Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 572 Nick Fury’s conspiracy against the wizard

"Taros, I need your help with something."

A smile appeared on Nick Fury's dark face.

"whats the matter?"

Talos asked curiously, Nick Fury is not a man who has nothing to do.

He lives in seclusion on earth with his family and some friends.

The rest are hidden in the spaceship behind the moon.

All daily necessities are provided by Nick Fury.

The Skrulls who stayed on earth provided Nick Fury with certain help.

This is the price of cooperation between both parties.

Use the combat power of some of your own warriors in exchange for the survival of the tribe.

Of course, people with cold minds see it this way.

If you look at it from another angle, it is the help of friends.

"I need to use your ability to simulate creatures." Nick Fury made his request directly without hesitation: "There is one thing I want to confirm again."

"you say."

Nick Fury took a breath and stared at Talos' face with his remaining right eye.

"You're sure, you can obtain the other party's abilities based on certain flesh and blood tissue, including recent memories."

Speaking of this, Nick Fury emphasized: "I'm not talking about ordinary people."

"But those who have extraordinary abilities."

"And a very strong one."

At this point, Talos still doesn’t understand.

Nick Fury wants to use the special abilities of his family to obtain the information memory of certain extraordinary species.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Talos's face, and he nodded without hesitation: "Of course."

"If the opponent's strength is too strong, ordinary Skrulls may not be able to meet your requirements. They may only be able to simulate a small part and will be unstable."

"But I have a certain golden bloodline and can simulate the opponent's strength, including memory, to the greatest extent."

Having said this, Talos felt a trace of regret in his heart.

If it is a complete golden bloodline, then there is nothing in the world that cannot be simulated, and it is completely controlled.

But then, Talos had more expectations in his heart.

For the Skrulls, imitating the strong is an important way to improve their strength.

From what Nick Fury meant, he should be holding the flesh and blood of some powerful beings in his hands.

Tsk tsk, this is really a blessing falling from heaven.

After hearing this, Nick Fury nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

"I have multiple copies of human tissue."

"They originate from an organization of mages who can control the extraordinary power called magic."

"Ordinary mages may have average strength, but powerful mages can destroy the world."

Having said this, Nick Fury took out a mobile phone and tapped on the screen.

Put it down slightly, and in an instant, a projection appeared above the phone.

In the projection, there are huge black holes in space, aircraft carriers wrapped in flames, and wizards flying in the sky on broomsticks and waving magic wands...

It is the scene of the alien invasion of New York and the battle.

After Talos saw it, a trace of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes.

It seems that these extraordinary beings called mages are not weak in strength and have many tricks.

As if aware of Talos's inner enthusiasm, Nick Fury said quietly: "What you just saw were some students, and their combat power has exceeded many people's imagination."

"Especially the amazing magic that allows them to experiment with almost all kinds of battlefields."

"And the top ones among them can even control the kind of mysterious and weird magic that can destroy the world and kill people thousands of miles away without leaving a trace."

Speaking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but recall that Lockhart used strange magic to directly destroy all bases related to Hydra around the world.

Thinking back to that kind of ghost that is completely untouchable and is actually the soul of human flesh and blood.

Nick Fury couldn't help but feel strong fear in his heart.

"Talos, let me give you a piece of advice here. Don't let those former mages discover that you can imitate their abilities."

"Otherwise, no matter how deep your tribe is hidden, it is very likely that they will die without knowing it."

At this point, Nick Fury hesitated and added: "At least there is no escape on a global scale."

"Someone offended a powerful wizard before, and all his forces around the world were exterminated."

"I personally think that if the other party really wants to take action, I'm afraid the Moon side won't be able to escape."

Speaking of this, Nico Fury sighed with emotion: "Those advanced magics don't make sense at all!"

After Talos heard this, his originally indifferent face gradually became serious.

To him, the survival of the group is crucial.

This is Nick Fury's weakness.


"Don't worry, I will hide it well and prevent anyone from discovering it."

Hiding is their Sknorr instinct.

Being strong will make you stronger, but if you don't go out and find me, you can't find me, and you can't do anything to me.

Imitating the strong is the instinct of the Skrulls engraved in their genes.

It's hard for them to say no.

Hearing Nick Fury's description, he felt a little uneasy, but he was more excited.

"Okay, you give it a try first."

As he spoke, Nick Fury took out a test tube filled with liquid. There was a small piece of bright red flesh soaked in the liquid.

This was the mark left by a student who was accidentally injured when the wizards were fighting in the Battle of New York.

When Nick Fury obtained it, he immediately felt like he had found a treasure and quickly kept it.

Talos took it directly without hesitation, opened the cork of the bottle, and poured out all the preservative liquid in the test tube, leaving only the flesh and blood on his palm.

He held it gently with his palms and closed his eyes slightly.

Tros is sensing the genetic information in this blood, its abilities, its memory, its energy, everything about it.

Under the watchful eye of Nick Fury.

Opposite Talos, who was covered in green skin, began to change.

The originally tall body began to become shorter, and the green skin turned into white and tender skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The originally lizard-like face began to turn into a slightly childish handsomeness.

In the blink of an eye, a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old appeared in Nick Fury's eyes.

"Talos, how do you feel?"

Seeing his friend succeed as a simulated Lockhart student.

Nick Fury was looking forward to it.

At this time, Talos slowly opened his eyes.

Raise your left hand, and then...


A brown wooden wand appeared in his hand.

Faint magic waves radiated around him.

He lifted it up gently and shook it skillfully, and a rapid incantation sound came from his mouth.


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