Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 507 The birth of the third Voldemort? (2-in-1)


When Lily heard this familiar name, her originally illusory figure began to fluctuate.

It seems to illustrate her complicated heart.

"Lockhart, can you help Lily resurrect." James Potter on the side immediately grasped the point and asked impatiently.

He was overjoyed that Lily could be resurrected.

As for Snape's request, he didn't have the slightest doubt.

He didn't have any good feelings towards this Slytherin who kept spying on his wife.

However, it is undeniable that Snape's love for Lily is very pure.

"Yes." Lockhart nodded lightly and said, "Snape paid a lot for Lily."

"Of course, his contribution is worthy of my help in resurrecting my Lily."

Whether it was his original self or his current self, the relationship between Harry's parents was less than a friend and more than a stranger.

Or a familiar stranger.

The relationship between the two is limited to the fact that they both attended Hogwarts.

There are basically no others.

"Snape." Lily hesitated for a moment before asking, "How is he doing lately?"

"I heard that he is now the Head of Slytherin House and a professor at Hogwarts."

"Snape is not bad." Lockhart said calmly: "He is also our potions professor at Karma Taj, and he has helped me a lot."

"That's good." Lily nodded calmly and said, "As for resurrection, there's no need for it."

Lockhart was a little surprised at Lily's refusal.

Soon, Lily also gave her own explanation: "I was originally a dead person, and died early in everyone's mind."

"Even if I survive, it really doesn't mean much."

The explanation sounds reasonable.

But in fact

"Principal Lockhart, don't listen to Lily's excuses and just resurrect her." James Potter said in a positive tone: "If you need anything, just ask. I will fully cooperate."

As he said that, Potter turned around with concerned eyes.

"Lily, I know what you are thinking in your heart."

"Don't have any worries, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." James Potter turned around and hugged Lily, saying softly.

He knew exactly what Lily was thinking.

It's nothing more than either two people die together or two people live together.

But in Lily's resurrection, with Lockhart around, no, Snape to be precise, James Potter didn't have much to worry about.

As for myself

He saw clearly that Snape did a good job in not asking Lockhart to eliminate or destroy himself.

He had no hope that Snape would let Lockhart help him resurrect.

Now, as long as one survives, one is the only one.

Harry is waiting to be rescued, and he also needs a family member.

After hearing what her husband Potter said, Lily had a look of rejection.

The two parties are husband and wife, have lived together for many years, and know each other very well.

Lily knew very well what Potter was thinking, just as Potter knew what Lily was thinking at the moment.

"Lily, Harry needs you now."

Seeing Lily opening her mouth to say some rebuttal, Potter immediately interrupted: "This is your magic. You should be very aware of Harry's current state."

"He needs a caring relative who can help him reduce the effects of soul contamination."

"Only you are the most suitable."

When Lily heard this, she opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she remained silent.

But the sadness on his face was very obvious.

She is fully aware of her husband's choice.


"Lockhart, may I ask what the price will be if you want to help my husband resurrect?"

For Lily, who had become a well-known potions master less than a year after graduating, she would not give up the possibility of her husband being resurrected.

She also knew that the most familiar stranger in front of her would play a key role.

His own resurrection is related to Snape.

So, let yourself be the key to Potter's resurrection.

Husband and wife should be dedicated to each other.

Lily thought so, and she did so.

"If you need some magic or related potion experience."

"I can help you." Lily said calmly, her tone mixed with prayer: "I only have one request, and that is to help Potter resurrect at the same time."

Lockhart stood in front of the two people, observing their emotions, no, to be precise, the feelings between them.

He couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Hey, why do I feel that Snape is so annoying?

However, from the perspective of Snape's friend, Lockhart shook his head and refused: "Sorry, Lily, Snape only asked me to help with your resurrection."

Then, he said something meaningful: "You have to know that resurrection is not a simple matter."

"For your resurrection, Snape has paid far more than you can imagine."

Hearing this, Lily fell into silence. Potter on the side opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Resurrection has always been a difficult research topic in the wizarding world.

