Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 590 Prime Minister: Make Britain great again

UK, London, a TV station.

"After discussions between the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and the House of Representatives, a series of strategies and decisions were recently announced to promote economic and cultural recovery."

"These include carrying out large-scale infrastructure construction projects to improve efficiency and sustainability in areas such as transportation, communications and energy."


"In terms of education, we should strengthen skills training and improve the education system..."


"In order to ensure the safety of citizens and increase the coverage of new vaccinations, they will be provided free of charge..."


"Cultural prosperity is an important part of spiritual construction. The government will invest 1 billion to 2 billion pounds in cultural promotion and cultural construction, striving to promote British culture through movies, TV series, etc., and promote the prosperity of the cultural market."


"Make Britain great again, this is the prime minister's ardent wish for the people and the future."

In the studio, there are two hosts, one male and one female, who are giving today's news report seriously.

Although they have rich hosting experience, they have read the speech script countless times in advance.

But I couldn't really read it. When I was promoting this news to all the people under the camera, my tone couldn't help but become impassioned.

It seems that I have seen a bright future and a beautiful picture.

The big move is truly unprecedented in recent decades.

I didn't expect that the gentlemen in the cabinet and the House of Representatives would be willing to spend so much money to promote the economic development of the Golden Kingdom.

Simply count the amount included in the broadcast.

I'm afraid it's close to hundreds of billions of pounds.

Although it is still in the planning stage, the words have been spoken and the sound will be heard no matter what.

Time is passing by, and today's news broadcast is coming to an end.

"That's all for today's news. Let's see you tomorrow."

Just as the words fell, there was a click sound inside the lecture room, and the two hosts breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Wei lay on the chair and started chatting.

"Harrison, what day is your vaccine appointment? Mine is today."

"That's great. I'm here today too, and I'm going to go get vaccinated with the large army later." Harrison said casually while sorting out the information on the table.

"Harrison, how much do you know about this vaccine? Why is it such a big deal? Everyone on the stage is required to get vaccinated. It seems to be a political mission." Female host Alicia asked with some confusion.

"I asked a friend specifically about this. It is said that a new type of influenza was brought from the United States. It is very dangerous. Many people even died in New York."

"That seems to be a good thing." Aisilia nodded and said thoughtfully.

Then, the two started chatting.

After each broadcast, there was a short break, where they simply cleaned up and rested to chat.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Alison, Alicia, come out. The bus packed by Taili has arrived. Let's go out to get vaccinated."

The two people who were chatting heard a knock on the door and urging words from outside.

They looked at each other, stood up, and walked outside.

After the person who reminded them briefly told them the location, they hurriedly found someone else.

After all, today is the first day of vaccination, and many people have signed up today.

Harrison and Alicia walked towards the meeting place while chatting.

"Harrison, you said today's news must be explosive, but you don't know how far it can be implemented."

"Why can't I trust those nobles?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, it's better than nothing."

"As long as it doesn't affect our welfare."

"That's right." Regarding Harrison's answer, Alicia thought for a moment and nodded.

Although those nobles are a bit unreliable, as long as they don't affect you, there's nothing wrong with them.

Otherwise, join the guild yourself and have a general strike.

Soon they arrived at the meeting place and saw several buses. Following the relevant staff, they found their seats and sat down peacefully.

At this time, Harrison also took out his mobile phone and started surfing the Internet.

He was very skillful in opening the browser, entering a series of URLs, and logging in to his account.


"Welcome Agent James back to the House of SHIELD. What valuable information did you gain today? Please fill it in."

"Attention, there are still two days until this week's work report is handed in,"

I saw a request for information popping up on the screen of my mobile phone, as well as a notification for the daily work report.

Harrison cursed inwardly.

For example, S.H.I.E.L.D. is inferior to pigs and dogs, and if you want the horse to run away, you will not be fed, etc.

However, the speed of his hands did not slow down, and his fingers kept tapping on the screen.

"Today's harvest news evaluation is average."

"It's all about generally well-known policy information."

"However, there is one exception. The British government seems to take the vaccination issue more seriously. The reason is unknown."

After typing this paragraph, Harrison paused slightly, seemingly unwilling to do so.

Then continue typing.

"The director of the TV station may have further knowledge about the vaccine incident, but the funds for operations have been tight recently. I hope that my family can provide more funds for operations."

After typing this sentence, Harrison nodded with satisfaction and put away his phone.

Daily asking for money is over!

Then, Harrison looked outside the bus.

Yes, he is an agent sent by SHIELD to lurk in SHIELD.

The location of the TV station allows him to have access to a lot of first-hand information, and it involves a lot of political aspects.

However, just a few seconds after he turned his head to look outside, suddenly...


The phone buzzed, as if it was notifying some information.

Harrison immediately became alert and picked up his phone to log in to the previous website again.

"Agent James, message received."

"The latest operational mission is to get the vaccine while protecting yourself."

Well, no money was given?

After seeing the mission, the first thought in Harrison's mind was this.

I finally got a mission, but it turned out to be just a pure mission, with no operational funds or funding.

Well, maybe he feels that getting the vaccine is too easy for him.


America, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hill stood in the research room, watching experts and doctors in front of him carrying out vaccine testing work.

Soon, a director in a white coat came forward to report to her.

"Director Hill, there is no difference between the 56 sent this time and the vaccine. There is nothing abnormal about it."

"The effectiveness is to enhance immunity and make more targeted adjustments to some common influenza."

Listening to the report from the director of the research office in front of him, Hill nodded expressionlessly.

A recent analysis and summary of British intelligence revealed that there may be many anomalies.

But upon inspection, no abnormalities were found.

Is there really no abnormality?

Or that they couldn't detect it, or that they didn't find the key point.

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