Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 569 Ancient One: You must stay humble

Create a new world!

This is a path that Lockhart has studied, and in fact he is moving along this path.

The dream world is his preliminary result.

In this way, he stole part of the origin of Harry Potter's world.

Drawing on imitation, we try to create a new world that is self-sufficient.

In this world, magic power can be self-sufficient.

You can absorb magic power without offering sacrifices to gods.

The Marvel world is different from the Harry Potter world.

The wizards in Harry Potter rely on their own bloodline advantages to convert the spiritual energy that pervades the world into magic power.

The wizards in the Marvel world, on the other hand, can only use the power of gods to transform it into magic power.

Of course, after all, it is with the power of gods, the magic power in their bodies is of high quality and has strong characteristics.

Just like Kama Taj, it has great advantages in terms of space and time.

This is far inferior to the wizards in the Harry Potter world.

If the wizard of Kama Taj wants to get rid of the restrictions of the gods, the most important point is to give the wizard the ability to refine magic power independently.

Since the Earth in the Marvel world cannot do this, then its environment must be transformed.

To put it more simply, since people cannot adapt to the environment, let the environment adapt to the people.

Lockhart thought so, and he also had a certain basis for realizing it.

That is the dream world.

However, when Lockhart expressed his thoughts to the Sorcerer Supreme.

He was shocked to find that Master Gu Yi didn't seem to be touched at all, and even vaguely, he seemed to feel a sense of disappointment from Gu Yi.

Is there something wrong with my own ideas?

Doubts filled his mind, and Lockhart kept thinking. Was there something wrong?

Ancient One, on the other hand, asked again: "Lockhart, what else do you have in mind?"

This time, Lockhart shook his head and said no.

In fact, it's not completely absent, but many of his current achievements are based on research in the dream world.

If the Supreme Mage is not interested in the dream world, there is no need for him to say so.

Strange, who was on the side, was already in a state of shock when he heard what Lockhart had just said about creating a new world.

He gradually became aware of the wonders of magic.

But I never expected that it could achieve the effect of creating a new world.

Suddenly, his heart was burning, wishing that he could take Lockhart's place and study such advanced magical knowledge.

He has confidence in his talent.

After seeing that Lockhart didn't speak, Ancient One turned his attention to Strange who was standing aside.

"Stephenson Strange, you have just joined Karma Taj. Although your talent is good, your path to magic is still long and long."

"Keep yourself humble and move forward step by step."

Gu Yi said slowly, with a calm feeling in his voice.

Strange naturally nodded quickly to show that he listened.

When Lockhart heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

Then, he saw the way Gu Yi looked at him, as if these words were not meant for Strange, but for himself.

My heart skipped a beat, and a numbing sensation in my scalp instantly spread throughout my body.

I really didn't want to know, and I was shocked when I thought about it. I seemed to have committed the problem mentioned by the Supreme Mage.

The initial humility has disappeared without realizing it.

Perhaps, the invincible power in the Harry Potter world seemed to make me gradually become a little arrogant.

Subconsciously, Lockhart began to sit upright.

Listen carefully to the next words of the Supreme Mage.

After Gu Yi noticed this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

When I saw Lockhart this time, I vaguely realized that something was wrong with his mentality.

Open and close your mouth to create a new world.

After hearing you say so much, I feel like I have walked the same path as those dimensional gods.

In this case, it would be more convenient for you to simply kill a dimensional god and rob his dimensional world.

Why go to all this trouble to create a new world?

Wouldn't it be nice to grab it?

"Strange, do you have any doubts about magic practice recently?"

Gu Yi asked calmly.

After Strange heard this, he couldn't wait to say: "Supreme Mage, there are not many doubts. I can understand them. The only thing left now is repeated practice."

"But I just heard Master Lockhart talk about the specialness of chaos magic. Can I practice it?"

Having said this, Strange's eyes were filled with anticipation.

It can be said that Lockhart's words just now brought out the little bug in his heart.

Distort the rules! Cover reality! Create a world!

Listen, listen, it's much higher than the magic he can practice now.

And I didn’t hear Lockhart say, this is genius magic.

Isn't he a genius?

He is confident that as long as he gets it, he will be able to control chaos magic.

After Lockhart heard this, he was speechless.

This guy, no matter how talented he is, is just a mage apprentice who just wants to study chaos magic.

This is not how you seek death!

Well, he also knew that this was Strange's own lack of understanding of Chaos Magic.

Just pure Mu Qiang!

When Ancient One heard Strange's request, he was as speechless as Lockhart was.

I lent the book on Chaos Magic to Lockhart because he was a very capable mage and his bloodline was very special.

Chaos magic is the symbol of Sithorn, the enemy of Emperor Weishan.

Although Sithorne does not fully control the source of chaos magic, it is impossible to completely master it.

But as a mage apprentice, even if you are valued by Emperor Weishan, if you dare to study chaos magic privately, you are really seeking death.


Thinking of Lockhart's weird concealment ability, Gu Yi's expression changed.

That's not impossible - if Lockhart could control his powers.

"Strange, chaos magic is dangerous."

"Currently, only Master Lockhart among the Karma Taj has the ability to study chaos magic."

"If you want to know, ask Master Lockhart."

Ancient One said this. After Lockhart heard it and saw Strange's fiery gaze, he felt helpless.

"Mage Lockhart, can you teach chaos magic?"

Strange requested, his attitude suddenly becoming very sincere.

There is no shame in learning from a teacher!

"Strange, I can understand your curiosity about chaos magic. I heard the same thing at first."

"However, no matter what you do, the foundation must be solid."

"You have just been exposed to magic for a short time. You have not yet become an official mage. There are still some deficiencies in your magic knowledge."

"These all need to be consolidated slowly."

"There is an old saying in the East that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..."


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