Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 559 Intruder from another world—Tulan, King of Goblins!

"Your Excellency Turan, it's really not easy to meet you."

When Grindelwald's voice fell, the Goblin King who was retreating suddenly stiffened.

Almost instantly, six golden shields around the body levitated at high speed, and a red-gold disk of fate floated above his head.

He had a fairy sword on his waist and held his scepter tightly in his hand.

Behind Turan, dozens of golden cones and weapons emitting powerful magic waves floated in mid-air, aiming at Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

Be on full alert!

All cards are out!

We have known for a long time that the relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore is very complicated, like enemies but not enemies, like friends but not friends.

Then why is my head so hot?

I believed Dumbledore's invitation.

As a result, Voldemort, whom Grindelwald invited, died

Then Dumbledore invited me, and I'm afraid the end won't be much better.

Alas, I am still annoyed by being blinded by interests.

"Dumbledore, can you tell me when you joined forces with Grindelwald."

Turan was still a little confused and asked unwillingly.

He quickly recalled everything he had done since Dumbledore came to America.

However, the more I thought about it, the sadder I became, and the more I felt afraid of Dumbledore.

Because, since Dumbledore entered the United States, except for the initial request to meet him.

Basically there are no requirements.

Even the siege and sneak attack plan was not proposed by Dumbledore, but by Magic Speaker Snott.

Dumbledore did not express any of his thoughts or desires at all, he was always there, drifting with the flow.

Even if he doesn't interfere in matters, when others ask him, he will at most give some suggestions and never use his power to force others.

It can be said that Dumbledore fully assumed the role of a supporter.

That's why he trusted Dumbledore.

There was no one in the entire Magical Congress who didn't trust Dumbledore.

Even Snow, the Speaker of the Magic Congress, felt very satisfied with this.

In fact, Dumbledore performed so well that he did not affect everyone's interests at all, but instead helped them further.

So much so that he was paralyzed and willing to believe in Dumbledore's character.


Dumbledore did not reply to Turan's question. He seemed to be thinking, or recalling some of the information he had just obtained.

On the side, Grindelwald looked at Turan and Dumbledore with great interest, but did not reply.

It seemed that he was also very interested in Dumbledore's answer.

Seeing such a strange state, for some reason, Turan felt hope in his heart.

Could it be that I am overthinking it?

Dumbledore did not join forces with Grindelwald.

It was just two old friends catching up.

It was as if he had grasped the last glimmer of hope, or the remaining trust from Dumbledore's previous performance of wanting nothing.

Turan waited for Dumbledore's reply.

I don't know how long it took, maybe only a minute or two, but Dumbledore came to his senses while thinking about it.

Staring at the Goblin King Tunan opposite.

As if recalling the other person's question just now, he spoke slowly.

At this moment, Turan's heart was complicated, as if the heart that had been tugging at him could finally let go, and he even felt a little calm.

"I have never made any agreement with Gellert, let alone any alliance."

Dumbledore's first words made Turan extremely happy.

However, the second sentence made his face freeze.

"However, in order for the goblins to continue to stay in the wizarding world, I think it is most appropriate for you not to appear."

There was an air of indifference in his plain words.

In an instant, the Goblin King suddenly felt cold all over and his scalp felt numb.

What do you mean don't show up?

It would be better to say, ask him to die.

"Why, Dumbledore?" Turan asked unwillingly, "Tell me a reason?"

Or maybe he actually knew the reason for a long time in his heart, but wanted to confirm it again from Dumbledore's ears.

"You know!"

From Turan's unwilling eyes, Dumbledore saw everything and sighed.

"Does it really have to be so extreme?"

"No hope is left to the goblins."

"We just want to get up."

"Dumbledore, you should know."

Turan's tone was filled with despair and unwillingness.

This time, even if he doesn't die.

But the goblins present today basically include 80% of their clan's elite troops.

The demise of this elite group of goblins basically means that the accumulation of goblins over the past hundreds of years has been destroyed.

Just as the goblin was half standing up, his legs were broken, and even his hands were broken.

"Stand up? Turan, your words are really nice." Grindelwald said jokingly: "I dare to believe this."

"But the question is, can you believe it?"

Yes, how can you stand up without paying the price?

The plate in the wizarding world is only so big. If you eat more, wouldn’t others eat less?

At this moment, Turan felt extremely clear inside.

He understood the logic, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Dumbledore, I know we can't get out today." Turan began to provoke: "But even your prestige in the wizarding world cannot afford the backlash caused by your joining forces with Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald's impact in the United States has been too great."

"It is impossible for the Ministry of Magic in other countries to accept the MAC directly."

Without saying anything else, Turan reminded him here.

Let Dumbledore let Grindelwald and the others be suspicious.

If you say too much, you will lose more than you gain, and even make the two of them join forces.

Even if they die this time, even if the two of them get through this incident smoothly.

He also wanted to plant a thorn in their hearts to prepare for the future.

Yes, given his cautious character, how could he not leave himself a means of resurrection?

Although this time, the goblin clan will lose most of its strength and will even be suppressed in the future.

But as long as he doesn't die, the fairy's fire will not be extinguished.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Tulan, stop struggling."

Grindelwald clapped gently, but his tone was unusually cold.

"I finally caught you this time, and I will never let you escape."

"As for my relationship with Dumbledore, don't worry, you don't have to think about it."

Having said this, Grindelwald noticed Turan's calm and focused eyes, as if he had thought of something funny.

He said jokingly: "Dumbledore and I discovered a truth. Listen to how you feel."

"Turan, the King of Goblins, is trying to start the third war between goblins and wizards. He is cultivating a spy, Vice-President of the Magic Congress, Chenos, pretending to be Grindelwald, and trying to kill Jack, the Speaker of the Congress."

"Keeping the American wizarding world in chaos."

"Of course, this is all just appearances."

"The most important truth was discovered by the great White Wizard Dumbledore."

"Turan, the Goblin King, is a lurker and invader from another world. He uses war to put everything in chaos and invades the wizard's world."

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