Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 501 The bet between two Voldemorts (second update)

Death Eater station, seaside cliff.

call! call! call!

When the sea breeze blows, layers of waves appear in the blue ocean, constantly beating on the steep cliffs, stirring up waves.

Seagulls circled the ocean, their long calls spreading throughout the nearby waters.

But what is surprising is that these seagulls have been hovering over the ocean and seem to be afraid to touch the cliff.

When you look at the cliff, you can clearly see dense black spots emerging.

If you look closer, you will find a black gate standing on the edge of the cliff.

In front of the gate, two Dark Lords and their Death Eaters were waiting quietly.

The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, but it also revealed urgency and expectation.

Especially the faces of some Death Eaters showed excitement and fanatical emotions.

For pure-blood families, perhaps the purpose of this business is to recover losses and make a small fortune by the way.

But for Death Eaters like them, it is really a business without capital, and the opportunity to get rich is right in front of them.

How could you give up?

A young version of the Dark Lord Tom stands side by side with a pale version of the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort looked at the portal in front of him with suspicion, which was said to be able to pass through any space barrier.

Although the other self boasts, Gringotts has existed for hundreds of years today and is known as the safest place in the world.

It is impossible not to have any precautions, and space is the top priority.

Not to mention the thief waterfall, guard fairies, magic traps, etc.

It is through layer upon layer of protection that we can make this statement now.

"Voldemort, how have you considered the previous suggestion?" I felt Voldemort's skeptical attitude.

Tom remained calm and talked about other topics.

"The grand event in the wizarding world is just around the corner. In this state, it is definitely better to join forces than to be apart."

"Not to mention, we are going to a new country, everything is unfamiliar, and a killing is inevitable."

"Union is the best option."

After Voldemort heard this, he remained silent and did not reply, seeming to be thinking.

At this moment, suddenly.


The black door opened and glowed with a faint clear light.

Light green water ripples appeared in the middle, and the ripples were constantly trembling, as if they were looking for some kind of connection, or connecting to unknown places.

The ripples spread outward like ripples on the water.

Search and locate, establish contact, energy transfer, channel establishment

In just 10 seconds, a series of complex processes have been completed.

In the eyes of many Death Eaters, there was a huge space opposite the black door, and a familiar figure stood at the front.

I saw her raising her wand high and chanting continuously.

That was the Dark Lord's most loyal subordinate - Bellatrix Lestrange.

tread! tread! tread!

Voldemort walked to the door with gentle steps, raised his head and took a few glances, his calm expression covering up his inner surprise.

One step in, and the next moment, the whole person appeared in Gringotts' vault.

Next came Tom.

After seeing the two Dark Lords taking action, the Death Eaters behind them couldn't wait to rush forward.

"Bella, you did a good job." Voldemort patted Bella's shoulder lightly and praised: "Now, it's time to enjoy the results."

"What have you lost before? This time you will get it back twice as much."

"Let us use killing to awaken the wizarding world's fear of Death Eaters."

Hearing Voldemort's familiar, gentle yet cruel tone.

Bella was trembling with excitement, and her whole body couldn't hide her excitement.

When Tom on the side saw it, he couldn't help curling his lips and said nothing more.

This woman's brain has been corroded by black magic and is a little abnormal. He has no interest in recruiting such a subordinate.

If you cause trouble too easily, it will only become more and more troublesome later on.

Voldemort ignored Tom's expression and glanced indifferently at the goblin Russo who was controlled by the Imperius Curse.

next moment.

"Avada Kedavra!"


A pale green life-killing curse emerged, and a corpse fell in front of the vault door.

It was the guarding goblin outside who had just sensed abnormal energy fluctuations and came to investigate.

Unfortunately, I found a dead end.

Voldemort stepped over the goblin corpse and walked out as calmly as a cloud.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


Several life-killing spells appeared one after another, and the life breath outside the vault decreased one after another.

After Tom sensed it, he ignored it. Instead, he stood in front of Fairy Russo.

The wand in his hand was pressed against the temple at his waist.

Pull out the memories deep in the other person's mind one by one.

Feeling the large amount of information floating in his mind, Tom felt a little regretful.

Alas, all the really good stuff was looted by Kamal Taj.

Not even the head dragon is spared.

The thought flashed across his mind, and Tom flicked the wand in his hand, and a pale silver edge appeared on the goblin's neck.


It was cold and the corpses were separated.

There were only a few scattered drops of Senhan's blood on the ground, but there was no smell of blood.

Now that the information is obtained, the goblin is of no use.

Tom could only feel disgust from the bottom of his heart for this rebellious race.

When the Death Eaters behind saw it, they couldn't help but shudder.

"Next, purebloods collect their own treasury first."

"The rest of the wizards will follow me."

Tom commanded with an unquestionable look on his face.

The Death Eaters nodded.

In this case, there is absolutely nothing wrong with listening to the master. If you dare not listen, you will not even have the chance to defect.

But Tom didn't say anything more. After he finished speaking, he walked directly out, towards his other self to be precise.

The Death Eaters behind him all looked at each other and walked out of the vault.

Then they quickly divided into two groups, pure-blood wizards with their own background, and quickly ran to their treasury.

Take out the key you prepared in advance and open the door to your vault.

The other part followed them all the way to Voldemort.

At this moment, Voldemort's whole body exuded a hearty feeling of killing.

Nearby were the corpses of the goblins who had come to support them.

For some reason, Tom was very moved when he saw it.

He also wanted to kill someone to relieve all the depression he had felt since his resurrection.

Perhaps, no matter which version of Voldemort he is, he enjoys the pleasure of killing.

At this moment, Voldemort seemed to feel Tom's inner desire.

He turned his head and showed a rather cruel smile.

"Didn't you ask me what I thought of my previous proposal?"

"This time, as long as you can keep up with my killing speed, then I will do as you say."

After hearing this, Tom nodded without hesitation, with the same cruel smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll add another bonus."

"If you beat me, I will give you a Horcrux."

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