Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 527 Dumbledore, why did you leave the UK and come to the United States?

"Albus, your student Lockhart is really not that simple?"

"It seems that as you get older, your eyes are indeed prone to blindness."

In a cafe in New York, Grindelwald said to the old man in front of him in a sarcastic voice.

The whole cafe is very exquisitely decorated, and with soothing music playing, it stands to reason that the business should be better.

But the place was empty, with only two people sitting in the center seat.

At this moment, Dumbledore was wearing a dark blue wizard robe that looked like a starry sky, with a ruddy face and piercing eyes.

Faced with the sarcasm of his old friend Grindelwald, he didn't say anything, just took a sip of coffee from the coffee cup on the table.

It seemed that he couldn't stand the bitterness of the coffee, and he frowned slightly.

With a wave of his hand, a handful of white sugar appeared in his hand, and then scattered gently, watching the sugar melt into the bitter coffee.

Grindelwald watched everything quietly without interrupting. He just picked up the coffee in front of him and took a sip, enjoying the bitterness from the coffee.

Soon, after waiting for the sugar to completely melt into the coffee, Dumbledore picked up the coffee cup again.

I took a sip again, and this time I felt the familiar sweetness coming from the coffee, and my frown relaxed.

"Gettler, sometimes I wonder how great it would be if coffee could be sweet without adding sugar."

Dumbledore did not answer Grindelwald's question directly, but said in a meaningful way.

Grindelwald took another sip of coffee and said coldly: "I still like bitter coffee."

"He can make me realize clearly"

Having said this, Grindelwald paused, looked into Dumbledore's eyes, and spoke word by word.

"What is reality?"

"What is the truth?"

"What. The enemy?"

Hearing this, Dumbledore's brows, which had been soothed by the rich sweetness, wrinkled tightly again.

Then, he sighed deeply.


"I actually know about Lockhart."

Dumbledore sighed and softly said the words that shocked Grindelwald's heart.

However, his expression remained calm. He took another sip of coffee and simply asked, as if curious: "When did you find out?"

And Dumbledore pondered for a moment, as if thinking, or missing.

"Actually, when Lockhart introduced meditation to everyone on the grounds of Hogwarts."

"The slogans he shouted actually revealed clues."

"What slogan?" Grindelwald asked cooperatively.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, looked deeply into Grindelwald's sapphire-like eyes, speaking softly but mixed with nostalgia.

"Make wizards great again!"

This short sentence made Grindelwald somewhat silent.

He knew this at the time, but he didn't take it to heart.

These words are too empty, too empty, and too false.

Later, the other party rarely mentioned this slogan, and he did not think about it again.

But thinking back carefully, Lockhart introduced the meditation method, established Karma Taj, and now created the so-called Wizard's Fortune Card.

It seems to really make this slogan come true.

"Later, Tom of Gringotts's vault was stolen. To be precise, Hufflepuff's gold cup was stolen."

"I didn't know who it was at the time, but now it seems that it must be related to Lockhart."

When Grindelwald heard this, although he didn't know what Dumbledore was expressing, he still listened patiently.

"As for the meditation method, I looked for relevant information from the Heritage Library of Hogwarts, but basically found nothing."

"Actually, I'm quite curious. No matter how novel it is, there should be traces of his past."

"I asked Lockhart, but he didn't give me a convincing explanation."

"But I don't care either."

Hearing that Dumbledore was missing the point, Grindelwald began to frown slightly.

As if sensing Grindelwald's state, Dumbledore smiled and did not continue, but asked directly: "Do you know why I don't care?"

Why didn't Dumbledore care?


The simple question swirled around Grindelwald's mind.

The answer seemed to come out at once.

Grindelwald said with a somewhat stiff tone: "Albus, because Lockhart has not affected your interests."

Yes, Dumbledore's interests were not touched.

Scream the slogan ‘For the greater good’.

Grindelwald is naturally not naive enough to believe in so-called justice and evil.

Although he has never heard that "everything in the world is bustling for profit; the world is bustling for profit." 'This sentence.

But he has an extremely deep understanding of interests.

That's right, Lockhart's existence has caused him to lose his base camp - Durmstrang.

It can be said that it has touched one's fundamental interests.

So, there was this meeting.

This is even more true for Voldemort, even himself and his true self have begun to fall.

And what Lockhart is to Dumbledore is

"Profit?" Dumbledore pondered for a moment, as if he was appreciating the word, smiled, nodded in agreement: "That's what you want to say, that's right."

"He, Lockhart, was not targeting Hogwarts, nor was he targeting the Ministry of Magic."

"He didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, threaten civilian wizards, and create panic like Tom did."

"In the end, it did not disrupt the order of the entire wizarding world, but instead tried its best to maintain it."

"What he is doing now is full of benefits for wizards, why should I stop him?"

Dumbledore's rhetorical question.

Grindelwald looked at his old friend with a gentle smile, as if he was enjoying the sweet smell of coffee.

Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still wanted to return to the previous topic.

"Albus, can you tell me now, what is the reason that made you leave Hogwarts, leave England, and come to the United States?"

After hearing some of the previous words, Grindelwald now knows.

The reason why Dumbledore left Hogwarts, left England, and came to America was probably not as simple as the goblin thing.


Have Lockhart and Dumbledore begun to join forces?

Dumbledore was responsible for restraining him, just like the young Voldemort and the adult Voldemort restrained each other.

Can't blame him for thinking so.

In fact, the current situation seems too carefully planned.

The two of them in America and the Goblin King Turan have formed a stable opposition.

The two Voldemorts in Europe also formed a situation of confrontation and containment.

Now there is only Lockhart in the entire British world.

As if it was left to Lockhart to sort out.

It really looks like a well-designed one.

After knowing this information, anyone always feels that Dumbledore and Lockhart are working together?

Otherwise, why would Dumbledore leave his base camp and come to America thousands of miles away for no reason.

At this moment, Grindelwald became wary, his right hand drooped on the table, and he unconsciously began to exert force.

Seems ready.

And Dumbledore seemed to know Grindelwald's inner thoughts.

Without any precaution, he picked up the coffee on the table again and took a deep sip of the coffee's rich, sweet aroma.

Putting it down again, he said with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, Gettler, I'm not joining forces with Lockhart."

"My departure from Hogwarts had something to do with a man."

"No, to be precise, it's a portrait, or a ghost."

"He, you should have heard of him, is the founder of Slytherin House."

"Salazar Slytherin!"

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