Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 492 The moral kidnapping of Dumbledore

"Here comes Principal Dumbledore!"

"Headmaster Dumbledore is here, we are saved."

"Ugh, damn saints, damn Grindelwald!"


Dumbledore walked on the straight avenue made of dumb cannons and watched them excitedly waving the welcome flags in their hands, discussing excitedly, looking expectantly, and even cried with joy, constantly venting and pouring out the pain he had suffered during this period.

This made him feel shocked, and the heaviness in his heart increased a lot.

He knew very well that the squib wizards present had already regarded him as their last hope.

If they lose this hope, they will easily collapse inside.

At this moment, the sense of responsibility in my heart increased significantly.

There is no trace of magic, this is the human heart.

If it was a dark wizard, he might not care, but for him, the eager desire and anticipation of these squib wizards turned into pressure.

Soon, Chenos took Dumbledore and other Aurors who came to support, and the wizards arrived in front of the headquarters of the Magic Congress. A large number of wizards stood in front of the tall marble door early.

All of them are Oros from the Magic Congress, and all of them are war heroes who are still alive after this war.

The chest is full of bronze and golden medals, and there are all kinds of hideous wounds on the surface of the body, and some even have many broken hands and feet, and they use magic equipment to maintain their combat power.

All this seems to illustrate how much their wizards have paid for peace.

Auror Moody, who came to support Dumbledore from behind, couldn't help but feel a ray of respect in his heart when he saw the eyes, ears, thighs, and thighs made of wood, metal, and jade.

These Aurors, like him, fought on the front line and devoted their lives to peace.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy in my heart.

"Fellow fighting heroes of the Congress, this is Principal Dumbledore. With his arrival, the demise of Grindelwald and those saints will be just around the corner."

"Your efforts will not be in vain, and your sacrifices will always be remembered in our hearts."

Immediately afterwards, Chenos reached out to these fighting heroes, these Aurors who were fighting on the front line, and invited Dumbledore: "Chief, these are the fighting heroes of our Congress. They have been waiting to see you for a long time. ”

"Do you want to say something?"

Facing Chenos's invitation, Dumbledore sighed inwardly when he saw the firm eyes of the brave warriors in front of him, which also revealed hope.

But he still nodded and accepted the invitation.

But he did not start to speak at first, but stood beside these fighting heroes and stared at each of their faces, wounds, and broken limbs.

In just a second or two, Dumbledore raised the wand in his hand and flicked it lightly. The magic power surged and flowed rapidly along a strange trajectory.

Soon, a milky white light appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the light emerged, all the wizards present, including the goblins, could feel a very strong breath of holiness and life. Some experienced wizards seemed to be able to feel that it was related to the unicorn, which symbolized healing and purification.

The milky white light circled back and forth several times in mid-air, and then, a stream of milky white raindrops began to emerge, gradually falling on the bodies of these fighting heroes.

Feeling the huge energy contained in this water droplet and the warm feeling when the wound comes into contact with the raindrops, I can't help but squint my eyes, as if feeling the repair, healing and purifying effect of this healing rain on my body.

Or enjoying this moment of peace.

Soon the raindrops gradually disappeared. These fighting heroes felt the purifying and repairing effect of the raindrops on their wounds, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

At this time, Dumbledore took a slight breath. The magic just now consumed a lot of him.

"You are all fighting heroes. Every wound on your body is a contribution to the peace of the wizarding world. Please allow me to show my respect to you."

"The cruelty of war, I believe I don't need to say more, you must understand it more deeply than I do."

"Peace is now"


Seeing Dumbledore's exchanges with these fighting heroes, the corners of Chenos' lips had already curled up.

The elf elder Nas, who was also standing aside, also gave Chenos a big thumbs up.

Learned, learned.

When dealing with a heroic white wizard like Dumbley, you must stand up to him.

And they should not be blunt, but should use other people's respectful expectations to continuously increase their inner sense of responsibility.

Dumbledore didn't dare to refuse, for fear of disappointing everyone's expectations.

Tsk tsk tsk, this shameless guy Chenos really has a good brain.

In front are the pleading eyes that symbolize the low-level squib wizards, and then there are the expectations of this group of fighting heroes who symbolize the middle level of the wizarding world.

Finally, add the urgent hope of their group of high-level wizards.

It is equivalent to placing all the responsibilities of the entire American wizarding community on Dumbledore

At this time, if Dumbledore refuses, then he will have wasted the title of the greatest white wizard.

This kind of moral kidnapping is really a joke!

Although the goblin Nass was amazed in his heart, on the surface he covered his sleeves with excitement, as if he was moved by Dumbledore's words.

Well, when it comes to acting, who is afraid of who.

Goblin Palace.

The King of Goblins sat on his throne, and a curtain of light appeared in front of him.

The scene in the light curtain was the scene where Chenos brought a large number of wizards to receive Dumbledore.

The picture is extremely clear, and what is strange is that the overall picture shows a faint yellow color.

The King of Demon Realm did not focus on Dumbledore, but kept observing the surrounding environment as the screen continued to flow.

He was searching, looking for the saints, looking for Grindelwald.

After the last observation was interrupted, as the world's top alchemist master, he naturally set up many means this time to prevent his observation from being sensed or interrupted.

He was still not completely sure about the purpose of Dumbledore's arrival.

From what he knew about Dumbledore, what he wanted was order, peaceful order.

But now, does he want the current peaceful order or the new order in the future?

directly determines his attitude.

Therefore, he needs to find Grindelwald.

After a great war, it was impossible for Grindelwald not to appear at such a grand welcome ceremony.

If it really doesn't happen, does that mean that the two parties have reached some kind of agreement in advance?

Based on the relationship between the two parties, it is really difficult to say and judge.

And he didn't dare to take action rashly. If he pushed Dumbledore to the opposite side, it would be a disaster for the goblin.

At this moment, suddenly...

In the pale yellow picture, a figure glowing with black light appeared.

It's Grindelwald!

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