Ordinary wizards are just a fantasy.

Only powerful wizards have the resources to conduct research.

And those who can achieve results are undoubtedly top wizards.

"Lily, listen to me." Potter looked at Lily who seemed to be about to persuade her again, and interrupted again.

Walking to her side, she looked into Lily's dark green eyes and said softly but firmly: "I love you, even if it means death, this love will not change."

"I want you to be alive and able to look after our children."

Looking at the affectionate look between the two, Lockhart looked calm, as if he was not the one being fed dog food.

"Snape, what do you think?"

While the two were communicating, Lockhart turned his head and looked at a certain person, his lips moving slightly as if conveying some information.

At this moment, the hidden figure of Snape looked at Lily and Potter entangled with a very complicated expression.

His idea is simple.

Potter must die and Lily must live.

Therefore, when he saw the scene between the two of them, his heart was extremely complicated.

"Snape, what do you think?" Lockhart asked again.

Silence, still endless silence.

Snape was very confused, no, to be more precise, he felt very painful.

"Resurrect Lily first." After a long silence, Snape said with a bitter voice.

He no longer thought about Potter, because the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't help but feel angry inside.

"Okay." Lockhart nodded slightly to express his understanding.

He has eaten a lot of melons recently, both living and dead, and this is the first time he has eaten them.

"Lily, Potter, we'll talk about it later." Lockhart said calmly, "I'll help you resurrect first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"This is what I promised Snape."

As soon as the words fell, Lily opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but Lockhart shook slightly, and the wand appeared in his hand.

As the wand was waved, familiar magic waves appeared, as if being stimulated, and the surrounding soul space began to see strong fluctuations.

Not far away, Potter's figure began to collapse, and the black-red mist gradually disintegrated and dissipated.

The wand continued to be waved, purple runes gradually emerged, and the soul space that was originally dark and bloody gradually began to glow with purple light.

There seems to be some kind of crisis.

The black Horcrux fragments began to tremble crazily.

It was the most intense ever.

Harry, who was not far away, started to hold his head and cry, his soul's body seemed a little illusory.

And in the outside world, McGonagall and Sirius' sight.

Harry's body kept twisting and twitching on the hospital bed, as if he was being stimulated by some kind of stimulation.

Fortunately, Remy on the side waved his wand and restrained Harry physically.

Otherwise it would have fallen under the bed.

"Lockhart, is Harry okay?" Sirius was a little anxious and asked Lockhart, who had his eyes closed, in a rather anxious tone.

However, Lockhart made no reply.

Most of his energy was now focused on the Horcrux fragment deep in Harry's soul.

Even if he heard it, he wouldn't bother to answer.

"Sirius, don't be anxious." McGonagall comforted him from the side: "You have some confidence in Lockhart."

Mag has witnessed the changes during this period with his own eyes.

In her mind, Lockhart had been on the same level as Dumbledore for a long time.

Therefore, there is a high probability that there should be no problem with what Lockhart said. All that is missing is time.


The black Horcrux fragments are connected to Harry's original pure soul.

As time goes by, the two seem to have the same rhythm of becoming one.

Harry's originally pure soul gradually became tainted with a hint of black.

This gives Harry a strong talent in magic, especially in the field of dark magic.

But this time, the negative emotions of killing and darkness kept pouring in.

For Harry's soul, the influence and transformation became more and more profound, especially with each round of pollution, plus purification.

In the continuous reincarnation, the connection between the Horcrux fragments and Harry's soul becomes more and more close.

Harry's mind also suffered certain changes.

It can't be said to be good, but it can't be said to be bad either.

It can only be said that Harry seems to have taken a different path.

Feeling the close connection between the Horcrux fragment and Harry, Lockhart raised his eyebrows with a look of interest on his face.

It seems that the two have a rhythm of integration.

No, to be precise, in the endless cycle of pollution and purification, Harry seemed to have swallowed a small part of the soul-cut fragment.

I'm afraid, I also gained some of Voldemort's memories.

