Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 515 Crazy Voldemort (first update)

"Ding, the transaction has been paid for 100 gold galleons."

"Ding, 100 gold galleons have been received, and the account balance has been accumulated."


Voldemort played with the two black wizard wealth cards in his hand, feeling the information that just emerged in his heart.

Looking at Tom Riddle standing not far away, his face was a little uncertain.

"Do you want to give me an explanation?" Voldemort said in a gloomy tone, with strong malice in his words: "You are using me as a gun, be careful of hurting yourself."

He had already picked up the wand in his hand, and it seemed that he was about to start a war if he disagreed.

Gringotts, which he and his opponent teamed up to grab.

As a result, the Ministry of Magic and Karma Taj at Hogwarts had known about it for a long time and came up with a very mature response plan, and there was no chaos at all.

Especially when he looked at the two wealth cards in his hand, Voldemort's anger suddenly swelled.

boom! boom!

The wealth card with black gold patterns exploded to pieces under the impact of magic.

Broken black fragments shot out rapidly in all directions, and there were a large number of punctured and broken marks on vases, blankets, books, bookcases, and even the floor.

In an instant, the entire study looked like a mess.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

He knew how great the effect this thing would have in the future.

Kama Taj or the Ministry of Magic controls this thing. As long as the credit does not collapse, it is equivalent to becoming a super money printing machine at no cost and controlling the lifeblood of the harmless world.

Before Gringotts, refining gold galleons required reporting and required a lot of labor.

But now, you can get as many Galleons as you want.

After all, it is just generating data, not real Galleons.

All this is the result of using oneself as a weapon.

After killing so many goblins, the other party took the biggest advantage.

And the timing was so clever. As soon as I and my team finished the work, the hype started on the same day, and the other party had already come up with a solution the next day.

You said there is no problem here, do you believe me?

Moreover, the other party made perfect use of this incident to completely implement the so-called wizard wealth card system.

Digitize the gold galleons, informatize them, and make them cost-free.

What a huge benefit this was, Voldemort at this moment couldn't even estimate it.

Because the benefits were too huge, he only knew that they were very big, big enough to make him jealous and even a little bit irrational.

It's so big, how could the Ministry of Magic allow Karma Taj to control these.

This is equivalent to the real lifeblood of the wizarding world.

At Hogwarts, Dumbledore was the breadwinner, allowing Kamathaj to push everything forward so smoothly.

Voldemort thought with great jealousy in his heart, and the scarlet light in his eyes became even stronger.

Even now, when I think about the huge interests behind this thing, I think about missing out on the other party.

He went a little crazy.

I wish I could do it with Karma Taj and Lockhart now.

Take your fair share.

The more I think about it, the more my heart aches, the more I think about it, the more heartbreaking it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more crazy it becomes.

This is the past, present, and even future wealth of the entire wizarding world, all contained in this small black card.

At this moment, his hatred for Tom, Lockhart, and Kama Taj far exceeded Dumbledore.

"Do you think Gringotts is that easy to break into?"

"Why do you think Gringotts' resistance is so weak?"

"Why do you think you can get so many magic guns in the arsenal?"


Tom's cold voice sounded, and he said one sentence after another, making the temperature of the entire study drop again.

Suddenly, Tom's indifference and Voldemort's malice intertwined.

The two looked at each other, but neither said a word.

But they all seemed to start touching the magic wands around their waists, and their momentum began to gradually increase.

The chandeliers, vases, and even the desk and bookcases in the entire study began to shake, as if they were unable to bear the pressure at this moment.



"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Two sharp and rapid sounds sounded, and in an instant, two dark green life-killing curses collided with each other.

Suddenly, the monstrous weather wave spread rapidly to all directions,


The walls around the entire study room shattered and rolled outwards.

Suddenly, a pile of ruins appeared in the center of the huge Malfoy Manor, and a round flat land appeared in the center of the ruins.

The loud noise attracted the attention of the surrounding Death Eaters and pure-blood wizards, who immediately ran towards the location of the incident.

However, they all stopped after taking a few steps.

They clearly felt that two huge momentums were competing with each other, and the huge fluctuations in magic power made them tremble with fear and tremble.

"The masters started a war?"

A Death Eater in black robes muttered subconsciously.

The word 'we' instantly made their inner pain and entanglement vividly displayed.

Pure-blood wizards prefer Tom in his youth. His elegant, mysterious and powerful temperament made them familiar and enthusiastic about him.

The dark wizards are quite fanatical about the adult Voldemort. The powerful black magic, the strong desire that is never hidden, and the whole body is filled with the smell of killing and blood.

It's simply a stronger version of myself.

So, they are more fanatical.

However, the inner tendency is not enough to make the final judgment when facing the two masters.

After all, both are masters, although they each have their own characteristics and personalities.

But they all have one thing in common - they will not tolerate the existence of traitors.

This is a fact that their companions have proven with blood.

boom! boom! boom!

The air waves keep rolling, the ruins are getting bigger and bigger, the dust is spreading around, and the smell of death is everywhere.

There are no other colors on this battlefield.

There were only countless dark green life-killing curses that collided continuously, and each collision gave rise to a familiar strange feeling in the other party's heart.

It's really too familiar, this is me.

Familiar collision, familiar intensity, familiar smell of death.

They tried to hit each other in the chest almost at the same time, using the same spell.

The style of never defending, only attacking and constantly attacking also made the fight between the two sides more and more intense.

This is their instinctive fighting experience formed over many years, which is most suitable for them and can bring the best use of the magic spells they are good at.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


There was no ordinary magic spell cast, only the collision of the killing curse.

Throughout the battlefield, both sides walked at strange paces, waving their wands one after another while dodging slowly and quickly.

Sharp chanting sounds, green light full of death, and green flames sputtering from time to time.

If either of the two parties accidentally comes into contact, there is only a dead end.

The depressing atmosphere of the battle between the two made the surrounding Death Eaters subconsciously hold their breath.

at last.


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