch matter do?"

He is now closing his eyes to feel the traces left by the great leader Glinde's spells in this ruins.

There is such a news circulating among the saints.

The reason why the great leader Grindelwald quickly regained his strength and became even stronger than before was that meditation played a key role in it.

Although I don’t know if it is true or false.

But it is said that there are traces of the leader among the ruins and remains. As long as you pay attention, you can definitely peek from them.

In fact, someone has already done this, so many wizards continue to come one after another.

For them, it is not important whether they are ghosts or not. The most important thing is to be able to follow their master and realize their dreams.

Sure enough, after Puton's words fell, the teammates next to him also felt that it made sense and stopped paying attention to the group of ghosts.

At this moment, the ghost gradually started to act.

They wandered around the edges of the Magic Congress, gradually forming a huge circle.

However, none of the wizards seemed to care. Perhaps the long-term belief that ghosts are not dangerous is affecting their judgment.

When they stood in a circle, the transparent figures seemed to gradually begin to flash, as if they were walking into reality from illusion.

At this moment, the saints standing in the ruins did not seem to notice anything.

They are still comprehending the various traces of magic left in these ruins.


At some point, the ground of the ruined Ministry of Magic headquarters began to glow with a faint silvery white light.

Immediately afterwards, red flames, dark green, starry sky blue and other colors flashed.

As the magic circle was fully activated and the magic power began to surge, many saints gradually opened their eyes and looked at the ghosts on the edge of the ruins in disbelief.

The ghost at this moment, no, it should be said that it is the Ministry of Magic's elite Aurors and MPs disguised as ghosts without any hesitation.

He raised the magic wand in his hand high and waved it vigorously. The magic power in his body surged and flowed into the magic circle on the ground.

The Magical Congress, as a former war fortress, was once destroyed by Grindelwald, but many things still exist.

For example, this one still exists because Grindelwald's previous sneak attack did not have time to activate the magic circle.

And the only function of this magic circle is to

Break the devil!

call! call! call!

At some point, the entire ruins shrouded by the magic circle began to blow with strong winds.

After many wizards sensed it, their expressions suddenly changed.

The magic power in the area they were in began to rise, but at the same time it became more chaotic, like a stormy ocean.

Chaos, disorder, agitation!

When I wanted to cast a spell, I accidentally failed to control the surging magic power, which resulted in the spell casting failing.

This is Demon Breaking, which cuts off the wizard's connection to magic through high-frequency magic disturbance.

It is a top-notch control magic circle.

Moreover, this thing does not distinguish between friend and foe.

But the saints are perfect for dealing with these enemies of Congress.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The leading wizard shouted at the top of his lungs, and dozens of goblins stood up from beside the wizard one after another, holding magic guns tightly in their hands, and kept shooting at the saints.

Gunfire continued, and the probability of hitting the Saint seemed high.

But for some reason, almost no one died.

Most of them were injured.

The leading Auror, Director Summer, was a little anxious.

This magic circle is the only magic circle that they have discovered in the past few days as ghosts that can still be used and maintains its full power.

The current saints have lost the ability to cast spells and are unable to bind chickens, which is evidence of this.

But, do these goblins live for a living?

The Saint Killer used to kill very fiercely, but now, he is weak.


A certain possibility came to mind. Auror Director Sammo's eyes were dark, and the eyes he looked at the group of goblins next to him were becoming more and more dangerous.

Now that goblins and wizards have united, things are looking great, but I hope it's not so.

Washington, MAC, Office of the Deputy Speaker.

Although Chenos is the deputy speaker.

But under the premise that the real Speaker was hit hard and ignored things.

In fact, he is no different from the Speaker.

Especially under his leadership, the goblins and wizards joined forces and launched a major breakthrough from counterattack to full-scale counterattack.

His reputation suddenly stood at the top.

No surprise, if nothing else.

When the Speaker's term ends, Chenos may actually be elected as the Speaker of the Magic Congress.

At this moment, Chenos was sitting on his desk. He poured himself a glass of water and drank it leisurely, ignoring the goblin elder Nass opposite him.

Nass, who was opposite him, stared with cold eyes at the deputy speaker opposite, who was supported by the goblin himself.

What an immature wolf cub.

In other words, biting dogs really don’t bark.

As time passed by, Vice Speaker Chenos seemed to be addicted to the contents of the cup, as if he was tasting the sweetness and sweetness of the clear water.

Despite the gaze of the goblin elder Nas, he remained motionless.

As time went by, Nas began to lose his temper.

"Chenos, why have the casualties of goblins increased more than ten times in the past few days than before?"

"Give me a reason?"

After Chenos heard this, a mocking smile appeared on his face.


"You shouldn't ask this question to me, but to Grindelwald."

"The saints resisted, and the number of deaths of goblins and wizards increased. Isn't this normal?"

"Is it possible that only wizards are allowed to die and goblins are not allowed to die?"

Chenos sarcastically said.

As the deputy speaker, how could he not know what the goblin had been thinking and what he had done.

It's just that the overall situation is more important now, and the goblin needs to be roped in to be used as cannon fodder or possessed.

He didn't care about trivial matters.

However, the goblin still needs to be beaten when he needs to be beaten.

Otherwise, it will really fly into the sky and it will be very troublesome to pull it back.

Chenos thought silently in his heart and began to think about how to restrict the rights of goblins.

As a mature politician, you must learn to negotiate with the capital behind you and never let the capital behind you take the lead.

The more he wants something, the less he can give it.

Only in this way can you maintain your status and ensure your independence.

He knew what the goblin wanted, but now the goblin's influence was not small.

If it continues, his position as deputy speaker may be in danger.

After hearing this, Fairy Nas wanted to nod in agreement, but she restrained herself.

You can't say this. If you really say that the life of the goblin is more important than the wizard, then the situation will really fall apart.

While the two were arguing with each other, suddenly...

Rapid footsteps came from outside the door, and bad news seemed to come from the hurried footsteps.

Before Chenos could speak, an anxious voice sounded outside the door.

"Speaker Chenos, it's not good."

"Our first battle to counterattack the Saints and retake the headquarters failed."

"Grindelwald appears, Grindelwald appears."

"First, if the enemy tipped off the information, someone must have tipped off the information."

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