Gee, is this going to be Harry Potter’s version of Voldemort?

No, or call it Voldemort's version of Harry Potter?

Lockhart couldn't help but get excited at the thought that the third Voldemort might be born in his own hands.

Waving the magic wand, the light blue soul wind slowly blew up, blessed by the power of dreams and infused with the power of the soul.

Break, wear away, corrode, transform.

The wind of soul slowly passed by the Horcrux fragments, and wisps of black powder began to emerge.

The light cyan soul wind carried the Horcrux powder and scattered it all around.

Harry, who was originally in great pain, gradually became calmer.

Moreover, his soul aura began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This made McGonagall and Sirius very surprised on the outside.

But he didn't think much about it, he was just very excited and impressed with how superb Lockhart's craftsmanship was.

If you want to resurrect Lily, you must first eliminate the Horcrux fragments.

Lily's love magic and the Horcrux fragments have been entangled with each other for more than ten years.

Only when one side disappears will the other side be free.

The wind of soul blew repeatedly, and the black powder transformed from the Horcrux fragments became the nourishment for Harry's soul.

The originally diamond-shaped Horcrux fragments shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The golden runes wrapped nearby became brighter and brighter.

It seems that this is the first time in many years that they have gained the upper hand and gained an overwhelming advantage.

"This is the Horcrux that the Dark Lord has always relied on." Snape said from the side.

The tone was very calm, but I couldn't help but hear a hint of loneliness in it.

"Yes." Lockhart nodded and praised: "Putting aside the side effects, I have to admit that this is a good thing."

"Making a backup of your own soul is a powerful tool for resurrection, and its sturdiness is terrifying."

"If it weren't for the power of the dream world, it would be difficult to crush the Horcrux."

Hearing Lockhart's comments and compliments, Snape's expression moved slightly, as if some thoughts had emerged in his mind.

After hesitating for a moment, he said: "There are many dangers in the new world, especially involving the existence of dimensional gods."

"Can Horcruxes play a protective role?"

In response, Lockhart was somewhat silent and did not give a clear reply.

He wasn't sure either.

Stop thinking about it now and talk about it later.

Continue to consume this fragment of Voldemort's Horcrux.

Well, this is also a test of what kind of effect the fragments of the Horcrux can achieve.

Soon, the last black Horcrux flew into Harry's soul space.

The entire soul space is filled with light golden love magic.

At this moment, Harry stood in the center of the soul space.

He and his mother hugged each other tightly.

Feeling the warm breath in his arms, Harry felt tears filling his eyes.

But for some reason, his expression remained dull, or indifferent.

"Professor Lockhart, I'm sorry to trouble you about my mother." Harry said calmly, completely unlike a thirteen or fourteen year old wizard, just like an adult.

This made Lockhart look interested, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Harry, don't worry, since I promised, I will definitely do it."

next moment.

Lockhart's spirit returned to the training room, and Harry, who was lying on the white hospital bed, slowly opened his eyes.

But no one else seemed to notice.

A pale golden light flashed faintly as Lockhart returned.

This is Lily's soul mark.

Snape had been paying attention, and after seeing it, excitement and joy appeared on his face.

Lily is finally coming back to life.

"Harry, how are you feeling?" Sirius saw Harry who had just woken up and asked with great concern: "Are you thirsty or hungry?"

"You've been asleep all day."

"Yes, Harry, what's wrong with you? Say it quickly and we'll solve it together." Mag also comforted him.

"Godfather, Professor McGonagall, don't worry, I don't have any problems." Harry replied calmly: "Even the feeling at this moment is the best I have ever felt."

Facing Harry's different attitude from usual, McGonagall was a little surprised, but glanced at Lockhart next to him and said nothing.

"Headmaster Lockhart, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Harry stood up and bowed slightly to thank Lockhart.

Harry's maturity once again surprised both Sirius and McGonagall.

But the next sentence shocked them.

"Principal Lockhart, I'm sorry to trouble you about my mother's resurrection. Is there anything you need to say?"

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