Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 557 Dumbledore, the Son of True Destiny

The dream world is coming!

This is a common tactic used by Lockhart.

However, when Lockhart took the initiative to disperse the dream seeds, Dumbledore also began related research.

In particular, Lockhart revealed the power of the dream world many times in front of him, and politics consciously guided him to conduct research.

He created his own dream world of Hogwarts.

The majestic power of the dream world suddenly arrived.

In an instant, Voldemort noticed that the surrounding environment had undergone very sudden changes, as if he had descended into another world.

No, to be precise, arriving at Hogwarts.

The surrounding environment was very familiar, almost exactly like Hogwarts.

However, there was no trace of the little wizard. The surroundings were silent, deserted, and even a little strange.

Seeing this strange scene, Voldemort became alert, and the blood-red mist seemed to respond to Voldemort's inner changes.

Crazy surge, spreading outward, covering.

Wants to devour everything around it.


I don’t know when it started, but outside the bloody mist, Voldemort was at the center.

Faces familiar to Voldemort appeared one after another, and more and more...

There are Snape, McGonagall, and even Hogwarts professors such as Quirrell and Lockhart.

There were more and more figures, and some faces were strange to Voldemort but also familiar.

Because these people are often seen in portraits.

Armando Dippet, Phineas Black and other previous Hogwarts principals appeared.

Moreover, famous and unknown Hogwarts professors in history also appeared one after another.

It seems that as long as he appears in Hogwarts and leaves a mark on the hearts of the little wizards, everything will be summoned.

The majestic magical energy gradually gathered, and a vast and majestic aura appeared in Voldemort's heart.

Damn it!

Voldemort cursed secretly. I don't know if it was due to the influence of the surrounding environment, but he felt some kind of pressure or even fear in his heart.

However, this pressure once again stimulated his sensitive nerves.

call! call! call!

The blood-red mist rolled crazily, and the Blood Abyss Worms began to devour everything around them, as if they wanted to swallow up the entire Hogwarts dream.

They began to devour trees, grass, magic, and the power of dreams.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

However, when the blood-red mist rolled, all the figures appeared in the dream. At the same time, they raised their wands high, and the power of the dream turned into the magic they were most familiar with and flowed into their bodies.

Under the coordination of the will of dreams or Dumbledore, these powerful professors and principals of Hofwarts in history joined forces to bombard

boom! boom! boom!

A massive amount of magic beam attacks in red flame, dark green, dark blue, etc. were like machine gun bullets being spewed out like crazy.

They all smashed towards the blood-red mist in the middle.

Almost instantly, at a speed visible to the naked eye, a large number of Blood Abyss Insects died, dispersed, and even shattered into nothingness.

Most of the blood-red mist was directly evaporated, and Voldemort in the center did not escape the bombardment of the curse.

The power of these spells, with the blessing of the dream world, can be said to be almost the same as their own.

In other words, their peak moments are all remembered by Hogwarts.

And what Dumbledore embodies is their peak state.

weak! pain! despair! die……

In just a few seconds, Voldemort suffered the most powerful attack in history, and used various defensive methods to resist it. He was somewhat exhausted. Even with his will, the negative emotions in his heart continued to surface.

In particular, the spells broke down his defenses and hit his body directly.

Although the body continues to repair, more curses are also coming.

Without repair, damage continues.

Corroded, cut, cursed, paralyzed...

In just half a minute, Voldemort seemed to enjoy all the pain in the world.

That kind of pain and torture directly made Voldemort go crazy, and even lost consciousness.

Any attack method, as long as it lasts for a long time, will be defeated by the followers of the Blood Abyss.

Insects adapt.

If that's the case, then just use your strongest attack to directly crush the Blood Abyss Insect and kill Voldemort.

As long as he dies, even if the other party will be resurrected again.

That will take some time.

This was Dumbledore's final solution.

Directly use the strongest attack method that I have researched so far.

When the dream seeds swallowed up the spiritual ocean of Hogwarts, under the leadership of Dumbledore, the dream world of Hogwarts was created.

Naturally, the spiritual imprints of many principals, professors, and even outstanding little wizards in history have also been included in the dream world.

When Dumbledore discovered this, he did not turn these spiritual imprints into treasure and let the dream world devour him.

Instead, they constantly consume the power of dreams to cultivate, further strengthen these spiritual imprints, and even turn them into virtual souls through the dream world.

You must know that those who can leave a mark on the spiritual ocean of Hogwarts are definitely the best ones.

Either the principal or the professor, and even the students were the best at that time.

These are the knowledge and spiritual wealth accumulated at Hogwarts for thousands of years.

It would be a shameful waste to directly turn it into resources.

Cultivate it and even turn it into a virtual soul, living in the dream world.

This is the most reasonable way to maximize these wealth.

Of course, in terms of combat, it is the same as what we see now.

For thousands of years, all the best wizards in Hogwarts in history took action at the same time.

The effect is devastating.

Of course, the consumption is also extremely huge.

The dream world of Hogwarts has shrunk in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the massive spell ended, Dumbledore stared at the besieged middle area.

The blood-red mist has been completely shattered and almost evaporated.

The entire ground has been flattened by almost half a meter. Looking from a high altitude, you will find a huge pothole directly appearing here.

The place in the middle where Voldemort was originally located has disappeared.

All the Blood Abyss Insects in all the surrounding areas were killed, not even the bodies were left.

The Dark Lord Voldemort died for the third time.

Cause of death: Died at the hands of Dumbledore!

Time: Leaving aside the time for communication, from the battle to the end, it takes less than a minute!

When everything was over, Dumbledore stood in the dream world, closed his eyes, and seemed to feel something.

At the same time, in the depths of the world, massive power of destiny, or the origin of the world, is constantly flowing like a river.

What do Voldemort's three deaths seem to symbolize?

The consciousness of the world seems to be hesitating, as if it has discovered that there is something wrong with the people it has chosen.

Even if the other party has the most causal connection with fate, and his hostile attitude is extremely obvious.

But under its blessing, he still died repeatedly.

When the subordinates you spend a lot of resources training don't work.

It seems that another thought will appear in everyone, even if it is only the consciousness of the world that only relies on instinctive thinking.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a year, or a day, or just a moment.

The river of destiny seems to pause slightly, then continues to flow.

However, I don’t know when a fork appeared.

The favor of fate flows along the fork into the unknown.

Albus Dumbledore, enjoy the blessings of the world.

When, search and kill world invaders.

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