Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 489 A battle recorded in history, the King of Goblins (Second update)

"Damn the wizards, damn the Magical Congress."

"They don't know the importance of the Fairy Eyes, yet they dare to do it."

"This is a provocation and must be countered."

"No, start attacking directly. We have collected almost all their intelligence, especially the leader Chenos."

"Damn white-eyed wolf, we have been supporting him for so long, he must be cut to pieces."

"I'll be the pioneer, this time."

In the goblin palace, Elder Nass was impassioned and menacing. He stood in the middle of the palace and shouted angrily at several goblin elders around him.

He even shook his fist from time to time to show his attitude.

Nas's actions made several goblin elders on the side look at each other.

Nass, who usually calls for slowing down and peaceful evolution, was so angry and radical today, even more radical than the radicals.

"Everyone, listen to me. I know this Deputy Speaker Chenos very well. As long as you open your mouth, I will immediately have my people prepare a plan for assassination."

Nas had an expression on his face that was making suggestions for everyone, and his tone was full of firmness and determination.

It seems that as long as everyone agrees with his proposal, he will take action immediately.

"These wizards have turned the world upside down."

"If it weren't for us goblins, they would have been killed by Grindelwald and the saints."


Hearing Nas continue to curse and express his anger, mania, and murderous intent.

Looking at this scene, no one would have thought that the relationship between him and Chenos was once very good.

"Okay, Nas, don't continue acting." Guzman, the leader of the radical faction, said very dissatisfied.

The other party acted more aggressively than himself, and even directly proposed to assassinate Chenos.

At first, Guzman was stunned, even a little confused.

But as Nass continued to talk about his hostility to wizards, he mentioned Grindelwald and the Saints from time to time.

Guzman quickly came to his senses.

Are you really preparing to start a war with the wizard?

This was clearly reminding him that there was such a powerful enemy like Grindelwald in front of him.

Goblins and wizards cannot go to war or have conflicts.

What's even more annoying is that the other party still emphasizes on going to war with the wizard.

What's the meaning?

As a co-author, I, a radical, have to advise you to consider the overall situation and pursue peace.

"What's wrong? Guzman, why am I acting?"

"If you really think it's fake, I'll capture a wizard right now and kill him when he comes in front of you."

"If you still think I am lying, I will immediately send people to assassinate Chenos, Sanjay, Geno and other congressmen, director."

"You name a person, and I'll kill him. I'll kill him with my own hands."

At this point, Nas's eyes stared directly, as if to express his anger that he was not believed, and shouted every word: "You have to believe that everything I say is true."

Seeing Nas with such an attitude, at this moment, Guzman felt as if he had eaten a piece of cake and felt very uncomfortable.

He wished he could just read out a series of names and let Nas kill them one by one.

But he knew it was absolutely not possible.

If you really dare to do this, you will get burned.

The responsibility for stirring up wizards and goblins behind the scenes lies entirely with him.

At this moment, the entire palace fell into silence, and everyone fell silent.

The peaceful faction had a radical attitude, while the radical faction fell into silence.

Seeing this, Nas breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly.

This level has finally been passed.

Although punishment is still unavoidable in the end, after all, the preciousness of the fairy eyes can be imagined.

But don't think about using this excuse to attack him in the future.

He is already clamoring to attack and kill the Magical Congress. You are given such a good opportunity, but you just failed to live up to it.

Nas internally praised his intelligence.

However, he still had an angry and shouting expression on his face, as if he would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Well, he just disgusted Guzman by the way.

As the two most conflicting factions, the contradiction between the two is also extremely obvious.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Nas, Guzman, let me put aside the conflict between you two."

A powerful middle-aged voice sounded in the hall.

On the throne at the top of the palace, a figure wearing black and gold clothes appeared, with a black and gold crown on his head.

The body is taller and more muscular than the average goblin.

Simply standing up, his whole body exuded a powerful aura.

After seeing this figure, all the goblin elders below bent down, lowered their heads, and said in unison, "I have seen the great goblin king."

"May you exist forever like the blazing sun and silver moon in the sky."

"Get up."

Turan, the King of Goblins, looked at the explanation goblin below and spoke slowly.

Although the voice was brief, it was filled with unbreakable majesty.

He was once the Grand Elder of Gringotts, the ruler of European goblins, and the president of the American Wizarding Banking Association.

He is the true King of Goblins, the King of Goblins around the world.

The three main areas where goblins are distributed on the earth are all under his command.

"We'll talk about your business later."

"Now, let's take a look at this first."

After the words fell, the scepter in the hand of the Goblin King Turan hit the ground hard.


There was a loud bang, and a large stream of white mist came out.

The next moment, it filled the entire palace.

Seeing this scene, although the goblin elder was very surprised, he remained silent and waited quietly.

Soon, the white fog gradually dissipated.

They suddenly discovered that the surrounding environment did not seem to be the original palace.

Instead, we came to a wilderness, surrounded by everything desolate and lonely.

The large expanses of yellow sand and weeds make it even more desolate.

It made them feel very confused.

Just like this, how could the great King of Goblins let them see this.

No, it's not that simple.

"Look over there."

A neutral elf elder pointed to the east and said in horror.

They looked around one after another and saw silvery white light flashing not far away, as well as dreamlike colorful streams of light.


As if knowing that everyone had noticed the important point, the entire picture began to zoom forward rapidly.

Soon, a huge battlefield appeared in front of the goblins.

The bursting silver lightning continuously strikes the colorful Hogwarts giant stone statue!

The scorching phoenix flame burns the gray mist filled with the aura of death!

A large number of silver-white birds sprint towards the tall Hogwarts Castle!

Zhi! Zhi! Zhi!

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Roaring explosions continued to sound, scorching hot winds swept around, and a large amount of sand and stone spattered

This scene that looked like the destruction of the world made all the goblins stunned.

At this time, Turan, the King of Goblins, with his crown and scepter, was also staring at the decisive battle of top wizards in front of him!

No, this has surpassed the existence of the top wizard in history.

They are the most elite wizards in the history of the wizarding world.

This is a battle worthy of being recorded in history.

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