Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 517 The choice of a pure-blood family (first update)

"Dobby, pack this vase for me. My heart is broken."

"Dobby, please clean this set of furniture and keep it well so it doesn't get dusty."

"Okay, okay, Master, Dobby must wipe it clean."

"Dobby, give it to me"


Narcissa Malfoy stood in the room and kept giving orders, and the house elf Dobby quickly responded and stepped up to work.

From time to time, he waved his wand to control some precious magic books, and the magic items fell into the opened magic suitcase on the ground in front of him.

Just let the house elves sort out general things.

It's better to keep precious items away from house elves.

To avoid being defiled.

Lucius Malfoy on the side looked at everything in front of him indifferently. His face was expressionless, but he couldn't hide his loneliness and nostalgia.

It's time to leave.

To go to another continent, another country, and start another life.

In the days that followed, fighting and killing were inevitable.

Chaos will be the norm!

Killing will be daily!

The peaceful life has been disrupted, but the life that follows will only become more intense and chaotic.

And he couldn't refuse these, and he didn't dare to refuse.

His own manor is now the headquarters of the Death Eaters. The owner chooses to live here, which is both his honor and his punishment.

As a pure-blood Death Eater with the Death Eater mark on his arm.

He has no right to refuse.

Not to mention, he also had the skills to plunder Gringotts.

He once wanted to refuse, but if he didn't join in this robbery.

The Malfoy family's treasury may also become a trophy.

Huge benefits versus current threats.

This action has become mandatory.

Since you have done it, you have to pay the price.

Tie to a boat, only one way to death.

They don't have the ability to refuse, at least they have to leave.

After all, after plundering Gringotts, there was no room for them to survive in the entire British wizarding world.

Behind the huge benefits, there are naturally huge dangers.

Leave England and follow your master.

This is their only way to survive.

Of course, this behavior can also be regarded as a vote of trust.

Their master, the Dark Lord Voldemort, gave them a choice.

Betrayal or loyalty?

They had to make a choice.

Hence today.

"Lucius, what should we do with Draco? Should he still stay in Hogwarts?" Those people said worriedly: "We left, and no one will take care of Draco."

"I'm worried about him."

"This is the best choice." Lucius directly interrupted his wife's words and said seriously: "Although the master did not tell us which country our target is?"

"But there is no doubt that our next environment is definitely not suitable for Draco's growth. When the master leaves, Hogwarts will only be safer."

"Besides, this is the root of the Malfoy family and we cannot abandon it."

"We must go, but I will leave Dobby to Draco to look after the Malfoys."

Lucius spoke his thoughts to his wife.

Narcissa hesitated for a long time after hearing this, and finally nodded in agreement.

She knew this was the best thing to do.

They do dangerous things, but their son stays in a safe place.

She was just worried that her children would not be with them.

"Narcissa, the Malfoy family tree must still be left to Draco."

Then, Lucius mentioned something like a casual conversation.

After Narcissa heard this, she was a little stunned. Finally, she took a sip and nodded heavily.

He knew what his husband meant.

If they died in this battle, at least Draco's lineage would still be alive and someone would remember them.

The Malfoy family is not really a genocide.

at this time


Feeling a slight burning sensation coming from his arm, Lucius Malfoy's expression changed slightly.

Subconsciously, he lowered his head and glanced at the slowly swimming dark green Death Eater mark.

The dark green light pulsed slowly, seeming to be conveying some kind of message.

Lucius took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to his wife: "Narcissa, although I want you to stay with Draco."

"But reality is still reality. It is difficult for the current pure-blood family to refuse the master's request. I hope you will not blame me in the future."

"Hurry up and pack up, get ready to go."

The Irish Sea, the location of the fourth Horcrux, the seaside cliffs.

A very huge, dark black gate with powerful energy fluctuations was erected on the edge of the cliff.

Tom and Voldemort had their backs to the door, staring at the dark wizards, purebloods, and wizards opposite.

Basically all of them are carrying space suitcases in their hands, and some even have multiple space extension bags on their waists.

Some looked hopeful, some looked slightly uneasy, and some kept playing with their wands, very excited.

Some pure-blood wizards looked at the magic suitcases in their hands from time to time.

Their families, sons, servants, and goblins were all inside.

It can be said that this time, I really brought my family with me. I can't say that I brought all the family's heritage here, but at least I brought most of it with me.

For them, this is a huge gamble.

However, given the existence of two owners, the probability of winning this gamble is even better.

Therefore, some optimistic pure-blood wizards chose to carry their family heritage and try their best.

Don't doubt them, some purebloods still have a lot of gambling potential.

Otherwise, I would not have supported the Dark Lord before.

Others still continue the style of the previous wallflowers.

Take part for yourself and leave part for the family.

In any case, the family inheritance will not be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Of course, Voldemort was extremely unfortunate for such behavior.

If it hadn't been for Tom's obstruction, they would have been taught a profound lesson.

After such a big thing, you still want to cheat on him, is this your reputation as the Dark Lord, doesn't it exist?

As for the complaints, resentments, and betrayals that will arise.

Voldemort didn't care.

Is this when his wand isn't sharp?

When he does things, he never talks about worldliness.

He was able to step into this position purely because his stick was strong enough and his knife was sharp enough.

Of course, bread also becomes abundant.

The reason for Tom's obstruction is that pure-blood cooperation is still needed later, so don't push too hard.

But in fact

Damn Lockhart, this is for the pureblood family's legacy to not be completely taken away.

Tell him not to push too hard.

Give pure-blood families a chance to pass on their legacy.

At that time, as long as we find a suitable time, the treasures and inherited knowledge of these pure-blood families will fall into the hands of Kama Taj.

Tom cursed fiercely in his heart, not worried at all about being detected by the contract he signed before.

He is not stupid, these few months have passed.

Although the magic contract in the mind is still unable to be destroyed.

But it has been possible to avoid it to a certain extent.

However, when Tom recalled that Lockhart appeared in front of him in the form of a flaming skull.

I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

"Everyone, let's not talk nonsense. Our goal today is"


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